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临沂市城市建设发展迅速,城市面貌日新月异,但高楼密集、交通拥挤等问题也逐渐显现出来,城市建设需要更多的空间,开发利用城市地下空间已是首要解决的问题。临沂市位于沂沭断裂带与临沂单斜、平邑-方城盆地多个地质单元的交会处,断裂构造发育,地震活动强烈,地质条件复杂,城市地下空间开发的影响因素众多,该文从水文及水文地质条件、工程地质条件、环境地质条件、人类工程活动等方面对临沂城市地下空间资源地质环境适宜性进行了分析研究,提出了其主要制约因素为极其发育的活动性断裂的看法,凡是活动性断裂对地下空间开发有影响的区域,均为地下空间资源开发制约区。评价结论对于提高城市发展格局、提高城市空间利用率、指导城市空间开发利用规划具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
本刊讯3月9日,河南省委常委、省委秘书长李文慧到固始县陈淋子镇红花村调研扶贫开发及土地整理工作。固始县陈淋子镇红花村是河南省国土资源厅对口扶贫村。红花村土地整理项目建设总规模为475.67公顷,总投资1080.88万元,建设工期一年,该项目于2015年4月开始动工,目前工程已接近尾声。在项目区即将完工的水库旁,李文慧秘书长一边  相似文献   
2月26日上午,宁陵县柳河国土资源所院内非常热闹。一位60多岁的农民给国土资源所送来一面鲜红的锦旗,上书8个金色大字:"秉公执法,为民解忧。"国土资源所副所长张庆雨用熟络的口吻说:"跟您说了别这样搞,咋还花这闲钱?"这位农民名叫赵孝青,是宁陵县柳河镇吕河村村民。10年前,村集体给他家安排了一块宅基地,是给他儿子分户建  相似文献   
We describe organogenesis at a histological level in American shad (Alosa sapidissima) larvae from 0 until 45 days after hatching (DAH). Larval development was divided into four stages based on the feeding mode, external morphological features, and structural changes in the organs: stage 1 (0–2 DAH), stage 2 (3–5 DAH), stage 3 (6–26 DAH) and stage 4 (27–45 DAH). At early stage 2 (3 DAH), American shad larvae developed the initial digestive and absorptive tissues, including the mouth and anal opening, buccopharyngeal cavity, oesophagus, incipient stomach, anterior and posterior intestine, differentiated hepatocytes, and exocrine pancreas. The digestive and absorptive capacity developed further in stages 2 to 3, at which time the pharyngeal teeth, taste buds, gut mucosa folds, differentiated stomach, and gastric glands could be observed. Four defined compartments were discernible in the heart at 4 DAH. From 3 to 13 DAH, the excretory systems started to develop, accompanied by urinary bladder opening, the appearance and development of primordial pronephros, and the proliferation and convolution of renal tubules. Primordial gills were detected at 2 DAH, the pseudobranch was visible at 6 DAH, and the filaments and lamellae proliferated rapidly during stage 3. The primordial swim bladder was first observed at 2 DAH and started to inflate at 9 DAH; from then on, it expanded constantly. The spleen was first observed at 8 DAH and the thymus was evident at 12 DAH. From stage 4 onwards, most organs essentially manifested an increase in size, number, and complexity of tissue structure.  相似文献   
8月16日,在修武县西村乡当阳峪村后坡通往山顶的小道上,国土资源执法人员将木板与机器捆绑在一起,推着笨重的卷扬机,在所长康向明的指挥下一步一步地往前挪动……  相似文献   
乔迁之喜着实让张庄土地协管员大李全家高兴不已,望着满屋新置的家当,媳妇玉枝高兴得一整天小曲儿没停口,特别是他那7岁的宝贝儿子小宝逢人便炫耀自家的房子,好像他在学校里拿了一个大奖似的高兴。可不是,要不是赶上好政策——镇里搞新农村建设整体规划  相似文献   
Anthropogenic nutrient discharge poses widespread threats to coastal ecosystems and has increased environmental gradients from coast to sea. Bacterioplankton play crucial roles in coastal biogeochemical cycling, and a variety of factors af fect bacterial community diversity and structure. We used 16 S r RNA gene pyrosequencing to investigate the spatial variation in bacterial community composition(BCC) across five sites on a coast-of fshore gradient in the East China Sea. Overall, bacterial alpha-diversity did not diff er across sites, except that richness and phylogenetic diversity were lower in the of fshore sites, and the highest alpha-diversity was found in the most landward site, with Chl-abeing the main factor. BCCs generally clustered into coastal and of fshore groups. Chl-a explained 12.3% of the variation in BCCs, more than that explained by either the physicochemical(5.7%) or spatial(8.5%) variables. Nutrients(particularly nitrate and phosphate), along with phytoplankton abundance, were more important than other physicochemical factors, co-explaining 20.0% of the variation in BCCs. Additionally, a series of discriminant families(primarily affiliated with Gammaproteobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria), whose relative abundances correlated with Chl-a, DIN, and phosphate concentrations, were identified, implying their potential to indicate phytoplankton blooms and nutrient enrichment in this marine ecosystem. This study provides insight into bacterioplankton response patterns along a coast-of fshore gradient, with phytoplankton abundance increasing in the of fshore sites. Time-series sampling across multiple transects should be performed to determine the seasonal and spatial patterns in bacterial diversity and community structure along this gradient.  相似文献   
正"停工、停工,必须立即给我停工,否则,我就要掀摊子,把垒好的墙统统推倒!"一个气得浑身发抖的年轻人吕帆(化名),看着近1米高的屋墙吼叫着。这时,40多岁的贾建国(化名)故作镇静:"老弟,你这是咋呼啥,  相似文献   
对漳县含盐红层盆地的构造节理、褶皱等构造形迹进行野外观察、测量、分期配套,应用吴氏网赤平投影法来反演古构造应力场。分析表明,漳县红层盆地白垩系沉积地层形成后至少经历了4期构造活动:第一期构造应力场的最大主压应力方向为NW-SE向,第二期构造应力场的最大主压应力方向为NE-SW向,第三期构造应力场的最大主压应力方向近E-W向,第四期构造应力场的最大主压应力方向近S-N向,4期构造应力场中间主压力轴(δ2)多近于直立。反演结果显示,该区域自白垩系沉积后区域构造特征以走滑作用为主。  相似文献   
最小二乘相位解缠算法是一种全局算法,快速稳定简单易实现,但该算法未绕过相位不连续区易造成误差的全局扩散,导致结果存在较大误差.针对最小二乘相位解缠算法的缺陷,提出一种高精度相位解缠方法.该方法在基于快速傅里叶变换的最小二乘解缠算法基础上,采用误差迭代补偿技术,补偿解缠误差.仿真和实测相位数据的实验结果表明,该方法可有效提高解缠精度,且在仿真实验的定量分析中得出,在强相位噪声条件下,该方法的解缠精度比最小二乘算法提高一个数量级.  相似文献   
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