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Abstract. Evolution of hydrothermal system from initial porphyry Cu mineralization to overlapping epithermal system at the Dizon porphyry Cu‐Au deposit in western central Luzon, Zambales, Philippines, is documented in terms of mineral paragen‐esis, fluid inclusion petrography and microthermometry, and sulfur isotope systematics. The paragenetic stages throughout the deposit are summarized as follows; 1) stockwork amethystic quartz veinlets associated with chalcopyrite, bornite, magnetite and Au enveloped by chlorite alteration overprinting biotite alteration, 2) stockwork quartz veinlets with chalcopyrite and pyrite associated with Au and chalcopyrite and pyrite stringers in sericite alteration, 3) stringer quartz veinlets associated with molybdenite in sericite alteration, and 4) WNW‐trending quartz veins associated with sphalerite and galena at deeper part, while enargite and stibnite at shallower levels associated with advanced argillic alteration. Chalcopyrite and bornite associated with magnetite in quartz veinlet stockwork (stage 1) have precipitated initially as intermediate solid solution (iss) and bornite solid solution (bnss), respectively. Fluid inclusions in the stockwork veinlet quartz consist of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions. Halite in polyphase inclusions dissolves at temperatures ranging from 360d?C to >500d?C but liquid (brine) and gas (vapor) do not homogenize at <500d?C. The maximum pressure and minimum temperature during the deposition of iss and bnss with stockwork quartz veinlets are estimated to be 460 bars and 500d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet stockwork quartz enveloped in sericite alteration (stage 2) consist mainly of gas‐rich inclusions and polyphase inclusions. In addition to the possible presence of saturated NaCl crystals at the time of entrapment of fluid inclusions that exhibit the liquid‐vapor homogenization temperatures lower than the halite dissolution temperatures in some samples, wide range of temperatures of halite dissolution and liquid‐vapor homogenization of polyphase inclusions from 230d?C to >500d?C and from 270d?C to >500d?C, respectively, suggests heterogeneous entrapment of gaseous vapor and hypersaline brine. The minimum pressure and temperature are estimated to be about 25 bars and 245d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz associated with molybdenite (stage 3) are dominated by gas‐rich inclusions accompanied with minor liquid‐rich inclusions that homogenize at temperatures between 350d?C and 490d?C. Fluid inclusions in vuggy veinlet quartz associated with stibnite (stage 4) consist mainly of gas‐rich inclusions with subordinate polyphase inclusions that do not homogenize below 500d?C. Fluid inclusions in veinlet quartz associated with galena and sphalerite (stage 4) are composed of liquid‐rich two‐phase inclusions, and they homogenize into liquid phase at temperatures ranging widely from 190d?C to 300d?C (suggesting boiling) and the salinity ranges from 1.0 wt% to 3.4 wt% NaCl equivalent. A pressure of about 15 bars is estimated for the dilute aqueous solution of 190d?C from which veinlet quartz associated with galena and sphalerite precipitated. In addition to a change in temperature‐pressure regime from lithostatic pressure during the deposition of iss and bnss with stockwork quartz veinlets to hydrostatic pressure during fracture‐controlled quartz veinlet associated with galena and sphalerite, a decrease in pressure is supposed to have occurred due to unroofing or removal of the overlying piles during the temperature decrease in the evolution of hydrothermal system. The majority of the sulfur isotopic composition of sulfides ranges from ±0 % to +5 %. Sulfur originated from an iso‐topically uniform and homogeneous source, and the mineralization occurred in a single hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
A sample of 54 6.7-GHz methanol maser sources was monitored at HartRAO for 4 years, and 11 12.2-GHz methanol masers for 3 years. The majority of the maser features display a significant degree of variability but with a wide range of timescales and behaviors. Some maser features remained unvarying throughout the monitoring programme, while others showed sporadic flares or sudden drops in flux density. Yet another group show quasi-periodic and periodic variations. In some cases the maser features dropped below the detection limit for a significant length of time before increasing in intensity and reappearing.  相似文献   
