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Baotite occurs as a late phase in the Kval?ya lamproite dyke and in the fenitized granite adjacent to the dyke, suggesting that baotite formed during reactions between rock and fluids derived from a volatile-rich lamproitic magma. Most of the analyzed grains of baotite from the Kval?ya lamproite show compositions close to the ideal Nb-free end-member Ba4Ti8Si4O28Cl. Compilation of all published baotite analyses suggests that the major compositional variations of baotite occur between the Nb-free end member Ba4Ti8Si4O28Cl, and a Nb-rich end member Ba4Ti2Fe2+ 2Nb4Si4O28Cl. However, a Pb-bearing baotite, showing significant concentrations of Ca, Sr, Pb and K, and approximately 3 Ba p.f.u., was also identified from the Kval?ya lamproite. Euhedral fluorapatite formed as an early phase during crystallization of the lamproite magma, while anhedral REE-rich fluorapatite overgrowths on the euhedral grains formed during reactions with the late magmatic fluid. Fluorapatite contains up to 1.2?F p.f.u., but only traces of Cl. Other F-rich, but Cl-poor minerals of the lamproite include fluoro-potassic-magnesio-arfvedsonite, fluoro-phlogopite, and yangzhumingite. The presence of baotite together with a range of high-F, but low-Cl mineral phases suggests that the minerals formed in equilibrium with a high-F, Cl-bearing hydrous fluid. The high Cl-content of baotite demonstrates that Cl is strongly partitioned into this mineral in the presence of a Cl-bearing F-rich hydrous fluid. We suggest that a combination of high aSi, aTi, aBa, and fO2, but low aCa of the fluid enabled baotite formation.  相似文献   
The detailed study of the mineral composition of the nepheline syenite pegmatite from the Saharjok Intrusion has resulted in the finding of behoite and mimetite, a mineral species identified in the Kola region for the first time. The pegmatite body at the contact between nepheline syenite and essexite is unusual in textural and structural features and combination of mineral assemblages including unique beryllium mineralization. Behoite Be(OH)2 is an extremely rare beryllium mineral. It occurs as powderlike aggregates in the leaching cavities between euhedral pyroxene crystals. Behoite was identified by comparison of X-ray powder diffraction data of the studied mineral phase and behoite from the Be-bearing tuff in the type locality of this mineral (Utah, United States). Mimetite was found in the same pegmatite of the Saharjok intrusion. It forms unusual parallel-fibrous aggregates with individual fibers as long as ∼1 mm and only ∼1 μm across. X-ray powder diffraction data and the chemical composition characterize the mineral as hexagonal phase Pb5[AsO4]3Cl. Both behoite and mimetite are the products of late hydrothermal alteration of primary minerals (meliphanite, galena, arsenopyrite, and loellingite). The secondary phases freely crystallized in the cavities remaining after the leached nepheline.  相似文献   
Migration of biogenic substances in peats of high and low-level bogs is discussed. Experiments were carried out to determine the quantitative characteristics of the absorbing capacity of peat. A high ability of peat to absorb and hold biogenic substances was revealed. This ability depends on the degree of biogenic substance decomposition and on the amount of finely divided particles, and it is not similar in different types of biogenic substances.  相似文献   
PT parameters of crystallization have been determined for pyropes and Cr-diopsides from loose sediments of the Kola region, taking into account the chemical compositions of these minerals. Being either deep-seated xenocrysts or constituents of mantle xenoliths in kimberlites, pyropes and Cr-diopsides bear information on composition of the lithospheric mantle and its diamond resource potential. It was established that pyropes belong to the lherzolitic (45%), harzburgitic (30%), and eclogitic (25%) mineral assemblages. The Ni thermometry of pyropes yielded their formation temperature at 650–1250°C, which corresponds to a depth interval of 75–190 km. The distribution of different pyrope-bearing assemblages and their trace element composition allowed us to suggest a layered structure of the Kola lithospheric mantle. Its shallow unit (75–110 km) is mainly composed of depleted lherzolite; the medium-deep unit (110–170 km) consists of harzburgite, and the deep unit (170–190 km), of both lherzolite and harzburgite. About 16% of lherzolitic-harzburgitic pyropes were derived from the diamond mantle facies, i.e., from a depth of 140–190 km. Cr-diopsides are subdivided into two genetic groups: eclogitic (high Al2O3 and Na2O, low MgO and CaO) and ultramafic (high MgO, CaO, and Cr2O3; low Al2O3 and Na2O). The crystallization parameters of Cr-diopside from deep-seated ultramafic group were determined using the Cr-in-Cpx barometer and En-in-Cpx thermometer. Most samples fall into the graphite stability field (20–45 kbar and 700–1150°C). If these minerals were derived from kimberlites, this implies that the latter were constituents of carbonatite-ultramafic intrusions. Cr-diopsides may also be derived from diamond-free ultramafic xenoliths contained in alkaline ultramafic dikes. Nevertheless, 15% of Cr-diopside compositions fall in the field of diamond stability (55–60 kbar and 1000–1100°C). These conditions fit the geotherm characterizing a low heat flow. The results support the high resource potential of the Kola region for diamonds.  相似文献   
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