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热激蛋白研究概况及其在海洋生物中的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1热激蛋白的发现及主要特性自20世纪中叶第一次发现热激能诱导果蝇幼虫唾液腺染色体形成新的膨突后,进一步研究发现高温能使果蝇的蛋白质合成发生改变,正常的蛋白质合成被抑制,同时启动了一套新的蛋白质合成基因,新合成或增加合成一类应激蛋白,人们称这种反应为热激反应,由高温诱导合成的蛋白称为热激蛋白。以后研究逐渐发展到了昆虫、鸟类、哺乳动物、人类以及细菌、酵母等生物 ,发现从细菌到人类都具有合成热激蛋白的能力 ,因而认识到热激反应是一个普遍的生物现象[3]。热激蛋白最初被认为是生物体应答温度升高而表达的蛋白 ,…  相似文献   
The developmental fate of the pronuclei in recombined embryos obtained by transplanting the donor nuclei into the non-enucleated eggs remains controversial in the case of fish.In the present study,the nuclei from the loach blastulae were transplanted into non-enucleated zebrafish eggs,the resulting 9 inter-family nuclear transplant embryos developed to larval stages,Although the development timing of the nuclear transplants resembled that of zebrafish,chromosome examination revealed that most of the recombined embryos were diploids with karyotype characteristic of loach,which was also proved by RAPD analysis.Moreover,3 out of the 9 larval fish formed barb rudiments specific to loach.It was therefore concluded that the nuclear transplant larval fish were inter-family nucleo-cytoplasmic hybrids;and that only the donor nuclei were involved in the development of the nuclear transplant embryos,while the pronuclei in the non-enucleated eggs were likely automatically eliminated during the development.  相似文献   
文昌鱼嘌呤代谢酶基因:结构与演化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
嘌呤代谢是动物含氮废物排出体外的重要途径之一.嘌呤代谢终产物在不同动物各不相同.这是由于进化过程中,参与代谢1种或多种酶基因或者酶活性的丢失所致.本文从JGI网站佛罗里达文昌鱼基因组数据库中搜索文昌鱼参与嘌呤代谢主要5种酶(黄嘌呤脱氢酶、尿酸酶、尿囊素酶、尿囊酸酶、尿素酶)的基因,并且将它们与其他12种具有代表性且基因组序列已知的动物包括人、小鼠、狗、鸡、爪蟾、河豚、斑马鱼、海鞘、海胆、果蝇、线虫、海葵的基因结构进行比较.结果发现文昌鱼参与嘌呤代谢的酶基因有的和脊椎动物基因相似(黄嘌呤脱氢酶和尿酸酶),有的和脊椎动物与无脊椎动物的基因都不相似(尿囊酸酶),还有的和无脊椎动物海胆与海葵基因外显子个数与内含子相位都相似但外显子之间缺乏对应关系(尿素酶).所有这些都支持文昌鱼代表脊椎动物始祖代表类型,同时兼具特化特征的观点.尿素酶基因存在于水生无脊椎动物中,而在陆生的果蝇和线虫中均未发现尿素酶基因,因而我们推测随着动物由水生向陆生进化,参与尿素分解的尿素酶基因可能在陆生动物中完全丢失.  相似文献   
补体作为和适应性免疫存在联系的先天性免疫系统组成部分,在抵制细菌感染中起着重要作用.近一个多世纪关于细菌和补体系统的平行研究,致病菌逃避补体介导的调理吞噬及直接杀伤的基本机理已经为人们所了解.特别是近二、三十年来,有关细菌逃避补体识别和攻击机理研究取得一些新进展,结合作者近几年来相关研究,对此做了简要评述.  相似文献   
血浆淀粉样蛋白P成分(SAP)属于五聚体血浆蛋白家族,具有装配成五聚体和依赖于钙离子结合配体的能力。SAP最早是在1965年从人的各种淀粉样变性病淀粉状沉淀物中被发现的[1]。当时,人们只是简单地把它化分为糖蛋白类,并认为和正常血液循环中的糖蛋白类是一样。因此,称为血浆淀粉样蛋白P成分。后来,发现SAP在钙离子存在的情况下总是与补体C1的亚成分有稳定密切的联系。1975年,  相似文献   
Starfish oocytes with intact germinal vesicles (GVs) were cut along desired planes with glass needles or ligated using silk thread loops into two parts and allowed to mature in vitro, and inseminated. The experimental results showed that (1) only the parts with GVs or partial GV contents (PGVCs) cleaved, those without any GV materials did not; but nucleated and non-nucleated fragments cut from mature eggs were able to divide; (2) the development of animal parts of oocytes containing GVs or PGVGs was like that of animal fragments of matured oocytes with female pronuclei; most of them gave rise to permanent blastulae. and just a few formed ectodermal vesicles with a little primary mesenchyme; (3) a large part of vegetal fragments with GVs or PGVCs. and the vegetal parts of mature eggs without female pronuclei developed into small but normal embryos; (4) the fragments containing GVs or PGVCs obtained from the oocytes along a plane parallel to the animal-vegetal (A-V) axis developed as normally as the halve  相似文献   
包括人在内的哺乳动物凝血系统参与止血反应,是机体一种独特的保护性机能。凝血与溶血处于动态平衡状态,是一个精密控制的过程。血管破损血液必须快速准确地在破损处凝集,阻止血液外流。如果止血反应不够迅速,将血流不止,危及生命。相反,如果止血反应一直进行下去,也会导致血栓,同样危及生命。血凝过程是一个复杂的级联过程,参与反应的多种物质被称为凝血因子,其主要成分是蛋白质。  相似文献   
Estradiol, or 17-β-estradiol (E2), the most potent naturally occurring estrogen, is involved in the hormone-immune system interaction in both mammals and fish. However, in vivo studies are largely limited, and little is known about whether E2 exerts similar effects on both female and male zebrafish (Danio rerio). Here, we show exposure of both sexes of D. rerio to 20 nmol/L E2 resulted in a significant increase in Vg1 expression, but caused little damage to the hepatocytes, suggesting that this is the optimum E2 concentration. Also, exposure to 20 nmol/L E2 for 20 days caused a marked increase in plasma IgM levels, but had little influence on the peripheral leukocyte density, providing the first evidence of a hormone-immune system interaction in this species.  相似文献   
于1991年6月-1992年12月对青岛文昌鱼进行室内培育研究。结果表明:1.沙是青岛文昌鱼幼虫生长发育必需的,但在实验室条件下,细沙比全沙和粗沙更有利于其生存。2.就单胞藻而言,等鞭金藻是青岛文昌鱼幼虫生长和变态较理想的饵料。  相似文献   
It is unknown whether cytoplasmic determinants in goldfish eggs are asymmetrically localized beforematuration. In this study fully grown goldfish oocytes with infact germinal vesicles (GVs) were ligated withbaby hair loops along desired planes into two parts, mature in vitro, and inseminated. Embryos developedfrom the animal halves with GV of oocytes ligated along the equator un unable to undergoepiboly, while those developed from the GV-containing parts of oocytes ligated along the animal-vegetal axiswere able to. Also, embryos developed from the animal halves obtained from fertilized eggs could undergo epiboly. From there results, it was postulated that the goldfish's premature oocyte possessed a putativefactor in the vegetal hemisphere which was responsible for epiboly of the embryonic cells.  相似文献   
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