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Based on a zonally non-uniform mean circulation in summer simulated by numerical modelling,perturbation heatings ever South Asia and a perturbation cooling over Northwest Australia were incorporated in a numerical model to discuss their effects on summer monsoon over Asia and the structure of flow disturbance.  相似文献   
Shen  ZL 束龙仓 《世界地质》1991,10(1):156-157
不同地球化学环境中化学元索相对富集和不足而引起地方病的问题在地城广阔的中国是十分严重的。高氟浓度的地下水覆盖面积巨大在中国北部地区几乎到处可见。大约有5000万人饮用这种高氟浓度的地下水,其氟的最大含量达40mg/L,至于人类活动引起的环境问题是非常严重的。水资源已在很大程度上遭到污染,中国42个城市55个地表水供水水源的监测显示58.5%的水NH-N超标,23.4%NO_3-N超标,33.3%挥发酚超标,41.9%悬浮物超标。中国地表水的污染超过80%。大量的污水,渣滓和有害工业废液排进上起Dukon下至上海的长达3500km的长江河段上。其它河流也逃脱不了这种灾难,沿着美丽的松花江,由于吉林省三大化工厂含汞废水的排入,使饮用河水的人体内汞的集聚量达16.5mg.大大超过了每50kg体重10mg汞的界限。  相似文献   
In this paper, four problems are discussed: (1) the monsoon circulation over southern Asia; (2) the seasonal variation of the general circulation of the atmosphere; (3) the influence of the monsoon on the rainfall in southwestern China; and (4) the source region of water vapor for the rainfall in the Changjiang valley.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONItisdebatedaboutthetotallateraldisplacementalongthemainboundaryfaultsofintraplateblocksineasternAsiacontinentinCenozoicera .Inthe 1 970sof2 0thcentury ,somescientistshades timatedlateraldisplacementbasedongeomorphicdata .Theyproposedthatthetotald…  相似文献   
I.horoductionPleNorthwestPacificOceanisti1elnostfrequentlyaffeCtedareaoftropicalcyclone(TC).AboLIt36percentTCoftheworldoccurinffosarea[2],andthenumberofTCWhichlandedonChinawiti1n1akimumwindforcescalesoverlOisabout35percentofti1atintheeastemcoastalcoLUitriesofAsia[l].BothrainstormsandfloodsMide,theidriuenceofTCareheaVyinChina,suchastherainfalldePthof2749mm/3datXinliao,Taiwanandpeakdischargeof44,6oOm'/satHuanggo(55,42okn'),YalujiangRjver.Therefore,TCisanimportantfaCtorforflooddisas…  相似文献   
登陆过程中热带风暴"黄蜂"螺旋云带的分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
分析了热带风暴"黄蜂"在登陆过程中逐小时高分辨红外云图上的螺旋云带及其强对流云团的变化规律.从强对流云团发展为主螺旋云带的演变过程中,螺旋云带主要表现为其前端的对流逐渐加强,其余部分逐渐减弱,以及前端的强对流云团总体表现为旋入运动且维持时间较长,而其余部分的云团总体表现为远离中心等的特征.初步探讨了螺旋云带结构变化与风暴强度之间的关系和"黄蜂"在登陆后迅速减弱的可能原因.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONThe initial state of the atmosphere is one of the keyfactors that affect the result of NWP. With thedevelopment of increasingly finer NWP, the quality ofinitial atmospheric state has been drawing more andmore attention[1-7]. GRAPES 3D- Var(G…  相似文献   
We present quasi-simultaneous VLBI images of the GHz-Peaked-Spectrum radio source OQ 208 obtained with the Very Long Baseline Array at 1.4,1.7,2.3,5.0,8.4,15.4GHz and the European VLBI Network at 6.7 GHz.The low frequency(1.4,1.7 and 2.3GHz)ob- servations reveal a weak and extended steep-spectrum component at about 30mas away at position angle-110°,which may be a remnant emission.The radio structure of OQ 208 con- sists of two mini-lobes at 5.0,6.7,8.4 and 15.4 GHz.Our spectral analysis further confirms that the southwest lobe undergoes free-free absorption and finds that the free-free absorption is stronger in the inner region.By fitting the 8.4 GHz images from 1994 to 2005,we obtain a separation speed of 0.031±0.006 mas yr~(-1)between the two mini-lobes.This indicates a jet proper motion of 0.105±0.020 c and a kinematic age of 219±42 yr for the radio source.  相似文献   
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