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The effects of human-induced alteration of groundwater flow patterns on concentrations of naturally-occurring trace elements were examined in five hydrologically distinct aquifer systems in the USA. Although naturally occurring, these trace elements can exceed concentrations that are considered harmful to human health. The results show that pumping-induced hydraulic gradient changes and artificial connection of aquifers by well screens can mix chemically distinct groundwater. Chemical reactions between these mixed groundwaters and solid aquifer materials can result in the mobilization of trace elements such as U, As and Ra, with subsequent transport to water-supply wells. For example, in the High Plains aquifer near York, Nebraska, mixing of shallow, oxygenated, lower-pH water from an unconfined aquifer with deeper, confined, anoxic, higher-pH water is facilitated by wells screened across both aquifers. The resulting higher-O2, lower-pH mixed groundwater facilitated the mobilization of U from solid aquifer materials, and dissolved U concentrations were observed to increase significantly in nearby supply wells. Similar instances of trace element mobilization due to human-induced mixing of groundwaters were documented in: (1) the Floridan aquifer system near Tampa, Florida (As and U), (2) Paleozoic sedimentary aquifers in eastern Wisconsin (As), (3) the basin-fill aquifer underlying the California Central Valley near Modesto (U), and (4) Coastal Plain aquifers of New Jersey (Ra). Adverse water-quality impacts attributed to human activities are commonly assumed to be related solely to the release of the various anthropogenic contaminants to the environment. The results show that human activities including various land uses, well drilling, and pumping rates and volumes can adversely impact the quality of water in supply wells, when associated with naturally-occurring trace elements in aquifer materials. This occurs by causing subtle but significant changes in geochemistry and associated trace element mobilization as well as enhancing advective transport processes.  相似文献   
The 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens provided an excellent opportunity for scientists to investigate the recovery of vegetation communities following a major geologic disturbance. An important and often overlooked aspect in these studies is the human factor in recovery processes, and specifically, the different management approaches taken towards re-establishment of vegetation on lands under the control of various owners. This study examines vegetation changes throughout the 1980 blast zone using a time series of Landsat-derived Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) images and change detection methods to assess the changes over 25 years, from 1980 to 2005, as a function of human management combined with ecological factors. This long-term tracking of change indicates that differences in the speed of vegetation re-establishment and consequent rates of change substantially reflect human involvement and varying management strategies.  相似文献   
Present status of geologic mapping indicates that there are three major units of Precambrian rocks in Mexico. The oldest (older than 1,700 m. y.) and the youngest (younger than 700 m. y.) are confined to the northwest part of the country. The intermediate unit (1,300-800 m. y.) is distributed in eastern and southern Mexico and extend into northern Guatemala.The rocks making up the oldest unit accumulated as greywackees and associated volcanics in a eugeosyncline prior to 1,700 m. y. ago; this eugeosyncline extended into Mexico from the north-northeast, where it bordered the older Precambrian craton. These rocks underwent metamorphism and anatexis around 1,700 m. y. ago, that produced the development of the amphibolite-granulite facies and the emplacement of granitic stocks and batholiths.A similar history, but somewhat younger, is recorded for the Precambrian rocks in eastern and southern Mexico. These rocks accumulated in the southern continuation of the Grenville Geosyncline as greywackees and volcanics, starting about 1,300 m. y. ago. These rocks underwent metamorphism and anatexis during the interval of 1,000-900 m. y. ago to form the Oaxacan Structural Belt.An event of granitic magmatism, around 700 m. y. ago, is evidenced in the extreme northwest and southeast of Mexico which, heretofore is not recognized in Texas. In the northwest, this was followed by the intrusion of diabase dykes, prior to the deposition of the youngest Precambrian sediments.During latest Precambrian time, in northwest Mexico, an about 2,000 m thick sequence of conglomerate, sandy shale and dolomite, containingCollenia, Cryptozoa and other organisms, accumulated on top of the eroded older Precambrian metamorphics and granitic rocks, that formed the northeast flank of the miogeosynclinal part of the ancestral North American Cordilleran Geosyncline, representing a near-shore facies. These rocks deformed together with the overlying Paleozoic sedimentary rocks at the end of the Paleozoic, during the Sonoran Orogeny.The present abrupt truncation in the west of both the older and youngest Precambrian rocks in northwest Mexico against the Gulf of California, is the result of the combination of late Paleozoic movements along the Texas Lineament and Torreón-Monterrey Fracture Zone, of the regeneration due to Early Jurassic metamorphism and anatexis, and of movements along the late Mesozoic-Tertiary San Andreas Fault System. A similar truncation of the younger Precambrian rocks in southern Mexico against the Pacific Ocean crust, is considered to be result of a combined thrust and left-lateral movement along the Jalisco-Nicoya Fault during medial Tertiary time.
