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On the basis of the current measurements from the moored Long Ranger ADCP in the upper 450 m layer and the deep current measurements at 2000 and 2300 m from the moored cur-rent meters with the time series data of about 7 months at the mooring station in the northeastern South China Sea, the spectral analyses and calculation have been made. The major results are as follows: (ⅰ) From the progressive vector diagrams of the observed daily currents at the water lev-els from 50 m to 400 m, its temporal variation of velocity rotated counterclockwise in most of the observing time. This agrees basically with the result from the qualitative analysis of the sea surface height data, which was obtained from TOPEX/ERS-2 altimeter data by CCAR. The daily and monthly average velocities are both the largest in November, next in October and minimum in Au-gust. (ⅱ) At the 2000 and 2300 m levels, the daily and monthly average velocities are both the largest in January, next in September and minimum in August. From the seasonal change of cur-rents, the current velocity is the strongest in winter (January-March), next in autumn, and weak in summer. (ⅲ) There exists the variation of tidal current with the change of depth. In the upper layer, the height of diurnal peak is higher than that of semidiurnal peak. However, the semidiurnal peak is higher than the diurnal peak at the levels from 200 m to 400 m. In the layers above 450 m the clockwise component is dominant in their fluctuations. In the layers below 1500 m the diurnal peak is again higher than the semidiurnal peak. (ⅳ) There is the prominent periodic fluctuation of more than two months in the layer from 50 m to 2300 m. The period of this prominent peak is 75 d and its fluctuation is counterclockwise in the upper 450 m layers, and is 68 d and 69 d at the depths of 2000 and 2300 m, respectively, and the counterclockwise component is dominant in their fluctua-tions. (ⅴ) There are the variations of periods fluctuating with the change of depth in the upper 450 m layers. For example, when f>0, there are the prominent fluctuations of about 22 d and 15 d pe-riods at the 50 and 100 m levels. However, there are no such periods at the layer from 200 m to 400 m, where only the fluctuation of about 13 d period occurs. (ⅵ) There are the fluctuations with periods of more than one month, 23 d and 15 d at the 2000 m and 2300 m levels. (ⅶ) In the layer from 50 m to 2300 m there are the following prominent peaks: ⅰ) the fluctuation in the period range of about 4-8 d, which occurs in the weather process; ⅱ) the fluctuation with inertial period, the fluctuation is clockwise; and ⅲ) the fluctuations with short periods of about 8 h and 6 h. (ⅷ) From the cross spectral estimates between two time series, it is shown that there are significant coherence peaks with the periods of more than two months (T = 68.3 d) and more than one month between the two time series of currents at 2000 m and 2300 m depths, and also those with periods of about half a month (15.5 d), 2 d and so on between two time series of currents at 100 m and 2300 m depths.  相似文献   
