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The WATEQ4F-based "multiple step method", or the method of running WATEQ4F repeatedly, was used to evaluate the error propagation in computations of water-mineral interactions under the circumstances of constant and varied temperatures due to the uncertainties of input variables. The results show the following: the errors of water chemistry analysis can strongly affect the modelling results of water-mineral reactions; different input variables (errors) have different effects on the saturation indices (S.I.) of different minerals; in many cases, the S.I. errors of minerals change with temperatures.  相似文献   
在对深部开采进行界定的基础上,运用数值模拟手段,基于关键层理论建立三维深部开采模型,对走向长壁式开采地表移动进行分析,数值计算所得三维地表移动图形能够定量、直观描述地表移动,结果与概率积分法预测符合良好,实现对采煤-上覆岩土层破坏-地表沉陷全过程分析,是对煤矿开采沉陷可视化工作的重要补充。通过数值计算,总结了深部开采地表移动特点,并对比深部开采与浅部开采,分析地表影响半径及相关变形指标。分别对充分采动和非充分采动条件下概率积分法下沉系数进行计算,并与传统计算方法进行比较,结果显示:两种开采条件下,下沉系数均小于传统计算结果,基于浅部开采的经验下沉系数不再适合深部采动情况,得出下沉系数随深度增大而变小的结论,并分析这种变化产生的原因。  相似文献   
晚新近纪以来中国北方堆积的风成红粘土-黄土序列是古气候信息的良好载体, 在黄土高原北部的吴起地区存在一套湖相沉积物, 层位上介于第四纪黄土与晚新近纪红粘土之间, 但该古湖存在的具体时限尚不清楚. 我们利用岩石磁学及古地磁年代学方法并结合多种气候指标对代表“吴起古湖”的土佛寺剖面进行了初步研究, 结果表明湖相沉积物中特征剩磁的载体主要为磁铁矿和赤铁矿, 在此基础上得到的磁极性序列能很好地与国际地磁极性年表对比, 剖面起始于4.28 Ma B. P.左右, 湖相沉积层起始于3.0 Ma B. P.左右, 结束于1.2 Ma B. P.左右. 岩性、磁化率、粒度和沉积速率变化均反映出这一时期该地区环境变化的总体趋势是由暖湿向冷干发展, 期间“吴起古湖”的演化大致经历了三个阶段: 3.0~2.5 Ma B. P.为古湖形成时期, 水体相对较深; 2.50~2.05 Ma B. P.期间受古气候变化的影响湖水明显变浅; 2.05~1.20 Ma B. P.时古湖中仍有一定量的水体存在, 但随后逐步缩小并最终消亡. 该地区气候条件在1.2 Ma B. P.左右的恶化是导致吴起古湖消亡的主要因素, 区域构造活动引起的北洛河溯源侵蚀并切穿湖盆可能也是原因之一.  相似文献   
<正>There are lots of Neoproterozoic-lower Paleozoic outcropping bitumen distributed at the northern Longmen Shan trust belt in Southwest China,indicative of existing paleo-oil reservoir.The bitumen develops from the Sinian to Permian strata,mainly along the thrust fault plane and fracture system in the  相似文献   
The presence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems is of increasing global concern.Nano-sized plastics,in particular,can penetrate the cell membrane and cause biological death.Our study evaluated the combined impacts of several polystyrene mi-crospheres’sizes and nominal concentrations on the overall performance changes of Brachionus plicatilis.Experimental animals were exposed to three microplastic sizes(0.08,0.5 and 6μm)and five nominal concentrations(0,0.5,2,8,32μg mL?1)for 20 d.Our results showed that the toxicological effect of particle size on rotifers did not significantly depend on the nominal concentration.The interaction between the nominal concentration and size occurred only for body length and lorica width.Specifically,high nominal concentrations of microplastics that were close to nanometer size significantly impaired the overall vitality of rotifers,embodied in shortage of body type,delay in the arrival of maturity,reduction