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The mesoscale weather system which affected the Guangxi flash-flood-producing rainstorm of China in June 2008 is a quasi-stationary mesoscale vortex. Its genesis and development is closely related to the coupling effects of weather systems in different scales and different latitudes. On the one hand, the coupling of synoptic scale high- and low-level jets provides the environmental conditions for development of vortices and vertical circulations in the mesoscale vortex; On the other hand, the coupling of waves in mid-latitude westerlies and perturbations in low-latitude warm-moist flow under the influence of complex terrain makes the mesoscale vortex circulations strengthened. With the piecewise potential vorticity (PV) inversion method, PV anomalies in different regions are analyzed; also the vortex-vortex interactions and vortex-background flow interactions are diagnosed. Thus, the reasons why the mesoscale is quasi-stationary at first, while developing and deepening later are indicated. Under the condition of coupling effects, the vertical motions accompanied with the mesoscale vortex can be diagnosed with the PV-ω inversion system based on the analysis of quasi-balanced flow.  相似文献   
将质量功能展开(Quality Function Deployment,QFD)方法引入到自动气象站运行质量测评研究中,建立了观测员对自动气象站运行满意度测评质量功能展开模型,通过两个阶段的质量屋结构将观测员对自动气象站运行质量逐步展开为观测员所关注的具体细节,该模型不但可以帮助自动站设计人员、业务管理人员、技术保障人员及测报员直观了解自动气象站运行现状,而且为提高自动气象站运行质量指明了需要改进的技术和方法.  相似文献   
以广西电网直调水电厂所处的西江流域为研究对象,基于GIS技术,在对西江流域面雨量监测区域基础信息处理基础上,采用比较分析方法,开展分流域面雨量计算方法研究,结果表明:(1)以1:5万数字高程模型为数据基础,针对西江流域河网、自动气象站、水电站等分布特点,结合水系、等高线特征,沿水系分水岭对西江流域干流进行精细化分区,为分流域面雨量计算提供基础参数;(2)对分流域面雨量采用算术平均法与泰森多边形法计算,结果为两种方法计算结果偏差较小,取算术平均法为流域分区面雨量计算方法;(3)逐小时处理、计算面雨量实时数据,实现西江流域面雨量的实时监测与预警服务。  相似文献   
青藏高原地区OLR与地面有效辐射关系的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王可丽  钟强 《高原气象》1991,10(4):380-390
青藏高原;;OLR;;地面有效辐射  相似文献   
The interaction of turbulent and radiative transfer applied to a number of plausible atmospheric situations in the surface layer under the stably stratified condition is discussed.The calculated results show that the long-wave radiative flux has a great influence upon the thermal structure of the surface layer, and that it usually acts in such a way as to weaken the thickness of the constant turbulent heat flux layer. In the case of low wind velocities and strongly stable stratifications, the thickness of the turbulent heat flux layer will become very thin and/or inexistent.  相似文献   
By using the high-resolution observation data and MM5 model simulation data, the analysis on the 12 June 2008 Guangxi flash-flood rainstorm shows that the associated major mesoscale weather system of this event is a quasi-stationary mesoscale vortex, which resulted from the interaction between the midlatitude synoptic-scale waves in the westerly belt and the low-latitude warm-moist flow under the terrain effect. The genesis, development, and movement of the mesoscale vortex have significant impacts on the intensity and persistence of the severe precipitation from the Guangxi flash-flood rainstorm. This vortex is characterized by the coexistence of strong vorticity and divergence with the same order of magnitude. Well organized, deep, and moist convection was observed for a long period of time, and was produced by the interaction between the mesoscale vortex and the gravity waves. The latter was generated by the terrain effect and the ageostrophic effect of high winds in the low-level jet. According to the quasi-balanced dynamical theory, quasi-balanced flow must have existed in the mesoscale motions with both divergent and rotational winds. Thus, based on the diagnosis of the quasi-balanced flow, the PV-ωinversion method is employed to analyze the organized moist convection. The results show that 50%-70% of the vertical circulation in the rainstorm areas was quasi-balanced, so the quasi-balanced flow could well reflect features of the strong vertical motions associated with the coexistence of vorticity and divergence during this event.  相似文献   
冬季黑潮延伸体异常增暖对东亚夏季风影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
利用NCAR CAM3全球大气环流模式数值试验,研究了冬季黑潮延伸体的海温异常增暖对东亚夏季风的影响。结果表明,冬季黑潮延伸体海温异常增暖将导致东亚夏季风增强北推。表征夏季风强度的EASMI(the East Asian Summer Monsoon Index)和LSTDI(the Land-Sea Thernal Difference Index)在夏季风爆发后都呈现了明显的增强趋势,且LSTDI对海温异常增暖的响应更为敏感。华北、南海和菲律宾以东的低空西南季风显著增强,副热带西风急流轴以北(南)西风加强(减弱)。日本群岛及周边海域和中国东部长江以南至秦岭一线的降水明显减少;华北、南海、东海、黄海和菲律宾以东的西太平洋上的降水增多。华北是东亚夏季风对黑潮延伸体的海温异常响应最敏感的区域。东亚地区近地面温度表现为一致的增温特征,而30~50 °N之间对流层的整体升温导致了海陆热力差异的加大,这是促使东亚夏季风增强的重要原因。中国及周边地区环流和降水异常分布和西北太平洋副热带高压增强北抬有关。  相似文献   
风廓线雷达回波信号强度定标方法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
风廓线雷达返回信号功率定标通常通过返回信号信噪比和系统噪声功率的估算得到。该方法存在着噪声电平的确定、外部噪声等不确定性因素,影响了定标的精度。采用信号源分别对接收机和信号处理器进行定量测试,进而对雷达系统进行定标,是另一种可行的办法,该文利用这种方法对CFL-03风廓线雷达进行了定标,并利用该雷达在东莞2009年7月和8月探测资料与广州S波段天气雷达和地面雨量计资料进行比较。结果表明:用该定标方法得到的回波强度与天气雷达回波强度和地面雨量计资料估算的回波强度基本一致,平均标准差在1 dB左右,表明这种定标方法是可行的。  相似文献   
触发重庆山洪灾害的典型环流和影响系统分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王中  陈艳英 《高原气象》2007,26(3):609-614
通过对触发重庆山洪灾害的31次区域性暴雨的特点以及产生重庆区域性暴雨的典型大气环流形势和主要影响系统的统计分析,结果表明:(1)重庆山洪灾害主要是强降水引起的滑坡、局部泥石流和小溪流的洪涝等灾害,其危害极大;(2)诱发重庆山洪灾害的典型区域性强降水主要出现在5~9月,其中7月出现频率最大;(3)绝大部分区域性强降水过程产生前,在500 hPa中、高纬地区上空形成两脊一槽型(占52%)或两槽一脊型的环流形势(占42%);(4)高原槽(高原切变)、高原涡、副热带高压、西南涡、低空急流、地面冷锋等为其主要影响系统。  相似文献   
云南、贵州地区对晚二叠世宣威组底部Nb-REE多金属富集层的研究取得了重要进展,但其成因还有较大争议.为厘清沐川地区宣威组底部Nb-REE多金属富集层成因机制及富集规律,本研究开展了野外实地调查、矿物学、岩相古地理与岩石地球化学等系统性研究,探讨其物源、富集规律,建立了成矿模式.结果 表明,川南沐川地区宣威组底部Nb-...  相似文献   
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