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由于自由表面、海底等强反射界面的影响,海底电缆采集资料中鸣震等干扰往往非常严重且与有效波耦合在一起,降低了资料品质。海底电缆双检合成技术利用速度检波器和压电检波器对于下行波场的不同极性响应可以有效压制检波点端多次波,突出有效反射,提高地震资料的分辨率。本文在深入研究双检合成理论及匹配滤波技术的基础上,提出了基于均衡伪多道自适应匹配滤波方法的双检匹配合成方法压制检波点端多次波,不依赖于传统的求取反射系数的匹配合成方法,完全数据驱动,并在合成记录和实际资料的处理过程中均取得了良好的效果,证明了方法的有效性。 相似文献
Drainage basin object-based method for regional-scale landform classification: a case study of loess area in China 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Landform classification is one of the most important procedures in recognizing and dividing earth surface landforms. However, topographical homogeneity and differences in regional-scale landforms are often ignored by traditional pixel- and object-based landform classification methods based on digital elevation models (DEMs). In this work, a drainage basin object-based method for classifying regional-scale landforms is proposed. Drainage basins with least critical areas are first delineated from DEMs. Then, terrain derivatives of mean elevation, mean slope, drainage density, drainage depth, and terrain texture are employed to characterize the morphology of the drainage basins. Finally, a decision tree based on the topographical characteristics of the drainage basins is constructed and employed to determine the landform classification law. The experiment is validated in the landform classification of regional-scale loess areas in China. Results show that clear boundaries exist in different landforms at the regional scale. Landform type in a specific region shows significant topographical homogeneity under its specific regional geomorphological process. Classification accuracies are 87.3 and 86.3% for the field investigation and model validation, respectively. Spatial patterns of classified landforms and their proximity to sediment sources and other factors can be regarded as indicators of the evolutionary process of loess landform formation. 相似文献
唐旭;陈垚霖;胡石元;耿红 《测绘地理信息》2019,44(5):62-68
旨在分析城市不动产登记的服务效率及影响因素,为机构整治提供针对性建议。界定了以公众满意度为效率测度,以拥挤程度、等待时长、程序繁度和办理方式等为指标的外部评价框架;设计了公众舆情的网络采集和服务效率指标计算及特征分析方法。对2015年3月至2017年9月间,涉及25个省区的108个城市的479条不动产登记相关网络新闻分析可知,北京、上海、青岛等城市在拥挤程度、等待时长方面的舆情指数较高,需要利用互联网拓展增加登记办理入口以减缓供需矛盾;程序繁琐和办理方式复杂是影响郑州、石家庄、广州等城市不动产登记效率评价的主要因素,应优化登记流程、改进平台技术;城市等级规模、房地产调控政策影响舆情指数,城市不动产登记机构应做好与之配套的应急措施。 相似文献
通过地震、钻测井及生物地层资料的综合研究,认为准噶尔盆地阜东斜坡区侏罗系发育6套层序、两个构造层序。层序及沉积相空间分布的差异反映八道湾期至西山窑期以北部物源为主,下部构造层序揭示了北部抬升、南部均衡沉降的构造格局,头屯河期至喀拉扎期以南部物源为主,上部构造层序反映南部抬升、湖盆急剧收缩的构造格局。研究区主要发育冲积扇-辫状河三角洲-湖泊沉积体系,其次为曲流河-三角洲-湖泊沉积体系。早中侏罗世,本区以暖温带潮湿气候为主,但在三工河早期及头屯河中期有两次气候变干变热过程,晚侏罗世为亚热带干旱、半干旱气候,晚期的干旱气候还是导致湖盆急剧萎缩的重要因素。 相似文献
采用染色薄片鉴定、阴极发光显微镜观察、微量元素分析、碳氧稳定同位素测定及包体侧温等手段,对塔里木盆地巴楚断隆区寒武系和奥陶系白云岩的特征及成因进行了研究,共划分出四种类型的白云岩:①泥粉晶白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)平均为3-10,Sr含量高(>300×10-6 ),m(Sr)/m(Ba)>>1,?13C值较高(-1‰-+1‰),18O值较低(-5‰--8‰),沉积环境为潮上带云坪,为准同生作用阶段潮上萨布哈白云化作用形成。②含雾心亮边白云石的细晶白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1-2),Sr含量中等(100×10-6-200×10-6),m(Sr)/m(Ba) >1,?13C值在-2‰左右,18O值低,在-7‰左右,沉积环境为开阔台地浅滩,为准同生或早期成岩作用阶段回流渗透白云化作用形成。③含明亮白云石晶体及钙质残余的钙质白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1左右),Sr含量最低(100×10-6左右),m(Sr)/m(Ba) < 1,?13C值最低(-1‰--3‰),?18O值较低(-6‰左右),沉积环境为灰坪、云坪及开阔台地,为准同生或早期成岩作用阶段混合水白云化作用形成。④砂糖状白云岩,其m(Ca)/m(Mg)较低(1-2),Sr含量低(<100×10-6),m(Sr)/m(Ba)<1,?13C值较高(-1‰-+3‰),18O值较低(-5‰--8‰),沉积环境多为浅滩,为晚期成岩作用阶段埋藏白云化作用形成。 相似文献