in the cumulative number of neonates,and the advance of the death process.In comparison,fair-sized size(0.5 and 6μm)displayed non-significant damage except for individual groups.Most notably,the net reproductive yield was only a third of what it was in the original environment,implying that there was not much fertility left.Besides,with the development of rotifers,the adverse effects of polystyrene microsphere drive had become more and more serious.  相似文献   
对于导、含水岩层进行超前区域注浆改造与加固是华北型煤田煤层底板岩溶水害防治的主要技术手段。根据超前区域注浆改造技术应用的矿井水文地质基本原理,结合煤层底板水文地质结构、采动影响、定向钻进成孔与浆液扩散能力,以及受注岩层边界条件等因素,分析了治理煤层底板薄层灰岩与厚层灰岩水害的超前区域注浆改造与加固的一般应用模式。并从受注岩层地质条件、注浆材料、注浆工艺等方面,分析得出受注层的空隙连通性、开启性、粗糙性、孔隙水承压性,注浆材料的粒度、黏滞性、时变性、结石能力,以及注浆压力、钻孔空间布置、注浆方式等,是影响煤层底板岩溶水害超前区域注浆治理效果的主要因素。另外,依据注浆过程中有效注浆压力计算公式,分析得出浆液在钻孔和裂隙中流动时由于受到钻孔和岩层空隙综合阻力的抑制,水平孔中沿程有效注浆压力逐步衰减,易形成“锥形”浆液扩散范围。最后,针对目前常用的超前区域注浆孔水平段分支孔平行布孔模式,由于间距过大和有效注浆压力衰减可能造成的注浆孔间盲区问题,根据注浆孔水平段有效注浆压力与浆液扩散范围的衰减规律,以消除注浆盲区为目标,提出了长距离错位平行分支孔、长距离逆向互补弧形分支孔、短距离羽状分支孔等3类注浆孔高效布孔模式,可为煤层底板水害超前区域高效治理技术科学应用提供依据。   相似文献   
将深度全连接神经网络引入大坝变形预测领域,结合大坝多源监测数据的训练样本,建立基于深度全连接神经网络的大坝变形预测模型.利用几种常见的深度优化学习算法对模型进行优化训练,通过对比各损失函数的变化曲线选取最优学习算法,进一步构建基于最优学习算法的深度全连接神经网络大坝变形预测模型;最后结合大坝多源监测数据的测试样本对模型...  相似文献   
Using three-phase remote sensing images of China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 02B (CBERS02B) and Landsat-5 TM, tobacco field was extracted by the analysis of time series image based on the different phenological characteristics between tobacco and other crops. The spectral characteristics of tobacco and corn in luxuriant growth stage are very similar, which makes them difficult to be distinguished using a single-phase remote sensing image. Field film after tobacco seedlings transplanting can be used as significant sign to identify tobacco. Remote sensing interpretation map based on the fusion image of TM and CBERS02B's High-Resolution (HR) camera image was used as standard reference material to evaluate the classification accuracy of Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM) and Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC) for time series image based on full samples test method. SAM has higher classification accuracy and stability than MLC in dealing with time series image. The accuracy and Kappa of tobacco coverage extracted by SAM are 83.4% and 0.692 respectively, which can achieve the accuracy required by tobacco coverage measurement in a large area.  相似文献   
研究区位于西拉木伦河缝合带北侧,地理位置位于内蒙古东部草原区、大兴安岭南段,构造部位介于苏尼特左旗—锡林浩特—西乌珠穆沁旗南缝合线和西拉木伦河缝合带之间,是讨论华北地块北缘与其北侧地块拼贴过程的关键地区.通过对西拉木伦河缝合带北侧克什克腾旗(简称克旗)和林西地区二叠纪砂岩进行碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年代学研...  相似文献   
临漳县国土资源局以贯彻“行政为民十项措施”和“五条禁令”为切入点,牢固树立服务重点项目、优化发展环境的思想,坚持把国土资源管理工作“往深里做,往实里做,往细里做,往严里做”,在全面提高服务水平和服务质量、促进地方经济可持续发展和国土资源管理工作实现新的突破方面迈出了新的一步。  相似文献   
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