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The 3 310-m-high Chia-min Lake records the climatic history since 4 ka B. P. in Taiwan. The warm/wet period before 2.2 ka B.P. seemed to correspond to the later part of the Holocene Megathermal, and the cold/dry period during 0–2.2 ka B. P. corresponded to the Katathermal. Before the termination of the Megathermal, an especially warm and humid segment (2.2–2.4 ka B. P.) emerged. The paleoclimatic records from Yuen-yang and Chi-tsai Lakes support the notion that the Megathermal in Taiwan terminated during 2—2.3 ka B. P. A warm segment (820–1 320 AD) in the Katathermal could be considered the Medieval Warm Period. The climate turned cold and dry after 1 320 AD and this indicated the onset of the Little Ice Age. These paleoclimatic variations are also in good agreement with those recorded in Great Ghost Lake.  相似文献   
The Kaoping (Taiwan) and Kapuas (Indonesia) Rivers differ in hydrological cycle, topography and landscape. These differences strengthen the use of 14C dating, lignin-derived phenols, δ13C values and C/N ratios to determine the sources and diagenesis of surface sedimentary organic carbon (OC) in both rivers. The Kapuas River is surrounded by forest, resulting in sedimentary OC with a 14C age between 600 and 740 years, Λ (total lignin expressed as mg/100 mg OC) values from 0.94 to 3.70, δ13C values from −27.87 to −30.00‰, C/N ratios from 6.7 to 30.8, %OC from 0.63 to 9.24% and vanillic acid to vanillin ratio, (Ad/Al)v, values from 0.73 to 2.09, all of which indicate the presence of recent plant-derived organic matter. The tributaries and three locations upstream of the Kaoping River are also surrounded by forests, resulting in Λ values (0.51–4.80), δ13C values (−23.85 to −27.08‰), C/N ratios (14.1–28.7), %OC (1.01–7.86%) and (Ad/Al)v values (0.86–1.88), which are indicative of a terrestrial signal. No lignin oxidation products were detected in the mainstream of the Kaoping River or its coastal zone, hence the surface sediments OC with a 14C age between 4,915 and 15,870 years, enriched δ13C values (−23.30 and −26.54‰), lower C/N ratios (6.0–17.5) and lower %OC (0.15–2.24%) likely represent old rock and soil material. Massive floods during typhoons most probably cause plant materials from the Kaoping River and its coastal zone to be transported into the deep sea.  相似文献   
Slag material was dumped in two sites off southwestern Taiwan by the China Steel Corporation during 1984–1995. By geochemically analyzing four sediment cores, we investigated the impact of slag on the sediment chemistry. Elemental profiles from the dumping sites show a strong depletion in detrital elements and enrichment in alkaline and redox-sensitive elements, especially for the top ~20 cm of sediments. The relative enrichment factor (EFrel) exhibits wider range for Ca (0.73–13.33), Fe (0.88–3.03), Mg (0.94–9.58) and Mn (1.22–33.30) due to contamination of sediments by slag. Sediment weathering indicators also show a distinct change with lower values in sediments influenced by dumping due to Ca and Sr addition. Higher EFrel for As, Cd and Pb in the top sections of the cores indicate an additional modern/industrial input of these elements since ~1950. Our study suggests that slag dumping may have a localized effect on biogeochemical processes by inducing the diagenetic remobilization of certain elements.  相似文献   
