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基于2010—2022年浙江省建德市区域自动气象站的逐日数据和茶叶种植数据,将早春霜冻、夏季高温热害和冬季冻害作为评价指标,利用层次分析和加权综合评价方法,构建茶叶气象灾害综合风险评估模型。将建德市茶叶气象灾害风险划分为高、中、低3个风险等级。结果表明:建德市茶叶气象灾害综合高风险区主要集中在乾潭、杨村桥、下涯镇西北部和乾潭、三都镇东部区域。中风险区主要集中在莲花、乾潭大部、钦堂中南部、下涯、三都镇中部、大洋镇、梅城镇东部、李家西南部和大同镇北部。低风险区主要集中在杨村桥镇中南部、梅城镇中西部、乾潭镇中部和建德市中南部区域。  相似文献   
基于模拟脚本的气象自动绘图系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨波  朱文剑  唐文苑 《气象科技》2015,43(4):627-633
气象自动绘图系统(MEPAS)是一款紧贴我国业务数据环境,以MICAPS和GRIB1/GRIB2数据为主要输入源来实现自动化绘图的业务系统。MEPAS集成了多种物理量和对流参数的计算算法,在中尺度分析方面独具特色。MEPAS主要通过编写XML配置文件来模拟脚本,以命令行的方式运行,它学习简单,使用方便,运行稳定,出图高效,可用于业务系统的建设,也可用于气象科研,具有较高的应用推广价值。MEPAS通过模拟脚本实现自动绘图的技术可以被MICPAS借鉴或吸收,以填补MICAPS脚本交互的技术空白。  相似文献   
The uplift is a positive structural unit of the crust. It is an important window for continental dynamics owing to its abundant structural phenomena, such as fault, fold, unconformity and denudation of strata. Meanwhile, it is the very place to store important minerals like oil, natural gas, coal and uranium. Giant and large-scale oil and gas fields in China, such as the Daqing Oilfield, Lunnan-Tahe Oilfield, Penglai 19-3 Oilfield, Puguang Gas Field and Jingbian Gas Field, are developed mainly on uplifts. Therefore, it is the main target both for oil and gas exploration and for geological study. The uplift can be either a basement uplift, or one developed only in the sedimentary cover. Extension, compression and wrench or their combined forces may give rise to uplifts. The development process of uplifting, such as formation, development, dwindling and destruction, can be taken as the uplifting cycle. The uplifts on the giant Precambrian cratons are large in scale with less extensive structural deformation. The uplifts on the medium- and small-sized cratons or neo-cratons are formed in various shapes with strong structural deformation and complicated geological structure. Owing to changes in the geodynamic environment, uplift experiences a multi-stage or multi-cycle development process. Its geological structure is characterized in superposition of multi-structural layers. Based on the basement properties, mechanical stratigraphy and development sequence, uplifts can be divided into three basic types ? the succession, superposition and destruction ones. The succession type is subdivided into the maintaining type and the lasting type. The superposition type can be subdivided into the composite anticlinal type, the buried-hill draped type, the faulted uplift type and the migration type according to the different scales and superimposed styles of uplifts in different cycles. The destruction type is subdivided into the tilting type and the negative inverted type. The development history of uplifts and their controlling effects on sedimentation and fluids are quite different from one another, although the uplifts with different structural types store important minerals. Uplifts and their slopes are the main areas for oil and gas accumulation. They usually become the composite oil and gas accumulation zones (belts) with multiple productive formations and various types of oil and gas reservoirs.  相似文献   
