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I.INTRODUCTIONReseri,oirsonoverloadedriverswillreachthestateofrelativeequilibriumwithcontinuousdevelopmentofsedimentation.Insuchcase,thereisdePOsitinfrontofthedam.Thereforethesiltpressureonthedambodyisconsiderablylarge.Sedimentationelevationinfrontofthedamisoneofthefactorsofcalculatingthesiltpressure.Inaddition,tokeeplong-termworkingstorageinreservoif,itisnecessarytoinstallbottomoutlets.Asthereisapressureconduitinfrontoftheoperatinggateofthebottomoutlet,thesedimelltenteredtheconduitwill…  相似文献   
淮河息县站流量概率预报模型研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
应用美国天气局采用的由Roman Krzysztofowicz开发的贝叶斯统计理论建立概率水文预报理论框架,即以分布函数形式定量地描述水文预报不确定度,研究了淮河息县站流量概率预报模型。理论和经验表明,概率预报至少与确定性预报一样有价值,特别当预报不确定度较大时,概率预报比现行确定性预报具有更高的经济价值。  相似文献   
基于对第二松花江流域上游小山、松山、两江水电站中长期水文预报研究成果,论述了综合中长期水文预报的研究思路和定性预报、定量预报的分析研究方法。该研究通过2002年实践检验,具有较高的预报精度。  相似文献   
洞庭湖河湖疏浚对洪水位影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周北达  李正最 《水文》2004,24(2):35-39,54
洞庭湖是长江中游的重要调蓄湖泊,但由于接纳湘江、资水、沅江、澧水四水和长江三口洪水、泥沙,造成河道湖泊泥沙淤积,洪水位抬高,加重湖区的防洪负担,造成严重的洪涝灾害。根据洞庭湖河湖疏浚规划和典型河段疏挖竣工资料,运用水力学和水文学方法对疏浚前后洪水位的变化进行了分析。  相似文献   
In this paper, a numerical model for sedimentation in Fenhe Reservoir and the adjoining reaches has been presented on the basis of the theory of non-equilibrium sediment transport. The model is calibrated by using a part of the sediment data collected for Fenhe Reservoir and checked by simulating the remaining data. Moreover, the method of optimization in nonlinear programming has been applied to determine the basic parameters of the model applying a concept of fuzzy mathematics to formulate the objective functions. The computed amounts of reservoir deposition and channel deformation arc found to be substantially in agreement with the values observed.  相似文献   
Forlongtime,theproblemaboutnaturalerosionandartificiallyacceleratederosionisindispute.HistoricalgeographersconsiderthathumaninducedecoenvironmentaldestructionisaccountablefortheseveresoilerosionandecoenvironmentdeteriorationonLoessPlateau[7,8].Somegeolog…  相似文献   
本文从洞庭湖区环境地质条件入手,分析堤防失事及所存在的险工险段与地质缺陷的关系,指出地质灾害是造成防洪工程失事不可忽视的因素。在洞庭湖区综合治理过程中,应注重对地质缺陷的治理  相似文献   
A numerical wave flume is constructed based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations with turbulence closure by a modified k-ε model to study the viscous interactions of waves with vertical breakwaters for different overtopping cases. The governing equations,the turbulence model,boundary conditions,and solution method for the numerical wave flume are introduced briefly. The reliability of the numerical wave flume is examined by comparing the numerical results with the experimental measurement...  相似文献   
I. INTRODUCTIONA discharge of 100--200 m3 / s is needed to be diverted from a tidal reach and utilized as cooling water for a Droposed power plant in the Yangtze Estuary. The diversionchannel is divided into two parts by a levee along the river bank, an open channel stretchinside the levee is connected with a trench dredged on the floodplain, as shown in Pig. 1.Since the flow and sediment regimes in these two stretches are different, analysis is madeseparately for each of them.11. ESTI…  相似文献   
针对吉林市铁合金厂排污口下游江水的污染情况,设计研究江段,分段、分层取样。通过野外与室内实验,分析研宄了江水污染物的主要成分,并对NH4^ 的纵向、横向、垂向上的分布特征及其影响因素进行了详细研究。结果表明,垂直方向污染物扩散可以瞬时完成,在极短的时间内基本能达到完全混合;在横向和纵向上,岸边排放污染物一般只在近岸扩散,污染范围一般也只在靠近排污口一带;随着离排污口距离增大,污染物浓度降低,横向变化率较纵向大。本研究为排污口的污染物控制与治理、水资源保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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