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The dynamic radio spectrum of the class 3B solar flare of 1972, August 7, 15: 00 UT, over the band 10 to 2000 MHz is examined. Type II and type IV bursts in the spectrum are interpreted in terms of a piston-driven shock, which appeared to be travelling at a velocity of about 1500 km s?1 and which generated pulsations in the band 100 to 200 MHz as it passed through the corona. The progress of the shock through the interplanetary plasma was subsequently monitored by Malitson et al. with radio equipment covering the band 0.03 to 2.6 MHz on the IMP-6 satellite.
The zonal structure of the distribution of filaments is considered. The mean latitudes of two filament bands are calculated in each solar hemisphere at the minima of the sunspot cycle in the period 1924–1986: middle latitude
2, m
and low latitude
1, m
. It is shown that the mean latitude of the filament band
2, m
at the minimum -m of the cycle correlates, with = 0.94, with the maximum - M sunspot area S(M) and maximum Wolf number W(M) in the succeeding solar cycle M. It is shown that the mean latitude of the low-latitude filament band
1, m
is linearly dependent on the mean latitude filament band
2, m + 1 at the succeeding minimum. We found a correlation of the latitude of the low-latitude filament band
1, m
with the maximum sunspot area in the M + 1 cycle. This enables us to predict the power of two succeeding 11-year solar cycles on the basis of the latitude of filament bands at the minimum of activity, 1985–1986: W(22) - 205 ± 10, W(23) - 210 ± 10. The importance of the relationships found for theory and applied aspects is emphasized. An attempt is made to interpret the relationships physically. 相似文献
Under the Maxwell-Boltzmann approach, the study of nuclear reactions in dense astrophysical plasmas under various cases (such as resonant, non-resonant, modified non-resonant, non-resonant under electron screening, and so on) leads to a class of complicated reaction rate integrals. It is shown that this general class of integrals can be identified with an integral involving the product of twoH-functions. This latter integral is evaluated in this article, and following Buschman (1979), several similar results in the published literature are shown to be incorrect. 相似文献
A phenomenological model for the evolution of classical radio galaxies such as Cygnus A is presented. An activity cycle of the host galaxy in the radio begins with the birth of radio jets, which correspond to shocks on scales ~1 pc (the radio galaxy B0108+388). In the following stage of the evolution, the radio emission comes predominantly from formations on scales of 10–100 pc, whose physical parameters are close to those of the hot spots of Cygnus A (this corresponds to GHz-peaked spectrum radio sources). Further, the hot spots create radio lobes on scales of 103–104 pc (compact steep-spectrum radio sources). The fully formed radio galaxies have radio jets, hot spots, and giant radio lobes; the direction of the jets can vary in a discrete steps with time, creating new hot spots and inflating the radio lobes (as in Cygnus A). In the final stage of the evolutionary cycle, first the radio jets disappear, then the hot spots, and finally the radio lobes (similar to the giant radio galaxies DA 240 and 3C 236). A large fraction of radio galaxies with repeating activity cycles is observed. The close connection between Cygnus A-type radio galaxies and optical quasars is noted, as well as similarity in the cosmological evolution of powerful radio galaxies and optical quasars. 相似文献
Long-period natural-source electromagnetic data have been recorded using portable three-component magnetometers at 39 sites in 1998 and 2002 across the southern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia that forms part of the Gawler Craton. Site spacing was of order 5 km, but reduced to 1 km or less near known geological boundaries, with a total survey length of approximately 50 km. A profile trending east – west was inverted for a 2D electrical resistivity model to a depth of 20 km across the southern Eyre Peninsula. The main features from the models are: (i) on the eastern side of the Gawler Craton, the Donington Suite granitoids to the east of the Kalinjala Shear Zone are resistive (>1000 Ωm); (ii) the boundary between the Donington Suite granitoids and the Archaean Sleaford Complex, which has much lower resistivity of 10 – 100 Ωm, is almost vertical in the top 10 km and dips slightly westwards; and (iii) two very low resistivity (<1 Ωm) arcuate zones in the top 3 km of Hutchison Group sediments correlate with banded iron-formations, and are probably related to biogenic-origin graphite deposits concentrated in fold hinges. Such features suggest an extensional regime during the time period 2.00 – 1.85 Ga. We suggest that the resistivity boundary between the Donington Suite and the Archaean Sleaford Complex represents a growth fault, typical for rift systems that evolve into a half-graben structure. In the graben basin, low-resistivity shallow-marine Hutchison Group sediments were deposited. Folding of the sediments during the Kimban Orogeny between 1.74 and 1.70 Ga has led to migration of graphite to the fold hinges resulting in linear zones of very low resistivity that correlate with banded iron-formation magnetic anomalies. 相似文献
Chronology of the high-pressure metamorphism of Norwegian garnet peridotites/pyroxenites 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
