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Unbalanced parental contribution and small effective population size(N e)are common issues during the artifi cial breeding of marine bivalves.The impact of hatchery-spawning practices on parental contribution,effective population size,the N e/N ratio,and genetic diversity are largely unknown.To address this,we conducted a parentage analysis on a complete 3×3 diallel cross of clam M eretrix meretrix using eight microsatellite markers.The genetic diversity of the parents was higher than that of their respective offspring in most crosses(8/9).Sires or dams from the same family contributed unequally to the pool of offspring from a particular cross,and the same parent clam exhibited large variation in parental contribution among different crosses.The variance in male contribution was higher than that of the female contribution in most crosses,suggesting that male contribution was more skewed than for females.The N e/N ratio for nine crosses ranged from 0.58 to 0.86.There was no linear relationship between the sex ratio and the N e/N ratio(P0.05).Moreover,a sex ratio closer to one-to-one does not necessarily mean a larger effective population size.A solution to small effective population size in commercial breeding programs is increasing broodstock numbers and attempting to maintain a balanced sex ratio.  相似文献   
文蛤(Meretrixpetechialis)是我国一种重要的海水养殖贝类,其养殖过程中病害导致的规模性死亡时有发生,已有的工作证实致病性弧菌是导致文蛤大规模死亡最为常见的病原。在本研究中,我们通过浸泡感染实验模拟了文蛤在自然条件下的弧菌胁迫环境,明确了攻毒水体中弧菌生长变化规律;攻毒过程中宿主载菌量分析显示,文蛤肝胰腺组织弧菌载量在攻毒后呈第1天急剧上升,第3天迅速下降的变化趋势,而且不同个体间载菌量差异较大;通过不同弧菌含量攻毒实验,发现在攻毒早期文蛤体内弧菌载量与水体环境的弧菌含量之间呈显著的正相关(Spearman’sρ=0.899,P=0.000),而在感染中后期不同攻毒强度组之间无显著差异,且呈现较低水平,为0~205CFU/mg,预示着宿主免疫系统和肝胰腺微生物群落可将致病菌的数量控制在一定的范围。上述研究为开展文蛤感染发病过程中弧菌载量和免疫抗性评价相关研究提供了参考。  相似文献   
采用线粒体 COI 基因和核糖体第一内转录间隔区 ITS-1基因,对荣成(RC)和即墨(JM)2个魁蚶(Scapharca broughtonii Schrenck)野生地理群体及一个人工繁育的即墨子代(JZ)群体,进行遗传多样性和遗传结构分析,探讨即墨人工繁育的子代作为荣成魁蚶底播增殖苗种的可行性。分子方差分析(AMOVA)结果表明,3个群体的遗传差异主要存在群体内。荣成野生群体和即墨野生群体间的Fst值,基于COI基因和ITS-1基因分别为0.1678和0.1193,表明荣成野生群体与即墨野生群体之间存在中等程度的遗传分化。单倍型多样性和核苷酸多样性分析结果表明,人工繁育的即墨子代群体的遗传多样性明显降低。荣成野生群体与即墨子代群体之间的遗传差异,较之与即墨野生群体间的遗传差异更大。如果采用即墨子代在荣成底播,可能会对荣成野生魁蚶野生群体的遗传结构产生一定影响,因此,采用即墨人工繁育子代作为荣成魁蚶底播增殖的苗种来源时必须十分慎重,并在苗种繁育时尽量采用大群体有效亲本。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONPufferfishesofthegenusTakifugu (Tetraodontiformes,Tetraodontidae)aremainlydistributedalongthecoastalregionsofChina ,JapanandKoreaandarecommerciallyimportanttothesecoun tries .Over 2 0specieshavebeenrecordedintheYellowSeaandtheEastChinaSea (Cheng…  相似文献   
Effects of temperatures and salinities on oxygen consumption and ammonia-N excretion rate of clam Meretrix meretrix were studied in laboratory from Oct. 2003 to Jan. 2004. Two schemes were designed in incremented temperature at 10, 15, 20, 25℃ at 31.5 salinity and in incremented salinity at16.0, 21.0, 26.0, 31.5, 36.0, and 41.0 at 20℃, all for 8-10 days. From 10 to 25℃, both respiration and excretion rate were increased. One-way ANOVA analysis demonstrated significant difference (P〈0.01) in physiological parameters in this temperature range except between 15 and 20℃. The highest Q10 thermal coefficient value (12.27) was acquired between 10 and 15℃, and about 1 between 15 and 20℃, indicating M. meretrix could well acclimate to temperature changes in this range. Salinity also had significant effects on respiration and excretion rate (P〈0.05). The highest values of respiration and excretion rate of M. meretrix were recorded at 16.0 salinity (20℃). These two physiological parameters decreased as salinity increased until reached the minimum Q10 value at 31.5 (20℃), then again, these parameters increased with increasing salinity from 31.5 to 41.0. M. meretrix can catabolize body protein to cope with osmotic pressure stress when environmental salinity is away from its optimal range. No significant difference was observed between 26.0 and 36.0 in salinity (P〉0.05), suggesting that a best metabolic salinity range for this species is between 26.0 and 36.0.  相似文献   
