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Zusammenfassung Für die Analyse eines tektonischen Bewegungsbildes ist das Gebirge nördlich von Bandoeng ein geradezu ideales Objekt, weil die hier stattgehabten Bewegungen sehr jungen Alters sind. Wir dürfen annehmen, daß der ganze Prozeß sich im Holozän, zum Teil wahrscheinlich im Neolithicum abgespielt hat.Bei der geologischen Analyse ergibt sich, daß die Dehnung der Erdschichten infolge der Aufwölbung des vulkanischen Gebirges nördlich von Bandoeng 20–40 mal größer ist als eine Ausdehnung, die nur durch die Aufbiegung selbst hervorgerufen worden wäre.Weiterhin zeigt sich, daß gleichzeitig mit dem Auseinandergleiten des aufgewölbten Gebietes eine Zusammenpressung der Schichten am Nordfuß des Tumors stattgefunden hat.Die Parallelisierung der Aufwölbung und der Bruchbildungen einerseits mit dem Zusammenschub und der Faltung am Fuße der Aufwölbung andererseits beruht hier nicht auf paläontologischer Grundlage, mit deren Hilfe die Grenzen auch im günstigsten Falle nicht genauer als auf etwa 10000 Jahre zu ziehen sind. Das gleichzeitige Nebeneinanderauftreten von Auseinanderschieben und Zusammenpressen kann hier mit viel größerer Genauigkeit bewiesen werden, weil eine unmittelbare Parallelisierung der Bewegungen mit Hilfe der Eruptionsgeschichte des Prahoevulkans möglich ist.Außerdem kann ein unmittelbarer Zusammenhang der Bruchnischen (B II) im zentralen Gebirge mit den Blattverschiebungen am Fuß beobachtet werden.  相似文献   
A scheme is presented for the identification and classification of chlorite and related minerals in sediments which is mainly based on X-ray characteristics of the orginal sample and the sample heated at 350°C and treated with K+ and with glycerol. Examples are given. It is emphasized that additional data about clay mineral genesis, electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and chemical analyses are needed for the ordening of a certain mineral in the proposed scheme. Many names of minerals so far found to occur in the clay separate of sediments proved to be synonymous (52 of a total of 88) and thus should be abandoned. They only give confusion and needlessly increase the many difficulties which already exist in the identification, classification and quantitative determination of this complicated group of minerals of about 36 well defined specimens which may be found in sediments.  相似文献   
An Upper Cretaceous-Paleocene series is more or less detached from the Hercynian basement and piled up southward as a Younger Calcareous Chain. A broad belt of Eocene flysch with limestone intercalations terminates eastward against a contemporaneous cross-structure and is affected by a zone of persistent overturning.
Zusammenfassung Eine Oberkreide-PalÄozÄn-Serie ist teilweise vom herzynischen Untergrund abgeschert und südwÄrts als Jüngere Kalkkette aufgestaucht. Eine breite Zone von EozÄn-Flysch mit Kalkeinlagerungen endet nach Osten an einer gleichaltrigen Querstruktur. Sie enthÄlt einen durchgehend überkippten Streifen.

Résumé La série néocrétacée-paléocène est plus ou moins décollée du socle hercynien et déversée au sud comme «ChaÎne calcaire postérieure». Une large zone de flysch éocène à intercalations calcaires se termine vers l'est contre un accident transversal contemporain et est affectée d'une bande persistante de renversement.

