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Octopuses are active predators that feed on a wide range of prey including crustaceans, fishes, and mollusks. They are important components of coral reef systems and support local and artisanal fisheries in the Gulf of México. Octopus insularis has been found to be one of the most relevant components in catches from the coral reef system of Veracruz in the southwestern Gulf of Mexico, and its role in the ecosystem requires assessment. To corroborate the morphological identification of O. insularis, six octopuses were identified by genetic methods. And to understand the trophic relationships between this octopus species and its prey, 394 octopuses caught during 2016 and 2017 by an artisanal fleet were sampled and their stomach contents analyzed. Results showed that crustaceans are the most frequently consumed group, with the genera Mithraculus and Etisus being the most important in the diet. Fishes, bivalves, and gastropods were identified as uncommon prey items in the diet. Their presence in the stomachs could be related to the movement of this octopus outside of the coral reef. Considering that our samples were of medium‐ and large‐sized individuals, cannibalism could be discarded for O. insularis in this size range in the Veracruz reef system. These findings suggest a generalist and opportunistic predation of O. insularis on the most abundant and available prey in the study area, namely the crustaceans. These represents an effective transfer of biomass from the low trophic levels to top predators in the coral reef system.  相似文献   
We present a first assessment of the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and 300m Heat Content (HC) ensemble mean skill of the Australian Community Climate and Earth-System Simulator-Seasonal v1.0 (ACCESS-S1) around New Zealand on seasonal timescales, using a set of retrospective ensemble forecasts for 1990-2012. This was verified against Reynolds AVHRR analysis and Bluelink ReANalysis 3.5 (BRAN3.5). For inshore areas with depth <300m, the model shows skill forecasting for summer at a lead time of 0 months, with 66% and 65% of model grid cells having correlation coefficients exceeding 0.6 for SST and 300m HC respectively. Regions of lower skill seem to be associated with the model representation of the complex and variable frontal systems around New Zealand, and an overly-strong response to the El Niño Southern-Oscillation (ENSO). Nevertheless, the skill of ACCESS-S1 around New Zealand suggests there is potential for the development of useful seasonal forecast products for the region.  相似文献   
Climate resilience is increasingly prioritized by international development agencies and national governments. However, current approaches to informing communities of future climate risk are problematic. The predominant focus on end‐of‐century projections neglects more pressing development concerns, which relate to the management of shorter‐term risks and climate variability, and constitutes a substantial opportunity cost for the limited financial and human resources available to tackle development challenges. When a long‐term view genuinely is relevant to decision‐making, much of the information available is not fit for purpose. Climate model projections are able to capture many aspects of the climate system and so can be relied upon to guide mitigation plans and broad adaptation strategies, but the use of these models to guide local, practical adaptation actions is unwarranted. Climate models are unable to represent future conditions at the degree of spatial, temporal, and probabilistic precision with which projections are often provided, which gives a false impression of confidence to users of climate change information. In this article, we outline these issues, review their history, and provide a set of practical steps for both the development and climate scientist communities to consider. Solutions to mobilize the best available science include a focus on decision‐relevant timescales, an increased role for model evaluation and expert judgment and the integration of climate variability into climate change services. This article is categorized under:
  • Climate and Development > Knowledge and Action in Development
Remote Sensing (RS) technology has recently offered new and promising opportunities to analyze river systems. In this paper, we present a calibration of characteristic Hydraulic Scaling Law (HSL) using a regional database of river geomorphic features. We consistently linked discharge with channel geometry features for estimated Bankfull Channel Depth (eBCD), Active Channel Width (ACW), and Low Flow water Channel Width (LFCW), which are continuously available from RS data along the river course. We then used historical information and external sources of information on channel reaches that were relatively unaffected by human pressure over periods ranging from a few decades to a century (measured in comparable geographical areas) to infer relatively Unaltered HSLs (rUHSLs). Adopting rUHSL validated with available local historical evidence on channel geometry, we were able to assess historical changes in channel geometry consistently over the entire region and within the studied temporal window. The case study was conducted for the Po basin in the Piedmont Region, north-west Italy. From our analysis, it emerges that regionally 74% of the river network has riverbed incisions exceeding 1 m, while 66% of channels have halved their historical widths with a total of 617 ha of land subtracted from the active channel. LFCW is, on average, wider in Alpine rivers compared with those located in the North Apennines. Although it is currently not possible to measure the accuracy of these estimates, the evidence generated is coherent with available historical information, characteristic hydraulic scaling laws, evidence from relatively unaltered reaches and the available literature on local fluvial systems. This methodology provides robust, novel and quantitative information regarding decadal to secular channel changes that have occurred on a regional scale. This new layer of information enriches our ability to rationally address assessments of large-scale past and future channel trajectories. