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苏北沿岸流对浒苔暴发及漂移过程的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢健  张启龙  李安春 《海洋科学》2014,38(10):83-89
根据2009年5月的温度、盐度和溶解氧观测数据,应用"对应分析法"对水团的分布范围和特性进行了分析,并探讨了苏北沿岸流对浒苔(Enteromorpha prolifera)暴发及漂移过程的影响。结果表明,春季苏北沿岸流向东南流动过程中,可以将海水中悬浮的浒苔繁殖体向南输运至长江冲淡水与苏北沿岸流交汇处,此处的浒苔繁殖体在适宜的条件下生长繁殖。在夏季风的作用下,长江口北部的浒苔与苏北沿岸海域的浒苔,随表层海流向北漂移,在地球偏转力作用下,漂移路径不断向右偏转,并最终在山东半岛南部海域聚集堆积。苏北沿岸流在浒苔暴发初期将繁殖体输送到条件适宜的生长区,并对浒苔向北漂移起到了重要作用。长江冲淡水向北扩展范围的增大对于浒苔的生长和繁殖起到了促进作用。查明浒苔扩散路径及输运机制不仅具有重要环境意义,而且对深入了解沿岸和河口区泥沙及污染物的扩散和输运机制具有指示作用。  相似文献   
The thermal condition anomaly of the western Pacific warm pool and its zonal displacement have very important influences on climate change in East Asia and even the whole world. However, the impact of the zonal wind anomaly over the Pacific Ocean on zonal displacement of the warm pool has not yet been analyzed based on long-term record. Therefore, it is important to study the zonal displacement of the warm pool and its response to the zonal wind anomaly over the equatorial Pacific Ocean. Based on the NCDC monthly averaged SST (sea surface temperature) data in 2°×2° grid in the Pacific Ocean from 1950 to 2000, and the NCEP/NCAR global monthly averaged 850 hPa zonal wind data from 1949 to 2000, the relationships between zonal displacements of the western Pacific warm pool and zonal wind anomalies over the tropical Pacific Ocean are analyzed in this paper. The results show that the zonal displacements are closely related to the zonal wind anomalies over the western, central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean. Composite analysis indicates that during ENSO events, the warm pool displacement was trigged by the zonal wind anomalies over the western equatorial Pacific Ocean in early stage and the process proceeded under the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean unless the wind direction changes. Therefore, in addition to the zonal wind anomaly over the western Pacific, the zonal wind anomalies over the central and eastern Pacific Ocean should be considered also in investigation the dynamical mechanisms of the zonal displacement of the warm pool.  相似文献   
基于我国160个台站的降水资料和西太平洋副热带高压指数,利用典型相关分析和合成分析等方法,研究了热带印度洋-太平洋热力异常联合模对我国夏季降水的影响,并探讨了该联合模与西太平洋副热带高压的关系。结果表明,该联合模对我国夏季降水有一年到半年的超前影响,且以冬季联合模对次年夏季降水的影响最显著。当冬季联合模出现正异常时,次年夏季我国四川地区、长江流域、华北南部降水偏多,而华北北部和江南大部分地区降水偏少;反之亦然。进一步分析表明,冬季热带印度洋-太平洋热力异常联合模对我国夏季降水的影响可能是通过夏季西太平洋副热带高压的变动来实现的。  相似文献   
西太平洋暖池展布于热带太平洋中、西部海域,其水温终年高于28℃(Wyrtki,1989;张启龙等,1997)。其最主要特征是水温高,热含量丰富。西太平洋暖池是全球大洋表面水温(SST)最高的海域,也是全球大气运动最主要的热源地和对流活动的最活跃区。暖池以热量和水汽形式将大部分能量释放给大气,从而影响大气环流系统。海-气耦合模式研究表明(Philander,1990),暖池海域SST的变化,尤其是它处于高值时的微小变化会对大气环流演变产生十分显著的影响。近年来的一些研究结果也表明(黄荣辉等,1994;董敏等,1994),暖池SST的异常会导致大气环流,尤其是西太平洋副热带高压的异常变化,进而影响东亚夏季降水。由此可见,暖池SST的变异对东亚乃至全球气候的异常及灾害的形成有着十分重要的作用。 山东位于我国东部,是旱涝灾害多发的省份之一。山东全年的降水量主要集中在夏季(6~8月),其夏季降水量占全年降水量的60%以上。可见,夏季降水量的多寡对山东全年的天气变化和农业生产有重要影响。因此,开展山东夏季降水及其长期预测研究不仅具有重要的学术意义而且还有深远的现实意义。 近年来,许多学者已就西太平洋暖池热状态变异对我国东部地区汛期降水的影响进行了研究,并取得了一些颇有意义的成果(黄荣辉等,1994;翁学传等,1996)。然而,在以住的研究中,涉及西太平洋暖池对山东夏季降水影响的研究却很少,迄今尚未见专文报道。本文作者利用中国国家气候中心提供的1950~1998年间太平洋2°×2°经纬度格点月平均SST资料、1951~1998年间西太平洋副热带高压指数和1961~1999年间山东省气象台站的降水资料,研究了西太平洋暖池SST变异对山东夏季降水的影响,为山东夏季旱涝预测研究提供科学依据。  相似文献   
基于长时间序列的水温和盐度资料,通过动力计算方法估算了源区黑潮(18°N断面)热输送量,分析了源区黑潮热输送变异和中国近海SST异常的年际、年代际时空变化特征及两者之间的相互关系.结果显示,源区黑潮热输送异常呈现出显著的以2—7、10~20a和约30a为主周期的年际、年代际变化,且具有线性增强的长期变化趋势.并约于1976年前后发生了一次显著气候跃变.中国近海SST年际、年代际异常变化的最显著区域位于渤海、黄海、东海海域和台湾海峡.源区黑潮热输送变异在年际、年代际尺度上与中国近海SST异常变化密切相关,源区黑潮热输送变异可能是影响中国近海SST异常变化的重要因素之一.  相似文献   
东海黑潮热输送及其与黄淮平原区汛期降水的关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
根据日本气象厅1956—1990年PN(G)断面观测资料分析东海黑潮热输送的变异特征,并探讨其冬季热输送与黄淮平原区汛期(6-8月)降水的关系。结果表明,黑潮通过PN(G)断面多年平均的热输送达15.74×1014W,其中冬季热输送的年际和长期变化特别明显;冬季热输送年际变化的周期主要为对.23.4a、3.5a、和2.6a,长期变化总趋势是70年代末以前各年热输送距平均为负值,对年代末接近多年平均值,进入80年代各年距平值不仅为正且逐年增大;东海黑潮冬季热输送与黄淮平原区汛期降水具有相近的长期变化趋势,两者间存在较好的负相关关系。  相似文献   
