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In this paper,the p-σ five layer primitive equation model segmented by mountains and physical parameterizations including short wave radiation; long wave radiation; large-scale and convective condensation;heat and moisture transport from surface to the first model level is used.The horizonial resolution is 5° lat.×5° long.with the integration region from 25°S to 55°N and from 5°W eastward to 175°W.The model was spun up with perpetual June boundary conditions and forcing starting with June zonal mean heights and geostrophic wind field.In order to investigate the effects of SST (sea surface tempefuture) over the equatorial Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean on the Asian summer monsoon,four sets of numerical experments with positive anomalies over the equatorial Western Pacific,and positive and negative anomalies over the Western Indian Ocean,and zonal mean SST (the control case) are performed.The experimental results show that the South Asian low in the lower troposphere and the anticyclone over the South Asia in the uppet troposphere intensified when positive SST anomalies over the equatorial Western Pacific is included.A statistical test method for simulations is proposed.Finally,the influence mechanism of the SST anomalies over the equatorial oceans is discussed.It is worth stressing that the effects of the SST over the equatorial oceans on the Asian summer monsoon can arise as a result of interaction of SST anomalies,atmospheric flow field and heat sources and sinks in the atmosphere.  相似文献   
王惠清  倪超玉 《大气科学》1989,13(1):113-118
本文通过对吉林省四季气温时间序列的趋势分析和谱分析,揭示出吉林省夏季气温自本世纪40年代中期至70年代末处于下降趋势,80年代初又略有回升。冬季气温从30年代开始一直处于上升趋势,80年代初又略有下降。春季气温变化趋势与冬季相似,秋季基本与夏季一致。夏季气温存在18年左右显著周期,春秋季气温存在12年和2年左右周期,冬季气温存在9年左右主要周期。  相似文献   
Reported in this paper are K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks, biotite-granite and greisen from the Lianhuashan tungsten mine in Guangdong Province. The isotopic dilution method was adopted in this work. Whole-rock isochron ages of the volcanic rocks are in the range 120.4±12.1 m.y. The petrogenetic age of biotite-granite and the minero genetic age of tungsten ore are close to those of the volcanic rocks. The apparent ages of various types of rock in the mining district generally bias towards younger values, which may be attributed to the effects of late thermal events which took place in the circum-Pacific metallogenetic belt.  相似文献   
Jian Ni 《Climatic change》2001,49(3):339-358
The carbon storage of terrestrial ecosystems in China was estimated using acommon carbon density method for vegetation and soils relating to thevegetation types. Usingmedian density estimates, carbon storage of 35.23 Gt (1 Gt = 1015g) in biomass and119.76 Gt in soils with total of 154.99 Gt were calculated based on thebaseline distribution of37 vegetation types. Total carbon storage of the median estimates at differentspatial resolutionswas 153.43, 158.08 and 158.54 Gt, respectively, for the fine (10),median (20) and coarse (30)latitude × longitude grids. There were differences of –1.56, +3.09and +3.55 Gt carbon storagebetween baseline vegetation and those at different spatial resolutions. Changein mappingresolution would change area estimates and hence carbon storage estimates. Thefiner the spatialresolution in mapping vegetation, the closer the carbon storage to thebaseline estimation. Carbonstorage in vegetation and soils for baseline vegetation is quite similar tothat of biomes predictedby BIOME3 for the present climate and CO2 concentration of 340ppmv. Climate changealone as well as climate change with elevated CO2 concentrationwill produce an increasein carbon stored by vegetation and soils, especially a larger increase in thesoils. Total mediancarbon storage of terrestrial ecosystems in China will increase by 5.09 Gt and15.91 Gt for theclimate scenario at CO2 concentration of 340 ppmv and 500 ppmv,respectively. This ismainly due to changes in vegetation areas and the effects of changes inclimate and CO2concentration.  相似文献   
世界无损检测年会(WCNDT)是世界无损检测技术领域最高学术水平的盛会,它是由国际无损检测委员会(ICNDT)组织,每四年召开一次。第十五届世界无损检测年会于2000年10月15-21日在意大利的罗马召开,由意大利无损检测学会承办。意大利无损检测学会主席Nardoni先生担任本次会议的主席。参加会议的有来自世界50多个国家的一千多名无损检测界的代表。中国无损检测学会代表团由27人组成,来自国内的不同行业。此外国家技术监督局锅炉压力容器检测中心、清华大学、空军等单位也自行组团参加了会议。 10月16日,第十五届世界无损检测年会在…  相似文献   
Using the data set of about 1 Hz Lg amplitudes from 80 stations in the six eastern provinces of China, the ratios of horizontal to vertical amplitude of Lg waves,H/Z are determined. The mean lg(H/Z)-value is equal to 0.13. For the station bases of soft deposit,granite and sedimentary rock, lg(H/Z)-values average 0.55, 0.04 and 0.10, respectively. For the three kinds of station bases, the station terms of horizontal amplitude,C h average 0.65, −0.09 and 0.00; that of vertical amplitude,C z average 0.32, −0.04 and 0.00, respectively. There are the relations betweenC h ,C z and lg(H/Z):C h =0.01+2.10C z andC h =−0.15+1.46 lg(H/Z). The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 281–286, 1991. Project sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   