Forced regression and its sedimentary response to continental lacustrine rift basin: A case of the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation in Laizhouwan sag,Bohai Bay Basin
Falling stage systems tract(FSST)is an offlap strata with strong relationship with hydrocarbon exploration,which is driven by relative lake-level fall and developed above the highstand systems tract and below the lowstand systems tract of a new sequence. It has no relationship with sediment supply. Based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentology,3D seismic data,drilling core data,and well-logging data were comprehensively analyzed. The study showed that the FSST strata was formed in the Member 3 of Shahejie Formation in the Laizhouwan sag. The FSST can be divided into three units,namely as units P1,P2,and P3 from bottom to top. The P1 is the first unit of progradation downlap the bottom of the FSST. The top of the unit P3 is a sequence boundary exhibits subaerial unconformity. The seismic profile along the source direction is characterized by the low-angle oblique progradation reflection that downstream the center of lake basin from west to east. Incised valleys developed on the top of the FSST perpendicular to the source direction. Gamma-ray logging response is manifested by a series of funnel-shaped complex,indicating that the sedimentary response of the FSST was a cycle of coarsening-upward parasequence sets. Comprehensive studies on core interpretation and well-logging analysis showed that the FSST was a fluvial-delta sedimentary system with slumped fan deposits associated with the delta front. Consequently,the FSST is a common result of relative dry climate and falling of lake level,considering regional tectonic evolution,sediment supply,and paleo-climate change. The discovery of the FSST in the Laizhouwan sag has an important geological significance for the sedimentological interpretation,and it offers a guidance for further oil exploration in the study area. In addition,it also serves as a significant reference for future research on the FSST development and exploration in the continental lacustrine rift basin. 相似文献
利用重力资料和GPS数据研究伽师及邻近地区地壳运动特征,首先对2005~2009年该区域流动重力观测资料进行平差计算,绘制出以1年为尺度的重力场变化的等值线图.分析表明,伽师及邻近地区近年来重力场变化相对活跃,且有一定的规律,最大重力异常值达到150×10 -8m·s-2.其次,利用2005 ~2009年该区域GPS数据在统一框架下进行重新解算,并利用理论计算得到该地区每年的面膨胀值.研究表明,该区域地壳面压缩、面膨胀交替出现,正负交界处往往是剪应变值增大的地区,即地震易孕育区域.最后探讨了重力与GPS(面膨胀)二者在地壳形变、地球动力之间的响应关系.研究表明,震前伽师及邻区重力值主要显示正变化,震后则呈现出大面积负值区域,说明压陷(面收缩)和向北扩张(面膨胀)作用交替进行,这与GPS计算出的面膨胀结果是一致的. 相似文献
泥火山在新疆北天山地区有广泛的分布,泥火山活动时可将大量深层有价值的信息带到地表,通过跟踪分析其活动特征和喷涌物化学组分变化,为区域中强地震预测提供可靠依据。本文首先介绍新疆北天山地区泥火山分布及活动特征,简述泥火山监测的发展历程: 连续监测方式由1990年的喷涌“脉冲”记录,到2011年的视频实时监控,再到2023年实现了特定气体流量的连续在线监测。总结周边300km范围内天山中段发生的9次5级和4次6级地震震例发现,泥火山异常活动特征为“背景值—上升—转折—下降—背景值”的时间进程变化,异常开始距发震时间为6~12个月,地震多发生在转折后,可将其作为天山中段中强震震情跟踪的中期指标; 泥火山喷涌物中的地球化学组分为高值异常,离子(F-、CO32-等)可作为中强震震情跟踪的短期指标,逸出气体(CH4、Rn等)可作为中期指标。最后,利用新源—和静6.6级、呼图壁6.2级和精河6.6级3个地震回顾了乌苏艾其沟等泥火山在震情跟踪中的实际应用情况。 相似文献