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席会东 《地图》2019,(3):82-89
宋人编绘的都城图既有描绘当朝都城的地图,如《京城图》,又有表现前朝都城或文化圣城的历史地图,如《长安城图》《东京旧城之图》《鲁国之图》。当朝城图主要描绘代表皇权和中央权力的都城宫阙、衙署布局、城防,历史城图则主要描绘前朝都城宫殿、古迹、山水、盛景,或用于展示都城繁华,或用于通经明史、追忆盛世、缅怀圣贤,寄托政治理想。这些地图在一定程度上也反映出宋代地图学的发达与文化的繁荣。  相似文献   
小鱼 《地图》2019,(2):116-125
位于法国西部布列塔尼半岛的中世纪古城圣马洛(Saint Malo)曾是历史上著名的海盗城,也是当下颇为热门的观光与疗养胜地。建于12世纪的花岗岩城墙绵延2000米,墙内是迷人的古城风光,墙外却是浪涛拍岸、碧海蓝天。19世纪法国文学家福楼拜曾将圣马洛誉为“波涛上的石皇冠”,再恰如其分不过了。  相似文献   
潜心 《地图》2019,(2):56-67
爱尔兰岛面积不大,名声却响当当。这里有全球巡演超过万场的《大河之舞》,有世界上最伟大的摇滚乐队之一U2乐队,有比埃及吉萨金字塔还早约500年的史前奇迹博因纽格莱奇墓,当然还有吸引全世界旅客慕名而来的风光旖旎、海滩流沙的绝美之景.  相似文献   
潘晟 《地图》2021,(1):136-139
这张《上海交通路线地图》,宽31厘米,高20.9厘米,红黑双色印刷,它有两个特别之处:首先它是由个人独立编绘销售的地图,其次它是一种形式罕见的交通专题地图. 晚清以来,私营地图出版机构不少,也有个人独立编制的,但一般都会成立一个出版机构来经营销售.但是这张《上海交通路线地图》上只有个人落款,地图左上角边框处有"王光道编...  相似文献   
许凯  佐远波 《地图》2006,(1):34-41
1931年日本帝国主义悍 然发动“九一八”事变,并 迅速占领了东北三省,平津 告急,华北危机!故宫文物 又一次面临战争严酷的考验。 国难当头,新生的故宫博物 院面临重大抉择,故宫国宝 将何去何从呢?  相似文献   
The extremely low temperature, high humidity and limited power supply pose considerable challenges when using spectrometers within the Arctic sea ice. The feasibility of using a miniature low-power near-infrared spectrometer module to measure solar radiation in Arctic sea ice environments was investigated in this study.Temperature and integration time dependences of the spectrometer module were examined over the entire target operating range of –50℃ to 30℃, well below the specified operating range of this spectrometer. Using these observations, a dark output prediction model was developed to represent dark output as a function of temperature and integration time. Temperature-induced biases in the saturation output and linear operating range of the spectrometer were also determined. Temperature and integration time dependences of the signal output were evaluated. Two signal output correction models were developed and compared, to convert the signal output at any temperature within the operating temperature range and integration time to that measured at the reference temperature and integration time. The overall performance of the spectrometer was evaluated by integrating it into a refined fiber optic spectrometry system and measuring solar irradiance distribution in the ice cover with thickness of 1.85 m in the Arctic during the 9th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition. The general shape of the measured solar irradiance above the snow surface agreed well with that measured by other commercial oceanographic spectroradiometers. The measured optical properties of the sea ice were generally comparable to those of similar ice measured using other instruments. This approach provides a general framework for assessing the feasibility of using spectrometers for applications in cold environments.  相似文献   
吴寒 《地图》2021,(1):108-121
"帝京高拥九重尊,直北山河紫翠痕".北京是一座既古老又现代的城市,它承载了厚重的历史记忆,凝聚了浓郁的人文气息.北京城是一个说不尽的话题,这里分布着宫苑园林、坛庙建筑、商业集市、街道坊巷、城市水系等等,既包罗大气雍容的都城气象,也不乏繁华热闹的市井趣味.南起永定门,北至钟楼的城市中轴线,延伸出北京独有的秩序之美;宫城、...  相似文献   
从事天文教学工作后,我开始思考如何协调小学教着的深度和宇宙知识的复杂程度之间的关系。在不断地思考与实践中,我决定从教育目标、搭建平台和培养学生三个维度着手,一步步形成了目前中关村二小天文教学的初步格局。现仅此小文,跟大家探讨、交流。  相似文献   
世界上绝大多数氟产品都以萤石为原料进行生产氰化工的一个重要特点是:不以石油天然气为主要原料,受化石能源影响度很小。全球能源的日趋紧张,却正好为氟化工产业提供了巨大的发展空间和持续的成长机遇。  相似文献   
2008年的一场大雪,让湖南的煤炭供应与工业需求,又一次短兵相接.这一次,煤炭供应又是问题连连.失败的代价是:冰灾期间,湖南几家电厂向贵州预订了160万吨煤,但直到3个季度后的9月份,才到货4万吨.  相似文献   
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