采用室内模拟的方法,对盐度、饵料、底质和温度对硬壳蛤稚贝成活率和生长率的影响进行了研究。结果表明,硬壳蛤稚贝存活和生长的适宜盐度范围为18-42,最适盐度范围为24-36。从稚贝成活率看,几种单胞藻的饲育效果顺序为:等鞭金藻>美国扁藻>混合藻>亚心形扁藻>大溪等鞭金藻>三角褐指藻>小球藻>中肋骨条藻;但从稚贝日生长率看,几种单胞藻的饲育效果顺序为:混合藻>等鞭金藻=美国扁藻=亚心形扁藻>大溪等鞭金藻>三角褐指藻>小球藻>中肌骨条藻。硬壳蛤对底质环境有一定的选择性,稚贝在纯砂底质中的成活率和日生长率均高于在纯海泥底质中,但砂的粒径大小对稚贝成活率和日生长率没有明显影响。硬壳蛤稚贝具有很强的耐高温能力,在室内控温条件下,能够耐受30-35℃的高温,但在室外自然温度条件下,当温度为21.8-35.4℃(平均为30.1℃)时,稚贝成活率却很低,无砂情况下只有32%,有砂情况下为零。  相似文献   
刘凯旋  岳欣  刘保忠 《海洋科学》2020,44(8):178-185
为探究文蛤(Meretrixpetechialis)鳃组织内共生菌群的群落组成及结构,采用纯培养方法,对文蛤鳃组织的内共生菌进行了分离、纯化和16S rRNA鉴定,共筛选到215株细菌,分属于变形菌门、厚壁菌门、拟杆菌门和放线菌门4个门级类群中,其中变形菌门是实现纯培养菌株数量最多的类群。基于16SrRNA序列信息,进一步对变形菌门的系统演化关系进行了分析,结果显示不同纲级类群的菌株分别聚集在了相应的分支内。另外,对获得的具有潜在抑菌活性或致病性的共生细菌进行了探讨,为后续对文蛤鳃内生菌的深入研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The precise and accurate knowledge of genetic parameters is a prerequisite for making efficient selection strategies in breeding programs.A number of estimators of heritability about important economic traits in many marine mollusks are available in the literature,however very few research have evaluated about the accuracy of genetic parameters estimated with different family structures.Thus,in the present study,the effect of parent sample size for estimating the precision of genetic parameters of four growth traits in clam M.meretrix by factorial designs were analyzed through restricted maximum likelihood(REML) and Bayesian.The results showed that the average estimated heritabilities of growth traits obtained from REML were 0.23–0.32 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.19–0.22 for 25 full-sib families.When using Bayesian inference,the average estimated heritabilities were0.11–0.12 for 9 and 16 full-sib families and 0.13–0.16 for 25 full-sib families.Compared with REML,Bayesian got lower heritabilities,but still remained at a medium level.When the number of parents increased from 6 to 10,the estimated heritabilities were more closed to 0.20 in REML and 0.12 in Bayesian inference.Genetic correlations among traits were positive and high and had no significant difference between different sizes of designs.The accuracies of estimated breeding values from the 9 and 16 families were less precise than those from 25 families.Our results provide a basic genetic evaluation for growth traits and should be useful for the design and operation of a practical selective breeding program in the clam M.meretrix.  相似文献   
2007年7月—2008年6月,在海州湾前三岛附近海域进行了栉孔扇贝深水筏式养殖实验。周年监测了海区的环境因子和栉孔扇贝的生长情况,并利用生物沉积法,现场研究了各生长时期扇贝的滤食作用。结果表明,该海区养殖栉孔扇贝在当年秋、冬季和次年春季生长迅速,夏季生长相对缓慢,周年平均软组织生长速度为11.29mg/d,平均干贝壳生长速度为48.84mg/d,扇贝能够于次年年初达到商品规格(6cm)。不同时期栉孔扇贝滤水率之间差异显著,在扇贝规格相似的情况下,滤水率随水温升高而升高;而水温相近的情况下,滤水率随扇贝规格增大而增加。利用改进的Incze等(1981)的养殖容量模型,评估了该海区养殖容量,结果表明在现有养殖模式下,2007年7、9、11、12月以及2008年3、6月,沿着海流方向适养区域长度分别为4.0、4.6、4.7、5.1、4.5和3.2km,平均为4.35km;垂直于海流方向单位宽度(100m)的海区可以支持的扇贝湿重随着扇贝的生长逐渐增加,到2008年3月份达到最高(16.73t),随后开始下降。  相似文献   
栉孔扇贝热休克蛋白70(HSP70)基因的BAC-FISH 定位   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用BAC-FISH技术,将包含HSP70基因的BAC克隆定位到栉孔扇贝的一对同源染色体的长臂上.HSP70基因的染色体定位将对深入研究该基因的结构及功能并将其应用于生产实践提供基础支持.同时,本研究是首次对栉孔扇贝低拷贝基因进行染色体定位的实践,其结果将为栉孔扇贝的染色体的深入研究以及染色体鉴别等工作提供必要的参考.  相似文献   
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