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Clinoamphibole from a mylonitic amphibolite exhibits microstructures characteristic of dynamic recrystallization, including porphyroclasts in a finer grained matrix of needle-shaped amphibole. The matrix amphibole defines an LS fabric and porphyroclasts have core and mantle structures with a core containing undulose to patchy extinction and (100) deformation twinning surrounded by a mantle of recrystallized grains. In addition intragranular grains also occur within the cores. TEM analyses of the porphyroclasts reveal that they contain a wide variety of lattice defects including high densities (5 × 108cm–2) of free dislocations and dislocation arrays, dissociated dislocations, stacking faults, and (100) micro-twins. TEM also shows that matrix grains and intragranular grains have relatively low defect densities, and that the intragranular new grains occur at localities in the porphyroclasts characterized by high densities of dislocations. These observations along with the chemical and orientation relationships between the recrystallized grains and porphyroclasts indicate that the new grains may have formed by heterogeneous nucleation and that further growth probably occurred by both strain assisted and chemically induced grain boundary migration or liquid film migration. This recrystallization event is interpreted to be synkinematic based on the fact that no recrystallization textures are present in the matrix grains and that the matrix grains define an LS fabric. However, the low defect densities in the matrix grains and the lack of intracrystalline strain in other phases indicate that post-kinematic recovery processes were active.  相似文献   
A geochemical survey of Belgium and Luxembourg was carried out as part of an international research project entitled ‘Regional geochemical mapping of Western Europe towards the year 2000'. The aim of this research was to map regional background geochemical patterns based on pristine or at least pre-industrial overbank samples and to deduce regional information on the degree of environmental pollution of floodplain and present-day river sediments. Over the entire study area (about 33,000 km2), 66 overbank sites have been sampled. Catchment areas range between 60 and 600 km2. At each site an overbank profile has been dug out in the immediate vicinity of the river and described in detail. A first composite sample was taken 5–25 cm below the surface. This sample is supposed to represent deposition over the last centuries. Human interferences in this interval are often inferable based on changed sedimentary characteristics and the presence of anthropogenic particles such as charcoal, slags and brick fragments. A second composite sample was taken at depth, usually >1.5 m below the surface over an interval of about 20 cm. In most sites, the profile characteristics allowed to assume pre-industrial or even pristine conditions for this lower overbank sample. In some profiles this was confirmed by 14C-dating and/or by the absence of anthropogenic particles. Finally, a present-day stream sediment was sampled on the site to infer the actual pollution status. After drying at 80°C, disaggregation and sieving, the <125 μm fractions of the three sediment samples were analysed by XRF for major elements and several trace elements. Lower overbank samples generally show a direct link with the geological substrate and allow to assess natural background concentrations. Results from the mapping exercise as well as from the statistical analyses display a clear contrast between the northern part of Belgium where Cenozoic unconsolidated sandy and silty formations dominate which are especially vulnerable for erosion, and the southern part of Belgium and Luxembourg where Paleozoic and Mesozoic sandstones, carbonates, marls and shales are the prevalent lithologies. Here the shales are the most intensively eroded lithologies. This is especially reflected in the element patterns of Al2O3, MgO, K2O, Ga, Ni, Rb, Sc and V which negatively correlate with SiO2. Despite the human related pollution, the geological contrast between north and south Belgium is still recognisable in the geochemical pattern of the upper overbank and present-day stream sediment samples for the above-mentioned elements. Furthermore there is a clear increase in heavy metal contents (Zn, Cd, Pb, Cu), As and in certain locations in Ba from the lower to the upper overbank sediment, as well as to the present-day stream sediment. The relative increase in element content allows to assess the degree of pollution and helps to define those drainage areas where more detailed research is needed.  相似文献   
Autoclaves are closed vessels in which liquids can be heated above their ‘normal' boiling points. As a consequence the pressure will rise. This equipment has permitted a variety of processes like the syntheses of organics and the leaching of metal ores. Pressure technologies can be used for accelerating reactions, for specific syntheses or they offer an environmental or economical alternative for existing processes. Wet pressure oxidation of sewage sludge, an organic waste product, has become a proven technology. If less oxygen is added than stoichiometrically required for a complete oxidation, cellulose will break down by a different reaction mechanism, releasing electrons. Under these circumstances reduction of inorganic compounds is possible.  相似文献   