The results are presented of multi-channel photometry and spectroscopy of the suspected nova-like variable FY Per. These results suggest that FY Per may be a Herbig Ae/Be star rather than a nova-like variable.  相似文献   
Multi-aquifer pumping tests, using a multi-screen pumping well and multi-level piezometers, were carried out for groundwater flow control in a large-scale excavation site in Tokyo, Japan. The site was underlain by multi-layered confined aquifers. In the tests, pumping was carried out using a multi-aquifer pumping well in which a screen depth was chosen arbitrarily. Changes in groundwater pressure heads in each aquifer were measured at each screen position of the multi-aquifer pumping well. Hydraulic conductivity (K) and specific storage (S s) of not only aquifers, but also for low permeability layers between the aquifers, were estimated using the Cooper-Jacob method, and calibrated by a finite element method (FEM) groundwater model. Four different cutoff wall lengths were assumed for final excavation depth, and correlations among wall length, pumping discharge and drawdown at the back of the cutoff wall were obtained from simulations using the K and S s parameters in the FEM model. Then, the most suitable wall length was selected based on the simulated correlations considering environmental condition, construction period and cost of the cutoff wall.  相似文献   
Permian greenstones in the Jurassic Mino–Tamba accretionary complex, southwest Japan, are divided into three distinct series on the basis of their geological occurrence, mineralogy, and geochemistry. A low-Ti series (LTS) is associated with Lower Permian chert and limestone, and is the most voluminous of the three series. The LTS shows slightly more enriched geochemical and isotopic characteristics than MORB. A transition series (TS) is mainly associated with Lower Permian chert, and has more enriched geochemical signatures than MORB. Its isotopic characteristics are divided into enriched and depleted types. A high-Ti series (HTS) occurs as sills and hyaloclastites within Middle Permian chert and as dikes intruding the TS. Some HTS rocks have high MgO contents. The HTS is characterized by enrichment in incompatible trace elements and an isotopic composition comparable to HIMU-type basalt. The geochemistry of the voluminous LTS is similar to that of the oceanic basalt series of the Kerguelen plateau, suggesting production by partial melting of a shallow mantle plume head below thick oceanic lithosphere in Early Permian time. We infer that the TS formed simultaneously at the margins of the mantle plume head. In contrast, the HTS may have resulted from partial melting of a deep mantle plume tail in Middle Permian time. Permian greenstones in the Mino–Tamba belt may have thus formed by superplume activity in an intra-oceanic setting. Given the presence of two known contemporary continental flood basalt provinces (Siberia and Emeishan) and some accreted oceanic plateau basalts, the vast magmatism of the Mino–Tamba oceanic plateau suggests a large-scale superplume pulse in Permian time. Accretion of oceanic plateaux may have played an important role in the growth of continental margins and island arcs in Japan and elsewhere in the circum-Pacific region.  相似文献   
An actively controlled wind tunnel equipped with multiple fansand airfoils has been developed, mainly for the purpose of reproducing the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) for wind engineering applications. Various fluctuating flows can be achieved in this wind tunnel by altering the input data of the fans and airfoils through computer control. In this study, the ABL is physically simulated in this wind tunnel, and particular attention ispaid to the simulation of the profile of Reynolds stress. The method of generating the fluctuating flow and the experimental results of reproducing the ABL are presented. As the results show, the spatial distribution of Reynolds stress is satisfactorily simulated, and the profiles of other statisticalturbulent parameters, such as mean velocity, turbulent intensity, integral scale and power spectrum are successfully reproduced simultaneously.  相似文献   
