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中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及幔源捕虏体中的流体组成   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
张铭杰  王先彬 《地质学报》1999,73(2):162-166
中国东部新生代碱性玄武岩及其幔源二辉橄榄岩捕虏体中的流体组分存在差异,幔源二辉橄榄岩形成于以H2,CO等还原性气体为主的流体环境中,其流体组分以含H2高,挥发性气体总量低为特征;碱性玄武岩中流体组分以CO2,SO2和挥发性气体总量高为特征,在其形成演化过程中有SO2等氧化性气体的流体加入。  相似文献   
The inverse relationship between the warm phase of the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall(ISMR) is well established. Yet, some El Ni?o events that occur in the early months of the year(boreal spring) transform into a neutral phase before the start of summer, whereas others begin in the boreal summer and persist in a positive phase throughout the summer monsoon season. This study investigates the distinct influences of an exhausted spring El Ni?o(springtime)...  相似文献   
里奥格兰德裂谷仍有地质活动发生的证据,主要有第四纪断层作用、地震活动和裂谷低速扩张。利用绘制的地壳厚度与地震波速比所生成的约束地壳模型横剖面,来突出里奥格兰德裂谷南部的区域扩张。计算了147个台站的接收函数和它们的叠加,使用的数据包括地球透镜计划美国台阵移动阵列、以前收集的美国西南部数据,并使用克里金插值方法对地壳和速度结果进行了插值。再将上述接收函数结果作为反演密度剖面的一个约束条件,得到了一个新的、优化的重力反演方法。最终,得到了约束地壳模型。该模型显示里奥格兰德裂谷南部地区存在浅层莫霍面(30km),此结果比前人得到的要厚。在盆岭区,里奥格兰德裂谷西部地壳分层,接近大平原的里奥格兰德裂谷东部存在较厚的地壳,且伴有密度大的低速层。我们也发现特拉华盆地表现出显著的地球物理异常,其原因可能是该盆地存在厚的饱和沉积物。考虑到其他研究中并没有发现该区域有深部地幔异常,本文提出裂谷可能是上地幔小尺度对流的结果,并得出里奥格兰德裂谷处于盆岭区和大平原的最小边界处,也可能是板块俯冲的终点。  相似文献   
位于辽西凌源市南部的牛营子-邓杖子地区侏罗系地质问题多年来困扰着地质学家。争论最多的构造形迹是一套平面上呈狭长矩形,以断层为界的近直立中元古界常州沟组石英岩,及局部长城系顶部地层。这套地层绵延35 km,呈北北东展布。其西界为近直立的大齐子断层(新命名断层)和大部分向东倒转的陡倾下侏罗统邓杖子组;东界为近直立的朱杖子断层(新命名断层)和西倾的中侏罗统郭家店组。前人的构造解释倾向于大齐子断层为邓杖子组一侧下降的陡倾正断层,朱杖子断层为郭家店组一侧下降的陡倾逆断层。文中不同意这样的解释,并发现有证据表明上述两个断层都形成于之前尚未识别出的侏罗纪构造事件时期。将大齐子断层解释为早侏罗世晚期-中侏罗世早期形成的一条向西逆冲的断层,沿着它使长城系推覆于邓杖子组之上,然后,该逆冲断层上、下盘地层共同卷入后期褶皱变形当中。朱杖子断层原本为正断层,形成于原来未识别出的中侏罗世伸展变形阶段,并构成了郭家店半地堑边界断层。朱杖子断层沿着向东倾斜的常州沟组石英岩与串岭沟组页岩的界面发育。随着断层的发育,位于常州沟组石英岩之上的串岭沟组及长城系上部地层发生拆离沉降并被埋藏在半地堑之下。随后,发生在中侏罗世晚期或晚侏罗世早期收缩构造变形,改造了邓杖子-常州沟-郭家店组构造组合的几何形态。本期改造导致以下结果:(1)朱杖子正断层发生反转成为逆断层;(2)蓟县系沿着杨杖子-瓦房店逆冲断层向东掩覆于断层围限的长城系地层及相邻侏罗系之上。同时,邓杖子组倾角加大并向东倒转。研究表明,辽西地区的侏罗纪构造演化过程远比原先所认为的要复杂。  相似文献   
尽管场地响应现象已是全球都公认的,然而对澳大利亚的许多地区,之前并没有研究过风化层属性对地震动的影响。为了描述风化层能改变地震动的特性,本文通过验证研究评估了为一级地震危害性和灾害风险评估的应用而编制的澳大利亚全国场地分类图。在缺乏风化层厚度和基本周期数据的情况下,场地类别根据在加利福尼亚研制的利用地质材料与地层上部30m的剪切波速度(VS30)的关系的方法进行归类。随后将这一分类方案调整到适合澳大利亚的地质环境,包括对这一稳定地质构造中通常碰到的原地风化表层土存在的校正。本文所得结果用纽卡斯尔、悉尼和珀斯市区各种第四纪沉积环境和横跨澳大利亚各种场地基岩优势环境的地球物理数据和岩土数据进行了验证。这些分析的结果说明了在地震危险性评估的场地类别中应用限定深度的剪切波速度方法的有效性,但同时也突出了局限性。  相似文献   
High-resolution clay mineral records combined with oxygen isotopic stratigraphy over the past 190 ka during late Quaternary from core MD01-2393 off the Mekong River in the southern South China Sea are reported to reconstruct a history of East Asian monsoon evolution. The dominating clay mineral components indicate a strong glacial-interglacial cyclicity, with high glacial illite, chlorite, and kaolinite contents and high interglacial smectites content. The provenance analysis indicates the direct input of clay minerals via the Mekong River drainage basin. Illite and chlorite derived mainly from the upper reach of the Mekong River, where physical erosion of meta-sedimentary rocks is dominant. Kaolinite derived mainly from active erosion of inhered clays from reworked sediments in the middle reaches. Smectites originated mainly through bisiallitic soils in the middle to lower reaches of the Mekong River. The smectites/(illite+chlorite) and smectites/kaolinite ratios are determined as mineralogical indicato  相似文献   
