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Meiobenthos at the mouth of the Grevelingen and Oosterschelde Estuaries in the Southern Bight of the North Sea was monitored using meiobenthic abundance and nematode community structure. Hierarchical sampling included 54 subsamples nested within 18 cores within six stations within two transects. The spatial patterns of the meiofaunal populations and communities are presented in cm-scale (among subsamples), m-scale (among cores), km-scale (among stations) and 10 km-scale (between transects). The variance components analysis of meiofaunal abundances showed that km-scale and 10 km-scale represented 63–90% of total variance while m-scale and cm-scale provided only 10–37%. Different communities were found among stations rather than among cores or subsamples by detrended correspondence analysis ordination and clustering analysis. The main assemblage of meiofauna occurred at the km-scale. Nematode diversity was more powerful than meiofaunal abundance in detecting spatial variation at all scales. However, at least two replicates are required for monitoring when sampling using a 10 cm2 subsampling core.  相似文献   
Large volumes of fine-grained sediment have been transported to the deepbasin floor in the Bering Sea, especially during glacial low stands of sea level. Turbidity currents and several types of mass movement have been the chief transporting agents.  相似文献   
The retrograde P-T-t path of intermediate and high-temperature eclogites (T 500 ± 50°C) is characterized by the transformation of omphacite into a symplectitic intergrowth of clinopyroxene and plagioclase lamellae. Often, this symplectite shows a two stage microstructural evolution, i.e. a coarse lamellar width symplectite, »S1«, followed by a thinner lamellar width symplectite, »S2«. Each symplectite may also evolve independently into a final globular microstructure, »SG«.According to metallurgical concepts, the phase transition »omphacite clinopyroxene + plagioclase« is classified as a discontinuous precipitation reaction. In discontinuous precipitation reactions, the lamellar spacing (L) depends on temperature (T) according to the growth law log (L) = A-B/T, in which A and B are constants. Therefore thin symplectites characterize low temperatures, where-as coarse symplectites characterize higher temperatures.In order of specify the thermal evolution of continental collision zones, the reliability of the discontinuous precipitation growth law has been tested on eclogites showing contrasted retrograde P-T-t histories in different geological environments, i.e. Alpine, Caledonian and Variscan Belts. Indeed, our investigations reveal that the clinopyroxene/plagioclase symplectite can be used as a potential geothermobarometer in eclogites recording temperatures above 500 ± 50°C. The temperature is obtained by the lamellar spacing and pressure by the Jadeite content of the symplectite clinopyroxene in the presence of plagioclase and quartz.
Zusammenfassung Der retrograde P-T-t Pfad von intermediären und hochtemperierten Eklogiten (T 500 ±50°C) ist charakterisiert durch die Umformung von Omphazit in symplektitische Verwachsungen von Klinopyroxen und Plagioklas-Lamellen. Häufig zeigt dieser Symplektit eine zweiphasige mikrostrukturelle Entwicklung, das heißt, ein Symplektit mit breiten Lamellen »S1« wird gefolgt von einem Symplektit mit dünneren Lamellen »2«. Jeder Symplektittyp kann sich schließlich selbständig zu einer kugelförmigen MikroStruktur »SG« entwikkeln.Auf Grund von metallurgischen Vorstellungen wir die Phasenumwandlung Omphazit zu Klinopyroxen + Plagioklas als diskontinuierliche Ausfällungsreaktion klassifiziert. In diskontinuierlichen Ausfällungsreaktionen hängt der Lamellenabstand (L) von der Temperatur (T) nach dem Wachstumsgesetz log (L) = A-B/T ab, in dem A und B Konstanten sind. Daher zeigen dünne Symplektite niedrige Temperaturen an, während breite Symplektite höhere Temperaturen anzeigen.Um die thermische Entwicklung von kontinentalen Kollisionszonen zu spezifizieren mußte die Zuververlässigkeit des diskontinuierlichen Ausfällungswachstumsgesetz an Eklogiten getestet werden, die unterschiedlich retrograde P-T-t Geschichten aus verschieden Umgebungen zeigen; das heißt aus alpinen, kaledonischen und variszischen Gebirgszügen. Tatsächlich offenbaren unsere Bemühungen, daß der Klinopyroxen/Plagioklas Symplektit als potentielles Geothermobarometer in Eklogiten benutzt werden kann, die Temperaturen über 500°C ± 50°C erfahren haben. Die Temperatur kann man aus dem Lamellenabstand erhalten; den Druck durch den Jadeitgehalt des symplektitischen Pyroxens, in Anwesenheit von Plagioklas und Quarz.

