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Using statistically downscaled atmospheric forcing, we performed a numerical investigation to evaluate future climate's impact on storm surges along the Gulf of Mexico and U.S. east coast. The focus is on the impact of climatic changes in wind pattern and surface pressure while neglecting sea level rise and other factors. We adapted the regional ocean model system(ROMS) to the study region with a mesh grid size of 7–10 km in horizontal and 18 vertical layers. The model was validated by a hindcast of the coastal sea levels in the winter of 2008. Model's robustness was confirmed by the good agreement between model-simulated and observed sea levels at 37 tidal gages. Two 10-year forecasts, one for the IPCC Pre-Industry(PI) and the other for the A1 FI scenario, were conducted. The differences in model-simulated surge heights under the two climate scenarios were analyzed. We identified three types of responses in extreme surge heights to future climate: a clear decrease in Middle Atlantic Bight, an increase in the western Gulf of Mexico, and non-significant response for the remaining area. Such spatial pattern is also consistent with previous projections of sea surface winds and ocean wave heights.  相似文献   
图幅磁偏角自动计算的原理和方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
详细论述了磁偏角自动计算的原理,并提出了一种利用地磁图自动计算图幅磁偏角的新方法,实验表明,用地磁图建立磁偏角数字模型和年变率数字模型进行图幅磁偏角的自动计算是可行的。  相似文献   
Observations of AGNs and microquasars by ASCA, RXTE, Chandra and XMM-Newton indicate the existence of broad X-ray emission lines of ionized heavy elements in their spectra. Such spectral lines were discovered also in X-ray spectra of neutron stars and X-ray afterglows of GRBs. Recently, Zakharov et al. [MNRAS 342 (2003) 1325] described a procedure to estimate an upper limit of the magnetic fields in regions from which X-ray photons are emitted. The authors simulated typical profiles of the iron Kα line in the presence of magnetic field and compared them with observational data in the framework of the widely accepted accretion disk model. Here we further consider typical Zeeman splitting in the framework of a model of non-flat accretion flows, which is a generalization of previous consideration into non-equatorial plane motion of particles emitting X-ray photons. Using perspective facilities of space borne instruments (e.g., Constellation-X mission) a better resolution of the blue peak structure of iron Kα line will allow to evaluate the magnetic fields with higher accuracy.  相似文献   
The JHKL' photometry and 2.3–4 μm spectrophotometry of some M giants, S type stars and carbon stars are presented in this paper. It is found that in combination with IRAS data, the energy spectra in 1–100 μm of S type stars are intermediate between those of M giants and carbon stars, which are obviously different. The spectrophotometry in the near infrared shows that, besides carbon stars, which have HCN and C2H2 strong absorptions at 3.1 μm, some S type stars have the similar but weaker absorption in the same spectral region. However, no trace of any absorption at 3.1 μm can be seen in M giants. These results probably provide more evidence for the M-S-C sequence in the late stage of stellar evolution.  相似文献   
Many astronomers have discussed the property of BL Lacertae objects, including the variation of spectrum, the correlation of multi-wave bands and the property of polarization, which could give good information for studying intrinsic correlation of components and position of BL Lacertae objects. In the paper, we investigated the properties of RBLs and XBLs and RBLs/XBLs (these objects can also be found by radio survey as by X-ray survey). Firstly, we collected the light curve of 28 BL Lacertae objects, and gained their short timescales by Structure Function (SF). Secondly, we analyzed the distribution of the short timescales of some BL Lacertae objects, including 28 objects’ timescales calculated by SF, as well as the distribution of the redshift and the black hole mass and the flux densities of the multi-wavebands (radio, near-infrared, optical and Gamma-ray). Based on statistical analysis, the result of the paper support the unification model of RBLs and XBLs.  相似文献   
正秦岭造山带是华北陆块和扬子陆块及其间的微陆块经历了多期拼合而形成的,具有复杂的构造演化史,前人已对其形成与演化过程进行了大量的研究工作,但在许多方面的研究仍未获得统一的认识(张国伟等,1988;张本仁等2002)。秦岭岩群是北秦岭造山带的主体,保存了复杂的变质变形记录,准确有效地获取和判断其基底岩石的形成和变质时代是探讨秦岭岩群乃至整个秦岭造山带形成  相似文献   
