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More than twenty mafic-ultramafic complexes, which host several mediumor large-sized Cu−Ni deposits, occur along the Huangshan-Jingerquan (HJ) belt in East Xinjiang. Rock types in these complexes are predominated by peridotite, pyroxene peridotite, olivine pyroxenite, gabbronorite, orthopyroxene gabbro, troctolite, gabbro and diorite. The ultramafic rocks are relatively Fe-enriched and are characterized by an assemblage of olivine+orthopyroxene+clinopyroxene+hornblende±plagioclase without obvious metamorphic textures. Chemically, these complexes are relatively Fe-enriched and show a tholeiitic trend of evolution. The complexes in this belt are intruded under the extensional environment in a Mid-Carboniferous back-arc basin. They can be considered as a new type of mafic-ultramafic complexes in orogenic belts, as designated by the name of the East-Xinjiang-type complexes. This project was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
介绍了BP网络的特点,阐述了它在位场资料解释中应用的方法、特点和可行性。通过模型计算证实了该方法在位场异常识别中的效果,正确率达97%。此外,通过修改网络单元的激发函数,增强网络的稳定性和内插功能,使BP网络在多层密度界面反演中得到满意的结果,模型和实例计算证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带平移时代的同位素年龄证据   总被引:82,自引:6,他引:82       下载免费PDF全文
朱光  徐嘉炜  孙世群 《地质论评》1995,41(5):452-456
对郯庐断裂带南段左旋走滑韧性剪切带中糜棱岩的K-Ar全岩分析结果研究表明,该剪切带形成后,在99±2Ma前(早白垩世末期)冷却至封闭温度。结合其它地质现象,笔者认为郯庐断裂带大规模左行平移发生在早白垩世末期,推测为110—130Ma前。这一平移时代与太平洋的伊泽奈崎(Izanagi)板块向欧亚大陆斜向俯冲的时间基本一致。  相似文献   
广东省海岸表层沉积物中的重矿物近40种。含量较高的有钛铁矿、赤矿铁、磁铁矿、话石、电气石、黑云母和普通角闪石等。自生矿物主要为硬石膏、自然铜、黄铁矿及菱铁矿。这些矿物来自附近的母岩。根据物源性质不同,可将不同岸段重矿物区分为陆源矿物组合、近源-自生矿物组合和近源矿物组合三种:除物源控制外,重矿物含量、种类、形态特征及其在平面上的分布主要受沉积环境影响。据此,可将重矿物分布类型划分为河口型、海湾型和海岛型三类,且与上述不同矿物组合性质相对应。  相似文献   
采用Pb-Pb等时线法测定了昆阳群中亚群落雪组白云岩、黑山组碳质板岩和上亚群大营盘组碳质板岩样品,获得了(1716±56)Ma、(1607±128)Ma和(1258±70)Ma的年龄,确定了昆阳群中亚群时代约为1600—1800Ma,属晚古元古代,上亚群大营盘组约为1200—1300Ma,属中元古代。还应用铅同位素化探技术系统研究了汤丹铜矿1号硐中段西14穿脉岩石-矿石的铅同位素组成,结果表明铅同位素V1值与铜含量呈反相关系。这是运用系统剖面方法开展铅同位素化探的首次尝试。  相似文献   
试论陆壳增生的两种基本模式及其对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大陆地壳是地球形成演化的必然产物。大陆地壳由不同时代、不同类型、不同规模地体的拼贴而增生;同时已形成的大陆地壳沿着新的断裂分裂、离散而碱小。因此大陆地壳是地体拼贴增生与分裂离散的综合结果。太古代早期,原始陆壳形成后,主要通过环太平洋型与天山型两种基本模式达到陆壳的增生。环太平洋型陆壳增生模式出现于陆块的边缘,由古大陆向大洋方向单向增生,增生年代由老到新,增生地体一般都有较大距离的移置,其增生与板块的俯冲作用密切有关。天山型陆壳增生模式出现在陆块的内部,其形成与陆块的开台作用密切有关,可以但不一定伴随有俯冲作用。当古大陆沿一定方向断裂带分裂、离散。其间形成新的海槽接受碳酸盐岩和正常陆源碎屑沉积物与来自地壳深部或地幔的火山物质。由于壳下应力条件改变,两侧古陆相向运动,海槽中物质受两侧古陆碰撞挤压,形成褶皱造山带,并把两侧的古大陆“焊接”成新的、范围更大的大陆地壳。  相似文献   
矿床技术经济评价在地质勘查工作中占有重要地位。目前编写地质勘查报告都必须包括技术经济评价章节。但我国矿床技术经济评价的理论和方法还存在一些问题,某些评价方法和基本概念还不够统一。通过对投资回收期、净现值、总现值、销售成本、经营成本等参数的研究认为,矿床技术经济评价要进一步规范化。  相似文献   
本文介绍了对钢板桩码头岸壁进行的原体观测试验,通过观测钢板桩的挠度、作用在钢板桩上的土压力以及拉杆轴向拉力,可以了解板桩岸壁在回填土的作用下,其结构各主要部分的受力及变形情况,为今后同类型结构的合理分析和设计以及港口工程技术规范有关条文的编制,提供了实测资料。  相似文献   
