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Liver sections of winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) collected from Jamaica Bay and Shinnecock Bay, New York, in 1989, were examined microscopically to determine the pervasiveness of liver lesions observed previously in Jamaica Bay winter flounder. Neoplastic lesions were not detected in fish from Jamaica Bay or the Shinnecock Bay reference site. Twenty-two percent of Jamaica Bay winter flounder examined (n=103) had unusual vacuolization of hepatocytes and biliary pre-ductal and ductal cells (referred to hereafter as the vacuolated cell lesion). The lesion, identical to that found in 25% of Jamaica Bay winter flounder examined in 1988, has previously been identified in fishes taken from highly polluted regions of the Atlantic coast (e.g., Boston Harbor, Massachusetts, and Black Rock Harbor, Connecticut). Prevalence of the vacuolated cell lesion in winter flounder from Jamaica Bay was significantly greater (p<0.0001) than in 102 specimens collected from Shinnecock Bay. Current scientific literature indicates vacuolated hepatocytes and cholangiocytes are chronically injured and that the extent of their deformity is consistent with the action of a hepatotoxicant. The high prevalence of vacuolated hepatocytes in Jamaica Bay winter flounder and absence of the lesion in flounder from reference sites strongly supports the hypothesis that this impairment is a manifestation of a toxic condition in at least some portions of Jamaica Bay.  相似文献   
The paper presents an approach towards a medium-term (decades) modelling of water levels and currents in a shallow tidal sea by means of combined hydrodynamic and neural network models. The two-dimensional version of the hydrodynamic model Delft3D, forced with realistic water level and wind fields, is used to produce a two-year-database of water levels and currents in the study area. The linear principal component analysis (PCA) of the results is performed to reveal dominating spatial patterns in the analyzed dataset and to significantly reduce the dimensionality of the data. It is shown that only a few principal components (PCs) are necessary to reconstruct the data with high accuracy (over 95% of the original variance). Feed-forward neural networks are set up and trained to effectively simulate the leading PCs based on water level and wind speed and direction time series in a single, arbitrarily chosen point in the study area. Assuming that the spatial modes resulting from the PCA are ‘universally’ applicable to the data from time periods not modelled with Delft3D, the trained neural networks can be used to very effectively and reliably simulate temporal and spatial variability of water levels and currents in the study area. The approach is shown to be able to accurately reproduce statistical distribution of water levels and currents in various locations inside the study area and thus can be viewed as a reliable complementary tool e.g., for computationally expensive hydrodynamic modelling. Finally, a detailed analysis of the leading PCs is performed to estimate the role of tidal forcing and wind (including its seasonal and annual variability) in shaping the water level and current climate in the study area.  相似文献   
Since 1998, ferry observations have been carried out in the Marsdiep tidal inlet (Dutch Wadden Sea), using amongst other instruments a vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Besides 32 cross-sections a day of current velocity data, the instrument also records the echo intensity, which has been interpreted in terms of suspended sediment concentration (SSC) before (Thorne and Hanes, Cont Shelf Res 22:603–632, 2002). However, we show herein that the random phase scattering model as outlined by Thorne and Hanes (Cont Shelf Res 22:603–632, 2002), predicts unrealistically high values of SSC if the depth-averaged current velocity exceeds approximately 0.7 m/s. Therefore, we extended the random phase scattering model by including scattering by turbulence-induced variability in SSC. The important mechanism is that when SSC fluctuations are present at length, scales of the order of the acoustic wavelength, the phase of the returned signal is no longer random and causes stronger backscatter. Such SSC fluctuations occur as a result of turbulent eddies in combination with an SSC gradient. The extended model was compared with data of two field surveys carried out in the Marsdiep inlet. The extended model, when compared with the classical random phase model, showed a large improvement of accuracy of the estimated SSC, which allows us to apply the model to the ferry data set to analyse suspended sediment transports through the Marsdiep tidal inlet.  相似文献   
 Among the demonstrated processes influencing the transport of bacteria through aquifers, the deposition of cells on mineral surfaces is one of the most important. For example, understanding the transport of introduced bacteria through aquifers is essential to designing some in situ bioremediation schemes. The impact of the presence and distribution of Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand grains on bacterial transport through porous media was evaluated in column experiments in which bacteria (short rods; 1.2 μm length) were eluted through columns of quartz sand (0.5–0.6 mm in diameter) for several conditions of chemical heterogeneity of mineral substrate. Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand was present as 10% of the mass, and it was arranged in three treatments: (1) homogeneously distributed, and present as a discrete layer (2) at the top and (3) at the bottom of 14-cm-long sand columns. A pulse input of 108 cells ml–1 was introduced in an artificial groundwater solution flowing at 14 cm h–1 through the column, and eluted cells were counted. Peak breakthrough occurred at 1.0 pore volume. A large proportion of cells were retained; 14.7–15.8% of the cells were recovered after three pore volumes of solution had eluted through clean quartz sand, and only 2.1–4.0% were recovered from the Fe(III)-oxyhydroxide-coated sand mixtures. The three physical arrangements of the chemical heterogeneity resulted in essentially the same breakthrough of cells, indicating that the spatial distribution of iron coating does not affect the transport of bacteria. The results of the column transport experiments, which mimic hydrogeological conditions encountered in field problems, are consistent with our mechanistic understanding of bacterial sorption. Received: 10 April 1996 · Accepted: 17 February 1997  相似文献   