Résumé La déstabilisation de l'omphacite, en une symplectite à alternance de lamelles de clinopyroxène et de plagioclase, caractérise l'initiation du trajet rétrograde P-T-t pour les éclogites de température 500 ± 50°C. Cette symplectite présente parfois une évolution microstructurale depuis une symplectite grossière à alternance de lamelles larges, »S1«, relayée par une symplectite à alternance de lamelles fines, »S2«. Chaque symplectite peut aussi évoluer indépendemment en une microstructure globulaire tardive, »Sg«.En accord avec les concepts établis par les métallurgistes, la transformation »omphacite clinopyroxène + plagioclase« est une précipitation discontinue. Pour ce type de transformation, l'espace interlamellaire (L) dépend de la température (T) selon la loi de croissance Log (L) =A-B/T (*), où A et B sont des constantes. Ainsi, une symplectite fine (de type S2) caractérise des températures relativement plus basses qu'une symplectite grossière (de type S1).Afin de préciser l'évolution thermique des zones de collision continentale, nous avons testé la loi de croissance (*) sur des éclogites échantillonnées dans divers contextes géologiques (chaînes alpine, calédonide et varisque), présentant des trajets rétrogrades P-T-t contrastés. Les résultats montrent que la symplectite à clinopyroxène/plagioclase représente un géothermobaromètre potentiel de la rétromorphose des éclogites: la taille de l'espace interlamellaire dépend de la température et la teneur en jadéite des lamelles de clinopyroxène, en présence de quartz et à l'équilibre avec le plagioclase, dépend de la pression.

. , .. , «S 1», «S 2». «SG». , . (L) () — — log (L) = - /, . , . , , , .: , . , , / , , 500° + 50°. , — , .
In this study, the time and spatial variability of perceptible conditions, determined on the basis of effective temperature in the area of the Szczecin agglomeration are presented. The study was based on air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed data acquired during 2005?C2007 from three emissions stations located in the centre and on the outskirts of the city of Szczecin, Poland. The differences in the values of the measured meteorological components between the studied city locations, in terms of their magnitude and daily structure, were analysed by month and calendar season. The results demonstrate that the temperatures in the city centre were considerably higher throughout the daily cycle, which was most evident during the summer in contrast to winter when the differences were the lowest. Mainly June and July, at 17?C24 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), were characterized by the average highest intensity of the urban heat island. Reduced relative humidity in the centre of Szczecin, as compared to the suburban areas, was observed particularly during summer. Throughout the daily cycle, this trend was also observed during spring, primarily during the night. Wind speed within the congested housing in the centre of Szczecin was over two-fold lower as compared to the unbuilt-up areas of the outskirts, irrespective of the time of the day and season of the year. Modification of the air humidity, thermal and anemometric conditions was reflected in a considerable variation in heat perception. In summer and spring, between 1300 and 2100 UTC, the most burdening biometeorological conditions, sensed as ??hot?? and ??very hot?? weather, prevailed in the city centre. During winter, on the other hand, the unbuilt-up areas on the city outskirts were the most unfavourable in terms of biothermal conditions, with the predominant categories of perceptible weather conditions throughout the daily cycle being ??cold?? and ??very cold??.  相似文献   
Thermodynamic properties of 32 dissolved thorium species and 9 thorium-bearing solid phases have been collected from the literature, critically evaluated and estimated where necessary for 25°C and 1 atm pressure. Although the data are incomplete, especially for thorium minerals and organic complexes, some tentative conclusions can be drawn. Dissolved thorium is almost invariably complexed in natural waters. For example, based on ligand concentrations typical of ground water (ΣCl = 10 ppm, ΣF = 0.3 ppm, ΣSO4 = 100 ppm, andΣPO4 = 0.1 ppm), the predominant thorium species are Th(SO4)02, ThF2+2, and Th(HPO4)20below pH ≈ 4.5; Th(HPO4)2?3 from about pH 4.5 to 7.5; and Th(OH)04 above pH 7.5. Based on stability constants for thorium citrate, oxalate and EDTA complexes, it seems likely that organic complexes predominate over inorganic complexes of thorium in organic-rich stream waters, swamp waters, soil horizons, and waterlogged recent sediments. The thorium dissolved in seawater is probably present in organic complexes and as Th(OH)04. The tendency for thorium to form strong complexes enhances its potential for transport in natural waters by many orders of magnitude below pH 7 in the case of inorganic complexing, and below about pH 8 when organic complexing is important. The existence of complexes in addition to those formed with hydroxyl, is apparent from the fact that measured dissolved thorium in fresh surface waters (pH values generally 5–8) usually ranges from about 0.01 to 1 ppb and in surface seawater (pH = 8.1) is about 0.00064 ppb. This may be contrasted with the computed solubility of thorianite in pure water which is only 0.00001 ppb Th as Th(OH)04 above pH 5. Although complexing increases the solubility of thorium-bearing heavy minerals below pH 8, maximum thorium concentrations in natural waters are probably limited in general by the paucity and slow solution rate of these minerals and by sorption processes, rather than by mineral-solution equilibria.  相似文献   