Zusammenfassung Nach dem augenblicklichen Stand der geologischen Kartierung gibt es drei Haupteinheiten präkambrischer Gesteine in Mexiko. Die ältesten (> 1700 M. J.) und die jüngsten (< 700 M. J.) sind auf den Nordwestteil des Landes beschränkt, während die mittlere Einheit (1300-800 M. J.) in Ost- und Südmexiko vorkommt und sich bis nach Nord-Guatemala erstreckt.Die Gesteine der ältesten Serie - Grauwacken und vulkanische Gesteine — wurden vor mehr als 1700 M. J. in einer Eugeosynklinale abgelegt, die nach Mexiko von NNE her hineinreichte, wo sie einen noch älteren Kraton begrenzte. Vor etwa 1700 M. J. wurden diese Gesteine der Metamorphose und Anatexis unterzogen; daraus resultierte die Amphibolit-Granulit-Fazies, die Platznahme von Granitstöcken und Batholiten.Eine ähnliche Geschichte hatten die jüngeren präkambrischen Gesteine Ostund Süd-Mexikos. Hier wurden, beginnend etwa vor 1300 M. J., in der südlichen Fortsetzung der Grenville-Geosynklinale Grauwacken und vulkanische Gesteine abgelagert. Vor 1000-900 M. J. fanden Metamorphose und Anatexis statt, und der Oaxacan-Strukturbogen entstand.Granitischer Magmatismus fand vor etwa 700 M. J. im äußersten Nordwesten Mexikos (ebenfalls südöstlich von Mexiko) statt, der in Texas bisher nicht nachgewiesen wurde. Ihm folgten Diabasintrusionen; nach denen kam es zur Ablagerung jüngster präkambrischer Sedimente.Im jüngsten Präkambrium wurde in NW-Mexiko eine etwa 2000 m mächtige Serie von Konglomeraten, sandigem Tonstein und Dolomit (Collenia, Cryptozoa und andere Organismen enthaltend) abgelagert, und zwar diskordant auf älter präkambrischen metamorphen und granitischen Gesteinen. Sie bildeten in Küstenfazies die Nordostflanke des miogeosynklinalen Teiles der angestammten nordamerikanischen Kordilleren-Geosynklinale. Sie wurden zusammen mit den überlagernden paläozoischen Sedimenten am Ende des Paläozoikums gefaltet (Sonoran-Orogenese).Das heutige plötzliche Aufhören der älteren und der jüngsten präkambrischen Gesteine Nordwest-Mexikos im Westen gegen den Golf von Kalifornien ist das Ergebnis der Kombination von spätpaläozoischen Bewegungen entlang dem Texas-Lineament und der Torreón-Monterrey-Bruchzone (s. Abb. 11), ihrer Regeneration während frühjurassischer Metamorphose bzw. Anatexis und von Bewegung entlang der spätmesozoisch-tertiären San-Andreas-Bewegung. Ein ähnliches Aufhören der jüngeren präkambrischen Gesteine in Süd-Mexiko gegen die Kruste des Pazifiks gilt als das Ergebnis gleichzeitiger Überschiebung und linksseitlicher Seitenverschiebung im mittleren Tertiär entlang der Jalisco-Nicoya-Verwerfung.