Eclogite facies mineral assemblages are variably preserved in mafic and ultramafic rocks within the Western Gneiss Region (WGR) of Norway. Mineralogical and microstructural data indicate that some Mg–Cr-rich, Alpine-type peridotites have had a complex metamorphic history. The metamorphic evolution of these rocks has been described in terms of a seven-stage evolutionary model; each stage is characterized by a specific mineral assemblage. Stages II and III both comprise garnet-bearing mineral assemblages. Garnet-bearing assemblages are also present in Fe–Ti-rich peridotites which commonly occur as layers in mafic complexes. Sm–Nd isotopic results are reported for mineral and whole rock samples from both of these types of peridotites and related rocks. The partitioning of Sm and Nd between coexisting garnet and clinopyroxene is used to assess chemical equilibrium. One sample of Mg–Cr-type peridotite shows non-disturbed partitioning of Sm and Nd between Stage II garnet and clinopyroxene pairs and yields a garnet–clinopyroxene–whole-rock date of 1703 ± 29 Ma (I= 0.51069, MSWD = 0.04). This is the best estimate for the age of the Stage II high-P assemblage. Other Stage II garnet–clinopyroxene pairs reflect later disturbance of the Sm–Nd system and yield dates in the range 1303 to 1040 Ma. These dates may not have any geological significance. Stage III garnet–clinopyroxene pairs typically have equilibrated Sm–Nd partitioning and two samples yield dates of 437 ± 58 and 511 ± 18 Ma. This suggests that equilibration of the Stage III high-P assemblage is related to the Caledonian orogeny and is more or less contemporaneous with high-P metamorphism of ‘country-rock’eclogites in the surrounding gneisses. The Sm–Nd mineral data for the Fe–Ti-rich garnet peridotites and for a superferrian eclogite, which occurs as a dyke within the Gurskebotn Mg–Cr-type peridotite, are consistent with a Palaeozoic high-P metamorphism. Finally a synoptic P–T–t path is proposed for the Mg–Cr-type peridotites which is consistent with the petrological and geochronological data. 相似文献
Thermal and exhumation history of the central Rwenzori Mountains, Western Rift of the East African Rift System, Uganda 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
F. U. Bauer U. A. Glasmacher U. Ring A. Schumann B. Nagudi 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》2010,99(7):1575-1597
The Rwenzori Mountains (Mtns) in west Uganda are the highest rift mountains on Earth and rise to more than 5,000 m. We apply
low-temperature thermochronology (apatite fission-track (AFT) and apatite (U–Th–Sm)/He (AHe) analysis) for tracking the cooling
history of the Rwenzori Mtns. Samples from the central and northern Rwenzoris reveal AFT ages between 195.0 (±8.4) Ma and
85.3 (±5.3) Ma, and AHe ages between 210.0 (±6.0) Ma to 24.9 (±0.5) Ma. Modelled time–temperature paths reflect a protracted
cooling history with accelerated cooling in Permo-Triassic and Jurassic times, followed by a long period of constant and slow
cooling, than succeeded by a renewed accelerated cooling in the Neogene. During the last 10 Ma, differentiated erosion and
surface uplift affected the Rwenzori Mtns, with more pronounced uplift along the western flank. The final rock uplift of the
Rwenzori Mtns that partly led to the formation of the recent topography must have been fast and in the near past (Pliocene
to Pleistocene). Erosion could not compensate for the latest rock uplift, resulting in Oligocene to Miocene AHe ages. 相似文献
A. P. Dykes 《Landslides》2007,4(3):279-290
The West Mouth of the Great Cave at Niah in Sarawak, northwest Borneo and the North Passage that leads to the West Mouth contain
large deposits of guano. The main deposit, several metres thick in places, forms the sloping floor of the entire North Passage.
A mass movement deposit identified in the West Mouth, having a volume of 600 m3, originated as a guano mudflow up the North Passage in the order of 40,000 years ago. This failure of the guano slope was
investigated to determine whether particular conditions or events could be identified as the most likely causes. The physical,
hydrological and geotechnical properties of samples of the material were determined so that the stability of the slope could
be assessed. Stability analyses showed that shearing failure of the slope would require inputs of water to the slope in quantities
for which no feasible explanation can be suggested. However, the properties of the guano are similar to those of loess, indicating
a high susceptibility to ‘hydrocollapse’. Very shallow failure of the slope, possibly as several smaller mudflows, could therefore
have occurred due to additional water in quantities that could realistically be supplied as rainwater spray, possibly with
a seismic trigger. The climate must therefore have been wetter than it is at present. These findings have implications for
the interpretation of sediment deposits in other relict caves. 相似文献
Tyrone L. Daulton Brenda J. Little Douglas A. Blom 《Geochimica et cosmochimica acta》2007,71(3):556-565
We demonstrate that Shewanella oneidensis, a metal-reducing bacteria species with cytoplasmic-membrane-bound reductases and remarkably diverse respiratory capabilities, reduced Cr(VI) to Cr(II) in anaerobic cultures where chromate was the sole terminal electron acceptor. Individual cell microanalysis by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) using electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDXS) demonstrates Cr(II) concentrated near the cytoplasmic membrane, suggesting the terminal reduction pathway is intracellularly localized. Further, estimated cellular Cr(II) concentrations are relatively high at upwards of 0.03-0.09 g Cr/g bacterium. Accumulation of Cr(II) is observed in S. oneidensis cells prior to the formation of submicron-sized precipitates of insoluble Cr(III) on their surfaces. Furthermore, under anaerobic conditions, Cr(III) precipitates that encrust cells are shown to contain Cr(II) that is likely bound in the net negatively charged extracellular biopolymers which can permeate the surfaces of the precipitates. In otherwise nearly identical incubations, Cr(III) precipitate formation was observed in cultures maintained anaerobic with bubbled nitrogen but not in three replicate cultures in an anaerobic chamber. 相似文献