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文章以新发展理念为指导,构建海洋经济高质量发展水平评价指标体系,选取2007—2019年我国沿海地区的数据,借助熵值法、耦合协调度、Dagum基尼系数法,对我国海洋经济高质量发展耦合协调度及其区域差异性展开分析。结果表明:研究期内我国海洋经济高质量发展五大维度的发展水平均有提升,但仍有较大提升空间;我国海洋经济高质量发展经历濒临失调、勉强协调2个阶段,2007年耦合协调度的区域差异最大,此后呈现波动减小趋势;南部海洋经济区以及北部海洋经济区与南部海洋经济区的差异是耦合协调度区域差异的主要原因。针对研究结论,对提高我国海洋经济高质量发展耦合协调度提出建议。  相似文献   
新时期我国区域经济地理学发展问题初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国新时期的区域经济地理学在取得全面发展的同时,在理论体系,研究方法和实践领域等方面还需要进一步的发展,文章根据学习和实践区域经济地理学的体会,初步提出基础理论和应用理论,思维方法和技术方法等方面发展见解,并指出区域创新系统和国际经济技术合作等学科应注意拓展的重要实践领域,最后提出我国区域经济地理学科发展的建议。  相似文献   
The mixing characteristics of particles such as dredged sediment of variable size discharged into cross flow are studied by a 3D numerical model, which is developed to model the particle-fluid two-phase flow. The Eulerian method with the modified k-ε parameterization of turbulence for the fluid phase is used to solve fluid phase, while a Lagrangian method for the solid phase (particles), both the processes are coupled through the momentum sources. In the model the wake turbulence induced by particles has been included as additional source term in the k-ε model; and the variable drift velocities of the particles are treated efficiently by the Lagrangian method in which the particles are tracked explicitly and the diffusion process is approximated by a random walk model. The hydrodynamic behavior of dumping a cloud of particles is governed by the total buoyancy of the cloud, the drag force on each particle and the velocity of cross-flow. The computed results show a roughly linear relationship between the displacement of the frontal position and the longitudinal width of the particle cloud. The particle size in the cloud and the velocity of cross flow dominate the flow behavior. The computed results are compared with the results of laboratory experiments and satisfactory agreement is obtained.  相似文献   
Study of the major Asian rivers discharge to the ocean reveals variations of their water discharges and sediment loads.and local characteristics of river sediment concentrations.On the basis of this,the Asian rivers fall into three regions,including Eurasia Arctic,East Asia,Southeast and South Asia Regions.The Eurasia Arctic Region is characterized by the lowest sediment concentration and load,while the East Asia Region is of the highest sediment concentration and higher sediment load,and the South-East and South Asia Region yields Higher Sediment concentration and highest sediment load. The sediment loads of these regions are mainly controlled by climate,geomorphology and tectonic activity.The Eurasia Arctc rivers with large basin areas and water discharge,drain low relief which consists of tundra sediment,thus causing the lowest sediment load.The East Asia rivers with small basin areas and lowest water discharges,drain extensive loess plateau,and transport most erodible loess material,which results in highest sediment concentration.The SE and South Asia rivers originating from the Tibet Plateau have large basin areas and the largest water discharges because of the Summer Monsoon and high rainfall influence,causing the highest sediment load.In Asia,tectonic motion of the Tibet Plateau Plays an important role.Those large rivers originating from the Tibet Plateau trasport about 50% of the world river sediment load to ocean annually,forming large estuaries and deltas,and consequently exerting a great influence on sedimentation in the coastal zone and shelves.  相似文献   
随着全球海洋经济的飞速发展,海洋产业结构的优化升级问题引起各国的普遍关注。本文在借鉴国际经验的基础上,针对青岛市的具体情况,通过海洋产业的部门分析法,对目前的海洋各产业产值进行排序,分析目前青岛市海洋产业结构存在的问题,提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   
我国东北区与东北亚科技实力对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从区域科技综合实力、科技主要领域实力两个方面对我国东北地区与东北亚国家进行了比较与分析,指出我国东北区与东北亚国家之间的科技差距与局部优势,为研究我国东北区参与东北亚地区国际经济技术合作,提供了基本依据。  相似文献   
城市地区暴雨洪灾发生频繁,合理计算设计暴雨是解决城市洪涝的重要前提。采用随机暴雨移置方法(Stochastic Storm Transposition,SST),设定暴雨移置区并提取出暴雨目录,通过区域性概率重采样与暴雨空间变换相结合的方式进行降雨频率分析,估计本地化的极端暴雨频率。以上海地区为例,研究发现暴雨移置区内暴雨分布具有空间异质性,暴雨随机移置概率不均,计算得到的设计暴雨方案包含了降雨时空分布信息,在不同重现期下设计暴雨的时空结构存在变异性,说明传统方法中采用的简化雨型和均一化空间分布假设会增加设计暴雨的不确定性。  相似文献   
天然河流的河道综合糙率呈现出空间上的差异性和随水位(或流量)变化的动态性,但目前缺乏相关参数化方法来定量描述河道糙率的动态变化规律。尝试通过参数化方法开展受河道植被影响显著河流的糙率反演研究,用以提升模型精度。基于植被分布将河道断面划分为若干糙率不同的子区,通过率定河道断面各分区的糙率,从而反演糙率—水位曲线。在此基础上通过分析河道植被覆盖情况与河道断面特点对糙率曲线变化的影响,推求了基于分区糙率的河道断面综合糙率计算公式,从而定量描述分区糙率与综合糙率的关系。以漓江干流为例,采用该方法率定漓江干流(大溶江至阳朔段)水动力模型。结果表明:漓江干流综合糙率随水位在0.022~0.180间变化;在1.5 m的临界水深下,断面可划分为底床植被区(n=0.210)与非植被区(n=0.006),能较好地反演糙率—水位曲线并获得理想的水位模拟效果。漓江底床植被繁茂是糙率随水位变化的根本原因,断面边滩的坡度变化是糙率与水位曲线梯度变化的主要驱动因素,两者的共同作用使得糙率随着水位呈现两段式的非线性变化。  相似文献   
区域创新发展的模式与国际案例研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
区域创新是现代区域实现可持续发展的基本途径,区域创新发展具有自主创新发展、模仿创新发展和合作创新发展等3种模式,而美国硅谷、日本、欧盟的创新发展分别是3种模式的代表,这为我国区域发展提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
通过构造裂缝形成的力学机制分析,应用弹性理论、有限单元法和岩石破坏准则等,对朝阳沟油田双30—2区块扶I层应力裂缝发育区进行预测,旨在判断裂缝性油藏区。结果表明,预测结果与现场钻探取样结果符合较好,从而为该区下一步布井和注水提供了依据。  相似文献   
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