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Aerosol and snow samples were collected at ablation zone of Baishui(白水) Glacier No.1,Mt.Yulong(玉龙),from May to June,2006.The concentrations of Cl-,NO3-,SO42-,Na+,K+,Mg2+,and Ca2+ were determined by ion chromatograph both in aerosol and snow samples.The average totalaerosol loading is 25.45 neq·scm-1,NO3-and Na+ are the dominant soluble ions in the aerosol,accounting for 39% and 21% of average total aerosol loading,respectively.Monsoon circulation reduces the concentration of most ions,indicating that wet sc...  相似文献   
Variations of δ~(18)O in Precipitation along Vapor Transport Paths   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three sampling cross sections along the south path starting from the Tropics through the vapor passage in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau to the middle-low reaches of the Yangtze River, the north path from West China, via North China, to Japan under the westerlies, and the plateau path from South Asia over the Himalayas to the northern Tibetan Plateau, are set up, based on the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)/WMO global survey network and sampling sites on the Tibetan Plateau. The variations, and the relationship with precipitation and temperature, of the δ18 O in precipitation along the three cross sections are analyzed and compared. Along the south path, the seasonal differences of mean δ18O in precipitation are small at the stations located in the Tropics, but increase markedly from Bangkok towards the north, with the δ18O in the rainy season smaller than in,the dry season. The δ18O values in precipitation fluctuate on the whole, which shows that there are different vapor sources. Along the n  相似文献   
中国季风温冰川区近代气候变化与冰川动态   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
通过对中国季风温冰川区的气候实测资料、冰芯记录、树木年轮指数和冰川进退记载等多种指标的综合分析,较详细地研究了400年以来本区气候与冰川变化。自17~19世纪小冰期的两个寒冷阶段以后,中国季风温冰川分布区气温普遍波动上升,与全球变暖的大背景一致, 大部分冰川正在后退,但降水量变化则比较复杂,达索普冰芯记录证明,本区西部的喜马拉雅山地区降水量表现为下降的趋势,与气温变化相反,而东部的横断山等地的降水则表现为上升的趋势,与气温变化同步,这主要是不同来源大气环流影响的结果。研究区主要盛行来源于印度洋的西南季风,此外,其东部还受来源于西太平洋东南季风的影响,西部受西风环流南支的影响,造成中国季风温冰川区东西部不均匀的降水分布和变化趋势。小冰期以后,我国的季风温冰川对气候变暖反应敏感,绝大部分冰川持续后退。20世纪80年代以来,后退速度加剧, 但后退幅度和规模因地而异。  相似文献   
40a来中国旱灾对ENSO事件的区域差异响应研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用中国各地区1949—1990年间旱灾的受灾面积比和成灾面积比,分别与ENSO指数进行相关分析.结果发现:ENSO指数与各地的旱灾事件有着一定的反相关关系,表明ENSO的发生对我国大部分地区有着显著的影响,特别是对华北、东北、华南、内蒙古和新疆等地区的相关性具有很好的显著水平.通过对比各个分区对ENSO事件的响应程度,分析了其空间差异性.ENSO指数的变化与中国各地的旱灾有密切的联系,全球升温通过影响ENSO事件而影响中国的旱灾面积:全球升温影响下,ENSO指数升高,旱灾减少.  相似文献   
我国横断山区1960-2008年气温和降水时空变化特征   总被引:20,自引:4,他引:20  
运用样条函数法、线性回归、最小二乘法和趋势分析等方法,对横断山区27个气象站1960-2008年日平均气温和降水资料分析表明,近50年来横断山区气温呈现统计意义上的变暖趋势,其中60和80年代气温相对较低,其他年代则较高,2000-2008时段年均温比多年均值高0.46oC。横断山区年均气温、春季气温、夏季气温、秋季气温和冬季气温的倾向率分别为0.15oC10a-1、0.589oC10a-1、0.153oC10a-1、0.167oC10a-1和0.347oC10a-1,升温幅度表现出随纬度增高而加大的趋势,整个横断山区以沙鲁里山和大雪山南缘区域及梅里雪山地区为中心,春季升温幅度最大,冬季次之。横断山区年降水在60和70年代偏低,80年代以后相对偏高,特别是90年代比多年均值高29.84mm,进入2000年后相较90年代明显下降。横断山区年降水、春季降水、夏季降水、秋季降水和冬季降水倾向率分别为9.09mm10a-1、8.62mm10a-1、-1.5mm10a-1、1.53mm10a-1和1.47mm10a-1,只有春季倾向率通过了显著水平检验;除夏季降水外,其他季节降水均表现出由西南向东北和由南向北递减的趋势,这是纵向岭谷对流经该区的东亚季风和南亚季风同时起着东西向阻隔作用和南北向通道作用的体现。横断山区季风期气温和降水的倾向率分别为0.117oC10a-1和6.01mm10a-1,最为明显的是2000年后季风期降水明显降低;横断山区非季风期气温和降水的倾向率分别为0.25oC10a-1和7.47mm10a-1,均高于季风期。  相似文献   