The eastern edge of the western Pacific warm pool (WPWP) in the upper layer (shallower than 50m) exhibits significant zonal displacements on interannual scale. Employing an intermediate ocean model, the dynamic mechanism for the interannual zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer is investigated by diagnosing the dynamic impacts of zonal current anomalies induced by wind, waves (Kelvin and Rossby waves), and their boundary reflections. The interannual zonal displacements of the WPWP eastern edge in the upper layer and the zonal current anomaly in the equatorial Pacific west of 110°W for more than 30 years can be well simulated. The modeling results show that zonal current anomalies in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific are the dominant dynamic mechanism for the zonal displacements of the eastern edge of the upper WPWP warm water. Composite analyses suggest that the zonal current anomalies induced by waves dominate the zonal displacement of the WPWP eastern edge, whereas the role played by zonal wind-driven current anomalies is very small. A sensitivity test proves that the zonal current anomalies associated with reflected waves on the western and eastern Pacific boundaries can act as a restoring force that results in the interannual reciprocating zonal motion of the WPWP eastern edge.  相似文献   
东海西部陆架海域水团的季节特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
On the basis of the CTD data and the modeling results in the winter and summer of 2009, the seasonal characteristics of the water masses in the western East China Sea shelf area were analyzed using a cluster analysis method. The results show that the distributions and temperature-salinity characteristics of the water masses in the study area are of distinct seasonal difference. In the western East China Sea shelf area, there are three water masses during winter, i.e., continental coastal water(CCW), Taiwan Warm Current surface water(TWCSW) and Yellow Sea mixing water(YSMW), but four ones during summer, i.e., the CCW, the TWCSW, Taiwan Warm Current deep water(TWCDW) and the YSMW. Of all, the CCW, the TWCSW and the TWCDW are all dominant water masses. The CCW, primarily characterized by a low salinity, has lower temperature, higher salinity and smaller spatial extent in winter than in summer. The TWCSW is warmer, fresher and smaller in summer than in winter, and it originates mostly from the Kuroshio surface water(KSW) northeast of Taiwan, China and less from the Taiwan Strait water during winter, but it consists of the strait water and the KSW during summer. The TWCDW is characterized by a low temperature and a high salinity, and originates completely in the Kuroshio subsurface water northeast of Taiwan.  相似文献   
基于1950~2011年间的月平均温、盐度资料,以28℃等温线作为西太平洋暖池的定义标准,并取ΔT=-0.4℃,分别计算了暖池区(20°N~15°S,120°E~140°W)各格点混合层、障碍层和深层的平均盐度,构成了暖池热盐结构的盐度场.据此,运用EOF分解法分析了暖池热盐结构盐度距平场主要模态的变化特征及其与ENSO间的关系,并探讨了主要模态的年际变异机理.结果表明,暖池热盐结构盐度场第一模态揭示了盐度场变异的关键区位于暖池中部;该模态具有2~4a的年际变化和准10a的年代际变化,并在1977年前后经历了一次气候跃变(此外,深层盐度场第一模态还在1999年前后发生了一次气候跃变),且在跃变前后与不同类型的ENSO事件有较密切的联系.暖池中部混合层和障碍层盐度的变化比较一致,即在跃变前盐度为偏高期,而在跃变后则变为偏低期.暖池中部深层盐度在1977年以前和1999年之后皆处于偏高期,而在1978~1999年间则处于偏低期.而且,从混合层至深层,盐度的变化幅度逐渐变小.进一步分析表明,暖池中部混合层和障碍层盐度的年际变化主要是由纬向风、南赤道流(SEC)和降水共同引起的,即当东风增强(减弱)时,强(弱)SEC将携带更多(少)的高盐水进入混合层或潜沉至障碍层,同时局地降水的减少(增多),也使得混合层和障碍层的盐度增加(减少);深层盐度的年际变化主要是由SEC和赤道潜流(EUC)导致的,即当SEC增强(减弱)时,将有更多(少)的高盐水进入暖池,而当EUC增强(减弱)时则有更多(少)的低盐水流出暖池,从而使得暖池的深层盐度升高(降低).  相似文献   
华北地区汛期降水与热带西太平洋暖池和黑潮的关系   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
根据华北地区18个代表站1951 ̄1996年月降水资料,利用对应分析法对该地区进行降水气候区的划分,并讨论了华北汛期降水与热带西太平洋暖池和黑潮热输送的关系。结果表明:华北地区可划分为两个降水气候区;华北1区汛期降水与热带西太平洋暖池西部热含量有密切的联系,特别是与前一年10月热带西太平洋暖池西部热含量存在着明显的负相关关系;华北Ⅱ区汛期降水与同年冬季黑潮热输送有较密切的负相关关系。初步分析表明,  相似文献   
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