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Uraniferous Holocene sediments occur in the Carson Range of Nevada and California, U.S.A., between Lake Tahoe and Carson Valley. The hosts for the uranium include peat and interbedded organic-rich sand, silt, and mud that underly valley floors, fens, and marshes along stream valleys between the crest of the range and the edge of Lake Tahoe. The known uranium accumulations extend along the Carson Range from the area just southeast of South Lake Tahoe northward to the area just east of Carson City; however, they almost certainly continue beyond the study area to the north, west, and south. Due to the young age of the accumulations, uranium in them is in gross disequilibrium with its highly radioactive daughter products. These accumulations have thus escaped discovery with radiation detection equipment in the past. The uranium content of these sediments approaches 0.6 percent; however, the average is in the range of 300–500 ppm. Waters associated with these sediments locally contain as much as 177 ppb uranium. Modest levels of helium and radon also occur in these waters.Uraniferous waters are clearly entering the private and public water supply systems in some parts of the study area; however, it is not known how much uranium is reaching users of these water supplies. Many of the waters sampled in the study area exceed the published health effects guidance level of the Environmental Protection Agency. Regulatory standards for uranium in waters have not been published, however.Much uranium is stored in the sediments along these stream valleys. Estimates for a marsh and a fen along one drainage are 24,000 and 15,000 kg, respectively. The potential effects of man-induced environmental changes on the uranium are uncertain. Laboratory studies of uraniferous sediment rich in organic matter may allow us to evaluate the potential of liberating uranium from such sediments and creating transient increases in the level of uranium moving in water in the natural environment.  相似文献   
Fine-grained tuffaceous sediments of the White River Formation (Oligocene) are evaluated as a possible source of uranium for the sedimentary uranium deposits of Wyoming. The evaluation is based upon a model in which volcanic glass is considered to be a major host of uranium and thorium and in which uranium and silica are released during alteration of glass to montmorillonite. The evaluation scheme is applicable to other tuffaceous sediments in similar geologic settings. The average uranium and thorium contents of glass separates and glassy air-fall ashes of the White River Formation are 8 ppm and 22.4 ppm respectively, and these values approximate the average composition of glass deposited in Wyoming basins in Oligocene time. Comparison of these values with the uranium and thorium concentrations in montmorillonite separates indicates little change in thorium concentrations but reductions in uranium concentrations which average 3.3 ppm. In spite of the apparent major removal of uranium during alteration of glass to montmorillonite, whole-rock samples of tuffaceous siltstones show an average uranium loss of only 0.4 ± 0.4 ppm, because of generally small amounts of clay alteration. This conclusion is generated by comparisons between glassy ash and partially altered vitric siltstones, the latter corrected for dilution of glass and clay-altered glass with uranium- and thorium-poor primary and detrital materials. The original volume of the White River Formation is adequate to generate economically significant quantities of mobile uranium, even with such modest losses. Uranium and silica which are mobilized during glass alteration can coprecipitate as uraniferous secondary silica in areas where solutions become silica saturated. These precipitates indicate pathways of ancient, uranium-rich solutions in tuffaceous rocks. Exploration efforts in the White River Formation and underlying units should concentrate on areas where such pathways intercept reducing environments. Intercepts of this type are present at some uranium deposits in the study area and this lends support to a tuffaceous source rock model.  相似文献   
Sediments from Rapid Lake document glacial and vegetation history in the Temple Lake valley of the Wind River Range, Wyoming over the past 11,000 to 12,000 yr. Radiocarbon age determinations on basal detrital organic matter from Rapid Lake (11,770 ± 710 yr B.P.) and Temple Lake (11,400 ± 630 yr B.P.) bracket the age of the Temple Lake moraine, suggesting that the moraine formed in the late Pleistocene. This terminal Pleistocene readvance may be represented at lower elevations by the expansion of forest into intermontane basins 12,000 to 10,000 yr B.P. Vegetation in the Wind River Range responded to changing environmental conditions at the end of the Pleistocene. Following deglaciation, alpine tundra in the Temple Lake valley was replaced by a Pinus albicaulis parkland by about 11,300 14C yr B.P. Picea and Abies, established by 10,600 14C yr B.P., grew with Pinus albicaulis in a mixed conifer forest at and up to 100 m above Rapid Lake for most of the Holocene. Middle Holocene summer temperatures were about 1.5°C warmer than today. By about 5400 14C yr B.P. Pinus albicaulis and Abies became less prominent at upper treeline because of decreased winter snowpack and higher maximum summer temperatures. The position of the modern treeline was established by 3000 14 C yr B.P. when Picea retreated downslope in response to Neoglacial cooling.  相似文献   