从世界古生界油气保存条件看我国海相盆地的勘探潜力   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
世界含油气盆地的统计数据表明,保存条件对于古生界油气有着压倒一切的重要性。首先是盆地的保存,其次是油气系统的保存。高保存的古生代盆地在形成后基本上未发生构造逆转和岩浆侵入或溢出,在中、新生代沉积和侵蚀作用大体处于平衡,因而盆地实体较完整,一般均上覆有相当厚度的中、新生界。中保存盆地虽经一定程度的构造逆转,但古生界层序的基本格局仍然存在,而且在中、新生代再次接受了一定厚度的沉积,因而仍有可观的产油气潜力。低保存盆地多已发生强烈构造逆转和广泛岩浆活动,盆地实体比较破碎或已全面出露,其含油气性大大下降。油气系统的保存主要涉及油气生成、聚集后大地构造作用的强度和区域封盖层的有效性。我国古生代海相盆地的油气保存条件具有西优东差和北强南弱的特点,其中塔里木、鄂尔多斯和四川盆地大体属于中保存盆地,而中、下扬子和滇黔桂等地区似已进入低保存状态。中保存的三大盆地已分别有可观的油气发现,而且仍有进一步勘探的潜力。对于低保存的南方海相分布区,则需作深入分析。从国外此类盆地的勘探经验看,寻找构造逆转程度较低的区域或次级构造单元,也许是我国南方海相领域获得油气发现的关键,但所发现的可能以小油气田为主。  相似文献   
Hydrogeochemical processes that would occur in polluted groundwater and aquifer system, may reduce the sensitivity of Sr isotope being the indicator of hydraulic fracturing flowback fluids(HFFF) in groundwater. In this paper, the Dameigou shale gas field in the northern Qaidam Basin was taken as the study area, where the hydrogeochemical processes affecting Sr isotope was analysed. Then, the model for Sr isotope in HFFF-polluted groundwater was constructed to assess the sensitivity of Sr isotope as HFFF indicator. The results show that the dissolution can release little Sr to polluted groundwater and cannot affect the εSr(the deviation of the 87 Sr/86 Sr ratio) of polluted groundwater. In the meantime, cation exchange can considerably affect Sr composition in the polluted groundwater. The Sr with low εSr is constantly released to groundwater from the solid phase of aquifer media by cation exchange with pollution of Quaternary groundwater by the HFFF and it accounts for 4.6% and 11.0% of Sr in polluted groundwater when the HFFF flux reaches 10% and 30% of the polluted groundwater, respectively. However, the Sr from cation exchange has limited impact on Sr isotope in polluted groundwater. Addition of Sr from cation exchange would only cause a 0.2% and 1.2% decrease in εSr of the polluted groundwater when the HFFF flux reaches 10% and 30% of the polluted groundwater, respectively. These results demonstrate that hydrogeochemical processes have little effect on the sensitivity of Sr isotope being the HFFF indicator in groundwater of the study area. For the scenario of groundwater pollution by HFFF, when the HFFF accounts for 5%(in volume percentage) of the polluted groundwater, the HFFF can result in detectable shifts of εSr(ΔεSr=0.86) in natural groundwater. Therefore, after consideration of hydrogeochemical processes occurred in aquifer with input of the HFFF, Sr isotope is still a sensitive indicator of the Quaternary groundwater pollution by the HFFF produced in the Dameigou shale of Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   
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