以寒区气候和冻土变化及影响为主线,系统梳理回顾了张廷军教授在四十多年冻土研究中所作出的重要贡献。凝练总结了张廷军教授在量化多年冻土及地下冰分布和变化、厘清寒区特殊陆面过程关键要素的交互作用、发展冻土数值模拟模型和诊断分析方法以及发展冰冻圈遥感方法四个方面所作的创新性成果,基于这些成果发表的论文多已成为冻土与气候变化研究方面的经典,极大提高了对寒区气候、冻土分布及变化的物理基础的认识,为冰冻圈科学事业作出了不可磨灭的贡献。张廷军教授四十余载的求真求实之路同样值得我们学习和铭记。  相似文献   
海南岛的湿地类型及其特点   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
海南岛为我国的第二大岛, 地理位置独特, 有丰富的湿地类型及资源。本文用遥感技术, 把海南岛的湿地分为4 个大类, 20 个类型。海南岛以近岸及海岸湿地为主, 占海南湿地总面积的50 % , 其中的浅海水域占海南湿地总面积的25 % 。海南的珊瑚礁湿地、红树林湿地在全国同类湿地中发育最好。本文还对海南岛湿地的生物多样性进行了描述及概括。  相似文献   
王康  刘佑荣  胡政  牛超颖  温韬 《岩土力学》2015,36(Z2):171-177
针对现有岩石损伤模型的局限性与不足,在深入探讨岩石变形损伤机制的基础上考虑岩石损伤的过程,提出损伤部分可分为损伤材料和因材料损伤而变化的微缺陷。在该基础上提出新的损伤定义,还提出了损伤材料与因材料损伤而变化的微缺陷之间的影响因子?,同时提出其参数确定方法,研究其基本性质。通过岩石微观受力分析,建立了岩石损伤模型。通过深入研究岩石有效应力与名义应力的关系,并引进统计损伤理论,建立岩石损伤统计本构模型。该模型能够充分地反映岩石的应变软化特性和应变硬化特性,且参数物理意义明确,应用将较为方便。最后,与实测结果及前人成果的比较分析,验证了该模型的合理性、可行性。  相似文献   
一种基于卷积的正弦波频率稳定度测量方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了通过离散卷积实现对频率稳定度的测量,介绍了该方法的原理和实现过程,并且与通用的硬件频率测量仪器进行比较,结果表明,与仪器测量频率稳定度的方法相比,此方法灵活简单,测量精度和仪器测量结果一致性较好.  相似文献   
以平凉中心地震台的水氡和气氡为研究对象,利用氡浓度、气温和气压的五日均值,在气温、气压上升段和下降段内分别计算氡浓度与两者的相关系数,分析气温和气压对平凉台水氡和气氡短期变化的影响。结果显示气温和气压对氡浓度的短期影响显著,并存在以下特征:在相关性分析中,氡浓度与气温呈正相关,与气压呈负相关;在对氡浓度的影响程度上,气温的影响程度大于气压的影响程度;气氡相对于水氡,相关性更高;对震例的分析结果表明,相关性的突然降低,与周边发生地震存在一定关联。  相似文献   
2016年8月(夏季)、10月(秋季)和2017年1月(冬季)、5月(春季)于厦门海域开展的4次水质调查,探讨了该海域尿素的时空分布特征及其环境影响因素。结果表明:厦门海域表层尿素态氮平均含量表现为夏季春季秋季冬季,其值分别为3. 06±1. 09、2. 64±0. 82、2. 30±1. 43、1. 67±0. 79μmol/dm~3。底层尿素态氮平均含量表现为春季夏季秋季冬季,其值分别为3. 13±0. 95、2. 70±1. 25、1. 65±0. 80、1. 56±0. 88μmol/dm~3。厦门海域尿素分布总体呈现出河口、内湾高于外部海域的分布格局;由厦门海域尿素含量的时空分布特征及其与环境要素相关性分析结果表明,厦门海域尿素的时空分布不仅受陆地径流输入和陆源排污的影响,还有可能受到海水养殖、海洋生物活动以及潮流的影响,这些影响因素共同调控着厦门海域尿素的时空分布格局。在春季,尿素是厦门海域可利用氮源的重要组成成分,尤其是在大嶝海域。  相似文献   
阿扎哈达石英脉型铜铋矿床位于二连—东乌旗多金属成矿带中段。铜铋热液矿化过程从早到晚可以分为3个阶段,分别为石英-黄铁矿-黄铜矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-黄铁矿-黄铜矿-辉铜矿-辉铋矿-自然铋-萤石阶段(Ⅱ)和晚期石英-方解石阶段(Ⅲ)。铜铋矿化主要产于Ⅱ阶段石英脉中。流体包裹体类型主要为气液两相包裹体。测温结果显示Ⅰ阶段富气相包裹体均一温度变化范围为224~427 ℃,盐度(w(NaCleq)为16.0%~22.4%;富液相包裹体均一温度为229~410 ℃,盐度为9.2%~22.2%。Ⅱ阶段富气相包裹体均一温度为245~343 ℃,盐度为17.8%~20.5%;富液相包裹体均一温度为180~361 ℃,盐度为10.5%~21.3%。Ⅲ阶段富液相包裹体均一温度为132~262 ℃,盐度为3.4%~19.4%。成矿热液整体上属于中温、中等盐度流体。单个包裹体激光拉曼分析表明气液相成分主要是H2O,含少量CH4,指示成矿流体属于NaCl-H2O±CH4体系。C-O同位素数据(δ13CV-PDB值范围为-6.7‰~-1.4‰,δ18OV-SMOW值为-2.4‰~+11.5‰)表明成矿流体主要来源于岩浆水,晚阶段有大气降水的混入。黄铁矿S同位素组成(1.3‰~9.5‰)指示成矿物质主要来源于岩浆热液,并有部分地层物质加入。黄铁矿Pb同位素组成208Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb和206Pb/204Pb值变化范围分别为38.081~38.229、15.561~15.602和18.270~18.383,所有数据点均落在造山带铅范围内,表明成矿物质主要来源于侵位的花岗岩,同时地层提供了部分成矿物质。结合流体包裹体和同位素地球化学研究,文章认为温度下降及水岩反应是导致矿质沉淀的重要机制。  相似文献   
二庄科滑坡是典型受降雨影响的滑坡,降雨改变了老滑坡的渗流场,削弱基质吸力和土体抗剪强度,导致内部产生张拉裂缝,引发整体滑动和局部大变形,但现有研究很少考虑二庄科滑坡的渗流场与应力场的相互作用。文章基于实际工程地质灾害背景,在现场监测数据和地形物理参数的基础上,建立了几何计算模型,并进行水力耦合数值模拟。通过研究滑坡内部饱和度和孔压的变化规律来探讨降雨入渗规律,从应力位移的角度探讨降雨强度对滑坡复活的影响规律。此外,为了验证方法的准确性和可行性,选取了滑坡实测点位并找到了数值模型对应位置,对位移、土压力和饱和度三个方面进行了对比分析,得出数值模型能较好地反映实际情况的结论。通过数值模拟耦合计算和降雨条件下老滑坡复活机制的研究,对实测数据进行解释并分析滑坡复活过程,为后续工程预警和减灾工作提供理论基础和技术指导。  相似文献   
通过礼乐盆地构造-地层-沉积分析,查明了其构造演化及沉积充填特征,揭示了其与南海扩张事件的成因联系,为南海边缘海演化研究提供了参考.研究结果表明:礼乐盆地新生代构造-沉积演化经历了3个差异显著的阶段,即古新世-早渐新世陆缘裂陷-滨浅海碎屑岩沉积阶段、晚渐新世-早中新世裂离漂移-浅海碳酸盐岩沉积阶段、中中新世以来周缘前陆...  相似文献   
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