Reunion Island consists of an olivine-basalt shield capped by a series of flows and intrusives ranging from hawaiite through trachyte. Eleven rocks representing the total compositional sequence have been analyzed for U, Th and REE.Eight of the rocks (group 1) have positive-slope, parallel, chondrite-normalized REE fractionation patterns. Using a computer model, the major element compositions of group 1 whole rocks and observed phenocrysts were used to predict the crystallization histories of increasingly residual liquids, and allowed semi-quantitative verification of origin by fractional crystallization of the olivine-basalt parent magma. Results were combined with mineral-liquid distribution coefficient data to predict trace element abundances, and existing data on Cr, Ni, Sr and Ba were also successfully incorporated in the model.The remaining three rocks (group 2) have nonuniform positive-slope REE fractionation patterns not parallel to group 1 patterns. Rare earth fractionation in a syenite is explained by partial melting of a source rich in clinopyroxene and/or hornblende. The other two rocks of group 2 are explained as hybrids resulting from mixing of syenite and magmas of group 1.  相似文献   
An effective method for array radiation pattern synthesis that allows formulation of the synthesis of a desired pattern as an optimization problem is presented. The solution proposed involves matrix operations based on the equivalent computation. The advantage of this approach is that it does not involve any numerical optimization routines-only ordinary matrix operations are required. Illustrations are presented to highlight the various aspects of the method. The proposed algorithm can be used to design arrays of uniformly spaced elements with nonisotropic and unequal radiation patterns  相似文献   
The major obstacle to underwater acoustic communication is the interference of multi-path signals due to surface and bottom reflections. High speed acoustic transmission over a shallow water channel characterized by small grazing angles presents formidable difficulties. The reflection losses associated with such small angles are low, causing large amplitudes in multi-path signals. In this paper we propose a simple but effective model for multi-path interference, which is then used to assess the performance of a digital communication system operating in a shallow water channel. The results indicate that transmission rates in excess of 8 kbits/s are possible over a distance of 13 km and channel depth of only 20 meters. Such a system offers improved performance in applications such as data collection from underwater sensors  相似文献   
In this communication, the design of ring arrays that produce symmetric flattop radiation patterns with low sidelobes is presented. The equivalent linear array approach is used in the design of the array. A newly developed iterative algorithm is employed to obtain a prototype linear array that generates a desired flattop pattern. A new concept of common scale factor of ring arrays is introduced, which not only adds flexibility to the design, but also reduces the complexity of the array. In the design examples presented, it is shown that an almost flattop pattern with maximum ripple less than 0.075 dB and sidelobe levels less than 28 dB can be achieved using only 10 ring radiators  相似文献   
The Turiec Basin (TB) of Slovakia formed in the Miocene when the West Carpathians escaped from the Alpine region. The 1,250-m-thick sedimentary Neogene fill of the basin preserved fossil leaves as well as endemic bivalves, gastropods, and ostracodes. The paleolimnologic changes recorded in the TB infill were derived from the most abundant fossils, the ostracodes. Five contemporaneous ostracode assemblages within the Late Miocene lacustrine system were distinguished through statistical analysis. These assemblages have low species similarity, between 2.1 and 24.1%, and are recognized by shape differences among the Candoninae. The ostracode assemblages, mollusca fossils, and Sr-isotope ratios suggest a low-salinity environment at the beginning of the Late Miocene, during a brief connection with the Central Paratethys. When the connection ceased, the basin became an isolated freshwater lake, with five zones differentiated ecologically and bathymetrically using the ostracode assemblages. Taxonomic comparison of the faunas of the TB and the freshwater to brackish Neogene basins of Europe demonstrates the endemic character of the TB ostracode fauna. The biologic characteristics of the ostracode families, along with the geology of the lake basin, suggest that the longevity of the Late Miocene lake probably exceeded 1 Ma.  相似文献   