It is generally accepted that the flow is northward in the Taiwan Strait during summer and that the strongest current is detected in the Penghu Channel between the Penghu Islands and the Taiwan Island. This current, the eastern prong flow, is made up of waters from the South China Sea (SCS) and the Kuroshio. North of the Penghu Islands, the current veers to the west before turning northward again because of the shallow Chang-Yuen Ridge, and extends westward off the coast of Taiwan. There is a second prong of northward flow existing between the Taiwan Bank and the China mainland coast. Here, we show with observational data as well as results from a numerical model that this water receives little influence from the Kuroshio and is distinctively cooler, fresher, less oxygenated and more acidic, and contains more dissolved inorganic carbon than waters at the same density level of the eastern prong. Evidence is provided to show that the source water of the western prong should be the subsurface water from the strong upslope advection flowing northward from the SCS to the southern Taiwan Strait and upwelling along the coast during the favorable southwesterly wind. Subsequently, the upwelled water flows over the saddle west of the Taiwan Bank and joins the main flow northwest of the Penghu Islands.  相似文献   
Newly emerged landscapes above sea level are characterized by rapidly evolving geomorphic systems where the initial fluvial pattern adapts to a former submarine topography. Such an early formed fluvial system establishes drainage basins and unstable landforms that characterize high topographic asymmetry which are prone to fast removal or reorganization. Transitional landscapes might form depositional systems as lakes or ponds that subsequently are incised, captured and incorporated into drainage basins. In this study we focus on the recently emerged Hengchun Peninsula to survey its paleoenvironment evolution. Three drillings performed in the Gangkou basin with fieldwork revealed several indicators that reconstructed stages of the landscape reorganization. The major finding shows an ephemeral large lake in the central part of the Hengchun Peninsula that was drained to the Pacific c. 6000 bp . The lake belonged to an ephemeral lakeland that was created after the emergence of the peninsula. Currently, several areas as relict landforms indicate this stage of topography evolution that through high rates of incision and subsequent captures, transforms into drainage basins. Furthermore, two drillings show brackish waters at the present estuary of the Gangkou basin. These two different paleoenvironments today build one system – Gangkou catchment. Long-term uplift rates show that a hanging wall of the Hengchun Fault plays a significant role in the creation of a lakeland by tilting the peninsula's surface. The tilt impacts on asymmetrical emergence of the peninsula and catchment development. Our study shows that a new geomorphic system might create depositional ephemeral landforms (lakes) that represent phases of early topography evolution after emergence above a sea level that are subjected to instantaneous rearrangement and evolves through large-scale phases before it reaches a topographic steady-state.  相似文献   
台湾地区湖泊水库沉积速率初步探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对1989-1991年期间,在台湾地区采集的5个湖泊的沉积物岩芯和22个湖泊水库的表层沉积物,进行了沉积物超量210Pb活性的分析,以探讨其沉积速率。其中,小鬼湖沉积物岩芯取部分样品进行14C定年,以与210Pb所得结果比较。结果表明,数千年来,台湾高山湖泊、次高山湖泊的沉积速率相当稳定,除万里池外,大多介于0.06-0.16cm/a之间。火山湖的210Pb活性较一般湖泊高,这是由于火山湖当地安山岩及地下水释出较多的210Pb所致,但这并不意味其沉积速率慢。所以应用210Pb对火山湖沉积物定年时,须作特别修正。平地湖泊目前沉积速率,除了大埔水库高达6.42cm/a外,大多介于0.5—3、2cm/a之间,比高山湖泊的沉积速率高约10-20倍。另外,由水库淤沙资料显示1),历年平均沉积速率都比目前的沉积速率快数倍,其中以石门、白河、乌山头、阿公店4个水库的平均沉积速率较快。  相似文献   
台湾大鬼湖沉积物元素分布所反映的古环境意义   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
位于台湾省南部的大鬼湖,由于湖底常缺氧等特殊自然条件,使湖底沉积物免遭干扰,而能完整地记录过去气候的环境的变动.其岩芯中出现的白层,有明显较低的有机质含量和C/P、N/P、S/P及Si/Al比值.与较高的Si/P、Fe/C、Mn/C、Fe/Mn和Mg/Al比值,显示当时气候可能较干冷,集水区植生较差、湖水位较低,而且环境较氧化.相比之下,富含有机质的黑色沉积物,则反映气候较暖湿、湖水面至少升高2m,而且集水区土壤和水体较还原。  相似文献   
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