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The characteristics of wind-blown sand on Gobi/mobile sand surface have been investigated through field observation and wind tunnel experiments. On moving sand surface, the pattern of wind speed profile in sand flow follows the power function and its power exponent is about 0.20. While on Gobi surface, due to collision of sand grains with gravels, the structure of sand flow differs from that on moving sand surface, which decreases exponentially with height. The height of blown sand activities on Gobi surface is mainly concentrated below 20 cm. In addition, the structure of sand flow can reach a peak at a certain height and increases with inlet wind velocity.  相似文献   
GPS����λˮ׼   总被引:2,自引:9,他引:2  
????????????θ?????????GPS????λ??,????????????????????????GPS???????EIGEN-CG03C????????λ?????е?????????????????????GPS????λ???????θ??????????0.5 m???????θ??????????????????????????10 cm?? ????????λ??????????????θ??????????, GPS???????????????????????????θ???????????????GPS????λ??????????????????????  相似文献   
Wind erosion has major impacts on dune growth, desertification, and architecture on sea coasts. The deflation threshold shear velocity is a crucial parameter in predicting erosion, and surface moisture greatly affects this threshold and thus sand stability. Wind tunnel studies have shown that reduced moisture contents decrease entrainment thresholds and increase wind erosion, but field and wind tunnel test data is lacking for tropical humid coastal areas. In this study, we investigated the influence of surface moisture contents (at 1 mm depth) on sand entrainment and erosion using tropical humid coastal sands from southern China. Shear velocities were deduced from velocity profiles above the sand. The threshold shear velocity increased linearly with increasing ln100M (M, gravimetric moisture content). The increase was steepest below a moisture content of 0.0124 (i.e., at M1.5, the moisture content in the sand at a matric potential of − 1.5 MPa). We compared several popular models that predict threshold shear velocity of moisture sediment, and found substantial differences between their predicted results. At a surface moisture content of 0.0124, the predicted increase in the wet threshold shear velocity compared with the dry threshold shear velocity ranged from 34% to 195%. The empirical model of Chepil and Selah simulated the data well for M < 0.0062 (i.e., 0.5M1.5), whereas Belly's empirical model simulated the data best for > 0.0062. Wind erosion modulus increased with increasing effective wind velocity following a power function with a positive exponent at all moisture contents, but decreased with increasing surface moisture content following a power function with a negative exponent. When wind speed and moisture content varied simultaneously, wind erosion modulus was proportional to the 0.73 power of effective wind velocity, but inversely proportional to the 1.48 power of M. The increase in resistance to erosion at low moisture contents probably results from cohesive forces in the water films surrounding the sand particles. At a moisture content near M1.5, wind erosion ceases nearly for all wind velocities that we tested.  相似文献   
The purpose of this present study is to investigate in detail the frequency and variation of sandstorms in the Minqin oasis. Using daily observational data from sandstorms and other meteorologic data from 1954 to 2000, the relationship between a sandstorm and meteorological parameters and human activities, which can be used for daily weather forecasting, have been illuminated. The results of the analysis show that sandstorms have a clear daily and monthly variation. Monthly mean and annual mean duration of sandstorms in the Minqin oasis coincide well with the frequencies of sandstorm occurrence.  相似文献   
根据沉积特征、剖面结构和原生沉积构造确定林县坟头下奥陶统亮甲山组之上的一套厚度不大的陆源碎屑沉积为陆相河流相沉积。将原命名为分水岭组改名为漳河组,时代置于早奥陶世晚期。  相似文献   
