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城市土地集约利用与生态利用灰色关联分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用灰色关联分析的方法分析我国内陆31个省会城市的土地集约利用与土地生态利用之间的关系,为城市土地集约与生态协同利用提供依据和支撑。结果表明:综合容积率,单位土地面积职工数,路网密度,人均城市建设用地,地均二、三产值,地均固定资产投入等,均与土地生态利用综合水平之间存在着密切关系,但密切程度不同;与31个省会城市相比,东中西部3个区域的城市土地集约与生态利用关联程度呈现出不同的特点。  相似文献   
通过耦合投入产出分析方法和结构分解模型,探讨2002~2010年区域碳排放转移的演变特征、驱动因素及其地理源特征。研究发现:2002~2010年流出和流入河南省的贸易隐含碳排放均处于不断增加的趋势,其中流出贸易隐含碳排放主要是受外部最终需求的影响,且主要集中在中国的中部和东南部地区,而流入贸易隐含碳排放则主要是受本地最终需求和本地最终产品结构的影响最为显著,且主要来源于中国的东部、东北部和中部地区。研究还发现,为减轻贸易对区域碳排放及其减排责任的影响,开展区域合作来共同减排比单个地区独自应对更为有利,但在区域合作中各地区的获益程度可能会有所差别。  相似文献   
三江平原旱田耕作对湿地土壤理化性质的累积影响初探   总被引:4,自引:5,他引:4  
袁兆华  吕宪国  周嘉 《湿地科学》2006,4(2):133-137
在中国科学院三江平原湿地生态试验站综合实验场,对不同耕作年限的湿地土壤(0~20 cm)进行环境累积效应分析。结果表明,随着开垦时间的增加,土壤的理化性质发生渐变,物理性质方面,土壤容重和比重逐渐增大,而孔隙度和田间持水量逐年减少;化学性质方面,土壤pH值随开垦时间的增加而增加,有机质和其他养分则随开垦时间的增加而逐年降低。弃耕后土壤性质有所恢复。土壤性质在开垦初期变化较明显,而后逐渐变缓。  相似文献   
本文根据CTD观测资料,分析了研究海区的温、盐、密度跃层的分布与变化,讨论了逆温逆盐层的分布区域,并从跃层角度出发,分析了深层水的涌升,黄海冷水团的上边界以及台湾暖流在东海北部的影响范围。  相似文献   
前寒武—寒武系油气作为我国中西部含油气盆地未来油气勘探的重要接替领域,近年来受到广泛关注。本文以阿曼和东西伯利亚盆地为例,阐述全球典型前寒武—寒武系古老含油气盆地石油地质特征及成藏主控因素,为国内前寒武—寒武系油气勘探取得进一步突破提供参考。阿曼和东西伯利亚盆地烃源岩主要发育在盆地初始裂陷作用区,受埋深及地温梯度控制,在志留纪或泥盆纪之前就已大量生油;储集层岩性以砂岩为主,分布面积广,受表生风化淋滤、胶结物溶蚀及构造裂缝改造等后期作用影响,可形成优质区域性储层;优质的区域性盖层是前寒武—寒武系古老油气藏得以保存的关键性因素,盆地膏盐岩累计厚度都超过1 000m。塔里木盆地寒武系盐下深层含油气层系,同国外古老含油气盆地相比,同样具有多套高丰度优质烃源岩生烃、厚层区域性膏盐岩封堵及长距离运移、多层系成藏特征,具有良好的油气勘探潜力。  相似文献   
白乃庙铜-金-钼矿是华北板块北缘中段一个重要矿床,其矿化特征既显示斑岩型蚀变特征,同时又表现出明显的后期造山作用改造的特点。本次研究通过系统的流体包裹体显微测温、激光拉曼和气液相色谱分析揭示其成矿流体为中—低温、中低盐度的CO_2(CO)-H_2O-CH_4(C_2H_2+C_2H_4)-NaCl-CaCl_2体系,流体混合作用和CO_2逃逸为成矿主要因素。富还原性流体的存在可能促使气相流体携带大量的Cu、Au等成矿元素迁移至较远点的白乃庙群地层,沿着片理或裂隙沉淀成矿。对不同成矿阶段矿石中黄铁矿的He-Ar同位素组成测试结果显示白乃庙矿床黄铁矿流体包裹体的~3He/~4He比值在0.06~0.71Ra之间,~(40)Ar/~(36)Ar比值为375.5~1436.3,指示成矿体系由不同性质和组成的两个端元流体混合而成,即混入了类似于MORB型地幔端元的高温高盐度流体和富含地壳放射成因氦但具有空气氩同位素组成特征的低温大气降水。白乃庙矿床属受后期造山作用改造的斑岩型铜-金-钼矿床,形成于古亚洲洋板块持续向南俯冲背景。  相似文献   
西藏桑耶地区位于青藏高原中南部,区内切割强烈,地势陡峻,属于高山峡谷区。为提高区域地质调查野外工作效率,在调查中率先开展了遥感解译研究。在充分收集已有资料的基础上,通过对GF-2卫星数据进行预处理和影像增强,结合野外验证建立了各地质要素的遥感解译标志,实现了区内不同地层岩性、侵入岩、断裂和褶皱等地质要素的提取,最终编制了研究区1:5万遥感地质解译图,为区域地质调查提供了数据支撑。结果表明: 各地质要素在GF-2数据上均有良好反映,完全满足1:5万尺度的遥感地质解译和编图的需要,充分显示出该卫星数据在区域地质调查等工作中具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   
1 IntroductionDiscontinuousDeformationAnalysis(DDA)developedbyShiin 1 980’s[1 ,2 ] maybeusedtocalculatethedeformationanddisplacementsinamulti blocksystemandtoanalyzetherelationbe tweenforcesanddisplacementsinthesystem .Ifthesurveydisplacementofeverypointordirectionisknown,alldisplacementsanddeformationsofblocks,eventheglide ,theclosureandthestretchoftheboundary planeofblocks ,canbecalculated .TheresultisoptimallyfittedaccordingtotheLeastSquarePrinciple.DDAismainlyusedinrockblockssystems…  相似文献   
