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Specific yield is an essential parameter for any groundwater management plan. Volumetric analysis in the domain of groundwater budgeting for the non-monsoon months has been undertaken for a typical watershed of the Deccan basalt province. The Torla Odha watershed covers an area of over 22 km2 on a third-order tributary of the westerly flowing Bhima River. The watershed receives a normal annual rainfall of 643 mm. The entire water demand is supplied by dug wells, which penetrate a shallow aquifer. The specific yield was estimated by comparing the monthly net volume of water removed from the aquifer, with the volume of aquifer de-saturated, based on monthly water level data. The estimated specific yield ranges from 0.0019 in May to 0.0173 in November with an average value of 0.0093. A correlation of the groundwater levels with the detailed geology suggests that the higher specific yield value (0.017) corresponds to dewatering of the weathered zone within the shallow aquifer. The specific yield of the massive basalt immediately below the weathered zone varies from 0.0089 to 0.0103. The underlying vesicular basalt, which is dissected by sheet joints, has a relatively higher specific yield (0.0121). The massive basalt, which forms the base of the shallow aquifer system, has a lower specific yield from 0.0019 to 0.0022.
Résumé Le débit spécifique est un paramètre essentiel pour tout plan de gestion des eaux souterraines. Les analyses volumétriques, dans le cadre des bilans hydriques des eaux en dehors des mois de mousson, ont été entreprises pour un bassin-versant typique de la province basaltique du Deccan. Le bassin-versant du Torla Odha couvre une superficie de 22 km2, et alimente l’affluent du troisième ordre de la rivière Bhima, qui coule vers l’Ouest. La pluviométrie annuelle atteint 643 mm. Toute la demande en eau es assurée par des puits foncés pénétrant dans l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique a été estimé en comparant le volume net mensuel d’eau captée dans l’aquifère, avec le volume de l’aquifère dé-saturé, basé sur les données des niveaux piézométriques mensuels. Le débit spécifique estimé s’étend entre 0,0019 en Mai et 0.173 en Novembre; la moyenne se situe à 0,0093. Une corrélation entre les niveaux des eaux souterraines et la géologie, suggère que les débits spécifiques les plus importants (0,017) correspondent aux zones altérées de l’aquifère phréatique. Le débit spécifique du massif basaltique, immédiatement sous la zone altérée, varie entre 0,0089 et 0,0103. Le basalte vésiculaire, situé juste en dessous et traversé par des diaclases parallèles, possède un débit spécifique sensiblement plus élevé (0,0121). Le basalte massif, qui forme la base de l’aquifère phréatique, possède un débit spécifique moins important, compris entre 0,0019 et 0,0022.

Resumen El rendimiento específico es un parámetro esencial para cualquier plan de manejo de aguas subterráneas. Se ha llevado a cabo el análisis volumétrico, en el entorno de balance de aguas subterráneas, para los meses sin monzón de una cuenca típica de la provincia de basaltos Deccan. La cuenca Rorla Odha cubre un área de 22 km2 en un tributario de tercer orden del Río Bhima que fluye al oeste. La cuenca capta una lluvia anual normal de 643 mm. La totalidad de la demanda de agua es abastecida por pozos manuales que penetran un acuífero somero. Se estimó el rendimiento específico al comparar el volumen neto mensual de agua removido del acuífero con el volumen de agua de-saturado estimado a partir de datos de niveles de agua mensuales. Los valores estimados de rendimiento específico varían de 0.0019 en mayo a 0.0173 en noviembre con un valor promedio de 0.0093. La correlación de niveles de agua subterránea con la geología de detalle sugieren que el valor más alto (0.017) de rendimiento específico corresponden con el desaguado de la zona de intemperismo dentro del acuífero somero. El rendimiento específico del basalto masivo que se encuentra inmediatamente debajo de la zona de intemperismo varía de 0.0089 a 0.0103. El basalto vesicular subyacente, el cual está disectado por fracturas laminares, tiene un rendimiento específico relativamente más alto (0.0121). El basalto masivo, que forma la base del sistema de acuífero somero, tiene un rendimiento específico más bajo el cual varía de 0.0019 a 0.0022. Palabras clave: basalto Deccan. India. Rendimiento específico. Recarga de agua subterránea. Balance hídrico.
