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台湾海峡海洋捕捞业管理策略和投资方向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴天元 《台湾海峡》1997,16(2):239-244
本文收集了1985 ̄1994年福建省在台湾海峡生产的具有代表性的50对拖网渔船、120艘单拖渔船、48组灯光围网渔船、38对大围缯渔船、31艘定置网渔船的技术参数及生产资料,计算并分析了其适正捕捞力量、经济指标,得出了一些有益的结论:(1)根据台湾海峡渔业资源,把握正确的投资方向,已成为进一步发展海洋捕捞业的关键。(2)由于台湾海峡的渔业资源正遭受越来越大的压力,为了保护渔业资源,应当限制捕捞力量  相似文献   
基于车载激光扫描的带状地物表面快速重建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据带状地物空间形态特征以及车载激光扫描系统对带状地物数据采集的特点,提出对相邻两条扫描线数据构建三角网进而完成整个带状地物表面快速重建方法。该方法充分利用了每条扫描线获取带状地物横截面的特点,相邻两条扫描线构建的三角网能准确地反映其所覆盖的狭长条带区域的形态结构,把所有狭长条带连接起来便能准确地描述整个带状地物的形态结构。在网格构建过程中自动建立点、线、面间的拓扑关系或隐含拓扑关系,查询和动态更新操作都限制在非常狭小的范围内,便于快速重建。  相似文献   
Sea ice as a disaster has recently attracted a great deal of attention in China. Its monitoring has become a routine task for the maritime sector. Remote sensing, which depends mainly on SAR and optical sensors, has become the primary means for sea-ice research. Optical images contain abundant sea-ice multi-spectral information, whereas SAR images contain rich sea-ice texture information. If the characteristic advantages of SAR and optical images could be combined for sea-ice study, the ability of sea-ice monitoring would be improved. In this study, in accordance with the characteristics of sea-ice SAR and optical images, the transformation and fusion methods for these images were chosen. Also, a fusion method of optical and SAR images was proposed in order to improve sea-ice identification. Texture information can play an important role in sea-ice classification. Haar wavelet transformation was found to be suitable for the sea-ice SAR images, and the texture information of the sea-ice SAR image from Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR) loaded on ENVISAT was documented. The results of our studies showed that, the optical images in the hue-intensity-saturation(HIS) space could reflect the spectral characteristics of the sea-ice types more efficiently than in the red-green-blue(RGB) space, and the optical image from the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite(CBERS-02B) was transferred from the RGB space to the HIS space. The principal component analysis(PCA) method could potentially contain the maximum information of the sea-ice images by fusing the HIS and texture images. The fusion image was obtained by a PCA method, which included the advantages of both the sea-ice SAR image and the optical image. To validate the fusion method, three methods were used to evaluate the fused image, i.e., objective, subjective, and comprehensive evaluations. It was concluded that the fusion method proposed could improve the ability of image interpretation and sea-ice identification.  相似文献   