Glassy orthopyroxene granodiorite-tonalite (named pincinite after type locality) was described from basaltic lapilli tuffs of the Pliocene maar near Pinciná village in the Slovakian part of the Pannonian Basin. Two pincinite types exhibit a qualitatively similar mineral composition (quartz, An20–55 plagioclase, intergranular silicic glass with orthopyroxene and ilmenite, ±K-feldspar), but strongly different redox potential and formation PT conditions. Peraluminous pincinite is reduced (6–7% of total iron as Fe3+ in corundum-normative intergranular dacitic glass) and contains ilmenite with 8–10 mol% Fe2O3 and orthopyroxene dominated by ferrosilite. High-density (up to 0.85 g/cm3) primary CO2 inclusions with minor H2, CH4, H2S, CO and N2 (<2 mol% total) are present in Qtz and Plg. Equilibrium PT conditions inferred from the intergranular Opx–Ilm–Glass assemblage and fluid density correspond to 1,170±50°C, 5.6±0.4 kbar, respectively. Metaluminous pincinite is more oxidised (25–27% of total iron as Fe3+ in diopside-normative intergranular glass of rhyolite–trachyte–dacite composition) and contains Fe2O3-rich ilmenite (17–29 mol%) associated with enstatite. Fluid inclusions are composed of CO2–H2O mixtures with up to 38 mol% H2O. Raman spectroscopy revealed H2S along with dominant CO2 in the carbonic phase. Equilibrium PT parameters for the intergranular Opx–Ilm–Glass assemblage correspond to 740±15°C, 2.8±0.1 kbar, respectively. Reducing gas species (<2 mol% total) in the CO2-inclusions of the peraluminous pincinite resulted from hydrogen diffusion due to fH2 gradient imposed during decrease of redox potential from the log fO2 values near QFM during Qtz + Plg growth, to QFM-2 incidental to the superimposed Opx + Ilm assemblage in the intergranular melt. The decrease in oxygen fugacity was recorded also in the metaluminous pincinite, where log fO2 values changed from ~QFM + 2.6 to QFM + 0.4, but hydrogen diffusion did not occur. Absence of OH-bearing minerals, major and trace element abundances (e.g. REE 300–320, Nb 55–57, Th 4–31, Zr 240–300 ppm, FeOtot/MgO up to 11), and Sr–O isotope ratios in the pincinites are diagnostic of high-temperature anorogenic magmas originated by dehydration melting of biotite in quartz-feldspathoid crust (87Sr/86Sr>0.705–0.706, 18O>9 V-SMOW) around alkali basalt reservoir in depths between 17 and 20 km, and around late stage derivatives of the basalt fractionation, intruding the crust up to depths of 10–11 km. Low water activity in the pincinite parental melt was caused by CO2-flux from the Tertiary basaltic reservoirs and intrusions. The anatexis leads to generation of a melt-depleted granulitic crust beneath the Pannonian Basin, and the pincinites are interpreted as equivalents of igneous charnockites and enderbites quenched at temperatures above solidus and unaffected by sub-solidus re-equilibration and metamorphic overprint.  相似文献   
Acoustic signal parameter estimation is important for diverse marine geodesy surveys and several other applications. However, the received signal from a far-field target characterized by planar wavefront propagation is frequently affected by strong nearby interfering signals. Their presence deteriorates the performance of direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation for far-field target. In order to enhance the reception of signal from far-field target, the near-field/far-field (NFFF) beamformer is proposed. Such a beamformer optimizes beam pattern for far-field detection by maximizing beamformer output in the direction of the far-field target with the imposed condition to eliminate interfering signals generated in near-field locations. As the interference suppression only occurs at the position of near-field interference, a possible blind zone for far-field detection in conventional methods is not created. The NFFF beamformer is applicable for coherent signals and the scenario with multi interferences. For stationary situation where interferers locations are fixed, the NFFF beamformer computations do not require time updates with associated computational load. Furthermore the proposed method can be extended to several new situations such as acoustic monitoring performed from a stationary platform subjected to water currents, waves, winds and other variables, all of them generating nearby interferences and also to different array configurations including 2D and 3D arrays.  相似文献   
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