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Landscape experiments of fluvial environments such as rivers and deltas are often conducted with live seedlings to investigate effects of biogeomorphological interactions on morphology and stratigraphy. However, such experiments have been limited to a single species, usually alfalfa (Medicago sativa), whereas important environments in nature have many different vegetation types and eco-engineering effects. Landscape experimentation would therefore benefit from a larger choice of tested plant species. For the purpose of experimental design our objective was to identify fast-germinating and fast-growing species and determine their sensitivity to flow conditions during and after settling, their maximum growth, hydraulic resistance and added bank strength. We tested germination time and seedling growth rate of 18 candidate species with readily available seeds that are fast growing and occur at waterlines, plus Medicago sativa as a control. We selected five species that germinate and develop within days and measured properties and eco-engineering effects depending on plant age and density, targeting typical experimental conditions of 0–0.3 m/s flow velocity and 0–30 mm water depth. Tested eco-engineering effects include bank strength and flow resistance. We found that Rumex hydrolapathum can represent riparian trees. The much smaller Veronica beccabunga and Lotus pedunculatus can represent grass and saltmarsh species as they grow in dense patches with high flow resistance but are readily erodible. Sorghum bicolor grows into tall, straight shoots, which add significantly to bank strength, but adds little flow resistance and may represent sparse hardwood trees. Medicago sativa also grows densely under water, suggesting a use for mangroves and perhaps peat. In stronger and deeper flows the application of all species changes accordingly. These species can now be used in a range of landscape experiments to investigate combined effects on living landscape patterns and possible facilitation between species. The testing and treatment methodology can be applied to new species and other laboratory conditions. © 2019 The Authors. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. © 2019 The Authors Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd © 2019 The Authors Earth Surface Processes and Landforms Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
Geophysical investigations using conventional techniques applied to groundwater exploration can often present strong limitations involving high financial costs, complex acquisition logistics and high ambiguity in results. Dispersion of the electric current flow, induced polarization) effects, cultural noises and shallow lateral heterogeneities represent the main problems faced by geoelectric methods in these types of surveys. Moreover, elements such as intrusions and mineralization at different depths may be responsible for signal attenuation as well as high resistivity in unsaturated zones and complex three-dimensional formations or clayey zones cause variations in the electric current. The focused source electromagnetic and differentially normalized method approaches can help to solve some these issues. Aiming at a higher signal-to-noise ratio, the focused source electromagnetic method and approaches of the differentially normalized method, first applied to petroleum exploration, are tested on a groundwater target, in a karst environment sectioned by a diabase dyke. We performed the processing and analysis on real IP resistivity profiling data acquired with two-way dipole-dipole array, guided by magnetic data acquired on the same profile, mapping a diabase dyke. The inversion of focused source electromagnetic method/differentially normalized method was not performed, instead that we converted the induced polarization–resistivity data to a differential signal to qualitatively prove the presence of aquifer. Joint interpretation of focused source electromagnetic method curves and inverted two-dimensional induced polarization–resistivity sections allowed for precise delineation of a conductive zone associated with the karst aquifer, le magnetics allowed for the definition of a neighbour dyke. The techniques have great potential in the aid of groundwater exploration, contributing substantially to the reduction of interpretation ambiguity. Focused source electromagnetic method/differentially normalized method/ approaches show that a simple linear combination of the conventional geoelectric data is able to remove the geological noise and provide the vertical focusing of the electric current.  相似文献   
Acting as efficient earth-movers, soldiers can be viewed as significant geomorphological drivers of landscape change when replaced in the recent debates on Anthropocene Geomorphology. ‘Polemoforms’, generated by military activities, correspond with a set of human-made landforms of various sizes and geometries. They are particularly common on the World War One battlefield of Verdun (France) which ranks among the largest battles of attrition along the Western Front. The artillery bombardments and building of defensive positions in that battle significantly altered the landscape, resulting in thousands of shell craters, dugouts, and gun positions that have altered both the meso and microtopography. This paper proposes an innovative methodology to make an exhaustive inventory of these small-scale conflict-induced landforms (excluding linear features such as trenches) using a digital terrain model (DTM) acquired by airborne LiDAR on the whole battlefield. Morphometric analysis was conducted using Kohonen's self-organizing maps (SOMs) and hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC) in order to quantify and classify the high number of war landforms. This combined approach allowed for mapping more than one million landforms which can be classified into eight different shapes including shell craters and various soldier-made landforms (i.e. shelters, gun positions, etc.). Detection quality evaluation using field observations revealed the algorithm successfully classified 93% of shell craters and 74% of anthropologically constructed landforms. Finally, the iconographic database and map series produced will help archaeologists and foresters to better manage the historic site of Verdun, today covered by a large forest of ~10 000 ha. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A severe dependence of numerical simulations on the mesh density is usually attributed to the presence of strain softening in the constitutive relation. However, other material instabilities, like non-associated plastic flow, can also cause mesh sensitivity. Indeed, loss of ellipticity in quasi-static analyses is the fundamental cause of the observed mesh dependence. It has been known since long that non-associated plastic flow can cause loss of ellipticity, but the consequence for mesh sensitivity, and subsequently, for the difficulty of the equilibrium-finding iterative procedure to converge have remained largely unnoticed. We first demonstrate at the hand of a biaxial test structural softening and a marked mesh dependence for an ideally plastic material equipped with a non-associated flow rule. The phenomena are then analysed in depth using an infinitely long shear layer. Finally, it is shown that the mesh effect disappears when the standard continuum model is replaced by a Cosserat continuum, a well-known regularisation method for strain-softening constitutive relations.  相似文献   
We present a refinement of the recursive digital filter proposed by McMillen (Boundary-Layer Meteorol 43:231–245, 1988), for separating surface-layer turbulence from low-frequency fluctuations affecting the mean flow, especially over complex terrain. In fact, a straightforward application of the filter causes both an amplitude attenuation and a forward phase shift in the filtered signal. As a consequence turbulence fluctuations, evaluated as the difference between the original series and the filtered one, as well as higher-order moments calculated from them, may be affected by serious inaccuracies. The new algorithm (i) produces a rigorous zero-phase filter, (ii) restores the amplitude of the low-frequency signal, and (iii) corrects all filter-induced signal distortions.  相似文献   
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