Xu  Jun  Bao  Jingyang  Liu  Yanchun  Yu  Caixia 《地球空间信息科学学报》2008,11(1):17-20
An algorithm (differential mode) is presented for the improvement of harmonic tidal analysis along T/P tracks, in which the differences between the observed sea surface heights at adjacent points are taken as observations. Also, the observation equations are constrained with the results of the crossover analysis; the parameter estimations are performed at 0.1° latitude intervals by the least squares. Cycle 10 to 330 T/P altimeter data covering the China Sea and the Northwest Pacific Ocean (2°-50° N,105°-150° E) are adopted for a refined along-track harmonic tidal analysis, and harmonic constants of 12 constituents in 8 474 points are obtained, which indicates that the algorithm can efficiently remove non-tidal effects in the altimeter observations, and improve the precision of tide parameters. Moreover, parameters along altimetry tracks represent a smoother distribution than those obtained by traditional algorithms. The root mean squares of the fitting errors between the tidal height model and the observations reduce from 11 cm to 1.3 cm.  相似文献   
高分辨率遥感影像在岩墙地质体信息提取中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高分辨率遥感影像可明显表现地物的几何结构和纹理特征,从而使得在较小空间尺度上观察地物细节变化、进行大比例尺遥感制图成为可能。利用高分辨率QuickBird遥感影像,对新疆巴楚县麻扎尔塔格山地区的岩墙进行计算机辅助地质解译,共获得1227条岩墙。结合GIS空间分析方法获得了解译岩墙长度、走向分布等特征。结果表明:该地区76%的解译岩墙走向为NNW(135°~180°);QuickBird能够满足1∶2.5万地质调查的要求;通过地质分析综合解译结果获得了麻扎尔塔格岩体内部存在发育岩墙、岩墙形成应晚于内部的正长岩体的新认识。探讨并验证了高分辨率遥感影像在中小规模地质体解译中的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
保安湖是江汉湖群的一个典型浅水湖泊。近几十年来,随着经济的快速发展,保安湖面临多重人类压力影响,富营养化问题日趋严重。历史上曾开展过数次的保安湖底栖动物调查,但有关群落结构的长期变化及其驱动机制改变的认知仍为空白。本研究基于30余年(1986 2019)的多次调查数据,探索保安湖底栖动物的群落演变规律及其群落构建机制。研究共记录保安湖底栖动物5门10纲25目49科110属170种(历史记录154种,现场调查51种)。总物种数由1992年的107种降为2019年的51种;平均密度由1992年的433 ind./m2增加到2019年的2177.6 ind./m2;平均生物量由2001年的160.6 g/m2降低为2019年的26.7 g/m2。优势种在1987年有寡毛类、水生昆虫和软体动物多个类群,其后逐步演变为现阶段少数几种耐污的寡毛类和摇蚊类,如霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)、中国长足摇蚊(Tanypus chinensis)、红裸须摇蚊(Propsilocerus akamusi)等,而多年生大型软体动物衰退明显。PERMANOVA和SIMPER分析结...  相似文献   
To improve our knowledge about the geochemical and environmental aftermath of Neoproterozoic global glaciations, we analyzed stable isotopes (δ13C, δ18O, δ34S) and elemental concentrations (Ca, Mg, S, Sr, Fe, and Mn) of the ~ 10-m-thick Zhamoketi cap dolostone atop the Tereeken diamictite in the Quruqtagh area, eastern Chinese Tianshan. Available chemostratigraphic data suggest that the Tereeken diamictite is probably equivalent to the Marinoan glaciation. Our new data indicate that organic and carbonate carbon isotopes of the Zhamoketi cap dolostone show little stratigraphic variations, averaging ? 28.2‰ and ? 4.6‰, respectively. In contrast, sulfur isotopes show significant stratigraphic variations. Carbonate associated sulfate (CAS) abundance decreases rapidly in the basal cap dolostone and δ34SCAS composition varies between + 9‰ and + 15‰ in the lower 2.5 m. In the overlying interval, CAS abundance remains low while δ34SCAS rises ~ 5‰ and varies more widely between + 10‰ and + 21‰. The range of δ34Spy of the cap dolostone overlaps with that of δ34SCAS, but direct comparison shows that δ34Spy is typically greater than δ34SCAS measured from the same samples. Hypotheses to explain the observations must account for both the remarkable sulfur isotope enrichment of pyrites and the inverse fractionation. We propose that CAS and pyrite were derived from two isotopically distinct reservoirs in a chemically stratified basin or a basin with a sulfate minimum zone. In this model, CAS was derived from shallow, oxic surface waters with moderate sulfate concentration and depleted in 34S due to the post-glacial influx of sulfur from continental weathering. In contrast, pyrite was derived from anoxic bottom waters (or a sulfate minimum zone) with low sulfate concentration and 34S enrichment due to long-term syn-glacial sulfate reduction. The rapid shift in CAS abundance and sulfur isotope composition within the cap dolostone is interpreted to reflect the mixing of the two reservoirs after initial deglaciation. Comparison with other post-Marinoan cap carbonates shows significant spatial heterogeneity in δ34SCAS, which together with strong temporal variation in δ34SCAS, points to generally low sulfate concentrations in post-Marinoan oceans.  相似文献   
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