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本文详细叙述了采用光电编码和微机技术对自记水位仪进行数字化改造的方案选择、理论计算和改造实践。  相似文献   
1995年7月12日至1996年2月3日短短7个月,云南地区连续发生了孟连西中缅边境7.3级、武定5.5级、丽江7.0级3次强震,本文研究了近期这几次强震前5个地震台地震图垂直分量S、P波最大振幅比的时空演化特征,动态追踪了振幅比明显偏离平稳态的突变过程。发现主震前5—8年,7级大震震中100km范围出现振幅比高(低)值突变,6级强震震中130km范围出现振幅比高值突变,当振幅比的突变在缓升(降)的背景上骤升(降),或突变异常的地震次数明显增加,则中长期异常进入中短期阶段。在强震震中130km范围内的地震台(近台)振幅比值高达15.2以上,而远离强震震中250km以外的地震台(远台)振幅比最大值仅为9.8,近台的突变幅度至少比远台大30%。而强震成组发生前一年半时间内,位于强震震中110km范围内的近台振幅比的突变幅度比远在250km外远台大55—75%。对振幅比的突变和时空演化特征从非线性动力学模型和模拟实验结果进行了初步成因探讨。  相似文献   
Hydraulic/partitioning tracer tomography (HPTT) was recently developed by Yeh and Zhu [Yeh T-CJ, Zhu J. Hydraulic/partitioning tracer tomography for characterization of dense nonaqueous phase liquid source zones, Water Resour Res 2007;43:W06435. doi:10.1029/2006WR004877.] for estimating spatial distribution of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) in the subsurface. Since discrete tracer concentration data are directly utilized for the estimation of DNAPLs, this approach solves the hyperbolic convection–dispersion equation. Solution to the convection–dispersion equation however demands fine temporal and spatial discretization, resulting in high computational cost for an HPTT analysis. In this work, we use temporal moments of tracer breakthrough curves instead of discrete concentration data to estimate DNAPL distribution. This approach solves time independent partial differential equations of the temporal moments, and therefore avoids solving the convection–dispersion equation using a time marching scheme, resulting in a dramatic reduction of computational cost. To reduce numerical oscillations associated with convection dominated transport problems such as in inter-well tracer tests, the approach uses a finite element solver adopting the streamline upwind Petrov–Galerkin method to calculate moments and sensitivities. We test the temporal moment approach through numerical simulations. Comparing the computational costs between utilizing moments and discrete concentrations, we find that temporal moments significantly reduce the computation time. We also find that tracer moment data collected through a tomographic survey alone are able to yield reasonable estimates of hydraulic conductivity, as indicated by a correlation of 0.588 between estimated and true hydraulic conductivity fields in the synthetic case study.  相似文献   
A review and quantitative comparison of existing deterministic sliding block methods for predicting permanent displacements of earth structures subjected to seismic loading is presented. The reviewed sliding block methods are divided into two main groups based on the characteristic earthquake parameters referenced in each method. One group uses the maximum horizontal ground acceleration and velocity, and the other uses the maximum horizontal ground acceleration and the predominant period of the acceleration spectrum. Displacement functions published by previous authors are reformulated to give common non-dimensionalized displacement functions of the critical acceleration ratio which are then used to compare the different methods for the estimate of permanent seismic displacement of soil structures. The results show that despite the fact that the different methods were formulated using a wide range of earthquake records and different characteristic seismic parameters, permanent displacement values predicted using these methods fall within a reasonably narrow band. Selected acceleration data from three recent earthquakes that occurred in California are used to evaluate and compare the accuracy of the reviewed displacement methods for practical applications.  相似文献   
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering - The reinforcement ratio of central column member has remarkable effect on the seismic behaviour of double-box stations. To investigate the effects of...  相似文献   
This paper calculates the structural parameters, electronic and optical properties of orthorhombic distorted perovskite-type TbMnO3 by first principles using density functional theory within the generalised gradient approximation. The calculated equilibrium lattice constants are in a reasonable agreement with theoretical and experimental data. The energy band structure, density of states and partial density of states of elements are obtained. Band structures show that TbMnO3 is an indirect band gap between the O 2p states and Mn 3d states, and the band gap is of 0.48 eV agreeing with experimental result. Furthermore, the optical properties, including the dielectric function, absorption coefficient, optical reflectivity, refractive index and energy loss spectrum are calculated and analysed, showing that the TbMnO3 is a promising dielectric material.  相似文献   
何庆成  李采 《上海国土资源》2012,33(2):11-15,53
经过几十年的探索与实践,地下灌注在美国已成为一种成熟、经济和有效技术,被广泛地应用于工农业废物处置与民用污水处理及油气开发。按灌注液体的性质与注入位置,美国地下灌注井分为六类。本文较为详细地介绍了每类灌注井的结构、灌注液体性质、作用及应用领域,随后简要介绍了这些灌注井的管理法规与技术要求,希望对我国地下灌注技术的发展与规范化管理提供一些参考。  相似文献   
长白山及邻区地壳、上地幔顶部三维速度结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据沿长白山布设的宽频带流动地震台站及吉林省地震台网所记录的近震P波走时数据,利用层析成像方法对长白山及邻区(39°N-45°N、122°E-130°E)深至40 km的地壳和上地幔顶部三维速度结构进行了研究。结果表明:地震的发生和分布多集中于断裂等复杂地质构造。利用较高分辨率的地壳、上地幔顶部三维速度结构证实了长白山火山区岩浆囊存在,并推测岩浆囊的位置位于火山口的西南方向,深度为10~40 km。壳内岩浆囊分布对进一步解释、认识火山灾害提供了重要的深部信息。  相似文献   
陆相盆地层序地层学研究中几个问题的探讨   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
蔡希源  张明学 《现代地质》1999,13(3):287-290
将层序地层学理论应用于陆相盆地研究仍处于探索阶段。陆相盆地的层序界面、最大洪泛面和首次洪泛面的识别标志都有别于海相地层。依据层序地层学理论和对松辽盆地的探索性研究, 对陆相盆地提出了层序界面、最大洪泛面和首次洪泛面的识别标志。  相似文献   
A row of rigid piles is addressed as the countermeasures for isolating Rayleigh waves in a poroelastic half‐space. The complex characteristic equations for Rayleigh waves are derived via Biot's theory and their existence conditions are given. The piles are modeled as Euler–Bernoulli beams with longitudinal displacements and the diffracted field by each pile is constructed only with Rayleigh waves. Six infinite linear systems of algebraic equations are obtained in terms of the equilibrium of forces and continuity of displacements at the pile–soil interfaces. The systems are subsequently solved in the complex least‐squares sense. The influence of certain pile and soil characteristics such as the permeability of poroelastic soil, spacing between the piles and length of the piles on the isolating performance of a pile barrier is investigated. Computed results show that the permeability of poroelastic soil displays a significant effect on the vertical amplitude reduction of Rayleigh waves. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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