Detailed single and multiple scattering calculations were carried out for a spherically symmetric cometary atmosphere irradiated by a plane parallel source. Using simplifying assumptions in the single scattering approximation, analytical expressions were derived for the total flux impinging the cometary nucleus, which was shown to be a decreasing function of the coma opacity. Moreover, while highly anisotropic phase functions resulted in more light reaching the nucleus than was the case for isotropic phase functions, the net energy flux at the nucleus surface was still found to be smaller in the presence of a coma than in the no coma case. This increased flux due to the anisotropic phase functions was attributed mostly to the effect of directional scattering in the forward Sun-comet axis. The isotropic multiply scattered flux at the surface was found tobe an increasing function of the opacity, , for 2.5. At larger values of , the maximum in the downward directed scattered flux was still seen to increase, but occurred at a height of several radii above the nucleus, resulting in a reduction at the surface. On the other hand, the total flux at the surface was again shown to be a decreasing function of and always less than in the no coma case. Finally, on comparing the multiply scattered flux with that obtained in the plane parallel approximation, it was quite apparent that except in the vicinity of the Sun-comet axis, the plane parallel geometry tends to underestimate the degree of scattering.NRC Resident Research Associate.  相似文献   
Sediment segregation by biodiffusing bivalves   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The selective processing of sediment fractions (sand and mud; >63 μm and ≤63 μm median grain size) by macrofauna was assessed using two size classes of inert, UV-fluorescent sediment fraction tracers (luminophores). The luminophores were applied to the sediment surface in 16 m2 replicated plots, defaunated and control, and left to be reworked by infauna for 32 days. As the macrofaunal assemblage in the ambient sediment and the control plots was dominated by the common cockle Cerastoderma edule, this species was used in an additional mesocosm experiment. The diversity, abundance and biomass of the defaunated macrobenthic assemblage did not return to control values within the experimental period. Both erosion threshold and bed elevation increased in the defaunated plots as a response to the absence of macrofauna and an increase in microphytobenthos growth. In the absence of macrobenthos, we observed an accretion of 7 mm sediment, containing ca. 60% mud. Image analysis of the vertical distribution of the different luminophore size classes showed that the cockles preferentially mobilised fine material from the sediment, thereby rendering it less muddy and effectively increasing the sand:mud ratio. Luminophore profiles and budgets of the mesocosm experiment under “no waves–no current” conditions support the field data very well.  相似文献   
River pollution data are characterized by high variability. Multivariate statistical methods help to determine a complex set of these multidimensional data and to extract latent information (e.g. differently polluted areas, discharges). The chemometric methods can handle interactions between different pollutants and relationships among various sampling locations. This study presents an application of multivariate data analysis in the field of environmental pollution. The dataset consists of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn contents of sediment samples collected in the upper and middle Odra River (Poland) in three sampling campaigns (November 1998, June 1999, and May 2000). As chemometric tools cluster analysis (CA), multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis (MVDA) and factor analysis (FA) were used to investigate the matrix of 60 sampling points.  相似文献   
This paper contains an account of UN/EEC-sponsored research on water quality monitoring and assessments in the catchments areas of Europe's 10 transboundary rivers. In this context, water quality assessments established on the basis of monitoring data for Poland's rivers are discussed. Consideration is also given to the water quality assessment methods recommended by the EU Directives. The problem has been exemplified by the analysis of water quality variations in the transboundary river Odra in the time span of 1973–2003. For the years 1993–2003, the trends in water quality variations are calculated and the rates of variation are analysed. The points in time when the water quality will have attained the second class purity values are predicted, taking into account the requirements specified in Polish, Czech and German standards. Analysis of the trends in the variations of pollution parameters has revealed that the achievability of good water quality depends on the limit values adopted for the assessment.  相似文献   
Solidification pressure and crystallization age of the ~5 Ma Shiaidani Granodiorite (Hida Mountain Range, central Japan) are determined based on Al-in-hornblende geobarometry and U–Pb zircon dating. Al-poor patchy replacements developed in amphiboles are common in this granite and petrographic study revealed that the replacements include chloritized biotite and albitic plagioclase. These are probably the hydrothermally recrystallized domains, and should not be used for solidification pressure estimates. Magmatic rim of amphibole is characterized by Si < 7.3 a.p.f.u. (AlIV > 0.7 a.p.f.u.), and utilized in solidification pressure estimate that yielded 0.17–0.29 GPa. The solidification age of the granite is estimated as ~5.6–5.2 Ma using U–Pb zircon dating. From these data, the lower limit of an average denudation rate after ~5.6–5.2 Ma for the area where Shiaidani Granodiorite is exposed is estimated as 0.93–2.5 mm/year.  相似文献   
Health risk associated with the exposure to the polluted atmospheric air inhalation was estimated for the residents of Kraków, Poland. The air pollution concentration data were obtained from the air-quality monitoring system of the city in 2007–2016. The carcinogenic risk of the studied subpopulations was not acceptable under the formula of C6H6 > BaP > As(PM10) > Cd(PM10) > Pb(PM10) > Ni(PM10). The total carcinogenic risk (Rt) amounted to 3.04E?04 for children, 2.22E?04 for infants, 1.45E?04 for women, and 1.22E?04 for men. The same risk was calculated for the top three locations of the monitoring stations in this respect, within the city of Kraków: Kurdwanów Housing Estate, Nowa Huta district, and Krasińskiego Av. Non-carcinogenic risk in the case of all six monitoring stations and in respect of all the studied subpopulations, resulting from the exposure to PM10 and for NO2 for all stations in case of children and infants, as well as, for adults at Krasińskiego Av. and Dietla Str. stations was rated medium. For C6H6 in the case of adults, children, and infants the risk was rated low. The total risk (HI) of non-carcinogenic pollution was rated medium and ranged as follows: 6.53 for children, 4.70 for infants, 3.19 for women, and 2.67 for men. That type of risk was decreasing at the station locations as follows: Krasińskiego Av. > Dietla Str. > Nowa Huta district > Kurdwanów Housing Estate > Z?oty Róg Str. > Piastów Housing Estate.  相似文献   
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