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氨基酸在粘土高岭石上吸附等温线的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了4种氨基酸(甘氨酸,赖氨酸,天冬氨酸,谷氨酸)在粘土高岭石上的吸附等温线以及金属铜离子对其等温线的影响。研究表明,氨基酸在高岭石上的吸附等温线以及金属铜离子存在时的吸附等温线均属Langmuir型等温线;铜离子浓度增加时,其等温线斜率也增加,并认为体系可形成Ⅰ型三元表面络合物,铜离子对氨基酸在高岭石上等温线影响的规律和在相同体系中它对氨基酸在高岭石上交换吸附百分率E(%)-pH曲线的影响规律相一致。  相似文献   
物质海 -气通量计算新建议中将物质海 -气通量计算公式 F=K(CL- b Cg)中的 CL 用CL ( SML ) 代替。本文着重于对公式中质量迁移系数 K的讨论。在测定了海水微表层、次表层水粘度并同时测定了其它一些化学参量基础上 ,得出如下结论 :海水粘度与盐度、碱度有一定相关性 ;微表层与次表层海水的粘度变化小于 3%。因此 ,海水微表层效应影响 K值 ,与海水微表层效应影响物质浓度相比 ,可以不考虑。  相似文献   
This paper deals with the infrared spectra of " amino acid- clay , calcium carbonate and y-AlOOH" and " Cu (II )-clay-amino acid" model systems, and shows that the model of the ternary surface complex is M-OHLCu (L = amino acid) for marine solid particle-Cu (II)-amino acid. Study of the formation mechanism of the ternary surface complex shows that the specific surface area , and especially the intrinsic acidity constant, determine whether the ternary surface complex is easily formed, and that factor, FTSC,quantifies the relationship between the promoting effect of organics on Mt-marine solid particle ion exchange and the intrinsic acidity constant and specific surface area.  相似文献   
MODUonONThermsurmtofdissolvedorganiccarbon.(DoC)inseawaterhasprovedtobeaddricultandcontroversialproedurepeenneretal.,l992,l993,OgawaandOgam,l992,Tanoue,l992).InterestinthemeasurernentofDOCinseaytteyintenSfomtlyinoonnographicdedes(Sharp,l993)largeyduetothesuggestionthathighteIneratU-rcatalyticoxidationanalysisyieklshighervaluesthanhaditionalweoxidationmethods(SugdriraandSuzuki,l988).Thereportedhigherconcenttationsappeatalsignilicantforg1obaloasnfluxmodelingcyoggweiler,l992)andforunderst…  相似文献   
In this paper, the application of a homemade Nation and Co(Salen) modified platinum microelectrode and an ISO-NOPMC microsensor (World Precision Instruments, USA ) to measure nitric oxide in natural seawater is reported. These two microelectrodes are suitable for the measurement. In natural seawater, the sensitivity and stability of the ISO-NOPMC microsensor are higher than that of the homemade Nation and Co(Salen) modified platinum microelectrode.  相似文献   
疾病的发生与自然环境、社会环境和人群特点密切相关,其发生与流行通常具有一定的空间分布特征。针对目前在疾病空间聚集特征与影响因素的已有研究中,缺少两者关联关系的探讨,以及空间尺度多集中于省、市和县域,因此,本研究提出一种面向疾病空间聚集性与影响因素分析的方法。以武汉市的历史肺结核数据为例,进行基于乡镇尺度的肺结核发病率数据及影响因素数据的处理与整合,基于空间自相关方法分析2011年、2013年和2015年肺结核空间聚集情况;并运用地理探测器探测肺结核发病率空间分布的影响因素及交互作用,探究肺结核空间聚集的成因。结果表明:肺结核热点聚集乡镇主要分布在新洲区、江夏区和蔡甸区,冷点聚集乡镇主要分布在洪山区;植被指数、人口密度、人均GDP及五类兴趣点密度(医疗保健类、生活服务类、餐饮类、住宅类和农林牧渔类)为肺结核发病率空间分布的主要影响因素,其交互作用对肺结核发病率影响显著增强。研究成果可为武汉市肺结核防治提供科学参考。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION Bioavailability to the biota and the biogeo-chemistry of trace metals in marine environment areaffected by their chemical speciation in the naturalsystem (Bruland et al., 1991; Van den Berg andDonat, 1992; Wells et al., 1998). Therefore, thesetwo parameters, the ligands concentrations andconditional stability constants, are important todetermine the complexing capacity. Sea surface microlayer (SML), the thin interfa-cial boundary between ocean and atmosphere, playsan imp…  相似文献   
南黄海胶体有机碳和溶解有机碳的分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用切向超滤技术对胶体有机碳(COC)进行了有效分离,利用紫外/过硫酸钾法分别测定南黄海溶解有机碳(DOC)和COC的浓度。测定结果:南黄海表层水DOC的平均含量为340.0μmol/L;COC的浓度变化为30.2~125.0μmol/L,在DOC中所占的比例平均为30.9%,最高可达56.6%,结果表明,COC在有机碳的生物地球化学循环中起着重要作用;真溶解态有机碳(UOC)和COC之间的非相关性揭示了COC来源的复杂性。  相似文献   
A study on the curves of the exchange ratio E(%)-pH on the liquid-solid interface of the systems Zn(II) with clay minerals (Kaolinite , illite and montmorillonite), Zn(II) with hydrous ferric oxides (amorphous ferric oxide, goethite and hematite). Zn(II) with hydrous manganese oxide (y-MnOOH, manganite and 5-MnO2) etc . in seawater resulted in the discovery of new plateau type exchange ratio ?%)-pH curves not yet reported in literature. The two factors that decide the growth , decline and the change of the " plateau type " curve are : (1) the inherent characteristics of systems , which can be explained by the exchange constants i(i=1 ,2 , 3 . etc .) of interfacial stepwise ion / coordination particle exchange between liquid and solid ; and (2)The theory of interfacial stepwise ion/coordination(the amount of solid exchange reagent)particle exchange in seawater was applied to explain the experimental results of the above study and a general formula was derived for the plateau type exchange ratio E(%)-pH c  相似文献   
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