Resumen El estado actual de la cartografía geológica indica que existen tres unidades principales de rocas precámbricas en México. La unidad más antigua (más antigua que 1,700 m. a) y la más reciente (más reciente que 700 m. a.) se limitan para la parte noroccidental del país. La unidad intermedia (1,300-800 m. a.) se encuentra en las partes oriental y meridional de México, y se extiende a la parte septentrional de Guatemala.Las rocas, que constituyen la unidad más antigua, se acumularon como grauvacas y rocas volcánicas relacionadas en un eugeosinclinal, antes de 1,700 m. a.; este eugeosinclinal se extendió a México desde el norte-noreste, donde rodeó un cratón precámbrico aún más antiguo. Estas rocas sufrieron metamorfismo y anatexis cerca de 1,700 m. a., procesos que produjeron el desarrollo de la facies de anfibolita-granulita y el emplazamiento de troncos y batólitos graniticos.Una historia similar, aunque algo más reciente, registran las rocas precámbricas en las partes oriental y meridional de México. Estas rocas acumularon en la prolongación meridional del Geosinclinal Grenville, como grauvacas y rocas volcánicas, a partir, hace aproximadamente de 1,300 m. a. Estas rocas pasaron por metamorphismo y anatexis durante el período comprendido entre 1,000 y 900 m. a., para formar la Faja Tectónica Oaxaqueña.Un evento de magmatismo granítico, ocurrido hace cerca de 700 m. a., se manifiesta en los extremos noroccidental y suroriental de México, y el cual aún no se ha identificado en Texas. En el noroeste, este evento fue seguido por la intrusión de diques de diabasa, antes del depósito de los sedimentos precámbricos de los más recientes.Durante el Precámbrico lo más tardío, en el noroeste de México, se acumuló una sequencia de cerca de 2,000 m de espesor, encima de las rocas metamórficas y graníticas precámbricas más antiguas profundamente erosionadas que formaron en flanco nororiental de la parte miogeosinclinal del ancestral Geosinclinal Cordillerano de Norte América; la secuencia consiste en conglomerado, lutita arenosa, y dolomita conCollenia, Cryptozoa, y con otros organismos, representando una facies cercana a la costa.La terminación actual abrupta occidental de las rocas precámbricas más antiguas y las más recientes en el noroeste de México contra el Golfo de California, es el resultado de movimientos paleozoicos tardios a lo largo del Almeamiento de Texas y de la Zona de Fracturamiento Torreón-Monterrey, de la regeneración producida por el rnetamorfismo y anatexis durante el Jurásico Temprano, y de movimientos a lo largo del Sistema de Fallas San Andreas durante el Mesozoico tardío-Terciario. Un truncamiento similar de las rocas precámbricas más recientes en el sur de México contra la corteza del Océano Pacífico, se considera como resultado tanto de movimiento lateral sinistral como de cabalgamiento a lo largo de la Falla Jalisco-Nicoya, durante el Terciario medio.

1 : (h700 ) ( 700 ) - ; (1300-800 ) . — — 1700 , NNE . 1700 , - , . . , 1300 Grenville . 1000-900 n. 700 - ( - ) , . , . NW – 2000 — , ( Collenia, Cryptozoa ). - . . - Terreon-Monterrey (p . 12), - , -- San-Andreas. , Jalisco-Nic.

