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Numerical modeling of the Rideau Valley Watershed   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using the Mike11 modeling system by the Danish Hydraulic Institute, a detailed model of the Rideau Valley Watershed was constructed. It includes 532 km of rivers and lakes, 106 basins, 122 bridges and culverts, and 20 water control structures. The model was calibrated using measured streamflow data for a time period of 5 years; additional 5 years of data was used for validation. Various methods, both qualitative and quantitative, were used to evaluate the model performance. It was found that the model can simulate the hydrological response with a reasonable to high degree of accuracy. This model is now being used for various watershed management purposes, including flood forecasting, dam safety assessment, quantification of wetland functions, and derivation of design flows.  相似文献   
Inversion of magnetic data is complicated by the presence of remanent magnetization, and it provides limited information about the magnetic source because of the insufficiency of data and constraint information. We propose a Fourier domain transformation allowing the separation of magnetic anomalies into the components caused by induced and remanent magnetizations. The approach is based on the hypothesis that each isolated source is homogeneous with a uniform and specific Koenigsberger ratio. The distributions of susceptibility and remanent magnetization are subsequently recovered from the separated anomalies. Anomaly components, susceptibility distribution and distribution of the remanent and total magnetization vectors (direction and intensity) can be achieved through the processing of the anomaly components. The proposed method therefore provides a procedure to test the hypotheses about target source and magnetic field, by verifying these models based on available information or a priori information from geology. We test our methods using synthetic and real data acquired over the Zhangfushan iron-ore deposit and the Yeshan polymetallic deposit in eastern China. All the tests yield favourable results and the obtained models are helpful for the geological interpretation.  相似文献   
A detailed gravity survey was carried out in one of the seismo-active areas at the northwestern region of the High Dam Lake (Kalabsha area) to study its subsurface structure. In order to understand the seismicity of the area, the establishment of a geodynamic model from geological and geodetic data is of great importance. After a series of adjustments and corrections of the measured gravity data, free-air and Bouguer anomaly maps were constructed for the Kalabsha area, and several interpretation techniques were applied to analyse these anomalies. The results of the analysis indicate that the Kalabsha area is affected by several faults trending mainly E-W and N-S. The active area located west of Gebel Marawa is bounded by a set of faults striking NE-SW, N-S and E-W. The throws of these faults range from 160 to 370 m.The minimum depth to the basement complex is about 200 m and its maximum depth is around 600 m. The thickness of the sedimentary column (Nubia sandstone) in the Kalabsha area decreases due west and increases toward the southern and eastern parts of the area. The results explain the tectonic framework of the area well.  相似文献   
The relationship between aquifer hydraulic conductivity and aquifer resistivity, either measured on the ground surface by vertical electrical sounding (VES) or from resistivity logs, or measured in core samples have been published for different types of aquifers in different locations. Generally, these relationships are empirical and semi-empirical, and confined in few locations. This relation has a positive correlation in some studies and negative in others. So far, there is no potentially physical law controlling this relation, which is not completely understood. Electric current follows the path of least resistance, as does water. Within and around pores, the model of conduction of electricity is ionic and thus the resistivity of the medium is controlled more by porosity and water conductivity than by the resistivity of the rock matrix. Thus, at the pore level, the electrical path is similar to the hydraulic path and the resistivity should reflect hydraulic conductivity. We tried in this paper to study the effect of degree of groundwater saturation in the relation between hydraulic conductivity and bulk resistivity via a simple numerical analysis of Archie’s second law and a simplified Kozeny-Carmen equation. The study reached three characteristic non-linear relations between hydraulic conductivity and resistivity depending on the degree of saturation. These relations are: (1) An inverse power relation in fully saturated aquifers and when porosity equals water saturation, (2) An inverse polynomial relation in unsaturated aquifers, when water saturation is higher than 50%, higher than porosity, and (3) A direct polynomial relation in poorly saturated aquifers, when water saturation is lower than 50%, lower than porosity. These results are supported by some field scale relationships.  相似文献   
This paper develops an automatic method for interpretation of magnetic data using derivatives of the analytic signal. A linear equation is derived to provide source location parameters of a 2D magnetic body without a priori information about the nature of the source. Then using the source location parameters, the nature of the source can be ascertained. The method has been tested using theoretical simulations with random noise for two 2D magnetic models placed at different depths with respect to the observation height. In both cases, the method gave a good estimate for the location and shape of the sources. Good results were obtained on two field data sets.  相似文献   
In the current study, the shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) data, with~90 m horizontal resolution, were used to delineate the paleodrainage system and their mega basin extent in the East Sahara area. One mega-drainage basin has been detected, covering an area of 256 000 km2. It is classified into two sub mega basins. The Uweinate sub mega basin, which is composed of four main tributaries, collected water from a vast catchment region and drained eastward from the north, west, and southwest, starting at...  相似文献   
