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三维激光扫描技术在数字城市中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三维激光扫描技术具有精度高、速度快、真实感强、数据量大、作业安全等众多优点,应用领域日益广泛。通过三维激光扫描仪对建筑物进行扫描作业和数据处理,建立建筑物的三维模型,并以Leica的ScanStation2地面三维激光扫描仪为例,讨论激光扫描仪在数字城市中的应用。  相似文献   
【目的】分析湖光岩玛珥湖流场、温度、密度、浮性频率的三维空间结构、时间演变及其与风场的关系。【方法】于2017年1-4月,用三维超声风速仪、安德拉海流计、ADCP、CTD等进行每月一次的观测,对现场风速,流速、温盐等实测数据进行分析。【结果】表层平均流速为0.05 m/s,其中,表层的平均流速在1-2月为0.03 m/s,在3-4月较大,为0.08 m/s。流向以南向或东南向为主,与观测风向大致吻合。垂向上,次表层流速较小,为0.02 m/s,近底层流速有增大的趋势。1-2月观测表层温度为18.5~21.5℃,温度随深度的增加而下降。跃层主要出现在2~5 m,温度梯度为0.2℃/m。3-4月温度升高到19~26℃,温跃层加深,出现在6~10 m,温度梯度最大达到0.8℃/m。水深2 m处,近岸水浅站位表现为高温低密,12 m处部分深水站位呈现高温。  相似文献   
胶州湾全域的变态物理模型以团岛至薛家岛的狭窄口门处为单边界.依据相似理论,确定胶州湾全域物理模型的水平比尺和垂直比尺分别为1∶700和1∶70.由几何比尺给出模型的流速比尺、糙度比尺、水流时间比尺、流量比尺及潮量比尺.设计胶州湾整体模型的试验水池为宽40 m、长50m、深1 m.试验采用翻板尾门加双向泵以水位控制为主的...  相似文献   
2012年夏季海南岛东岸上升流区的混合观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The turbulent mixing in the upwelling region east of Hainan Island in the South China Sea is analyzed based on in situ microstructure observations made in July 2012. During the observation, strong upwelling appears in the coastal waters, which are 3℃ cooler than the offshore waters and have a salinity 1.0 greater than that of the offshore waters. The magnitude of the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy ε in the upwelling region is O(10–9 W/kg), which is comparable to the general oceanic dissipation. The inferred eddy diffusivity K_ρ is O(10–6 m~2/s), which is one order of magnitude lower than that in the open ocean. The values are elevated to K_ρ≈O(10–4 m~2/s) near the boundaries. Weak mixing in the upwelling region is consistent with weak instability as a result of moderate shears versus strong stratifications by the joint influence of surface heating and upwelling of cold water.The validity of two fine-scale structure mixing parameterization models are tested by comparison with the observed dissipation rates. The results indicate that the model developed by Mac Kinnon and Gregg in 2003 provides relatively better estimates with magnitudes close to the observations. Mixing parameterization models need to be further improved in the coastal upwelling region.  相似文献   
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