From the moored buoy observation at \(33.9^{\circ }\)N, \(144.9^{\circ }\)E south of the Kuroshio Extension (KE), we obtained Eulerian time series of dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) at 200, 400, and 600 m depths from June 2012 to March 2013. We observed ventilation by meso- and submesoscale processes that transport water southward across the KE jet. First, the cyclonic mesoscale eddy in June 2012 substantially depressed DO at depths of 400 and 600 m but maintained DO at 200 m, suggesting near-surface lateral transport of high-DO water derived from the north of the KE. Second, subduction of high-DO (>230 \({\upmu }\)mol kg\(^{-1}\)) water to a depth of 600 m was observed from early February to March 2013, associated with a mesoscale/submesoscale meandering of the KE jet. In mid-March 2013, shipboard hydrographic data were collected where the water mass at the mooring site would be advected by the eastward current on the southern flank of the KE. Based on these data, the subduction event was identified as an intrusion of an anomalously thick water mass from approximately 400–900 dbar. Ventilation of the subtropical mode water at a depth of 200 m around a subsurface DO maximum layer was detected as a rapid rise in DO in January 2013. This occurred after a significant seasonal decrease in DO at a rate of \(-0.130 \pm 0.007\) \({\upmu }\)mol kg\(^{-1}\) day\(^{-1}\) from July to December 2012.  相似文献   
Three dimensional electric fields were measured at the altitude of about 27 km in the stratosphere over the Pacific Ocean about 200–400 km away from the Sanriku coast of Honsyu Island (L = 1·4) on 16–17 October 1973, which was magnetically disturbed. The average horizontal electric field thus measured is about 10 mV/m, and the electric field vectors made clockwise semidiurnal rotations rather than diurnal. Daily variation of this electric field was compared with data at L = 2·7–3·5 published by Mozer (1973) and was found to be very similar. This suggests that these electric fields are of common origin in the plasmasphere. From their mean daily variation it is estimated that the plasmaspheric convection is decreased in the night side and is increased in the day side by 200–300 m/sec, and there is an outward flow in the first half of the afternoon and an inward flow in the plasma bulge region of about 500 m/sec.  相似文献   
Diel changes in vertical distribution and feeding conditions of the chaetognath Parasagitta elegans (Verill) were observed in three regions of the subarctic North Pacific in the summer of 1997. Samples were collected by repeated vertical hauls with a Vertical Multiple Plankton Sampler (VMPS) for 15–45 hours by demarcating the 0–500 m water column into four sampling layers. Integrated abundance through the entire water column and the proportion of juveniles were higher in the Bering Sea than the western and eastern subarctic Pacific. Juveniles always inhabited the surface layer in the western subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea, but they inhabited the underlying layer in the eastern subarctic Pacific. Stages I–III concentrated into the upper 150 m in the western subarctic Pacific but were distributed widely from 20–300 m in the Bering Sea. Among them, Stages II and III migrated rather synchronously over a wide vertical range in the eastern subarctic Pacific. The feeding rate of P. elegans was calculated to be 0.18 prey/chaetognath/day in the western subarctic Pacific, 0.27 prey/chaetognath/day in the Bering Sea and 0.07 prey/chaetognath/day in the eastern subarctic Pacific.  相似文献   
Several numerical experiments were carried out on the formation of water masses and their fronts such as observed in the Kii Channel in winter. Such water masses and fronts may caused by density-induced current system. The phenomenon is assumed to take place in the vertical two-dimensional plane not involving the effect of the earth's rotation. The linear momentum equation and the diffusion-advection equations of salinity and temperature are integrated with respect to time under a vertically hydrostatic condition. The result is that two rolls which correspond to the onshore water mass and the offshore water mass are formed with an accompanying front between them. The apparent diffusion coefficient reaches a relatively great amount inside the water masses and drops down to the eddy diffusivity level at the front. The dependence of the synoptic distributions of the temperature and salinity on several parameters is also examined. Finally another experiment is carried out involving the effect of the earth's rotation, which results in a rather different distribution pattern from that of the non-rotating model.  相似文献   
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