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对采自南海南沙群岛永暑礁水域的小刺豆荚软珊瑚Lobophytummicrospiculatum的化学成分进行了研究,分离出7个化合物。其中化合物1为新的神经酰胺,命名为小刺酰胺。化合物3为22-表-孕马烷甾醇,首次从软珊瑚中分离到。  相似文献   
海岛是捍卫国家权益、保障国防安全的战略前沿。在我国海权建设和军民融合建设的大背景下,面对我国海岛治理"赤字",探究海岛管理与军民融合制度之间的关系显得尤为重要。文章通过对我国海岛管理军民融合内涵及意义的分析,在对其发展历程和现状进行充分了解的基础上,着重剖析了海岛管理军民融合所面临的挑战,试图探索建立与丰富海岛管理制度,切实推进习近平强军思想落地生根。  相似文献   
为了研究不同湍流模型在建立数值水槽中的适用性,选用计算流体力学软件,采用S-A、标准的k-着及RNG k-着 等8种不同的湍流模型对水槽中的波浪进行了数值模拟,通过对比得到:RNG k-着模型不仅具有较高的精度,而且又节省计 算资源,较其它模型更具优势。  相似文献   
第11届国际河流沉积学大会于2017年7月17日-21日在加拿大卡尔加里大学举行,每四年举行一次的国际河流沉积学学术会议,吸引了当今北美、欧洲、澳洲及亚洲从事河流沉积学及相关学科研究的众多知名学者参会,研究成果充分体现了当前国际河流沉积学研究取得的重要进展和发展方向。重要进展有:1)河流动力学及其变化过程研究。其中包括将今论古法论现代河流沉积过程与古老地层对比,河道-洪泛平原体系的越岸复合沉积动力学,河流动力学与变化过程研究展望,恢复河道迁移过程:新一代平面图演化模式的讨论,冲积河流和基岩河流的湍流、颗粒间作用和沉积作用;2)陆缘河流。包括河流入海处的地貌动力学与沉积学,河流补给边缘的沉积物搬运、地貌和地层特征,干旱地区河流、冲积扇体系与风的相互作用,植被生长前、无植物生长、或是植被发育区河流的沉积过程研究;3)河流沉积地层及其地下资源。包括源-汇系统,"河流相模式"是否有用的讨论,辫状河、网状河、曲流河概念的厘定等;4)河流地貌变化。包括气候改变、泥泞植被洪泛平原等对河流沉积物通量、河流模式等产生影响,河道中冲积岛屿的演化和稳定河流的蛇曲化,河流环境中沉积物生物作用等。基于上述资料分析,认为河流演化过程从定性向定量化研究,物理模拟与数值模拟技术是河流沉积学研究不可或缺的手段,应用定量建模、数学计算等方法进行精准研究,碎屑锆石U-Pb定年技术是新一代从源到汇研究的重要工具等诸多方面,是我国学者应该重视并开展研究的方向。  相似文献   
内蒙古元宝山露天煤矿是国内外罕见的特大富水型露天煤矿,为解决多年疏干排水造成的生产成本高和环保风险大等问题,拟采用截水帷幕技术对矿坑渗流补给通道进行帷幕截流。通过分析矿坑水文地质和工程地质条件,提出弧形半封闭落底式帷幕与群井疏干水力帷幕相结合的地下水控制方式,采用防渗膜垂向隐蔽叠覆铺设与抗渗混凝土充填工艺,在矿坑高程+452 m平盘开展帷幕试验研究,建造一座平面长度1 369 m、平均深度29 m、有效厚度大于0.8 m、底部嵌入基岩面3 m的截水帷幕。试验研究过程中,确定了元宝山露天矿的截水帷幕工艺,获得其单幅槽段开挖长度(14 m)、护壁泥浆密度(1.05~1.25 g/cm3)和防渗膜叠覆宽度(1 m)等主要技术参数,提出防渗膜水下磁吸式连接技术,通过加装磁条,利用阴阳磁吸原理实现防渗膜叠覆处的水下自粘连。试验工程结束后,通过取心验证、流场分析和流量变化等方法检验帷幕墙的质量和截水效果。结果表明:混凝土浇筑充填连续、密实;墙体内外水位差已达15 m以上;盲沟补给流量消失,截水效果显著。试验研究证实截水帷幕技术适用于元宝山露天煤矿,为后续工程开展提供了关键技术参数,完善了我国露天煤矿截水帷幕技术体系。   相似文献   
A particular non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang (高于庄) Formation might demonstrate that a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma besides other three events of the Proterozoic,respectively,occurred at ca. 2 000 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 675 Ma. The forming duration of this non-stromatolitic carbonate succession can be generally correlative to that of a similar depositional succession in North America,i.e. a non-stromatolitic carbonate succession made up by the Helena Formation of the Belt Supergroup,which suggests that the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma may be a global event. This information endows the non-stromatolitic carbonate succession making up the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation in the Yanshan (燕山) area with important significance for the further understanding of Precambrian sedimentology. The Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation in Yanshan area is a set of more than 1 000 m thick carbonate strata that can be divided into four members (or subformations). The first member (or the Guandi (官地) subformation) is marked by a set of stromatolitic dolomites overlying a set of transgressive sandstones; the second member (or the Sangshu'an (桑树鞍) subformation) is a set of manganese dolomites with a few stromatolites; the third member (or the Zhangjiayu (张家峪) subformation) is chiefly made up of leiolite and laminite limestones and is characterized by the development of molar-tooth structures in leiolite limestone; the fourth member (or the Huanxiusi (环秀寺) subformation) is composed of a set of dolomites of stromatolitic