Publication authorized by the Director of Instituto de Geologia, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.  相似文献   
The conventional model of leaching volcanic rocks as a source of metals in a seafloor hydrothermal systems has been tested by examining the behavior of Pb and other trace elements during hydrothermal alteration. ODP Leg 193 drill sites 1188 (Snowcap) and 1189 (Roman Ruins) on Pual Ridge in the eastern Manus Basin offshore eastern Papua New Guinea provide a unique three-dimensional window into an active back-arc hydrothermal system. We investigate by means of a LA-ICP-MS microbeam technique the capacity of Pb to be leached from a host volcanic rock exposed to various types and intensities of alteration. Our results are in general agreement with previous studies that utilized bulk analytical techniques but provide a more detailed explanation of the processes.Fresh representative dacitic lavas from the Pual Ridge have an average whole rock Pb content of 5.2 ppm, an average interstitial glass Pb content of 5.6 ppm and an average plagioclase Pb content of 1.0 ppm. Altered matrix samples have highly variable Pb values ranging from 0 to 52.4 ppm. High Pb values in altered samples are associated with a low temperature chlorite and clay mineral assemblage, in some cases overprinted by a high temperature (up to 350 °C) silica-rich “bleaching” alteration. Only the most highly altered matrix samples have REE patterns that differ from the fresh Pual Ridge dacite. This may represent either different lava histories or alteration characteristics that have affected normally immobile REEs. Altered samples with the highest Pb values have similar REE patterns to those of the local unaltered lavas. They are compositionally similar to typical Pual Ridge dacites indicating a genetic relationship between the main regional volcanic suite and the subseafloor hydrothermally altered, Pb-enriched material.Relative loss/gain for Pb between the analyzed altered samples and a calculated precursor show a maximum relative gain of 901%. Samples with relative Pb gain from both drill sites are associated with lower temperature alteration mineral assemblages characterized by pervasive chloritization. The related lower temperature (220-250 °C) neutral to slightly acidic fluids have been ascribed by others to return circulation of hydrothermal fluids that did not interact with seawater. Because altered samples have a higher Pb content than the fresh precursor, leaching of fresh volcanic rocks cannot be the source of Pb in the hydrothermal systems.  相似文献   
The Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks of the Bohemian Massif comprise a compositional spectrum involving two series: an older basanitic series (6.0–0.8 Ma) and a younger, melilititic series (1.0–0.26 Ma). The former consists of relatively undifferentiated basaltic rocks, slightly silica-undersaturated, with Mg# ranging from 62 to almost primitive mantle-type values of 74. The major and trace element characteristics correspond to those of primitive intra-plate alkaline volcanic rocks from a common sub-lithospheric mantle source (European Asthenospheric Reservoir – EAR) including positive Nb, and negative K and Pb anomalies. 87Sr/86Sr ratios of 0.7032–0.7034 and 143Nd/144Nd of 0.51285–0.51288 indicate a moderately depleted mantle source as for other mafic rocks of the central European volcanic province with signs of HIMU-like characteristics commonly attributed to recycling of subducted oceanic crust in the upper mantle during the Variscan orogeny. The melilititic series is characterized by higher degrees of silica-undersaturation, and high Mg# of 68–72 values, compatible with primitive-mantle-derived compositions. The high OIB-like Ce/Pb (19–47) and Nb/U (32–53) ratios indicate that assimilation of crustal material was negligible. In both series, concentrations of incompatible elements are mildly elevated and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7034–0.7036) and 143Nd/144Nd ratios (0.51285–0.51288) overlap. Variations in incompatible element concentrations and isotopic compositions in the basanitic series and melilititic series can be explained by a lower degree of mantle melting for the latter with preferential melting of enriched mantle domains. The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of both rock series are similar to those of the EAR. Minor differences in geochemical characteristics between the two series may be attributed to: (i) to different settings with respect to crust and lithospheric mantle conditions in (a) Western