西北非海域的陆缘地貌因受到顺陆坡而下和平行于陆坡两个方向沉积物运移作用的相互影响而有很大改变。在几个航次的调查中,通过地球物理、沉积学和地球化学方法,对位于12°~26°N之间的塞内加尔和毛利塔尼亚海域的沉积物运移作用进行了调查。测深和高分辨率地震资料被用于研究再沉积的延伸范围以及内部结构。根据这些测量结果进行了沉积物取芯,并进行了沉积学和地球化学分析。  相似文献   
We report the astronomical identification of the cyanomethyl radical, CH2CN, the heaviest nonlinear molecular radical to be identified in interstellar clouds. The complex fine and hyperfine structures of the lowest rotational transitions at about 20.12 and 40.24 GHz are resolved in TMC-1, where the abundance appears to be about 5 x 10(-9) relative to that of H2. This is significantly greater than the observed abundance of CH3CN (methyl cyanide) in TMC-1. In Sgr B2 the hyperfine structure is blended in the higher frequency transitions at 40, 80, and 100 GHz, although the spin-rotation doubling is clearly evident. Preliminary searches in other sources indicate that the distribution of CH2CN is similar to that for such carbon chain species as HC3N or C4H.  相似文献   
南海北部陆架区两个台风过境时近惯性运动的若干特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Features of near-inertial motions on the shelf(60 m deep) of the northern South China Sea were observed under the passage of two typhoons during the summer of 2009. There are two peaks in spectra at both sub-inertial and super-inertial frequencies. The super-inertial energy maximizes near the surface, while the sub-inertial energy maximizes at a deeper layer of 15 m. The sub-inertial shift of frequency is induced by the negative background vorticity. The super-inertial shift is probably attributed to the near-inertial wave propagating from higher latitudes. The near-inertial currents exhibit a two-layer pattern being separated at mid-depth(25–30 m), with the phase in the upper layer being nearly opposite to that in the lower layer. The vertical propagation of phase implies that the near-inertial energy is not dominantly downward. The upward flux of the near-inertial energy is more evident at the surface layer(17 m). There exist two boundaries at 17 and 40 m, where the near-inertial energy is reflected upward and downward. The near-inertial motion is intermittent and can reach a peak of as much as 30 cm/s. The passage of Typhoon Nangka generates an intensive near-inertial event, but Typhoon Linfa does not. This difference is attributed to the relative mooring locations, which is on the right hand side of Nangka's path(leading to a wind pattern rotating clockwise with time) and is on the left hand side of Linfa's path(leading to a wind pattern rotating anti-clockwise with time).  相似文献   
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