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分析了几株自南海及东海分离的亚历山大藻的rDNA部分序列信息,其中包括核糖体大亚基(LSU)rDNA的5′端D1-D2区序列,以及5.8SrDNA和ITS区序列;同时也对实验室保种的部分来自其它国家和地区的亚历山大藻相关序列进行了测序和分析,并以此作为序列分析中的参考。采用ClustalX及MEGA2软件对所得到的序列信息进行了综合分析与对比。结果表明,分离自南海的塔玛亚历山大藻(Alexandriumtamarense)和分离自东海的链状亚历山大藻(A.catenella),即便是在ITS区和LSUrDNA等高变区,其序列信息也完全一致。与基因库中搜索到的其它亚历山大藻rDNA序列信息相比较,中国沿海的塔玛/链状亚历山大藻序列更接近于塔玛复合种的“亚洲温带”基因型。对于分离自南海的另外两株未定种的亚历山大藻,通过对比序列信息,发现它们与相关亚历山大藻(A.affine)非常接近。分离于我国台湾地区的微小亚历山大藻(A.minutum)在序列上与分离自新西兰的藻株相似,而与分离自欧洲的微小亚历山大藻藻株相差较大。中国沿海亚历山大藻rDNA序列信息的获得为针对有毒藻种设计特异性核酸探针,发展灵敏快速的生物检测技术奠定了基础。  相似文献   
The major and minor element contents in the sediment core H9 from the hydrothermal fields of the Okinawa Trough show a sharp change at the depth of 80 cm. The elements enriched in the upper 80 cm core are those enriched in the hydrothermal deposits and in the surface sediments recovered from the hydrothermal fields in the trough, which indicates the input of hydrothermal materials. Comparing with other hydrothermal sediments from Mid-ocean Ridges or the Lau Basin, the degree of the enrichment of elements iron, copper,cobalt, and nickel is relatively low. However, the enrichment of elements manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony and mercury is remarkable. The average contents of these elements in the upper 80 cm core sediments are three to six times those in the lower section, and 3~12 times those in the surface sediments which are not influenced by hydrothermal activities. Hydrothermal activities have contributed significant manganese, lead, arsenic, antimony and mercury to the sediments, and these elements are distinct indicators for the hydrothermal activity in the Okinawa Trough. The significant enrichment of these elements in Core H9 upward from the depth 80 cm indicates the start or the significant enhancing of the hydrothermal activity in this area at about 5 740 aB.P. The average accumulation rate of manganese during this period is about 40 461 μg/(cm2·ka), which is similar to the hydrothermal sediments in the Lau Basin or the East Pacific Rise.  相似文献   
一个简单食物链的能流实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食物链能量转换是生态系统的主要功能之一。海洋生物生产就是海洋食物链能量流动的一种表现形式。它把来自以藻类为主的植物性生产,通过被食-取食多级转换,形成了贝、虾、鱼等各级动物性生产,这就为人类提供了丰富的渔业资源。海岸带水域是我国目前海洋开发的主攻目标,揭示这个海区中食物链能流转移过程,对其经济生物生产力估算和开发前景预测有着重要意义。测定自然条件下海洋食物链能流是极其困难的。借助实验结果进而推算,就比较方便。本研究选择我国海岸带水域中属于不同营养级的4个经济种,构成一个简单的人工食物链,即金藻(…  相似文献   
A comparison of methods for the calculation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of arrays of wave power devices is presented. In particular, the plane-wave approximation and an exact multiple scattering formulation have been used to compute exciting wave forces, hydrodynamic coefficients and q factors for arrays of interacting wave power devices. The results obtained are compared with each other, and accuracy aspects of the computations are stressed and critically assessed.  相似文献   
Based on the analysis of cyclic triaxial test for the South-Sea sand, a comprehensive normalized model of soil stress-strain relationship is presented herein, which includes effects of not only initial stress states but also loading cycles. Consequently, a pseudo-static procedure to analyse the deformation behavior of foundations is suggested. Example of calculations shows that the suggested procedure is convenient in application.  相似文献   
In this paper, the numerical modelling of the tidal level and current in the Bohai Sea was carried out with ADI method, by taking the sum of four main tidal components M2,S2K2,O1 as the open boundary condition. The calculated values were consistent with the predicted ones (the observed values in the case of calm) in the Tidal Table. On the basis of the modelling of the tide, the sea level and current fields under the effects of strong wind were simulated. The calculated results were also quite satisfactory.  相似文献   
Genetic diversity of cultivated populations was investigated using assay of vertical slabpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in 4 species of shrimps, which were Penaeus japonicus, Penaeus monodon , Penaeus vannamei and Metapenaeus ensis, The results showed that the mean number of alle-les per locus (A) is 1.3±0.2, 1.3±0.1, 1.3±0.1 and 1.3 ±0.1 respectively; the percentage of polymorphic loci (P0.95) is 12.5, 6.7, 20 and 23.5 respectively; the expected heterozygosity (He) is 0.042±0.034,0.042±0.031, 0.094±0.042 and 0.097±0.047 respectively; and the observed heterozygosity (H0)is 0.029±0.024, 0.028±0.023,0.154±0.082 and 0.150±0.084 respectively. The difference of genetic diversity is obvious in 4 species of shrimps. The degree of genetic diversity is M. ensis > P. vannamei > P. japonicus > P. monodon. In short, the lower level of genetic diversity is estimated in 4 species of shrimps.  相似文献   
东海浮游动物量的分布特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
浮游动物生物量属于海洋次级生产力的范畴,在海洋食物链中是极其重要的环节。对其生产力大小的探讨,可以评价海洋渔业资源的潜力和开发远景,由此可以看出浮游动物生物量,是渔场调查中必要的基础资料。东海是我国海洋渔业十分重要的开发区域。这里有鲐鲹等中上层鱼类;有带鱼、大黄鱼、小黄鱼等底层鱼类。这些鱼类都有比较广泛的食性[2,3],在它们发育早期或者直到成年阶段,必须有依赖浮游动物为食的时期。因此浮游动物的数量分布与经济鱼类的幼鱼或成鱼的数量分布都有密切的关系。本文根据为1971年7月至1974年6月,共历时4年,在北纬27°—32°、东经127°以西海区所进行的35个航次,1577个测站的调查资料。采集系用大型浮游动物网(口径80厘米,网目每厘米15个)由底到表垂直拖网。  相似文献   
In this paper, the irregular wave force on a cylindrical pier group is calculated by the method of spectrum analysis, and the coefficients of the group effect of piers in the pier group are given here. The calculated results, using P-M and Bretshneider's. (B's) spectra, are obtained for the cases of 2 piers, 3 piers and 4 piers. To compare these results with those obtained for regular waves, we can come to some significant conclusions. Under the action of the irregular wave, when the distance between the piers in the pier group increases, the coefficient of the group effect decreases and tends rapidly to the case of a single pier. In general, when the ratio of the distance between the piers to the diameter of the pier is greater than 4, the group effect can be neglected.  相似文献   
ComparativeresearchonkaryotypeinthreespeciesofArcidaeZhengJiasheng;WangMeilin;GuoDanhong;XuXimindandGaoQinglanAbstract:Byair-...  相似文献   
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