余水位是潮汐预报中的"报不准"部分。在现有条件下,许多验潮站在对水位数据进行连续采集的同时,对气象数据还使用间隔时间采集的方式(若干小时采集一次)。使用间隔气象数据,按风向不同对气象数据、余水位数据进行分组,对风与余水位关系进行定性分析,对风-压与余水位关系进行拟合分析,并结合实例,对方法进行说明和检视。  相似文献   
恩平凹陷恩平A油田在新近纪位于古珠江三角洲前缘,一方面由于砂体普遍偏薄,使得储层预测难度大,另一方面由于三角洲前缘河流作用和海洋作用的往复交替,也使得三角洲沉积微相变化复杂,影响后期的增储上产。针对上述问题,本文在钻井小层精细对比的基础上,充分利用测井解释成果,依据古三角洲地势平坦、地层厚度变化小的特点,采用砂层组平均砂岩体积分数表征相对海平面的变化;并进一步利用岩心和地震沉积学方法,确定主力砂层组的平面沉积相展布。研究表明:研究区珠江组、韩江组的砂层组平均砂岩体积分数能够较好地表征古海平面的相对变化,可以实现对五级相对海平面变化的精细刻画。通过对砂层组级别砂体的沉积微相分析,表明相对海平面变化与三角洲的沉积微相演化具有良好的对应关系,验证了基于砂层组平均砂岩体积分数来表征相对海平面变化的方法具有可行性,可以用来预测三角洲的演化和砂体的叠加关系。  相似文献   
随着计算机技术在地质矿业部门的应用,建立地质矿产数据库,开发相应的数据库管理信息系统已成为必然。结合VB下地质矿产数据库管理系统开发的实践,针对地质矿产数据种类繁多的特点,对系统中数据输入与输出(I/0)的通用界面设计与功能实现方法进行了探讨,给出了相应的运行界面和编程思路。  相似文献   
长江口扁担沙动力地貌变化过程研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河口浅滩不仅为人类提供宝贵湿地资源,而且是调控河势演变的重要因素。研究河口浅滩动力地貌演变规律对航道整治、湿地生态开发及岸堤防护等具有重要价值。本文利用最近150多年的长江口历史海图资料、实测水深与水文泥沙数据,分析长江口南支最大的浅滩—扁担沙动力地貌演变格局及其变化机制。结果表明:(1) 1860−2016年期间,扁担沙反复历经淤积−冲刷−淤积,浅滩由最初水下阴滩发育出露而形成纺锤状沙体,随后演变为细长扁担状,沙尾切滩成爪状沙体,下扁担沙则伴随爪状缝隙被不断填充而淤长;(2)自1954年洪水到目前,扁担沙−2 m、−5 m等深线包络的面积与体积整体上均呈现增长态势,其中面积年均增长率分别为0.88 km2/a和0.81 km2/a,体积年均增长率分别为1.3×106 m3/a和5×106 m3/a;扁担沙浅滩在不同时期冲淤变化不同,其中1998年出现大幅度冲刷,平均冲刷厚度达到1.4 m;(3)扁担沙体积变化和长江入海泥沙的增减无直接联系,但与入海径流量的变化密切相关;(4)白茆沙“南强北弱”的河势、南北港分流工程以及东风西沙水库的建立导致扁担沙向北推移。  相似文献   
利用自动站降水数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,结合江苏入、出梅指标对2018年南京梅雨进行讨论,分析导致当年南京梅雨异常的环流因子特征。结果表明:1)当年入梅偏晚、出梅正常,梅雨分布不均匀,总量偏少,其中南部异常偏少8成;2)前期南支槽活动频繁,副热带高压相比同期偏南,季节北跳偏迟,且南亚高压主体偏强,位置偏东偏北,导致入梅偏迟;3)入梅后,副热带高压大幅度北抬,南亚高压东伸明显,加之东北冷涡活动弱,使得冷暖气流交汇偏北,因此江苏沿江地区梅雨量偏少;4)南京地区的梅雨量与6-7月副热带高压的南北跨度具有显著的负相关;5)东亚夏季风偏强时,南京中北部地区的梅雨量很可能偏少。  相似文献   
Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) technique was used to analyze the fingerprinting of four successive generations of Fenneropenaeus chinensis to reveal their disease-resistance traits. Some loci showed quite different genetic frequencies due to artificial selection, which implied that these fragments were putative markers related to the disease-resistance trait. We developed a simple and effective method to further characterize these AFLP fragments. Specific AFLP bands were cut directly from polyacrylamide gels, re-amplified, cloned and sequenced. Eight putative genetic markers were sequenced and their sizes ranged from 63 to 209 bp. The sequences were submitted to dbGSS (database of Genome Sequence Survey); and the BLAST analysis showed low similarity to the function genes, indicating these markers were tightly linked to a disease-resistance trait but were not functional genes.  相似文献   
近年来,海洋生态系统生态修复成效评估研究日益受到关注。本文梳理了国内外在红树林、珊瑚礁、海草床、盐沼湿地等四类典型海洋生态系统生态修复成效评估指标和评估方法方面的研究进展。结果表明,典型海洋生态系统在进行生态修复成效评估时,基于修复目标和修复方法,评估指标选取虽各有侧重,但主要包括生物和生境状况两个方面。多数生态修复项目的监测、评估都是在短期内进行的,缺乏长期、连续性监测,社会和经济相关指标的研究还相对较为缺乏。成效评估方法目前没有比较清晰、全面的分类。实际应用的评估方法较为单一,对海洋生态系统服务价值揭示不够全面。  相似文献   
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