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Abstract: The Bulawan deposit is located in the porphyry copper belt of southwest Negros island, Philippines. Propylitic, K–feldspar, sericitic, and carbonate alteration types can be distinguished in the deposit. Propylite alteration occurs mainly in Cretaceous-Eocene andesitic lavas and agglomerates while K–feldspar, sericite and carbonate alteration types occur mostly in the Middle Miocene dacite porphyry breccia pipes and stocks which were intruded into the andesites. K-feldspar zones occur in the inner parts of the sericitized zone. Sericite alteration overprinted the propylitized and K-feldspar alteration zones, at lower temperature than epidote and chlorite in the propylitized zone. Carbonate alteration is associated with the mineralization in the center of the breccia pipes and along faults. Mineralization consists of gold-silver telluride ores that are hosted by the carbonate– and sericite-altered dacite porphyry breccia pipes. The Bulawan ores occur mainly as disseminations, but unlike many epithermal gold deposits, lack classical epithermal colloform and crustiform quartz veins. The ore minerals are sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite and tetrahedite-tennantite with minor amounts of electrum, calaverite, petzite, sylvanite, hessite, tellurobismuthite, coloradoite, altaite, and rucklidgeite. Electrum and telluride minerals are associated mostly with calcite and dolomite-ankerite minerals. Fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite in clasts of propylitized andesite in the breccia pipes homogenize from about 300° to 400°C while fluid inclusions in quartz, calcite and sphalerite within the dacite porphyry breccia pipes homogenize between 300° to 310°C. The ores were formed around 300°C from hydrothermal solutions with salinity of about 6. 6 wt % NaCl equivalent. The presence of sylvanite and calaverite as intergrowths with each other, and the Ag content of calaverite are consistent with the above temperature estimate. Based on paragenesis, the Bulawan deposit formed in a pyrite-stable environment, with pH between 3. 4 and 5. 5, fO2 between 10-32 to 10-30 atm, fS2 between 10-9.8 to 10-7.8 atm, fTe2 between 10-8.9 to 10-6.5 atm, and total sulfur content about 10-2.8 molal. The dominant reduced sulfur species in the ore solutions may have been H2S(aq), and the likely aqueous tellurium species were H2Te(aq) and H2TeO3(aq). The ore minerals in the Bulawan deposit were probably formed by mixing of slightly saline and low salinity fluids.  相似文献   
Seismic tomography studies in the northeastern Japan arc have revealed the existence of an inclined sheet-like seismic low-velocity and high-attenuation zone in the mantle wedge at depths shallower than about 150 km. This sheet-like low-velocity, high-attenuation zone is oriented sub-parallel to the subducted slab, and is considered to correspond to the upwelling flow portion of the subduction-induced convection. The low-velocity, high-attenuation zone reaches the Moho immediately beneath the volcanic front (or the Ou Backbone Range) running through the middle of the arc nearly parallel to the trench axis, which suggests that the volcanic front is formed by this hot upwelling flow. Aqueous fluids supplied by the subducted slab are probably transported upward through this upwelling flow to reach shallow levels beneath the Backbone Range where they are expelled from solidified magma and migrate further upward. The existence of aqueous fluids may weaken the surrounding crustal rocks, resulting in local contractive deformation and uplift along the Backbone Range under the compressional stress field of the volcanic arc. A strain-rate distribution map generated from GPS data reveals a notable concentration of east–west contraction along the Backbone Range, consistent with this interpretation. Shallow inland earthquakes are also concentrated in the upper crust of this locally large contraction deformation zone. Based on these observations, a simple model is proposed to explain the deformation pattern of the crust and the characteristic shallow seismic activity beneath the northeastern Japan arc.  相似文献   
对有代表性的中国东部新生代玄武岩的Sr、Nd和Ce同位素组成进行了系统的研究,结合系统的微量元素研究结果,进一步阐明其地幔源区同位素组成的不均一性;利用Ce、Nd同位素地球化学给出的信息,探讨富集Ⅰ型(EMⅠ)地幔端元的成因。  相似文献   