Speleothem fluid inclusions are a potential paleo-precipitation proxy to reconstruct past rainwater isotopic composition (δ18O, δD). To get a better insight in the extraction of inclusion water from heated speleothem calcite, we monitored the water released from crushed and uncrushed speleothem calcite, heated to 900 °C at a rate of 300 °C/h, with a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Crushed calcite released water in three not well individualised peaks between 25 and 360 °C, 360 and 650 °C and between 650 and 800 °C while uncrushed calcite released water in two distinct temperature intervals: between 25 and 550 °C and between 550 and 900 °C.Water from two speleothems from the Han-sur-Lesse cave was recovered using three different techniques: i) the crushing and heating to 360 °C technique, ii) the decrepitation by heating to 550 °C and iii) the decomposition by heating to 900 °C technique. Measurements of the δD of water recovered by the decomposition of Han-sur-Lesse calcite heated to 900 °C did not show a 20 to 30‰ offset as found by previous authors. However a difference of 7‰ was observed between water released before and after decomposition of the calcite. Water recovery from the Han-sur-Lesse samples suggests that a simple heating technique (up to 550 °C) without crushing could both (a) recover water with δD representative of that of the drip water and (b) double the water yield as compared to the crushing and heating method.Our study warns for possible contamination of the recovered inclusion water with hydration water of lime, responsible for the recovery of water with very negative δD values.  相似文献   
Clogging of water wells by iron-hydroxide incrustations due to mixing of anoxic and oxic groundwater is a common well-ageing problem. The relation between well operation (on and off), the spatial and temporal variations in hydrochemistry outside and inside a supply well, and the distribution of clogging iron-hydroxides were studied in an artificial recharge well field in the Netherlands. Camera inspection, high-resolution multi-level water sampling outside the well and detailed in-well pH/EC/O2 profiles revealed remarkable patterns. During pumping, the top of the upper well screen abstracted oxic filtrate, although the larger part of the in-well water column was anoxic. The column rapidly turned oxic after shutdown due to a downward short-circuiting of oxic water via the well. Within 15 d it became anoxic due to the slow advance of anoxic lake filtrate created by local changes in flow direction as the neighboring wells continued to pump. Severe clogging occurred where the oxic filtrate entered the well, while half-clogging of the upper well screen occurred due to less inflow of oxic filtrate on the lake side. Transport of iron flocs and bacterial slimes after shutdown seemed to clog the lower part of the well screen. Frequent on/off switching should be avoided in iron-clogged wells.  相似文献   
The Kerio valley lies between the Elgeyo escarpment and the Tugen hills which mark the western margin of the Kenya rift valley. The main fluorite deposits are located in the southern part of the valley at Kimwarer, Choff and Kamnaon.Three types of inclusion fillings were identified: Liquid+Vapour, Liquid+Daughter Minerals and Liquid. The L+V type is dominant. Inclusions occur as clusters, trails along the crystal growth zones and as isolated ones. Low salinities, apparently lower than the 5% wt. NaCl equivalent, were established. Homogenization temperatures suggest that fluorite mineralization took place at different stages and at temperatures between 120 and 180 °C. Isolated readings above 180°C may be referring to the original inclusions in limestone. These measurements and the absence of CO2 in the inclusions, as well as the occurrence of vugs and crustifications with fluorite, suggest that mineralization took place at relatively shallow depths.Emission spectrum lines representing Eu2+, Dy3+, Tb3+ and Sm3+ in fluorite were identified. Sm3+ was detected only in the pinkish luminescence of veined fluorite, whereas the pinkish zone in banded fluorite contains Tb3+. Eu2+ which gives the strongest emission lines in the blue part of the visible spectrum, apparently is responsible for the strong blue cathodoluminescence (CL) in fluorite. The dominance of Eu2+ peaks further points to the fact that fluorite mineralization in the Kerio valley took place in an environment that was enriched in Lanthanide Rare Earth Elements (LREE). The presence of rare earths and radioactive elements in fluorite points towards their enrichment in the environment of fluorite mineralization. A juvenile origin of mineral forming solutions is proposed.Two generations of fluorite were established: allotriomorphic fluorite, forming the matrix, and the idiomorphic variety, occurring either in barite or in druzes in early fluorite. Barite in turn forms idiomorphic crystals in allotriomorphic fluorite. Relics of calcite occur in both K-feldspars and in early fluorite. Oxides and hydroxides of Fe, Mn, Ti and Al commonly occur in open spaces in fluorite. Of significance is the presence of gold in fluorite. Fluorite mineralization is of hydrothermal origin in the post-Miocene era and was formed as a result of metasomatic replacement of marble and open space fillings.  相似文献   
The characterisation of quartz using trace element geochemistry and electron paramagnetic resonance measurements has been tested for different generations of quartz veining in the multi-stage hydrothermal vein system at Cowarra. Quartz closely associated with gold mineralisation can be distinguished from earlier and later quartz generations in the mineralised environment, and both types can be distinguished from regional, barren quartz veins. These separate stages of quartz veins are also recognised from their fluid inclusion characteristics. Geochemical differences in the quartz partly reflect the presence of minor mineral inclusions, particularly sulfides and arsenopyrite.The study highlights the importance of understanding the paragenetic sequence of quartz vein development in a mineralised environment and the need for careful, thorough sampling before attempting geochemical and EPR characterisation of quartz as an exploration technique.  相似文献   
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