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柳艳菊  丁一汇 《气象学报》2005,63(4):443-454
通过对1998年南海季风爆发过程中大尺度风场、温度场、厚度场、地面气压场以及视热源与视水汽汇的演变分析研究了对流活动对大尺度场的作用,结果表明:大尺度环流与中尺度对流活动之间可能存在着一种正反馈机制。在季风爆发早期,大尺度背景与中尺度对流活动的关系主要表现为前者为季风爆发以及中尺度对流活动的发生提供有利的天气和动力条件;季风爆发后期持续的大范围中尺度对流活动反过来会对大尺度环流存在明显的反馈作用。由对流活动强烈发展产生的凝结潜热释放在南海北部造成了显著的大气加热,使对流层中上层出现一明显的加热中心,这导致:(1)南海上空经向温度梯度由高层向低层发生反向,形成北高南低的温度梯度,从而使大尺度环流发生季节性改变;(2)相应南海北部地面气压不断加深,形成宽广的季风槽和明显的减压区,促使副热带高压从南海地区最后撤离;(3)随着中低层低压环流的不断发展,对流系统和降水区进一步加强并向南扩展,有利于南海季风在南海中、南部地区爆发和维持;(4)季风槽的加深使其南侧的季风气流与水汽输送进一步加强,促使季风爆发过程达到盛期。  相似文献   
By means of NCEP/NCAR reanalysis dataset,the origins of westerly wind anomalies at lowlevel over equatorial western Pacific Ocean before and during the onset and initial developmentphase of ENSO are explored.Evidences show that westerly anomalies in the equatorial westernPacific(140—180°E)are characterized by two remarkable enhancements in the spring and summerof the year when El Nine emerges.The enhancements are not only.to some extem.due to theeastward propagation of low-level westerlies in equatorial Indian Ocean.but also predominantlyresulting from Ihe intense convergence of the meridional wind from both hemispheres.Thelatitudinal convergence leads to the local intensification of zonal pressure gradient so as to cause thereinforcement and bursts of westerly wind over warm pool.Besides,by virtue of the effect ofearth rotation,the northeasterlies(southeasterlies)from the Northern(Southern)Hemisphereturn into northwesterlies(southwesterlies)progressively in the near-equatorial zone.whichdirectly strengthens the westerly velocity.Comparing the contributions of the meridional windfrom both hemispheres to westerly wind bursts,is seems that southeasterlies from the SouthernHemisphere are much stronger and more stable than northwesterlies of Northern Hemisphere.It isevident that the southeasterlies to the east of Australia originate from the southern mid-and highlatitudes and are in close association with the Southern Oscillation.  相似文献   
梁萍  丁一汇 《高原气象》2011,30(1):53-64
2009年江淮梅雨异常:(1)在正常梅雨期,江淮梅雨区的降水量明显偏少,有人认为是空梅或非典型梅雨;(2)在7月下旬到8月初,江淮流域又出现了所谓"二度梅"或"晚梅雨"的现象.为什么该年的梅雨会前弱后强?本文重点分析了2009年江淮异常梅雨的大尺度环流背景,并从季节内振荡角度探讨了异常梅雨的形成机制.结果表明:(1)亚...  相似文献   
华北降水季节演变主要模态及影响因子   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
使用华北地区120站降水资料、美国国家环境预报中心和美国国家大气研究中心(NCEP/NCAR)再分析环流资料和Kaplan扩展海温资料(Kaplan et al.,1998),对华北降水季节演变主要模态及影响因子进行了研究.结果表明,华北降水季节演变存在两个主要模态,第一模态夏季降水在中北部偏多、南部偏少,第二模态夏季...  相似文献   
丁一汇  胡雯  黄勇  陈凤娇 《气象学报》2020,78(5):721-734
1998和1999年夏,中国与日本科学家合作在安徽省淮河流域进行了第一次大规模的能量与水循环试验(WCRP/GEWEX/GAME/HUBEX),其重点是研究东亚梅雨锋系的多尺度,多系统结构、特征、生命史、发生发展机理及其引起洪涝灾害的原因。这是第一次中日合作的气象与水文联合观测试验,在此加强观测的基础上,双方进一步进行了长达5年的资料整理分析和科学研究工作,整个淮河流域能量与水循环试验与研究取得了全面和丰硕的成果。文中介绍了该计划所取得的主要成果,并以现在科学进展的视野重新评估这些成果的科学意义和不足,为进一步开展新的淮河与长江中下游梅雨科学联合试验提供经验和新的研究目标。   相似文献   
淮河流域是中国南北气候重要的过渡带,气象灾害频繁发生。这里水网、农田、丘陵、山地、城镇密布,地-气作用复杂,干冷与暖湿空气时常交汇于此,造成局地或流域旱涝经常发生。淮河流域处于梅雨区,且是中国重要的农业生产基地,具有气象和水文综合观测系统,积累了长序列的气象和水文观测资料。因此,淮河流域是研究能量和水分循环的理想试验区。国家自然科学基金重大项目“淮河流域能量与水分循环试验和研究(HUaihe river Basin Experiment,简称HUBEX)”于1998、1999年夏在淮河流域开展了气象和水文联合观测试验。文中回顾了HUBEX试验的目的、观测网设计与布局,介绍了HUBEX推动下的淮河流域综合观测网的发展,总结了HUBEX观测试验对区域气候事件和暴雨等灾害性天气机理研究、提高模式模拟和预报能力及建立长期连续的气象观测数据集等方面的成果和作用。   相似文献   
2013年夏,在天气的“舞台”上,高温成了最吸引眼球的“主角”,持续近两个月的高温热浪使我国南方大部分地区饱受炙烤,多地旱情严峻,河道断流,水库干涸。当季节转换,南方高温逐渐退出公众视野之时,东北地区的汛情又让人捏了把汗。嫩江、松花江和黑龙江干流水位持续超警戒水位,堤防长期高水位挡水,多地险情频发,防汛形势不容乐观。极端天气频发,2013年夏季的天气气候到底怎么了?  相似文献   
