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Tadao Nishiyama Hibiki Eguchi Dai Shiosaki Akira Yoshiasa Nobutatsu Mochizuki Yasushi Mori Kazumasa Sugiyama Hiroshi Arima Kunio Yubuta 《Island Arc》2021,30(1):e12382
Spinifex-like textured metaperidotites from the Higo Metamorphic Rocks (HMR), west-central Kyushu, Japan, may be formed by high-pressure dehydration of antigorite, and may indicate deep subduction of serpentinite reaching a pressure–temperature condition of 1.6 GPa and 740–750 °C. Three rock types have been identified based on mineral assemblage and rock texture: Type I (L) consisting of medium-grained (1–5 cm long) olivine + enstatite + chromite ±tremolite with secondary talc and anthophyllite that occurs in low-grade metamorphic rocks of the biotite zone, Type I (H) of coarse-grained (up to 10 cm long) olivine + enstatite (with clinoenstatite lamella) + chromite ±tremolite with secondary talc that occurs in high-grade metamorphic rocks of the garnet-cordierite zone, and Type II composed of Al-spinel + chlorite + olivine + apatite + ilmenite with minor sodic gedrite in the garnet-cordierite zone together with Type I (H). Olivines in all rock types are mostly serpentinized during exhumation. The chromite-olivine thermometer gives 560–690 °C for Type I (L) rocks, and the spinel-olivine thermometer gives 610–740 °C for Type II rocks. The peak metamorphic pressure will be higher than 1.6 GPa based on the location of the experimentally determined invariant point (P = 1.6 GPa and T = 670 °C) of antigorite + forsterite + enstatite + talc + H2O. This estimate is consistent with the occurrence of chlorite in Type II rocks, which is stable up to 890 °C at 2.0 GPa. The spinifex-like textured metaperidotites occur as small bodies in the low P/T type gneisses, implying tectonic juxtaposition of them probably during exhumation of the HMR. Recent findings of medium pressure (0.9–1.2 GPa) granulites and gneisses from the HMR may indicate that the HMR has a deep root into the wedge mantle from which the spinifex-like textured metaperidotites have derived. 相似文献
Yoshida A Nomura H Toyoda K Nishino T Seo Y Yamada M Nishimura M Wada M Okamoto K Shibata A Takada H Kogure K Ohwada K 《Marine pollution bulletin》2006,52(1):89-95
Microbial responses to the addition of oil with or without a chemical dispersant were examined in mesocosm and microcosm experiments by using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis of bacterial ribosomal DNA and direct cell counting. When a water-soluble fraction of oil was added to seawater, increases in cell density were observed in the first 24h, followed by a decrease in abundance and a change in bacterial species composition. After addition of an oil-dispersant mixture, increases in cell density and changes in community structure coincided, and the amount of bacteria remained high. These phenomena also occurred in response to addition of only dispersant. Our results suggest that the chemical dispersant may be used as a nutrient source by some bacterial groups and may directly or indirectly prevent the growth of other bacterial groups. 相似文献
A large meander of the Kuroshio was generated in the region off the southern coast of Japan in August 2004 and continued until approximately July 2005. The formation and decay of the large-meander (LM) path was observed by bottom pressure (BP) sensors installed on inverted echo sounders (PIESs) and a seismic observing system off Shikoku. The variation in BP was examined focusing on the development, persistence, and decay of the LM path. The BP was found to be depressed associated with a Kuroshio path disturbance, called a small meander, and this BP depression led the sea surface height (SSH) depression by up to approximately two months. The temporal phase shift between the sea surface and deep disturbances was significantly greater than those of other small meanders that did not develop into large meanders. After the formation of the LM path, the BP beneath the Kuroshio increased with a lag of approximately two months behind the SSH elevation along with the upward displacement of the main thermocline. The increase in BP is associated with that of the positive southward BP gradient anomaly, i.e., the eastward deep Kuroshio current anomaly, which suggests an enhancement of the topographic steering and stability of the LM path. This is consistent with the fact that no small meanders occurred in the early LM period from late July 2004 to late January 2005. 相似文献
Nobuyuki Morikawa Tatsuo Kanno Akira Narita Hiroyuki Fujiwara Toshihiko Okumura Yoshimitsu Fukushima Aybars Guerpinar 《Journal of Seismology》2008,12(4):529-546
The variation of ground motions at specific stations from events in six narrow areas was inspected by using K-NET and KiK-net records. A source-area factor for individual observation stations was calculated by averaging ratios between observed values for horizontal peak acceleration and velocity, as well as acceleration response spectra for 5% damping, and predicted values using a ground-motion model (usually known as an attenuation relation) by Kanno et al. (Bull Seismol Soc Am, 96:879–897, 2006). Standard deviations between observed and predicted amplitudes after the correction factor are less than 0.2 on the logarithmic scale and decrease down to around 0.15 in the short-period range. Intra-event standard deviation clearly increases with decreasing distance due to differing paths around near source area. Standard deviations may increase with amplitude or decrease with magnitude; however, both amplitude and magnitude of the data are strongly correlated with distance. The standard deviation calculated in this study is obviously much smaller than that of the original ground-motion model, as epistemic uncertainties are minimized by grouping ground motions at specific stations. This result indicates that the accuracy of strong ground motion prediction could be improved if ground-motion models for specified region are determined individually. For this to be possible, it is necessary to have dense strong-motion networks in high-seismicity regions, such as K-NET and KiK-net. 相似文献
