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Zusammenfassung Die Zusammenhänge zwischen Spaltbarkeit und Kristallstruktur werden aufgezeigt. Es werden dieverschiedenen Spalebarkeitsgrade einiger Kristallarten gedeutet, wodurch die bei der Spaltbarkeit wirksamen Faktoren sich zu erkennen geben. Die Vorstellung, daß die dichtest besetzte Netzebéne als beste Spaltfläche auftritt, gilt nicht allgemein und ist nicht ursächlich richtig. Vielmehr hängt Verlauf und Güte der Spaltbarkeit von zwei Faktoren ab: l. Diejenige Netzebene ist die beste Spaltfläche zwischen deren paralleler Schar schwächste Kräftearten (heterodesmische Kristalle) bzw. geringste Anzahl von Bindungen je Flächeneinheit wirksam sind (homodesmische Kristalle). 2. Bei allen nicht stark anisometrischen Kristallen, wenn ihre Bausteine einen — wenn auch nur geringen — heteropolaren Bindungscharakter tragen, muß stets die Bedingung erfüllt sein, daß durch geringe Verschiebung eines Gitterteiles gegenüber dem anderen gleichnamige Ionen einander auf kürzest möglichen Abstand genähert werden können. Dadurch erfolgt elektrostatische Zersprengung des Kristalls parallel einer Ebene. Diese HypotheseJ. Starks wird hier bewiesen, und es wird gezeigt, daß bei Gleichheit der Größe der Bindungskräfte, welche zwischen parallelen Netzebenen im ungestörten Kristall wirksam sind, die Güte der Spaltbarkeit dann am besten ist, wenn nicht nur die nächst-benachbarten sondern auch die übernächsten gleichnamigen Ionen nach Verschiebung des einen Kristallteiles gegenüber dem anderen in Abstoßungsstellung gebracht worden sind.  相似文献   
The structural compression mechanism and compressibility of diaspore, AlO(OH), were investigated by in situ single-crystal synchrotron X-ray diffraction at pressures up to 7 GPa using the diamond-anvil cell technique. Complementary density functional theory based model calculations at pressures up to 40 GPa revealed additional information on the pressure-dependence of the hydrogen-bond geometry and the vibrational properties of diaspore. A fit of a second-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state to the p–V data resulted in the bulk modulus B 0 = 150(3) GPa and B 0 = 150.9(4) GPa for the experimental and theoretical data, respectively, while a fit of a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state resulted in B 0 = 143.7(9) GPa with its pressure derivative B′ = 4.4(6) for the theoretical data. The compression is anisotropic, with the a-axis being most compressible. The compression of the crystal structure proceeds mainly by bond shortening, and particularly by compression of the hydrogen bond, which crosses the channels of the crystal structure in the (001) plane, in a direction nearly parallel to the a-axis, and hence is responsible for the pronounced compression of this axis. While the hydrogen bond strength increases with pressure, a symmetrisation is not reached in the investigated pressure range up to 40 GPa and does not seem likely to occur in diaspore even at higher pressures. The stretching frequencies of the O–H bond decrease approximately linearly with increasing pressure, and therefore also with increasing O–H bond length and decreasing hydrogen bond length. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Women faculty continue to experience academe differently than male faculty. A review of recent literature indicates that women's representation on university faculties has advanced slowly; women are less likely to be tenured or promoted compared to male faculty; and women faculty earn less than their male colleagues. A recurring theme is that the intellectual and social isolation of women faculty affects their research productivity. Gender stereotypes held by colleagues, departmental and college administrators, and students also contribute to the difficulties women face in the reappointment, tenure, and promotion process. A personal perspective on the reappointment process is provided in order to illustrate how isolation and naïvete regarding the social structure of academe can affect a woman's career advancement. The benefits of greater representation of women on university faculties are reviewed, and departmental and college administrators are reminded of the important role they play in ensuring future gender‐balanced faculties.  相似文献   
Heavy precipitation is one of the most significant natural hazards in the United States today. Knowledge of the climatography, including the temporal characteristics, of this phenomenon is necessary in order to better plan, design for, and predict this hazard. In this study, cluster analysis is used to simplify and clarify the spatial patterns in the time of day heavy precipitation most frequently occurs. Regions with similar diurnal properties are delineated, and the substantial seasonal fluctuations in the regional patterns are traced. Of particular interest is the expansion during the cool season and contraction during the warm season of the nocturnal precipitation regime in the central United States.  相似文献   

Garber Schlag (Q-GS) is one of the major springs of the Karwendel Mountains, Tyrol, Austria. This spring has a unique runoff pattern that is mainly controlled by the tectonic setting. The main aquifer is a moderately karstified and jointed limestone of the Wetterstein Formation that is underlain by nonkarstified limestone of the Reifling Formation, which acts as an aquitard. The aquifer and aquitard of the catchment of spring Q-GS form a large anticline that is bound by a major fault (aquitard) to the north. Discharge of this spring shows strong seasonal variations with three recharge origins, based on δ18O and electrical conductivity values. A clear seasonal trend is observed, caused by the continuously changing portions of water derived from snowmelt, rainfall and groundwater. At the onset of the snowmelt period in May, the discharge is composed mainly of groundwater. During the maximum snowmelt period, the water is dominantly composed of water derived from snowmelt and subordinately from rainfall. During July and August, water derived from snowmelt continuously decreases and water derived from rainfall increases. During September and October, the water released at the spring is mainly derived from groundwater and subordinately from rainfall. The distinct discharge plateau from August to December and the following recession until March is likely related to the large regional groundwater body in the fissured and moderately karstified aquifer of the Wetterstein Formation and the tectonic structures (anticline, major fault). Only a small portion of the water released at spring Q-GS is derived from permafrost.