The widely distributed late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern Arabian–Nubian Shield (ANS) have a geodynamic interest as they represent significant addition of material into the ANS juvenile crust in a short time interval (∼630–590 Ma). The Deleihimmi granitoids in the Egyptian Central Eastern Desert are, therefore, particularly interesting since they form a multiphase pluton composed largely of late‐collisional biotite granitoids enclosing granodiorite microgranular enclaves and intruded by leuco‐ and muscovite granites. Geochemically, different granitoid phases share some features and distinctly vary in others. They display slightly peraluminous (ASI = 1–1.16), non‐alkaline (calc‐alkaline and highly fractionated calc‐alkaline), I‐type affinities. Both biotite granitoids and leucogranites show similar rare earth element (REE) patterns [(La/Lu)N = 3.04–2.92 and 1.9–1.14; Eu/Eu* = 0.26–0.19 and 0.11–0.08, respectively) and related most likely by closed system crystal fractionation of a common parent. On the other hand, the late phase muscovite granites have distinctive geochemical features typical of rare‐metal granites. They are remarkably depleted in Sr and Ba (4–35 and 13–18 ppm, respectively), and enriched in Rb (381–473 ppm) and many rare metals. Moreover, their REE patterns show a tetrad effect (TE1,3 = 1.13 and 1.29) and pronounced negative Eu anomalies (Eu/Eu* = 0.07 and 0.08), implying extensive open system fractionation via fluid–rock interaction during the magmatic stage. Origin of the calc‐alkaline granitoids by high degree of partial melting of mafic lower crust with subsequent crystal fractionation is advocated. The broad distribution of late‐collisional calc‐alkaline granitoids in the northern ANS is related most likely to large areal and intensive lithospheric delamination subsequent to slab break‐off and crustal/mantle thickening. Such delamination caused both crustal uplift and partial melting of the remaining mantle lithosphere in response to asthenospheric uprise. The melts produced underplate the lower crust to promote its melting. The presence of microgranular enclaves, resulting from mingling of mantle‐derived mafic magma with felsic crustal‐derived liquid, favours this process. The derivation of the late‐phase rare‐metal granites by open system fractionation via fluid interaction is almost related to the onset of extension above the rising asthenosphere that results in mantle degassing during the switch to post‐collisional stage. Consequently, the switch from late‐ to post‐collisional stage of crustal evolution in the northern ANS could be potentially significant not only geodynamically but also economically. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Oued Jebs Pb–Zn–Sr deposit is situated on the south edge of the Mourra Triassic diapir, in the Diapir Zone of the Tunisian Atlas. Tow orebody-type are recognized: (1) lens-chapped orebodies hosted in the Dolomitic cap rock that marks the transition zone between the Triassic gypsum cap rock and the overlaying Late Cretaceous series. Mineralization is composed of epigenetic celestite and minor Pb–Zn sulfides. (2) Vein-type and massive-type orebodies crosscutting the Late Cenomanian and Turonian limestone. Mineralization is composed of high-grade ore ranging from 10 to 25 % combined Pb–Zn. Fluid inclusion data for celestite indicate that deposition took place between 70 and 100 °C, or more cooler conditions as indicated by the presence of single-phase inclusions, from mixed NaCl–CaCl2-bearing brines (12–19 wt% NaCl equiv). For the vein-type and massive-type fluid inclusion, data recorded in sphalerite indicate that sulfide deposition took place between 125 and 130 °C mixed NaCl–CaCl2-bearing brines (10–15 wt% NaCl equiv). At least three dilution and cooling trends are also observed that indicate the involvement of more than one fluid in the Oued Jebs hydrothermal system. The epigenetic character of the ores, the host rock nature and the fluid inclusion together permitted to include the Oued Jebs deposit in the large class of MVT deposits and preciously in the sub-class of MVTs associated with salt diapirs environment. The new discovered Oued Jebs deposit is similar in many aspects to the economic Bou Grine deposit. This may point to significant other potential for economic Pb–Zn concentrations that may be located at depth alongside or above many other unexplored Triassic diapirs in the Diapirs zone of the Tunisian Atlas.  相似文献   
The Qreiya Beds that record the ‘mid-Paleocene event’ at Gabal Nezzazat occur within the Igorina albeari (P3b) Zone and constitute part of a 14-m thick shale succession that ranges in age from Early to Late Paleocene. They are composed of four alternating dark grey and brown shale beds, which are thinly laminated, phosphatic, organic-rich and extremely sulphidic. They are characterized by distinct enrichment and high peak anomalies in chalcophiles (Zn, Co, Ni, Cu and Pb) and organic association elements (V and Cr), especially within the brown organic-rich beds. It is concluded that these elements are incorporated into the phosphatic debris, sulphides and organic matter. In contrast, the grey beds are enriched in clay minerals and quartz. Clay mineral assemblages indicate alternating periods of warm/humid climate (high kaolinite) and dry climate (low kaolinite) during the formation of the grey and brown beds, respectively. The sediments of the Qreiya Beds yield lithological, biotic, geochemical and mineralogical data indicative of suboxic/anoxic marine environments as a result of high productivity and/or upwelling. The top metre of the succession below the Qreiya Beds is characterized by a progressive change from faunas dominated by praemurcurids to faunas dominated by Morozovilids, and by a progressive upward decrease in δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb values. The foraminiferal faunal change may reflect shallowing and warming preceding deposition of the Qreiya Beds. The change in isotopic values is inferred to be the result of surface weathering, fluvial input and diagenesis with no evidence of any primary change that could support presence of a hyperthermal event.  相似文献   
The ever-increasing and rapidly growing volume of waste electrical and electronic equipment has become a serious threat to the environment in many countries. The inevitability of e-waste management and the development of a holistic system to deal with it has become an indispensable socio-economic and environmental issue for the sustainable development of Malaysia. However, no comprehensive research has yet been carried out, and only a few works in a discreet manner have been begun. In view of the above, and as a small endeavor towards achieving the country’s Vision 2020, this study explores the present status and future perspectives of the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Malaysia. This article presents an overview of e-waste management practices around the world, including the generation of e-waste, the implementation of management strategies, and collection and recovery activities in Malaysia. It also presents the corresponding responses adopted so far with respect to legislation and other infrastructural development. Finally, through the use of structured and semi-structured interviews, it reveals the barriers and challenges, as well as future perspectives and sustainability issues related to the e-waste management system in this fast developing country.  相似文献   
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