何元庆 《极地研究》1999,10(1):21-26
1IntroductionForsomefourdecades,seasonalchangesoftheisotopiccompositionofdepositedsnowatpolaricecapshavebenusedtodateglacieri...  相似文献   
分析多种数据和资料,再现海螺沟冰川过去100年来的冰川进退过程,分析发现,冰川末端变化阶段在滞后期的基础上,与北半球和中国气温变化的阶段相对应。运用水量-物质平衡法恢复海螺沟冰川45年来的物质平衡变化情况,通过相关性检验发现,物质平衡变化与北半球和中国同期(1960~2004年)气温变化表现出显著负相关。20世纪80年代全球加速变暖,海螺沟冰川冰舌段消融速率为7.86 m/a,冰川河径流量年际和季节变化表明流量主要贡献者是冰雪融水。分析表明,全球变暖是冰川后退、持续亏损及径流量增加的主要原因。  相似文献   
Great change, associated with global warming, has occurred at the Hailuogou (海螺沟)has retreated 1 822 m in the past 106 years, with an annual mean retreat of 17.2 m, and the front elevation has risen by 300 m since 1823. Comparison of glacier variations and temperature fluctuations in China and the Northern Hemisphere, over the last 100 years, indicates that glacier retreat stages occurred during the warm phase, and vice versa. Mass balance records during 1959/60--2003/04 have shown that the glacier has suffered a constant mass loss of snow and ice. The accumulated mass balance, -10.83 m water equivalent, indicates an annual mean value of -0.24 m water equivalent. The correlation between the mass balance and temperature is significant, which also indicates that climate warming is the crucial cause of glacier loss.Local hydrological and climatic data demonstrate that runoff from the glacier has been increasing both seasonally and annually.The correlation analysis and trend analysis indicate that ice and snow melted water is the main cause of an increase in the runoff. As the climate has become warmer, changes in the glacier surface morphology have obviously occurred. These include a decrease in glacier thickness, enlargement of glacial caves, and reduction of the size of clefts on the glacier surface. The ablation period has lengthened and the ablation area has expanded. A variety of factors thus provide evidence that the Hailuogou glacier has suffered a rapid loss of snow and ice as a result of climatic warming.  相似文献   
为探究玉龙雪山地区地-气-水-人之间的相互作用机理,于2005年7月22-28日在云南省丽江市玉龙雪山地区采集不同水体样品,在探讨不同水体水文联系的基础上,对该区域不同水体的无机离子浓度和特征进行了分析。结果表明玉龙雪山地区不同水体无机离子浓度存在较为明显的差距,无机离子浓度较大的是低海拔地区的湖水和地下水,浓度较小的是冰舌融水和融水径流;水体主要无机离子是HCO3-,Ca2+,Mg2+,SO42-,Na+,K+,Cl-,其中Ca2+占整个阳离子的53.27%,是最大优势阳离子,阴离子中HCO3-是优势阴离子,占阴离子总量的70.35%左右,优势离子与非优势离子之间浓度差距较大。海拔4270 m以上,受局地岩石岩性的影响无机离子浓度较高;海拔42703180 m,由于新鲜融水未充分溶解基岩的离子和水体本身的沉积作用,离子浓度较低;海拔30462400 m,水岩作用导致水体HCO3-,Mg2+,Ca2+,K+,Na+浓度较高,季风输送和近源人类活动导致NO3-、SO42-,K+浓度也较高;相关性分析表明阳离子的来源、存在方式和反应机理的相似性比阴离子强;SO42-对区域水岩反应有较强的加速作用;Mg2+和Ca2+同源。  相似文献   
横断山区土壤相对湿度时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以1992~2010年横断山区16个观测站土壤相对湿度资料为基础,通过Kriging插值法分析土壤相对湿度季节分异和空间分异特征。结果表明:横断山区年土壤相对湿度自1992年以来整体呈波动增加趋势,年际变化倾向率为0.51%/a;横断山区土壤相对湿度表现为西南和东北部较高,东南和西北部较低,中部土壤相对湿度增加趋势强于边缘,深层土壤的相对湿度整体大于浅层土壤。春、夏季土壤相对湿度增加趋势比秋、冬季明显。  相似文献   
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