Based on the existing cumulus convective parameterization schemes,a mass flux scheme(MFS)for cumulus convective parameterization has been successfully developed by reference to thework of Chen et al.(1996).The MFS is a comprehensive scheme.In MFS,not only theimportance of the large-scale moisture convergence is taken into account,but also it includes thecumulus updrafts and downdrafts,cumulus-induced subsidence in the environmental air.entrainment,detrainment and evaporation.The interaction between the cumulus and theenvironment is described by using a one-dimensional bulk model.At the same time the schemeincludes the penetrative and shallow convections.The MFS has been successfully incorporated into the regional climate model RegCM2developed by NCAR.The new model has been applied to simulate summer monsoon characteristicsand their variations of heavy rainfall process in the Changjiang-Huaihe River Basins for threemonths from May to July 1991.The results show that the new model can successfully simulate thisrainfall prolonged process.By comparising the model outputs of RegCM2.using the Kuo schemeand the MFS.it is found that the MFS is better in simulating the surface temperature,rainfallposition and amount,and rainfall duration.  相似文献   
吴贤云  丁一汇  叶成志  段丽洁  王琪 《气象》2015,41(3):286-295
本文分析了江南西部雨季特征,研究了热带太平洋、印度洋海表温度异常对这一区域雨季降水的影响,并初步分析了其影响因子。结果表明:(1)江南西部雨季开始时间早,持续时间长,是中国梅雨季的一个重要组成部分。它具有明显的年际、年代际变化特征,21世纪后,进入了一个少雨期。(2)前冬热带海洋海温异常是江南西部雨季降水丰枯的一个强信号。即:当赤道中东太平洋海温为正(负)距平、西太平洋及中东太平洋副热带地区为负(正)距平(这种海温异常主模态分别称为正(负)海温异常型),相应地,热带印度洋表现为北正(负)南负(正)的海温反相位型时,江南西部雨季全区降水偏多(少)的可能性大。(3)在正(负)海温异常年,4~6月,赤道印度洋盛行偏东(西)风异常,不易(容易)形成转向北的南风异常,印度季风弱(强);西太平洋近赤道地区为强劲的偏东(西)风异常,其北为反气旋(气旋)性距平环流,导致西太平洋副热带高压位置异常偏西(东),强度偏强(弱)状态,有利于(不利于)江南西部降水发生。(4)在正海温异常年,江南西部水汽主要来源于西太平洋,并在此区域形成水汽辐合,有利于降水;而在负海温异常年,来自两大洋的水汽均通过江南西部地区,此区域成为水汽过渡带,不易形成水汽辐合,降水偏少。  相似文献   
Using daily rainfall data of 11 observatory stations over Shanghai for the period 1960-2007,the spatial differences of rainfall over the Shanghai region during periods with slow and rapid urbanization respectively are investigated based on spatial standard deviation of rainfall and its relative variables.Results show that spatial differences increase with the acceleration of urbanization.Spatial distributions of annual rainfall and rainstorm frequency exhibit distinct urban ’rain-island’ features during the rapid period of urbanization(1960-1983) while it is opposite in the case of slow urbanization(1984-2007).Changes in the spatial distribution of annual rainfall trends also take place during different periods.Specifically,the variation of annual rainfall exhibits consistent trends over the Shanghai region in the slow urbanization periods.However,inconsistent spatial distribution of variations has taken place over the central districts and suburbs of Shanghai during the rapid urbanization stage.Since the speeding-up of urbanization,the annual rainfall amount over central districts of Shanghai tends to increase while that in the suburbs shows a decreasing trend.In addition,as far as different seasons are concerned,the speed of urbanization exerts insignificant influences on the spatial distribution of rainfall during winter and spring.On the contrary,the rainfall during summer and autumn(especially summer) is featured with an island effect during the rapid urbanization period.  相似文献   
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