Vibrational properties of diaspore, α-AlOOH, have been re-investigated using room-temperature single-crystal Raman spectroscopy and low-temperature powder infrared (IR) transmission spectroscopy. First-principles harmonic calculations based on density functional theory provide a convincing assignment of the major Raman peaks and infrared absorption bands. The large width of the Raman band related to OH stretching modes is ascribed to mode–mode anharmonic coupling due to medium-strength H-bonding. Additional broadening in the powder IR spectrum arises from depolarization effects in powder particles. The temperature dependence of the IR spectrum provides a further insight into the anharmonic properties of diaspore. Based on their frequency and temperature behavior, narrow absorption features at ~2,000 cm−1 and anti-resonance at ~2,966 cm−1 in the IR spectrum are interpreted as overtones of fundamental bending bands.  相似文献   
Climate change is anticipated to influence all parts of agricultural production systems. However, the potential impacts on crop storage have rarely been assessed, even though storage is an important component of a grower’s marketing strategy and is essential for the continuous supply of a commodity for processors, exporters, and consumers. The Michigan chip-processing potato industry provides an example of the importance of crop storage. Michigan is the largest producer of chip-processing potatoes in the USA, and potatoes are stored on farms from September to June. We use an ensemble of climate projections developed for three future time slices (early, mid, and late century) from 16 climate models forced by three greenhouse gas concentration pathways to assess future changes in potato storage conditions. Our findings indicate an increased future demand for ventilation and/or refrigeration immediately after harvest and again in spring and early summer, even for the early-century time slice. Furthermore, the period of reliably cold storage temperatures during winter is anticipated, when averaged across all models, to shorten by 11–17 days in Michigan’s primary production area and 14–20 days in the more southern secondary area by mid-century, and by 15–29 days and 31–35 days, respectively, for the northern and southern production areas by late century. The level of uncertainty, as indicated by the ensemble range, is large, although the sign of the projected changes in storage parameters is consistent. This case study provides an example of the potentially large effects of climate change on the storage conditions for agricultural commodities.  相似文献   
In September 2007 Föllmi and coauthors requested the approval of four lithostratigraphic terms of the Swiss Committee of Stratigraphy (SCS). These terms were to be used in their publication on the Cretaceous in the Helvetic realm (Föllmi et al. 2007). At its meeting on October 18, 2007, the SCS decided the following: The Tierwis Formation (replacing the Drusberg Formation) was accepted, with the reserve that a section at Tierwis should be published in the near future. For the former “Lower Orbitolina Beds” the term Rawil Member was accepted, but here too a better type section than the one at Rawil Pass should be published. The term Rohrbachstein bed should not be used as a formal unit because it describes only a minor lithologic variation within the Grünten Member. The term Plaine Morte bed for a thin condensed horizon can not be accepted due to the fact that its definition is based mainly on biostratigraphy. Furthermore, the duplication a locality term which is in use for a previously established lithostratigraphic unit should be avoided.  相似文献   
Having been in use at Hohenpeissenberg from 1781–1841, the Palatina thermometer was found to suffer from a positive bias of 0.5°R (or 0.63°C) as discovered by Lamont following a re-calibration made in 1842. The main reason was due to the composition of the glass used during the early instrumental period. Glass of this period tended to contract over many years due to thermal aftereffects, resulting in a gradual rise of the freezing point position in consequence of the shrinking bulb forming the mercury reservoir. While the problem of the gradually rising zero point was recognised relatively early, the reason was attributed to wrong causes. Around 1880, scientists recognised that the chemical composition of glass might be responsible for the drift of the zero point. New glass types were developed which were free from such effects. Although these facts became known, no correction was applied to the Hohenpeissenberg temperature series when in 1981, the complete 200-year series was published. Most probably this bias is also relevant for other stations, at least those of the network of the Societas Meteorologica Palatina that were supplied with thermometers manufactured in Mannheim. Another problem originates from the different observing times for the period 1879–1900, which were set to 0800, 1400 and 2000 hours instead of 0700, 1400 and 2100 hours before and afterwards. In addition, a new formula to calculate the daily mean was established resulting in the temperature being too low by 0.5°C in that period. The overall trend changes after application of the two necessary corrections. There remain two biases that cannot be quantified without a major detailed study being made: (1) At the start of the observations, the window of the observation room was always kept “open during dry weather”. It is not known how long this practice was remained in use. (2) Lamont also employed an easily melting glass to construct his thermometers which in use between 1841 and 1878. An analysis of the glass composition seems to be necessary to find out whether it also suffered from a rising freezing point. Lamont replaced the Hohenpeissenberg thermometer in 1842 by a new instrument produced in his own workshop. One still existing Lamont thermometer, but not that one of Hohenpeissenberg, was re-calibrated and the zero point found to have lowered by ?1.4°C. Since the opposite drift had been expected and the original Lamont-type Hohenpeissenberg thermometer is no longer available, no correction is justified for the period in which this thermometer was in use.  相似文献   
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