Huma Kanta Mishra Akira Igarashi Hiroshi Matsushima 《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》2013,11(2):687-707
A new base isolation system using scrap tire rubber pads (STRP) has been introduced for seismic mitigation of ordinary residential buildings. The rubber and the steel reinforcing cords used in manufacturing the tire are the alternative materials of the proposed base isolation system. The steel reinforcing cords represent the steel plates used in conventional laminated rubber bearings. These steel reinforcing cords shall prevent the lateral bulging of the rubber bearing. The proposed base isolation system has no bonding between the superstructure and the foundation beam which allows for rollover deformation. In the first part of the study, the STRP layers were just stacked one on top of another without applying the adhesive. This paper presents loading test as well as finite element analysis (FE analysis) of strip STRP isolators that are subjected to any given combination of static vertical and lateral loads. The results of the static vertical and horizontal loading test conducted on STRP isolators were used to calculate the mechanical properties of the isolators, including stiffness and damping values. The load–displacement relationship of STRP isolators were compared between experimental and FE analysis results and the results were found to be in close agreement. The stress state within the STRP isolators was also analyzed in order to estimate the maximum stress demand in the rubber and steel reinforcing cords. These STRP isolators have several advantages over conventional laminated rubber bearings including superior damping properties, lower incurred cost, light weight and easily available material. This study suggests that using the STRP as low cost base isolation device for ordinary residential buildings is feasible. 相似文献
西南日本地区地壳P、S波速度结构与地震活动的关系 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
选用密集的高精度地震台网Hi-net 2002~2004年记录的836个地震事件的23,895条P波和21,969条S波的到时资料,计算得到了日本西南地区水平分辨率约33 km,垂直分辨率4~15 km的三维地壳P波和S波速度结构,并进一步获得泊松比分布.研究表明,在大山火山下存在显著的低速异常,表明该火山可能是一个潜在的活火山.速度异常图像清楚地显示了菲律宾板块俯冲至西南日本地区下,其上方存在的低速高泊松异常表明可能有流体的存在,分析得出可能来自板块俯冲过程中的脱水作用.并进一步探讨了流体在地震孕育及触发的过程中可能起的重要作用. 相似文献
Street and garden trees in urban areas are often exposed to advection of strong vapour pressure deficit (VPD) air that can raise the whole‐tree transpiration rate (ET), known as the oasis effect. However, urban trees tend to have small soil volume compared with natural conditions, and so they are believed to strongly regulate stomata. ET characteristics of such urban trees have not been well understood because of a lack of reliable measurement methods. Therefore, we propose a novel weighing lysimeter method and investigate the whole‐tree water balance of an isolated container‐grown Zelkova serrata to examine (a) which biotic and abiotic factors determine ET and (b) which spatial and temporal information is needed to predict ET under urban conditions. Whole‐tree water balance and environmental conditions were measured from 2010 to 2012. Although leaf area substantially increased in the study period, daily ET did not vary much. ET increased with VPD almost linearly in 2010 but showed saturation in 2011 and 2012. Root water uptake lagged ET by 40 min in 2012. These results suggest that the small planter box interfered with root growth and that hydraulic supply capacities did not increase sufficiently to support leaf area increase. From analysis of water balance, we believe that neglecting soil drought effects on street trees without irrigation in Japan will overestimate ET over 4–5 sunny days at the longest. This is unlike previous studies of forest. 相似文献
Single-crystal elasticity of stishovite was examined using a new experimental technique and an empirical macroscopic model. Employing high-frequency resonant ultrasound spectroscopy, single-crystal elastic constants of stishovite were determined: C11 = 443(3), C33 = 781(4), C12 = 193(2), C23 = 199(2), C44 = 256(2), and C33 = 316(2) GPa. The frequency range of the resonant ultrasound spectroscopy techniques was 6–20 MHz, which is much lower than the ~10 GHz range of the Brillouin scattering technique. Of the elastic constants, the shear elastic constants C44 and C66 are consistent with the average value of the previously mentioned Brillouin scattering. Conversely, the four elastic constants, C11, C33, C12, and C23, slightly deviate outside the range of previous Brillouin scattering results. The present results, except those for C12, are consistent with recent lattice dynamic analysis of inelastic X-ray scattering data. The adiabatic bulk modulus was calculated as 298 GPa, which is smaller and more consistent with the result of compression experiments than any other Brillouin scattering results (301–312 GPa). The present result shows greater P-wave velocity anisotropy (24.7%) than any preceding work. To understand the unique elastic properties of stishovite, the Gingham check model was proposed and examined. The result shows that the octahedron of 6-coordinated Si in stishovite crystal has stiffness comparable to that of diamond. 相似文献