For about three decades, there have been many predictions of the potential ecological response in boreal regions to the currently warmer conditions. In essence, a widespread, naturally occurring experiment has been conducted over time. In this paper, we describe previously modeled predictions of ecological change in boreal Alaska, Canada and Russia, and then we investigate potential evidence of current climate-induced change. For instance, ecological models have suggested that warming will induce the northern and upslope migration of the treeline and an alteration in the current mosaic structure of boreal forests. We present evidence of the migration of keystone ecosystems in the upland and lowland treeline of mountainous regions across southern Siberia. Ecological models have also predicted a moisture-stress-related dieback in white spruce trees in Alaska, and current investigations show that as temperatures increase, white spruce tree growth is declining. Additionally, it was suggested that increases in infestation and wildfire disturbance would be catalysts that precipitate the alteration of the current mosaic forest composition. In Siberia, 7 of the last 9 yr have resulted in extreme fire seasons, and extreme fire years have also been more frequent in both Alaska and Canada. In addition, Alaska has experienced extreme and geographically expansive multi-year outbreaks of the spruce beetle, which had been previously limited by the cold, moist environment. We suggest that there is substantial evidence throughout the circumboreal region to conclude that the biosphere within the boreal terrestrial environment has already responded to the transient effects of climate change. Additionally, temperature increases and warming-induced change are progressing faster than had been predicted in some regions, suggesting a potential non-linear rapid response to changes in climate, as opposed to the predicted slow linear response to climate change.  相似文献   
Volume, heat and salt transport by the West Spitsbergen Current   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the summer of 2000 (June-July) 14 CTD and ADCP transects perpendicular to the West Spitsbergen Current and along the western border of the Barents Sea were made. The measurements covered the area between 69° 43'and 80° N and 01° and 20° E. The main purpose was to follow changes in volume, heat and salt content of Atlantic Water (AW) on its way north. The strongest and most stable flow of AW was located along the continental slope where northward flowing currents exceeding 40 cm/sec were measured. A few weaker northward branches were also found to the west of the slope. South-directed currents were recorded between them and eddy-like mesoscale structures were commonly observed. Measured by vessel-mounted acoustic Doppler current profiler (VM-ADCP), the net northward transport of AW volume in the upper 136 m layer decreased from nearly 6 Sv at the southernmost transect to below 1 Sv at a latitude of 78° 50'N. Similarly, heat transport drops from about 173 TW to about 9 TW and relative salt transport (over 34.92 psu) from 980 × 103 kg/sec to 14 × 103 kg/sec. Transport in the southern direction prevails at the transect located between 79° 07'and 79° 30'N. The calculated baroclinic geostrophic transport of AW volume, heat and salt in the upper 1000 m layer behaves similarly. East-directed transport dominates at the Barents Sea boundary while westward flow prevails on the western side of the West Spitsbergen Current.  相似文献   
River pollution data are characterized by high variability. Multivariate statistical methods help to determine a complex set of these multidimensional data and to extract latent information (e.g. differently polluted areas, discharges). The chemometric methods can handle interactions between different pollutants and relationships among various sampling locations. This study presents an application of multivariate data analysis in the field of environmental pollution. The dataset consists of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn contents of sediment samples collected in the upper and middle Odra River (Poland) in three sampling campaigns (November 1998, June 1999, and May 2000). As chemometric tools cluster analysis (CA), multivariate analysis of variance and discriminant analysis (MVDA) and factor analysis (FA) were used to investigate the matrix of 60 sampling points.  相似文献   
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