Groundwater depletion has been an emerging crisis in recent years, especially in highly urbanized areas as a result of unregulated exploitation, thus leaving behind an insufficient volume of usable freshwater. Presently Ganges river basin, the sixth largest prolific fluvial system and sustaining a huge population in South Asia, is witnessed to face (i) aquifer vulnerability through surface waterborne pollutant and (ii) groundwater stress due to summer drying of river as a result of indiscriminate groundwater abstraction. The present study focuses on a detailed sub-hourly to seasonally varying interaction study and flux quantification between river Ganges and groundwater in the Indian subcontinent which is one of the first documentations done on a drying perennial river system that feeds an enormous population. Contributing parameters to the total discharge of a river at its middle course on both temporal and spatial scale is estimated through three-component hydrograph separation and end-member mixing analysis using high-resolution water isotope (δ18O and δ2H) and electrical conductivity data. Results from this model report groundwater discharge in river to be the highest in pre-monsoon, that is, 30%, whereas, during post-monsoon the contribution lowers to 25%; on the contrary, during peak monsoon, the flow direction reverses thus recharging the groundwater which is also justified using annual piezometric hydrographs of both river water and groundwater. River water-groundwater interaction also shows quantitative variability depending on river morphometry. The current study also provides insight on aquifer vulnerability as a result of pollutant mixing through interaction and plausible attempts towards groundwater management. The present study is one of the first in South Asian countries that provides temporally and spatially variable detailed quantification of baseflow and estimates contributing parameters to the river for a drying mega fluvial system. 相似文献
The accurate measurement of precipitation is crucial for hydrological studies. This is especially true for the Hindu Kush–Karakoram–Himalaya (HKKH) mountain region, which is characterized by high spatiotemporal precipitation variability. The paucity of raingauges makes it difficult to measure precipitation in this region precisely. We conducted evaluation of TMPA 3B42V7 and APHRO 1101 in the HKKH area on a daily basis at a spatial resolution of 0.25°?×?0.25°, using 27 raingauges. Statistically, the largest error in the gridded data arose mainly from elevation, followed by volumetric error and Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency. Overall, the TMPA data have a poor correlation with ground observations in the HKKH area, especially for higher altitudes. The western areas are relatively more underestimated and the Karakoram shows higher frequency of bias in the TMPA retrievals. This method could help improve the satellite precipitation estimation algorithm as it considers local physiography and climatic factors. 相似文献
This paper deals with the data obtained from local networks in northern Pakistan for 251 earthquakes of magnitude ≥4.0 for
October 8, 2005 to December 31, 2006 period. The study presents focal mechanism solutions (FMS) of 12 pre- (1904–2005) and
17 post- (October 8, 2005–December, 2005) Muzaffarabad Earthquake, their detailed tectonic interpretation, and correlation
with surface evidence of co-seismic rupture with published synthetic aperture radar data. Distribution of landslides obtained
from National Engineering Services of Pakistan and the earthquake damages are also discussed. Aftershock distribution, which
is more prominent in the crystalline zone (northwest of Muzaffarabad), defines a 50-km-wide NW–SE trending zone that extends
for 200 km from the main mantle thrust to the center of the Hazara–Kashmir Syntaxis. The FMS of the main shock and 16 aftershocks
having magnitude ≥4.0 indicate thrusting to be the dominant mechanism with rupture planes having NW–SE trend and NE dip. In
addition, 12 FMS of pre-Muzaffarabad Earthquake (1904–2004) from the same area have been determined and results are compared.
This leads to the conclusion that the wedge-shaped NW–SE trending blind zone, referred to by earlier workers as the Indus
Kohistan Seismic Zone (IKSZ), has been activated during the Muzaffarabad earthquake. The right-lateral component in all FMS,
supported by the surface evidences, suggests the involvement of Balakot–Bagh Fault (BBF). We propose that the IKSZ is the
source of the October 8, 2005 Muzaffarabad earthquake that reactivated the BBF. Furthermore, the IKSZ does not end at the
nose of the syntaxis but extends further southeast of it. Tectonic complexity seems to be due to a variety of factors. Also,
thrust and reverse solutions near the northern collisional boundary (main mantle thrust) have mostly NE/SW-directed P-axis
orientations. From the detailed FMS analysis, three conclusions have been drawn: (1) Shallow events (depth ≤10 km) with prominent
strike slip solutions (earlier earthquakes) are associated with the surface strike slip faults (e.g., Muzaffarabad Fault)
and/or the Besham domal structure; (2) moderate depth events (depth 10–25 km) with thrust/reverse solutions but having minor
right-lateral strike slip component (all Muzaffarabad earthquakes and two earlier) are associated with the IKSZ; (3) deeper
earthquakes (depth below IKSZ) with pure thrust/reverse solutions may be related to the under-thrusting of the Indian plate
beneath the IKSZ, which represents a major thrust zone. Imbricate thrusting and breaking and thickening of the crust are considered
to be caused by steep bending of the under-thrusting plate at the collisional boundary.
An erratum to this article can be found at 相似文献
Port Phillip Bay receives the industrial and domestic effluents from Melbourne and a recent survey revealed an accumulation of a variety of heavy metals in bottom sediments. These studies have now been extended to survey the accumulation in oysters and mussels, and in most areas in the Bay these bivalves are heavily contaminated with cadmium. Oysters accumulate more of this metal than mussels. 相似文献
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy - In this work, the secular variation of noon/midnight geomagnetic observed field has been investigated at Karachi observatory using the data of total geomagnetic field... 相似文献
Flood relief and rescue form an important basis of disaster management, and the assessment of flood damage is a critical component of flood risk management. In its recent history, Kashmir Valley witnessed the floods in 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021, but the worst flood in the living memory of the people was witnessed in the year 2014, which created widespread loss in economic and societal aspects. The present study discusses the spatial dimension of impact, relief, and rescue of the flood of 2014 in the Kashmir Valley. It analyses the distribution of relief and politics of relief and rescue and highlights the role of the communitarianism and the heroics of the community members in dealing with floods. The study provides the data of relief distribution under different government schemes and reveals that the relief was not distributed equally in various districts of the valley. The study relies on primary and secondary sources of data. Ethnographic approach was used for acquiring primary data because it provides the complex narratives of disasters and the political and social rupture experienced during the disasters. The data have been analysed with the help of Geographic Information System.
The concentrations of214Pb (half-life=26.4minutes) and22Rn (half-life=3.84days) have been measured in deep groundwaters of Gujarat, India. The results show that the abundance of214Pb in the water is only ~25% of that expected from its production through the radioactive decay of dissolved222Rn. This deficiency if modelled in terms of a first-order removal, yields a residence time of ~10 minutes for214Pb in these waters. The estimated residence time for214Pb is the shortest observed for any nuclide in natural water systems and suggests that reactive nuclides lead like could be removed from aqueous phases to adjoining solid surfaces on extremely short time scales. Results of laboratory experiments using the212Pb-224Ra pair are compatible with the observed fast removal of214Pb from groundwaters.Re-evaluation of234Th residence times in these waters using a model with a recoil flux of234Th into aqueous phase, the same as that of222Rn, yields values in the range of 23 to<176 minutes, very similar to that of214Pb. This “concordancy” in the residence times seems to suggest that the geochemical behaviour of234Th and214Pb in these waters is quite similar. 相似文献
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - Peat is a problematic or weak soil derived from fossilized organic material. The characteristics of peat like low shear strength (3–16 kPa),... 相似文献