This paper systematically summarized the relation of the abnormal change of He and H2 dissolved gasses in deep hot-water well at Beijing No. 2 Cotton Mill and their relation with seismicity of the region. An empirical formula for the relation of the precursory anomaly of He and H2 gasses with the magnitude and occurrence time of earthquake has been derived. Two events of magnitude greater than 5 in North China had been successfully predicted by using this formula. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 490–497, 1993.  相似文献   
This paper systematically summarized the relation of the abnormal change of He and H2 dissolved gasses in deep hot-water well at Beijing No. 2 Cotton Mill and their relation with seismicity of the region. An empirical formula for the relation of the precursory anomaly of He and H2 gasses with the magnitude and occurrence time of earthquake has been derived. Two events of magnitude greater than 5 in North China had been successfully predicted by using this formula.  相似文献   
Diagnosis is undertaken on the origin for the low-frequency component (LFC) of ENSOvariability in the context of 1979—1990 OLR and u-wind datasets.Evidence suggests that ① apower spectrum-yielded maximum,significant statistically,is derived from the OLR monthlyanomalies in a 3—5-year period range over the tropical central/western Pacific;②compositeanalysis of the signals of the monthly anomaly low frequency component (period>3 years)confirms further the dynamic features of the component as documented in Part Ⅰ:③serving asforcing on ENSO,the related monsoon region represents the source area of the component;④theone-point correlation maps of unfiltered OLR monthly anomalies with zonal wind on a lagged,asimultaneous and a leading basis show clearly the close relation between the u wind-associatedeastward travelling low-frequency wave and the low-frequency oscillation of low-latitude central/western Pacific large-scale convection and the east-moving mode is likely to be excited by theoscillation at a 3—5-year period range.It follows that the large-scale convection oscillation showsup as the origin of the eastward waves,i.e.,ENSO LFC.  相似文献   
As the ongoing global research on acid precipitation is developing in depth, more and more attention has been paid to the ecological effects of aluminum (Al) due to its toxicity to plants and animals, which is caused by acid precipitation. As a very serious problem of terrestrial and aquatic environmental acidification occurs in China, especially in southwestern China, a systematic investigation of Al speciation in these regions is very important. In this paper, the Al speciation results of surface waters in China are reported and its ecological impacts is evaluated. More than 100 water samples were collected from about twenty provinces of China. Driscoll's Al speciation scheme combined with the modified MINQEL computer model is used for speciation of Al. This study shows that the ecological impacts of acidification are quite different between China and Western countries, because of different geographical environments and geological settings. In Western countries, acidification is mainly caused by NO2-. Due to low concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, the buffer capacities of soil and water are weak. Therefore, natural waters can be acidified to pH<5 very easily, resulting in a considerable mobilization of Al and worsening of the ecological environment. In China, acid precipitation is mainly in the form of sulfuric acid. In northwestern China, concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ are high in soil and surface waters. This leads to much higher capacity and a high resistance ability to acidification. The pH values of waters in this region are high (around 7) and no serious Al toxicity is found at present. However, in northeastern and southeastern China, the soil is rich in Al (unsaturated aluminosilicates in northeastern China, saturated aluminosilicates in north and central China, aluminum-rich soil in southeastern and southwestern China). The concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ in soil and waters are lower than those of northwestern China. Therefore the buffer capacity is limited. Numerous surface waters have already been acidified and pH values declined to 5. The impacts of Al toxicity on ecological systems in these regions are very serious, especially in Jiangxi, Hubei Provinces and Chongqing Municipality.  相似文献   
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