The unique occurrence of abundant (~1 vol%) near‐pure‐Fe metal in the Camel Donga eucrite is more complicated than previously believed. In addition to that component of groundmass metal, scattered within the meteorite are discrete nodules of much higher kamacite abundance. We have studied the petrology and composition of two of these nodules in the form of samples we call CD2 and CD3. The nodules are ovoids 11 (CD2) to 15 (CD3) mm across, with metal, or inferred preweathering metal, abundances of 12–17 vol% (CD2 is unfortunately quite weathered). The CD3 nodule also includes at its center a 5 mm ovoid clumping (6 vol%) of F‐apatite. Both nodules are fine‐grained, so the high Fe metal and apatite contents are clearly not flukes of inadequate sampling. The metals within the nodules are distinctly Ni‐rich (0.3–0.6 wt%) compared to the pure‐Fe (Ni generally 0.01 wt%) groundmass metals. Bulk analyses of three pieces of the CD2 nodule show that trace siderophile elements Ir, Os, and Co are commensurately enriched; Au is enriched to a lesser degree. The siderophile evidence shows the nodules did not form by in situ reduction of pyroxene FeO. Moreover, the nodules do not show features such as silica‐phase enrichment or pyroxene with reduced FeO (as constrained by FeO/MgO and especially FeO/MnO) predicted by the in situ reduction model. The oxide minerals, even in groundmass samples well away from the nodules, also show little evidence of reduction. Although the nodule boundaries are generally sharp, groundmass‐metal Ni content is anti‐correlated with distance from the CD3 nodule. We infer that the nodules represent materials that originated within impactors into the Camel Donga portion of the eucrite crust, but probably were profoundly altered during later metamorphism/metasomatism. Origin of the pure‐Fe groundmass metal remains enigmatic. In situ reduction probably played an important role, and association in the same meteorite of the Fe‐nodules is probably significant. But the fluid during alteration was probably not (as previously modeled) purely S and O, of simple heat‐driven internal derivation. We conjecture a two‐stage metasomatism, as fluids passed through Camel Donga after impact heating of volatile‐rich chondritic masses (survivors of gentle accretionary impacts) within the nearby crust. First, reduction to form troilite may have been triggered by fluids rich in S2 and CO (derived from the protonodules?), and then in a distinct later stage, fluids were (comparatively) H2O‐rich, and thus reacted with troilite to form pure‐Fe metal along with H2S and SO2. The early eucrite crust was in places a dynamic fluid‐bearing environment that hosted complex chemical processes, including some that engendered significant diversity among metal+sulfide alterations.  相似文献   
Abstract: K–Ar ages of the following porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc are determined: Lobo-Boneng (10.50.4 Ma), Santo Niño (9.50.3 Ma), Black Mountain (2.10.1 Ma), Dizon (2.50.2 Ma) and Taysan (7.30.2 Ma). Microphenocrys-tic apatite in the late Cenozoic intermediate to silicic intrusions associated with porphyry Cu deposits in the western Luzon arc contains sulfur as SO3 detectable by electron probe microanalyzer. Sulfur is supposed to have been accommodated dominantly as oxidized species in oxidizing hydrous magmas that generated porphyry Cu deposits. Likewise, such high SO3 contents in microphenocrystic apatite are common characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magmatism of the western Luzon arc, from tonalitic rocks of the Luzon Central Cordillera of about 15 Ma to an active magmatism at Mount Pinatubo. Thus, the western Luzon arc has been generating porphyry Cu mineralization associated with oxidizing hydrous intermediate to silicic magmatism related to eastward subduction, since Miocene to the present day. Intermediate to silicic rocks since 15 Ma to present-day western Luzon arc generally show high whole-rock Sr/Y ratio ranging from 20 to 184. However, porphyry Cu deposit is not necessarily related to the rocks that show higher Sr/Y ratios compared to the other barren rocks in the western Luzon arc. The characteristics of the intermediate to silicic magma associated with porphyry Cu deposit are not attributed to the composition of the source material of the magma, but to the properties defined by the high activity of oxidized species of sulfur in the fluid phase that is encountered during the generation of intermediate to silicic magmas.  相似文献   
