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根据波尔近似,借助于波动积分方程,近似求解半无限弹性空间中平面SH波由圆形空腔和刚性包体所散射的问题。获得了空腔表面上的散射位移、作用于被包体上的剪应力、半空间表面形变以及远场位移的近似公式。在数值计算中,ka(k=波数,a=空腔或被包体的半径)取为1.0,γ(SH波的入射角,从垂向方向起算)取为π/4。  相似文献   
我们根据地貌工作者和第四纪地质学工作的人数、专业团体会员人数及其有关出版物等情况对美国地貌学家的活动状况做一个综述。美国的地貌学出现于19世纪末期。当时的地质学和地理学还紧密联系在一起的。当地理学成为一个独立学科时,其成员主要是自然地理学家和学过地质学的地貌学工作者。在本世纪30年代期间,地理学家们反对环境决定论的模式,地貌学的重要性有所下降。  相似文献   
九、对应分析 (一) 方法概述对应分析是在R—型与Q—型因子分析基础上发展起来的一种多元统计方法,它把R—型和Q—型因子分析结合起来,综合考虑变量之间、样品之间及变量与样品之间关系。它揭示了R—型与Q—型分析之间的两重性,以较少重要的几个公共因子的综合指标去研究对象在成因上或空间上的联系,应用载荷平面投影图研究不同地质成因的空间分布规律与不同类  相似文献   
信访工作是党和政府联系广大群众的主渠道,是维护社会稳定的"桥头堡".近年来,随着我市经济社会发展对土地需求量的不断加大,土地信访工作压力越来越大,任务越来越艰巨.对此,全市国土资源系统以去年8月中央和省、市集中处理信访突出问题及群体性事件联席会议的召开为契机,把"发展第一要务,稳定第一责任"的要求落实到具体工作中,全力以赴,狠抓落实,较好地遏制了土地信访的高发态势,去省赴京越级信访明显减少.去年8月以来,土地信访量平均每月比7月份下降35.7%,土地信访形势开始好转.  相似文献   
城市政府要实现对土地市场的高度垄断和集中统一管理,必须解决存量土地的控制问题。我国土地使用制度改革十几年的经验和教训证明,政府如果不能对存量土地进行有效控制,集中统一管理就是一句空话,控制建设用地供应总量就不可能落实,土地招、拍、挂制度就难于推行,国有资产流失就会堵而不止。土地收购储备制度的出现、发展和完善,使这个问题迎刃而解,政府对土地市场的调控管理能力得到了大大加强,并在推进城镇化进程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   
人类赖以生存的地理环境以各种不同的时间尺度在演变。地理环境的任何变化都会对各种生命有机体从而也对人类发生或是有利的、或是不利的多方面影响。较小的短时间尺度的变化,所产生的影响可以只是局地性的或区域性的,但也往往足以成为灾难。较大的长时间尺度的变化影响范围广大、后果深远,甚至可以迫使人类不得不作出全球性的经济与社会调整。  相似文献   
勘查地球化学对异常评价的最大不确定性源于对地球化学景观特性的认识不够。我们应用构造相空间的方法分析了浙江儒岙幅(1:5万)水系沉积物测量的Ag含量数据,揭示了地球化学景观是具有低维吸引子(DZ≈2.9)的混饨系统。这一发现将对勘查地球化学中采样密度的选择、地球化学场模拟、异常评价等根本性问题产生重大影响。  相似文献   
A new species of Liagora,L.perennis sp.nov.from Hawai’i,is described.Unlike dpecies of this genus in China,it is carpotetrasporangial,and at the place of expected carposporangia bears cruciately di-vided tetrasporangia,a detail which differentiates it from the usual species of Liagora without tetraspores that have been reported in China.Notes are provided on other Liagora species that have an impact on the taxonomy of species found in China.  相似文献   
From elements formed in interstellar furnaces to humans peering back at the stars, the evolution of life has been a long, intricate and perhaps inevitable process. Life as we know it requires a planet orbiting a star at just the right distance so that water can exist in liquid form. It needs a rich supply of chemicals and energy sources. On Earth, the combination of chemistry and energy generated molecules that evolved ways of replicating themselves and of passing information from one generation to the next. Thus, the thread of life began. This chart traces the thread, maintained by DNA molecules for much of its history, as it weaves its way through the primitive oceans, gaining strength and diversity along the way. Organisms eventually moved onto the land, where advanced forms, including humans, ultimately arose. Finally, assisted by a technology of its own making, life has reached back out into space to understand its own origins, to expand into new realms, and to seek other living threads in the cosmos.  相似文献   
Theoretical rotational excitation rates were computed for C3H2 in collisions with He atoms at temperatures from 30 to 120 K. The intermolecular forces were obtained from accurate self-consistent field and perturbation theory calculations, and collision dynamics were treated within the infinite-order sudden approximation. The accuracy of the latter was examined by comparing with the more exact coupled states approximation.  相似文献   
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