Introduction With the development of global tectonics and overall detections for global tectonics with multi-geophysical methods, ones can roundly study on the geological tectonics of sampling and magnetic stripe image, so as to summarize and interpret the geometrical and kinematical charac-teristics for the distribution of the ocean and the land, and spreading state of the global tectonics in a global scale. From a comprehensive view, the South and North hemispheres are clearly unsym-metrical…  相似文献   
通过对比中国长白山区和朝鲜白头山区新生代火山岩系的层序和同位素年代学资料,首次编制出中朝边境地区新生代火山岩系分布图和新生代火山喷发阶段对比表。其岩石化学和地球化学演化趋势表明,该区新生代火山完全有可能再次喷发。  相似文献   
本文结合卫星高度计和漂流浮标数据,采取海表面高度法发现并跟踪了墨西哥湾东南部附近发生的一次暖涡融合事件,通过该典型暖涡融合过程的研究初步揭示了涡间融合作用模式,有助于进一步理解复杂涡旋作用机制。欧拉涡旋结果显示,一对暖涡彼此吸引并伴随传播3周以上,随后融合为统一涡旋结构并继续向西传播。被其捕获的浮标提供了融合前后的拉格朗日涡旋轨迹,在融合发生前8天时,一个浮标随水流交换切换了原本追随的暖涡,表明融合事件被高度计观测到之前,涡间水体交流作用已经比较显著。融合前后,欧拉涡旋和拉格朗日涡旋半径均存在较大改变,其中欧拉半径提升了96.2%,受两个暖涡牵引的漂流浮标的拉格朗日半径分别提升了49.1%和115.6%。受融合效应影响,海表面温度场也表现出不同的环境响应,进一步验证了融合过程的发生。最后,对融合前后动能、涡度和散度等动力学演变,以及半径、振幅和形状等形态学变化的分析表明:融合大致经历了涡旋渐近、水体交流、轮廓压缩形变、拉长椭圆涡旋生成和边界重塑等过程;涡心所在平面的垂直结构主要表现为由双峰向单峰的演变;涡旋融合后实现了能量向中尺度的逆级联;受限于单核涡结构,在融合过程中部分属性统计存在偏差,可能导致事件前后发生突变。  相似文献   
利用数字化天气雷达资料,针对强对流天气下的回波块,提取面积S、形状描绘子R和矩不变量M3个特征量,作为判别因子,对强回波块进行跟踪,然后作出回波移动预报。对7次降水过程的实测雷达资料试验结果表明:该方法的跟踪和预报准确率是令人满意的。  相似文献   
从深部矿地球化学勘查实际需求出发,根据近年来20余个矿床研究结果,总结提出了热液成因有色金属矿床矿致异常规律--多维异常体系。多维异常体系是指产出在特定成矿地质时期地质体中,空间有序共存、形成机理各异、成矿指向递进的多属性地球化学异常体系,将在斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型以及沉积改造型等与热液作用有关的有色金属矿产深部矿预测和评价中发挥重要作用。以安徽马头斑岩型钼铜矿为例,对该矿床多维异常体系进行了探讨。结果表明: 在该矿床中,存在着以Na2O为代表的负异常体系、以S为代表的矿化剂元素异常体系、矿化剂元素S与Fe和成矿元素间协同平衡体系、成矿及其伴生元素异常体系等,这些异常体系对成矿的指示作用是递进的,从而证实了多维异常体系的存在。对应用多维异常体系思路预测和评价深部矿进行了说明。  相似文献   
利用三门峡市多普勒天气雷达资料,分析了2009年10月4日发生在河南渑池县的一次产生冰雹的超级单体风暴的回波结构及演变特征,结果表明:超级单体是在上冷下暖的大尺度环流背景和不稳定层结下产生的;其演变过程经历了生成、发展、成熟、消亡四个阶段;局地生成的弱回波若发展较快,速度场中又有逆风区与之配合,则容易发展成超级单体风暴,应引起高度重视;发展阶段回波强度加速增大,诸如底层钩状回波、有界弱回波区、中气旋等超级单体的典型结构特征开始出现,是发布预警的关键时段,大约可以提前15-30 min;成熟阶段最重要的特征是持续存在的中气旋。超级单体风暴其初始回波出现在4 km左右的中空,具有向上向下迅速发展的特点;最强回波强度大,顶高伸展高;当最强回波底到达地面时意味着冰雹、降水的开始,因而可以通过分析最强回波顶高的演变趋势来确定降雹强弱和时间;VIL可用来判断对流风暴强度,持续高的VIL值可能与超级单体风暴有关。  相似文献   
在千将坪滑坡前地震动事件分析基础上,总结滑坡前滑坡体内部岩体形变和破裂所产生地震信号的典型特征,并建立宽频带地震台,对金坪子滑坡体和早谷田危岩体进行监测实验,提取基岩类、土质类和危岩体类3种基本物质组成滑坡的微振动前兆信息特征,为地震台网在滑坡监测预报中的应用推广和监测预报系统软件的研制奠定基础.根据测震学原理,研发滑坡监测分析系统软件(Smas),可为滑坡大规模活动前快速预警.  相似文献   
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