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) and organic carbon (SOC) levels can change with forest development, however, concurrent changes in soil carbon balance and their functional differences in regulating soil properties are unclear. Here, SIC, SOC, and other physicochemical properties of soil (N, alkali-hydrolyzed N, effective Si, electrical conductivity, pH, and bulk density) in 49 chronosequence plots of larch plantation forests were evaluated, by analyzing the concurrent changes in SIC and SOC storage during growth of plantation and the functional difference of these levels in maintaining soil sustainability. These soils had characteristically high SOC (15.34 kg m?2) and low SIC storage (83.38 g m?2 on average). Further, 28 of 30 linear regressions between SIC and SOC storage and larch growth parameters (age, tree size, and biomass density) were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). However, significant changes were observed in ratios of SIC and SOC with these growth parameters (between 0–40 cm and 40–80 cm, respectively; p < 0.05). These results were more useful for determining the changes in SIC and SOC vertical distribution than changes in storage. Moreover, larch growth generally decreased SIC and increased SOC. Linear correlation and multiple-regression analysis showed that the SIC influences soil acidity, whereas SOC affects soil nitrogen. This clearly indicates that larch growth could result in divergent changes in SIC and SOC levels, particularly in their vertical distribution; further, changes in SIC and SOC may variably affect soil physicochemical properties.  相似文献   
智能化、无人化开采是煤炭行业发展的必然趋势,精准地质信息探测是当前智慧煤矿建设中的重点研发方向之一,其中巷道信息的精准探测和巷道三维模型的快速获取是地质透明化的重要数据来源。对比分析传统巷道建模方法及其优缺点,提出利用三维激光扫描重建技术构建高精度透明工作面巷道模型的技术思路。在分析煤矿井下工况环境长距离三维激光扫描面临的技术难题的基础上,研究三维激光扫描原理和空间点坐标计算方法,并提出透明工作面巷道三维激光扫描重建技术流程,其关键技术包括:三维激光扫描系统动态标定和坐标转换方法;点云预处理技术中基于统计滤波法的大尺度噪声滤波方法和基于移动最小二乘的小尺度噪声滤波算法;点云关键点提取与特征描述技术中SIFT特征检测算法和FPFH特征描述算法;点云配准技术中基于FPFH特征描述算法的粗配准技术和基于迭代最近点算法的精配准技术。以准格尔煤田唐家会煤矿某工作面为研究对象,利用自主研发的移动式三维激光扫描系统从三维激光扫描施工流程、巷道点云数据采集、边界轮廓线提取、巷道与工作面联合建模等方面进行实践应用。结果表明,提出的基于三维激光扫描技术的工作面巷道三维重建思路在技术上是可行的,能为复杂巷道的快速三维扫描、重建提供一条可行的技术路径。   相似文献   
The study of temperature change in major countries of the world since the 1980 s is a key scientific issue given that such data give insights into the spatial differences of global temperature change and can assist in combating climate change. Based on the reanalysis of seven widely accepted datasets, which include trends in climate change and spatial interpolation of the land air temperature data, the changes in the temperature of major countries from 1981 to 2019 and the spatial-temporal characteristics of global temperature change have been assessed. The results revealed that the global land air temperature from the 1980 s to 2019 varied at a rate of 0.320℃/10 a, and exhibited a significantly increasing trend, with a cumulative increase of 0.835℃. The mean annual land air temperature in the northern and southern hemispheres varied at rates of 0.362℃/10 a and 0.147℃/10 a, respectively, displaying significantly increasing trends with cumulative increases of 0.828℃ and 0.874℃, respectively. Across the globe, the rates of change of the mean annual temperature were higher at high latitudes than at middle and low latitudes, with the highest rates of change occurring in regions at latitudes of 80°–90°N, followed by regions from 70°–80°N, then from 60°–70°N. The global land surface air temperature displayed an increasing trend, with more than 80% of the land surface showing a significant increase. Greenland, Ukraine, and Russia had the highest rates of increase in the mean annual temperature;in particular, Greenland experienced a rate of 0.654℃/10 a. The regions with the lowest rates of increase of mean annual temperature were mainly in New Zealand and the equatorial regions of South America, Southeast Asia, and Southern Africa, where the rates were <0.15℃/10 a. Overall, 136 countries(93%), out of the 146 countries surveyed, exhibited a significant warming, while 10 countries(6.849%) exhibited no significant change in temperature, of which 3 exhibited a downward trend. Since the 1980 s, there have been 4, 34 and 68 countries with levels of global warming above 2.0℃, 1.5℃ and 1.0℃, respectively, accounting statistically for 2.740%, 23.288% and 46.575% of the countries examined. This paper takes the view that there was no global warming hiatus over the period 1998–2019.  相似文献   
为了解西北干旱区水库浮游植物群落结构特征,并进一步探究浮游植物与环境因子之间的相关关系,于2017年对张掖境内不同分布区域的8座典型水库进行为期4个季度的采样调查.结果显示,调查期间共计检出浮游植物8门106属294种,其中硅藻门、绿藻门和蓝藻门占比分别为48.35%、26.64%和14.47%.浮游植物密度在0.3×...  相似文献   
任红飞  魏子卿  周庆勇 《测绘学报》2014,43(10):1025-1031
介绍了脉冲星导航的研究进展,顾及天体的四极矩和角动量,推导了脉冲星导航的2PN观测方程,对导航观测方程中的2PN相对论效  相似文献   
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