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This study aimed to evaluate the potential impacts of an introduced clam Mercenaria mercenaria on estuarine ecosystem, and implications for the niche competition with a native clam Meretrix meretrix. The biodeposition, respiration, and excretion rates of M. mercenaria were determined seasonally using a sediment trap and a closed respirator in field. The biodeposition rates of M. mercenaria were 0.06–0.37 g/ (ind.·d), and the respiration rates were 0.31–14.66 mg/(ind.·d). The ammonia and phosphate excretion rates were 0.18–36.70 and 1.44–14.87 μg/(ind.·d), respectively. The hard clam M. mercenaria may discharge dry deposits up to 2.1×105 t, contribute 18.3 t ammonia and 9.0 t phosphate to culture ponds, and consume 7.9×103 t O2 from ponds annually. It suggested that the hard clam M. mercenaria might play an important role in pelagic-benthic coupling in pond ecosystem through biodeposition and excretion. A comparison of the key physiological parameters of the introduced clam M. mercenaria and the native clam Meretrix meretrix suggested that M. mercenaria had a niche similar to that of Meretrix meretrix in Shuangtaizi estuary and might have a potential competition with Meretrix meretrix for habitat and food if M. mercenaria species escaped from the culture pond or artificially released in estuarine ecosystem.  相似文献   
泥蚶肌肉组织蛋白质双向电泳体系的建立   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究建立了泥蚶肌肉组织蛋白质的双向电泳体系.提取泥蚶肌肉组织全蛋白,进行了双向电泳分离的初步尝试,并对各个关键因素和环节进行了优化比较.优化的裂解液配方是8mol/dm3 Urea,1.5mol/dm3 Thioruea,4% CHAPS,10mmol/dm3 Tris,2mmol/dm3 TBP,0.2%Bio-Lyte3/10ampholyte,1mmol/dm3 PMSF以及1mmol/dm3 EDTA.使用pH值为4~7的IPG胶条进行被动水化上样,等电聚焦采用缓慢升压模式,电泳参数设置和染色方法等根据Bio-rad公司推荐的进行调整.最终获得了较满意的双向电泳图谱,具有较高的分辨率和重复性,成功建立了泥蚶肌肉组织蛋白质双向电泳分离体系.  相似文献   
鲍的系统进化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鲍精子识别蛋白(lysin)为分子标记,通过对比已知的28种鲍lysin的氨基酸序列来研究鲍的系统发育特征。结果显示,28种鲍lysin的氨基酸序列存在很强的保守性特征,但在NH2-末端区域、适度变化的羧基末端、以及一些链内区域,氨基酸序列仍存在着高度多态性。造成上述现象的最主要原因是各种鲍所生存的环境条件控制了其进化方向,各种鲍因为精子识别蛋白序列上的差异性而成为具有生殖隔离特征的不同种,又因为其中的若干种所处的生态环境相似而造成其分子序列上的某些相似性。  相似文献   
本研究克隆和表达了刺参原肌球蛋白(Tropomyosin,TRP)基因,进一步研究刺参再生过程中重要分子的功能.结果表明,TRP基因序列总长为1203bp,5 ′非翻译区为105bp,3 ′非翻译区为240bp,该序列包含一个855bp的开放阅读框(open reading frame,ORF),编码284个氨基酸,分子量为33.27kDa,等电点为4.56.利用Escherichia coli对TRP进行了体外重组表达,在1mmol/L IPTG和37℃条件下诱导,能产生分子质量约为38kDa的重组蛋白,Western blot证明重组TRP与鼠抗刺参原肌球蛋白的多克隆抗体能特异性结合.  相似文献   
This paper reports results of study on the contents of proteins, amino acids, polysaccharose and uronic acids in 30 species of macroalgae from Shicao, Heishijiao, Shimiao, and Xiaofujiazhuang in the vicinity of Dalian City, N.E.China. The results showed that the protein contents of the 30 algae from highest (112.55μg/ml) to the lowest (0.24 p.g/ml) was in the descending order of Dictyopteris ndalata, Gelidium vagum,Gymnogongrus japonican, Ectocarpus confervoides, Tinocladia crassa, Sargassum thunberii. In general, the protein content in red algae was higher than that in brown algae. The content of free ami no acids showed nosignificent differences from 7.44μg/ml-4.96μg/ml in all these algae, in the descending order of Gymnogongrusrus japonican, Sargassum confusum, Undoria pinnatifida, Laminaria japonica and Ectocarpus confervoides. The content of polysaccharose varied from 168.2 gg/ml-22.15 p.g/ml in the descending order of Symphyocladiaia tiuscula, Scytosiphon lomentarius, Desmarestia viridis., Tinocladia crassa, Gracilaria asiatica and Porphyra yezoensis. The content of uronic acids is from 196.24μg/ml-20.77μg/ml in the descending order of Ulva lactuca,Symphyoclaldia latiuscula, Scytosiphon lomentarius, Ceramimum kondoi, Gracilaria vemucosa and Porphyra yezoensis. The fatty acids in 30 species of algae belong to Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta and Phaeophyta. Most phaeophytes have many (4-12) types of fatty acids.  相似文献   
Cu,Zn和Cd对5种单细胞藻的酶基因表达调控的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了在Cu2 +、Cd2 +和Zn2 +的毒害作用下 ,三角褐指藻 (PhaeodactylumtricornutumBohlin) ,湛江叉鞭藻 (IsochrysiszhanjiangensisHu &Lui) ,绿色巴夫藻 (PaviovaviridisTsengChenetZhang) ,青岛大扁藻 (Platymonashelgolandicavar.TsingtaoensisTsengetT.J.Chang) ,小球藻(Chlorellasp.)等单细胞藻的苹果酸脱氢酶发生了明显的变化。其中 ,不同种类重金属离子对该酶的基因表达作用不同 ,即使是同种离子但浓度不同 ,这种作用也不同。一般情况下高离子浓度抑制了酶基因的表达。低离子浓度促进了表达。但也有例外 ,如Cd2 +(24.53μg/ml)、Zn2 +(24.31,16.21μg/ml)促进三角褐指藻MDH 1座位等位基因的表达量 ;Cd2 +(24.53,12.26μg/ml)促进小球藻MDH 1座位等位基因的表达量。由此可推出 ,重金属离子可以干扰等位基因的表达 ,并在等位酶的活性上表现出来  相似文献   
采用双向电泳技术,对浙江乐清无花纹和有花纹文蛤外套膜的全蛋白进行了研究,并利用质谱和软件对差异蛋白进行了分析。经PDQuest软件分析,在pH4—7,分子量14.3—200kD之间,无花纹文蛤样品中检测到682±24个蛋白质点,有花纹样品检测到600±35个蛋白质点,平均匹配率为84.5%。研究结果显示,两种文蛤共有256个点存在差异表达,这些差异点可能与贝壳的颜色和花纹形成有关。其中98个点为无花纹文蛤特有,57个点为有花纹文蛤特有,另有101个点在表达量上存在两倍以上差异。在无花纹贝壳中发现分子量为42kD左右,等电点为6.4左右,与库蚊的肌动蛋白(分子量为41.7kD,等电点为5.3)匹配率较高;分子量为29kD,等电点为5.6,与飞鱿的肌动蛋白(分子量为29kD,等电点为5.25)匹配率较高的两个蛋白质。在有花纹文蛤中发现了分子量为27kD左右,等电点为4.8,与丽文蛤属的肌浆钙结合蛋白(分子量为20.8kD,等电点为4.98)匹配率较高。  相似文献   
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