A Ka-band backscatter model and an algorithm for measurement of the wind speed and direction over the sea surface by a frequency-modulated continous-wave radar demonstrator system operated in scatterometer mode have been developed. To evaluate the proposed algorithm, a simulation of the wind vector retrieval has been performed.  相似文献   
This letter proposes an estimation of microwave transmissivity within the Canadian boreal forest. The aim is to correct the forest effect in snow water equivalent estimation from Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer microwave measurements. The estimation was carried out using ground-based radiometric measurements, at 19 and 37 GHz, and for both polarizations. The results show that the transmissivity is correlated with the stem volume and is independent of the tree species. For high stem volumes (>100 m/sup 3//ha), the transmissivity is found to be 0.4 and 0.3 for 19 and 37 GHz, respectively.  相似文献   
The letter is devoted to the introduction of a new technique to derive the cloud bottom height (CBH) from satellite measurements of the cloud reflectance in the oxygen A-band. The information on the cloud top height needed in the retrieval of the CBH must be obtained from separate measurements to insure small biases in the retrieved CBH. Such measurements can be performed by a space-based lidar.  相似文献   
A new geographic information system (GIS) numerical framework (NF), called CUENCAS, for flows in river networks is presented. The networks are extracted from digital elevation models (DEMs). The program automatically partitions a basin into hillslopes and channel links that are required to correspond to these features in an actual terrain. To investigate the appropriate DEM resolution for this correspondence, we take a high-resolution DEM at 10-m pixel size, and create DEMs at eight different resolutions in increments of 10 m by averaging. The extracted networks from 10-30 m remain about the same, even though there is a tenfold reduction in the number of pixels. By contrast, the extracted networks show increasing distortions of the original network from 40-90 m DEMs. We show the presence of statistical self-similarity (scaling) in the probability distributions of drainage areas in a Horton-Strahler framework using CUENCAS. The NF for flows takes advantage of the hillslope-link decomposition of an actual terrain and specifies mass and momentum balance equations and physical parameterizations at this scale. These equations are numerically solved. An application of NF is given to test different physical assumptions that produce statistical self-similarity in spatial peak flow statistics in a Horton-Strahler framework.  相似文献   
Hydro-ecological modelers often use spatial variation of soil information derived from conventional soil surveys in simulation of hydro-ecological processes over watersheds at mesoscale (10–100 km2). Conventional soil surveys are not designed to provide the same level of spatial detail as terrain and vegetation inputs derived from digital terrain analysis and remote sensing techniques. Soil property layers derived from conventional soil surveys are often incompatible with detailed terrain and remotely sensed data due to their difference in scales. The objective of this research is to examine the effect of scale incompatibility between soil information and the detailed digital terrain data and remotely sensed information by comparing simulations of watershed processes based on the conventional soil map and those simulations based on detailed soil information across different simulation scales. The detailed soil spatial information was derived using a GIS (geographical information system), expert knowledge, and fuzzy logic based predictive mapping approach (Soil Land Inference Model, SoLIM). The Regional Hydro-Ecological Simulation System (RHESSys) is used to simulate two watershed processes: net photosynthesis and stream flow. The difference between simulation based on the conventional soil map and that based on the detailed predictive soil map at a given simulation scale is perceived to be the effect of scale incompatibility between conventional soil data and the rest of the (more detailed) data layers at that scale. Two modeling approaches were taken in this study: the lumped parameter approach and the distributed parameter approach. The results over two small watersheds indicate that the effect does not necessarily always increase or decrease as the simulation scale becomes finer or coarser. For a given watershed there seems to be a fixed scale at which the effect is consistently low for the simulated processes with both the lumped parameter approach and the distributed parameter approach.  相似文献   
The present work was aimed to compare the abilities of radar and optical satellite data to estimate crop canopy cover, which is a key component of productivity estimates. Three ERS-1 SAR images were obtained of East Anglia (UK) in 1995 and one ERS-2 SAR image in 1996. The images covered a study area around the IACR Brooms Barn Sugar Beet Research Institute. Field data comprising radiometric and biophysical measurements of the crop canopy were collected in two fields from June 22 to August 3, 1995 to coincide with ERS-1 SAR overpass dates. In 1996, field data were collected in two fields from June 11 to July 29 on a weekly basis. A previously calibrated version of the water cloud model was inverted to estimate Leaf Area Index (LAI) from ERS-1 and ERS-2 SAR backscatter and soil moisture samples. Canopy cover was estimated from the radar-estimated LAI using a standard exponential relationship that has a well-established coefficient for sugar beet. Radio-metrically and atmospherically corrected data from three SPOT images in 1995 and one SPOT image in 1996 were used to calculate the Optimised Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (OSAVI), from which crop canopy cover was estimated using a relationship determined previously by canopy modelling. The crop cover values estimated by satellite were in good agreement with those measured on ground with the Parkinson radiometer. Radar data may be able to provide useful estimates of canopy cover for crop production modelling, especially in the case of loss of optical data due to cloud.  相似文献   
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