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1981年8月至9月,我队完成了南海-东海-菲律宾海-南海综合地球物理剖面调查.测线总长6000公里.在完成上述工作期间,我们在台湾浅滩海区进行了综合地球物理踏勘,完成近南北向主测线三条.近东西向联络测线两条,测线长600公里,测区西距广东潮汕、东距台湾省台南均不足200公里(图1).测区水浅滩多,工作条件极为复杂,为此相应地采取了一些浅水作业的措施.  相似文献   
我国古代对于潮汐的研究有许多成就,三国时,吴国的严畯有专门论述潮汐的文章,名为《潮水论》,早已佚失。东晋时葛洪对潮汐作了一定的研究。至唐代注意研究潮汐的人就更多了,视野相当广阔,已出现有关南海的潮汐资料。其中,窦叔蒙、封演均作出了重要的贡献。窦氏的“潮时预报图”是我国现存古籍中最早关于潮汐预报的文  相似文献   
本文测定了一次培养实验和连续培养实验中三角褐指藻胞外产物的变化及其与汞的络合性能。28天的培养过程中测得胞外产物与汞的络合容量C_L为2.6×10~(-5)mol/dm~3;表观稳定常数K′为6.1×10~(10)。该结果解释了细胞培养过程中胞外有机物的释放对汞的解毒机理及对介质中汞形态的转化。  相似文献   
厦门筼筜港的形成与演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文根据实际调查的资料,概述了筼筜港区的地质地貌特征,重点论述了第四纪沉积物的成因和时代,阐述了该区的形成与演变过程,把它划分为5个发育阶段。  相似文献   
The grazing pressure of the macrofaunal invertebrates associated with the biomass of Ulva rigida in the Venice lagoon, their species composition and relationship with environmental variables have been studied. Fifteen sampling campaigns were carried out during different seasons both in the central basin of the lagoon, dominated by macroalgae (especially U. rigida C. Ag.) and in the southern basin, prevalently populated by seagrasses (especially Zostera marina L.). Replicate experiments were conducted in the field by exposing Ulva fronds in net cages of 10 and 1 mm (control) mesh-sizes to allow or prevent grazer entrance. The grazing pressure was determined as Ulva growth rate difference in the cages. In the absence of invertebrate herbivores, Ulva exhibited per cent relative growth rates (%RGRs) ranging from 1.5 to 9.5% day(-1), whereas in their presence the %RGRs were significantly lower (from -2.5 to 3.4% day(-1)) and frequently negative, especially in the station dominated by macroalgae. In this area, peak grazing rates and macrofauna biomasses of up to 8.6% day(-1) and 1,480 g m(-2) fwt (84.4 ash-free dry weight), respectively, were found. On the whole, during in field experiments in the Ulva-dominated station, herbivores removed an amount of biomass whose percentage ranged from 59 to 165% (mean: 103%) of the biomass yield (grazers excluded) found in the cages. These results suggest the possibility that grazers could act as an important factor affecting Ulva production in the Venice lagoon. Macrofauna populations were analysed by means of multivaliate techniques applied to biological variables only and biological and environmental variables together. Data of individual abundance, after a log(x + 1) transformation and the calculation of the Bray-Curtis matrix, were classified using the Cluster Analysis and ordinated by means of the Non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) technique, in accordance with the strategies used in the study of multispecies distributions. Finally, biological and environmental variables were analysed together by means of correlation matrices and the Principal Component Analysis.  相似文献   
对直接溴化法合成六溴苯作了系统的研究,并对文献方法进行了一系列的改进。包括选择适当的摧化剂及其用量,使反应基本上在室温下进行;利用水汽蒸馏法驱除残余溴,可直接得到无色或近乎无色的纯净产物,而勿需进行还原脱溴,且得率较高。提出一种以溴化物形式回收副产物的方法。  相似文献   
不规则波折射物理模型试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者曾发表过“不规则波折射的数学模型〔1〕。为了与数学模型的计算结果相互验证,在大连理工大学海岸及近海工程国家重点实验室进行了不规则波折射物理模型试验。试验研究结果表明:提出的“不规则波折射数学模型”对频谱采用等能量分割、对方向分布采用等间隔(Δθ=cosnt)分割的组成波折射线性叠加法是合理的、可行的,可供港口及海岸工程规划、设计应用  相似文献   
一、概述 随着水深测量自动化水平的提高,数字式水深资料产品逐步取代了人工手薄产品。外业测量效率的提高,相应地要求内业数据处理方法随之变革。数字式水深资料的特点是数据量大,反映地貌的精确度高。如何从海量的水深数据中尽可能多地提取有效信息,是我们面临的新任务。处理数字式水深资料的第一步就是数据筛选,由于数字式水深资料没有经过人工综合分析,而且采样频率提高,所以在模拟声图上  相似文献   
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