Bohemia (WB) and (b) Northeastern Bohemia (NEB) and the Northern Moravia and Silesia (NMS) areas, (ii) a modally metasomatized mantle lithosphere in WB in contrast to cryptically metasomatized domains in the NEB and NMS, (iii) different degrees of partial melting with very low degrees in WB but higher degrees in NEB and NMS. The geochemical and isotopic similarity between the Plio-Pleistocene volcanic rocks and those of the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic (79–6 Ma) suggests that their magmas came from compositionally similar mantle sources, that underwent low degrees of melting over an interval of ∼80 Ma. The Oligocene to Miocene basanitic series that accompanied the Plio-Pleistoicene basanitic series in the NMS region indicate that they shared a common mantle source. There is no geochemical evidence for thermal erosion of the lithospheric mantle or significant changes in mantle compositions within the time of a weak thermal perturbation in the asthenospheric mantle. These perturbations were caused by a dispersed mantle plume or passively upwelling asthenosphere in zones of lithospheric thinning.  相似文献   
玄武岩斑晶中熔体包裹体成分特征可以推断玄武岩源区物质组成,反映岩浆形成演化过程。利用LA—ICPMS对四合屯义县组玄武岩橄榄石、单斜辉石斑晶中单个熔体包裹体的元素组成进行了分析测试。研究结果表明,橄榄石、单斜辉石斑晶中的熔体包裹体在主、微量元素含量上表现出了比全岩更大的变化范围,但微量元素分配特征总体和全岩一致。单斜辉石斑晶中包裹体的CaO含量、CaO/Al2O3比值和Cr2O3含量随着单斜辉石Mg#值的降低而降低,反映了单斜辉石结晶分离的影响,Al2O3与Sr之间的显著相关关系则记录了斜长石结晶分离作用的影响,MgO—Ni和MgO—CaO/Al2O3的变化则反映了橄榄石的分离结晶作用。包裹体元素组成变化总体受橄榄石、单斜辉石和斜长石的结晶分离作用控制。结合前人研究成果,认为四合屯玄武岩在微量元素和同位素组成上的壳源组分特征可能部分地继承自原岩(即橄榄岩+榴辉岩部分熔融体反应形成的(橄榄)辉石岩),而不是岩浆上升过程中受地壳岩石混染的结果。高Mg#值单斜辉石斑晶中少量高Mg馆、高Si含量,低CaO、TiO2、Al2O3和微量元素含量的熔体包裹体反映玄武岩浆上升过程中受到了S1质岩石的混染,这与义县组玄武岩下伏地层为长城系大红裕组石英岩、石英砂岩的地质特征一致。因此,高Fo橄榄石斑晶中的熔体包裹体比采用向全岩中简单添加橄榄石方式计算出的原始熔体可能更能真实反映原始熔体组成。  相似文献   
Summary. Studies of teleseismic P -and S -wave amplitudes and spectra in the 0.5–4 Hz band show large variations in the attenuative properties of the upper mantle under the United States. The data indicate that attenuation is greatest under the south-western United States including, but not confined to, the Basin and Range province. The lowest attenuation prevails under the north central shield regions. The north-eastern part of the country, consisting of New England and possibly including a larger area along the eastern seaboard, is characterized by moderate attenuation in the mantle.
The level of the high-frequency energy in short-period seismic waves and the differences between Q values derived from short-and long-period data indicate that Q is frequency dependent. The form of frequency dependence of t * compatible with the data in the 0.5–4 Hz range does not allow a rapid decrease of t * with increasing frequency. Rather it supports a gradual decrease covering the broader 0.1–4 Hz range. The curves of t * versus frequency, for shield-to-shield and mixed shield-to-western United States type paths are parallel with an average difference of 0.2 s in t * in the short-period band, but may diverge towards the long-period band. For both curves t *p is below 1 s. For shield-to-shield paths t *p must be below 0.5 s at 1 Hz.  相似文献   
Summary. In this paper we discuss some aspects of estimating t * from short-period body waves and present some limits on t* (f) models for the central and south-western United States (CUS and SWUS). We find that for short-period data, with frequencies above 1 or 2 Hz, while the average spectral shape is stable, the smaller details of the spectra are not; thus, only an average t *, and not a frequency-dependent t *, can be derived from such information. Also, amplitudes are extremely variable for short-period data, and thus a great deal of data from many stations and azimuths must be used when amplitudes are included in attenuation studies.
The predictions of three pairs of models for t* (f) in the central and south-western United States are compared with time domain observations of amplitudes and waveforms and frequency domain observations of spectral slopes to put bounds on the attenuation under the different parts of the country. A model with the t * values of the CUS and SWUS converging at low frequencies and differing slightly at high frequencies matches the spectral domain characteristics, but not the time domain amplitudes and waveforms of short-period body waves. A model with t * curves converging at low frequencies, but diverging strongly at high frequencies, matches the time domain observations, but not the spectral shapes. A model with nearly-parallel t* (f) curves for the central and south-western United States satisfies both the time and frequency domain observations.