Remote sensing data have been widely applied to extract minerals in geologic exploration, however, in areas covered by vegetation, extracted mineral information has mostly been small targets bearing little information. In this paper, we present a new method for mineral extraction aimed at solving the difficulty of mineral identification in vegetation covered areas. The method selected six sets of spectral difference coupling between soil and plant (SVSCD). These sets have the same vegetation spectra reflectance and a maximum different reflectance of soil and mineral spectra from Hyperion image based on spectral reflectance characteristics of measured spectra. The central wavelengths of the six, selected band pairs were 2314 and 701 nm, 1699 and 721 nm, 1336 and 742 nm, 2203 and 681 nm, 2183 and 671 nm, and 2072 and 548 nm. Each data set’s reflectance was used to calculate the difference value. After band difference calculation, vegetation information was suppressed and mineral abnormal information was enhanced compared to the scatter plot of original band. Six spectral difference couplings, after vegetation inhibition, were arranged in a new data set that requires two components that have the largest eigenvalue difference from principal component analysis (PCA). The spatial geometric structure features of PC1 and PC2 was used to identify altered minerals by spectral feature fitting (SFF). The collecting rocks from the 10 points that were selected in the concentration of mineral extraction were analyzed under a high-resolution microscope to identify metal minerals and nonmetallic minerals. Results indicated that the extracted minerals were well matched with the verified samples, especially with the sample 2, 4, 5 and 8. It demonstrated that the method can effectively detect altered minerals in vegetation covered area in Hyperion image.  相似文献   
Geostatistical analysis of soil moisture and ion accumulation can provide a deep understanding of aspects of a region’s hydrology such as recharge rates and flow paths. By combining this approach with detrended canonical correspondence analysis, the present study investigated the vertical and spatial variation of soil moisture and chloride (Cl?) in vadose profiles of megadunes near lakes in the southeastern Badain Jaran Desert, northwestern China. Soil moisture varied vertically within the dune profiles following exponential, logarithmic, or log-normal distributions at different sites as a result of regulation by different local controls. The main local controls for Cl? concentration were slope and orientation of the dune. Cl? was not affected by local controls at depths >5 m. Sills of spatial variation in soil moisture and Cl? in the variogram analysis were highly sensitive to local controls in the top 4 m of the profiles, and the values were three times those at depths >4 m. The lag for soil moisture was insensitive to local controls, and was 50–60 m in the top 4 m of the profiles and 20 m in deeper layers, whereas the lag for Cl? was about 20 m at all depths. The results demonstrate that understanding recharge rates using factors such as Cl? accumulation requires a careful survey to ensure that the local controls that regulate these factors are adequately accounted for.  相似文献   
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