reefs or lithoherms. Sequence-stratigraphic divisions at two sections,i.e. the Jixian (蓟县) Section in Tianjin (天津) and the Qiangou (千沟) Section of Yanqing (延庆) County in Beijing (北京),demonstrate that a particularly non-stromatolitic succession making up the third member of the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation is developed in the Yanshan area of North China,in which lots of grotesque matground structures (wrinkle structures and palimpsest ripples) are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Qiangou Section and lots of molar-tooth structures are developed in beds of leiolite limestone at the Jixian Section. The time scale of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation is deduced as 200 Ma (from 1 600 Ma to 1 400 Ma). The duration of an obvious hiatus between the Gaoyuzhuang Formation and the underlying Dahongyu (大红峪) Formation is deduced as 50 Ma to 100 Ma,thus the forming duration of the GaoyuzhuangFormation is thought as 100 Ma (1 500 Ma to 1 400 Ma). Furthermore,the age of the subface of the third member of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation that is just in the mid position of the Gaoyuzhuang Formation can be deduced as about 1 450 Ma,which is the basis to infer a stromatolite decline of the Mesoproterozoic occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma. Importantly,several features of both the molar-tooth structure and the stromatolite,such as the particular forming environment,the important facies-indicative meaning,and the episodic distribution in the earth history,might express the evolutionary periodicity of the surface environment of the earth and can provide meaningful clues for the understanding of the Precambrian world,although their origin and forming mechanism is highly contentious. Therefore,like other three stromatolitic declines,respectively,occurring at ca. 675 Ma,ca. 1 000 Ma,and ca. 2 000 Ma,the identification of the stromatolite decline occurring at ca. 1 450 Ma during the Golden Age of stromatolites (2 800 Ma to 1 000 Ma) has important meaning for the further understanding of the evolving carbonate world of the Precambrian.  相似文献   
系统分析了三峡井网8口井水位对汶川8.0级地震的同震响应及其后效特征,揭示出这些特征因井而异,其差异性在井孔结构相似的条件下主要取决于井点的构造部位、观测含水层的地下水埋藏类型、含水层的导水系数等条件;深入研究了井水位同震后效特征中残留阶升与阶降的力学含义及其地震预测意义,并用仙女山断裂带上近期地震活动验证了残留阶升区可能是未来地震危险区的科学推论.   相似文献   
根据国内外已发生的水库诱发地震的基本特点,结合三峡工程诱发地震地下水监测网与金沙江下游水电工程地下水监测网建设的经验及我国地震地下水动态观测网建设与运行中得到的科学认识,探讨了水库诱发地震的地下水监测井网建设中的布网区及其范围、观测井间距确定、观测井位置选择、观测含水层选择与观测井深度和结构设计等若干技术问题.  相似文献   
Land surface temperature is a key parameter in monitoring the status of crop water stress by remote sensing, and studying the water and energy balance in cropland ecosystem. The component temperatures of crop and soil are especially significant in remote …  相似文献   
According to the relevant laws and policies in our country,and combining with the actual conditions of the northeast mountain region of Yunnan province,the guiding principles and objectives of land utilization strategy in the region are drew up,the scheme of the regulation of land use structure in 1997~2030 is mapped out,and the strategical measures of exploitation and utilization of land resources is put forward.The main conten ts of the strategical scheme are  相似文献   
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