We conclude that use of both time and frequency domain information is essential in determining t* (f) models. For the central and south-western United States, a model with nearly-parallel t* (f) curves, where Δ t *∼ 0.2 s, satisfies both kinds of data in the 0.3–2 Hz frequency range.  相似文献   
The scientific community has expressed strong interest to re-fly Stardust-like missions with improved instrumentation. We propose a new mission concept, SARIM, that collects interstellar and interplanetary dust particles and returns them to Earth. SARIM is optimised for the collection and discrimination of interstellar dust grains. Improved active dust collectors on-board allow us to perform in-situ determination of individual dust impacts and their impact location. This will provide important constraints for subsequent laboratory analysis. The SARIM spacecraft will be placed at the L2 libration point of the Sun–Earth system, outside the Earth’s debris belts and inside the solar-wind charging environment. SARIM is three-axes stabilised and collects interstellar grains between July and October when the relative encounter speeds with interstellar dust grains are lowest (4 to 20 km/s). During a 3-year dust collection period several hundred interstellar and several thousand interplanetary grains will be collected by a total sensitive area of 1 m2. At the end of the collection phase seven collector modules are stored and sealed in a MIRKA-type sample return capsule. SARIM will return the capsule containing the stardust to Earth to allow for an extraction and investigation of interstellar samples by latest laboratory technologies.  相似文献   
The DuneXpress observatory will characterize interstellar and interplanetary dust in-situ, in order to provide crucial information not achievable with remote sensing astronomical methods. Galactic interstellar dust constitutes the solid phase of matter from which stars and planetary systems form. Interplanetary dust, from comets and asteroids, represents remnant material from bodies at different stages of early solar system evolution. Thus, studies of interstellar and interplanetary dust with DuneXpress in Earth orbit will provide a comparison between the composition of the interstellar medium and primitive planetary objects. Hence DuneXpress will provide insights into the physical conditions during planetary system formation. This comparison of interstellar and interplanetary dust addresses directly themes of highest priority in astrophysics and solar system science, which are described in ESA’s Cosmic Vision. The discoveries of interstellar dust in the outer and inner solar system during the last decade suggest an innovative approach to the characterization of cosmic dust. DuneXpress establishes the next logical step beyond NASA’s Stardust mission, with four major advancements in cosmic dust research: (1) analysis of the elemental and isotopic composition of individual interstellar grains passing through the solar system, (2) determination of the size distribution of interstellar dust at 1 AU from 10 − 14 to 10 − 9 g, (3) characterization of the interstellar dust flow through the planetary system, (4) establish the interrelation of interplanetary dust with comets and asteroids. Additionally, in supporting the dust science objectives, DuneXpress will characterize dust charging in the solar wind and in the Earth’s magnetotail. The science payload consists of two dust telescopes of a total of 0.1 m2 sensitive area, three dust cameras totaling 0.4 m2 sensitive area, and a nano-dust detector. The dust telescopes measure high-resolution mass spectra of both positive and negative ions released upon impact of dust particles. The dust cameras employ different detection methods and are optimized for (1) large area impact detection and trajectory analysis of submicron sized and larger dust grains, (2) the determination of physical properties, such as flux, mass, speed, and electrical charge. A nano-dust detector searches for nanometer-sized dust particles in interplanetary space. A plasma monitor supports the dust charge measurements, thereby, providing additional information on the dust particles. About 1,000 grains are expected to be recorded by this payload every year, with 20% of these grains providing elemental composition. During the mission submicron to micron-sized interstellar grains are expected to be recorded in statistically significant numbers. DuneXpress will open a new window to dusty universe that will provide unprecedented information on cosmic dust and on the objects from which it is derived.  相似文献   
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