A sample of 54 6.7-GHz methanol maser sources was monitored at HartRAO for 4 years, and 11 12.2-GHz methanol masers for 3 years. The majority of the maser features display a significant degree of variability but with a wide range of timescales and behaviors. Some maser features remained unvarying throughout the monitoring programme, while others showed sporadic flares or sudden drops in flux density. Yet another group show quasi-periodic and periodic variations. In some cases the maser features dropped below the detection limit for a significant length of time before increasing in intensity and reappearing.  相似文献   
The results are presented of multi-channel photometry and spectroscopy of the suspected nova-like variable FY Per. These results suggest that FY Per may be a Herbig Ae/Be star rather than a nova-like variable.  相似文献   
Three dimensional electric fields were measured at the altitude of about 27 km in the stratosphere over the Pacific Ocean about 200–400 km away from the Sanriku coast of Honsyu Island (L = 1·4) on 16–17 October 1973, which was magnetically disturbed. The average horizontal electric field thus measured is about 10 mV/m, and the electric field vectors made clockwise semidiurnal rotations rather than diurnal. Daily variation of this electric field was compared with data at L = 2·7–3·5 published by Mozer (1973) and was found to be very similar. This suggests that these electric fields are of common origin in the plasmasphere. From their mean daily variation it is estimated that the plasmaspheric convection is decreased in the night side and is increased in the day side by 200–300 m/sec, and there is an outward flow in the first half of the afternoon and an inward flow in the plasma bulge region of about 500 m/sec.  相似文献   
Contamination of acidic red soil in the coastal areas of Okinawa Islands is a serious environmental problem. This study was conducted to examine the effects of the salinity on pH and aluminum concentration when the acidic red soil interacts with seawater. Acidic red soil from Gushikawa recreation center was fractionated into bulk soil, coarse sand and silt + clay. Different weights of each fraction were equilibrated with seawater solutions. The pH and concentrations of Al3+, Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ were then analyzed in the extracts. The results showed a decreasing trend of pH with increasing soil to solution ratio while the extracted Al3+ revealed an increasing trend. The lowest pH values were 3.85, 4.06, 4.41, 4.66 and their corresponding highest Al3+ concentrations were 2.50, 1.01, 0.062 and 0.036 mmolL−1 in the seawater extracts, one-tenth seawater extracts, one-hundredth seawater extracts and one-thousandth seawater solution extracts, respectively. Mostly, the concentrations of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and especially K+ decreased with increasing soil weight in the high salinities but showed the opposite trend in the low salinity samples. Potassium concentration decreased by 39%, 53% and 40% in the seawater extracts, one-tenth and one-hundredth seawater extracts but increased by 200% in one-thousandth seawater extracts. The coincidence of the increase in Al3+ and H+ concentrations, and the decrease of Na+, K+, Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the solutions suggests ion exchange/adsorption, while the increased patterns, particularly at low salinity could be attributed to the dissolution of the species from the soils.  相似文献   
The Coriolis effect on frontogenesis in the transitional region between the inner bay and the outer ocean is studied by running several three-dimensional numerical experiments. The aim is to clarify what external parameters, including the transverse scale of the basin, control the phenomena. The characteristics of the front in each case are described by defining three diagnostic quantities, namely, the sharpness of the front, the intrusion of the front, and the buoyancy difference between the minimum buoyancy region and the surrounding part, as the existence of the minimum buoyancy region is closely related to frontogenesis. The three quantities are shown to depend on two nondimensional numbers,R of (=f −1 L −2/3 F b 1/3 : defined as flux Rossby number) andR ef (=ν v −1 L −2/3 F b 1-3 H 2: defined as flux Reynolds number).  相似文献   
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