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山地地质灾害气象等级预报(预警)模型应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
浙江省是一个山地地质灾害多发地区,这些灾害包括泥石流、滑坡、崩塌等,它们的发生大多与降水有关。在分析浙江省地质灾害发生规律的基础上,探讨了地质灾害气象等级预报(预警)模型的主要结构、功能和特点,重点讨论了该模型在台风强降水引发的地质灾害预报(预警)中的应用情况。该模型应用于0414号台风“云娜”、0418号台风“艾利”影响期间浙江省地质灾害的预报(预警),取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
以福建泉州水源地山美水库和惠女水库的表层底泥和上覆水为研究对象,室内静态模拟试验研究了生物沸石薄层覆盖削减水源水库氮负荷的效果及可行性,探讨了上覆水体溶解氧(DO)浓度对削减氮负荷的影响,分析了削减氮负荷的作用机理.结果表明,覆盖强度为1 kg/m~2的生物沸石覆盖(厚度约1 mm)对上覆水中总氮的削减率为58.89%~65.75%,对底泥中总氮的削减率为10.39%~13.08%,对底泥中铵态氮的削减率为32.35%~44.56%,对底泥中有机氮的削减率为8.41%~11.04%;对于以硝态氮为主要形态氮的上覆水体,DO浓度越低,越有利于高效菌脱氮;可见,生物沸石薄层覆盖能有效削减水源水库氮负荷,利用生物沸石薄层覆盖技术削减水源水库氮负荷是可行的,但需要进一步研究水源水库底泥生物沸石薄层覆盖修复过程中氮的迁移转化机制.  相似文献   
滑坡是一种常见的全球性的地质灾害, 也是我国最主要的地质灾害之一。滑坡灾害具有极大的危害性, 常常造成大量的人员伤亡和经济损失。在现有研究滑坡形成机理的方法中, 模型试验有不可替代的优势:可以很好的再现滑坡发生全过程, 直观地对滑坡变形破坏的特征进行观测, 可以进行定量化、精细化地测试力学参数的输入和输出, 试验条件和因素较易控制, 可操作性强等。近些年来众多学者利用模型试验对滑坡进行了研究, 取得大量的研究成果。但目前的研究比较分散, 尚未进行系统的总结。本文主要从滑坡影响因素(加载、降雨、库水、地震等)和模型试验中的测试技术两方面对滑坡模型试验进行了系统性的总结, 并对今后滑坡模型试验的研究方向进行了展望, 以期为后续的研究工作奠定基础。  相似文献   
Hydropower development brings many negative impacts on watershed ecosystems which are not fully integrated into current decision-making largely because in practice few accept the cost and benefit beyond market. In this paper, a framework was proposed to valuate the effects on watershed ecosystem services caused by hydropower development. Watershed ecosystem services were classified into four categories of provisioning, regulating, cultural and supporting services; then effects on watershed ecosystem services caused by hydropower development were identified to 21 indicators. Thereafter various evaluation techniques including the market value method, opportunity cost approach, project restoration method, travel cost method, and contingent valuation method were determined and the models were developed to valuate these indicators reflecting specific watershed ecosystem services. This approach was applied to three representative hydropower projects (Daguan, Xizaikou and Tiangong) of Jiulong River Watershed in southeast China. It was concluded that for hydropower development: (1) the value ratio of negative impacts to positive benefits ranges from 64.09% to 91.18%, indicating that the negative impacts of hydropower development should be critically studied during its environmental administration process; (2) the biodiversity loss and water quality degradation (together accounting for 80–94%) are the major negative impacts on watershed ecosystem services; (3) the average environmental cost per unit of electricity is up to 0.206 Yuan/kW h, which is about three quarters of its on-grid power tariff; and (4) the current water resource fee accounts for only about 4% of its negative impacts value, therefore a new compensatory method by paying for ecosystem services is necessary for sustainable hydropower development. These findings provide a clear picture of both positive and negative effects of hydropower development for decision-makers in the monetary term, and also provide a basis for further design of environmental instrument such as payment for watershed ecosystem services.  相似文献   
The marine yeast strain N13d, producing an extracellular amylase, was isolated from the deep sea sediments of the Pacific Ocean. This strain was identified to be Aureobasidium pullulans by 18S rRNA gene sequence analysis and routine yeast identification methods. The optimal sea water medium for amylase production by this yeast strain was 1.0% peptone and 1.0% soluble starch with pH 4.0. The optimal conditions for amylase production by this yeast strain were with temperature 28 °C, aeration rate 6 Lmin−1 and agitation speed 250 rmin−1. Under these conditions, 58.5 units of amylase activity per mg protein were produced within 56 h of fermentation.  相似文献   
重大旱涝气象灾害对国民经济的影响评估   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过对产生旱涝灾害的三类天气过程(梅汛暴雨、热带气旋、干旱)对浙江省国民经济发展影响的分析评估,找出灾害对国民经济发展影响的若干事实,为政府及有关部门更好地开展趋利避害工作提供一些科学依据。  相似文献   
动态部分熔融作用及其地球物理意义   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文着重阐述了上地幔动态部分熔融动力学的几个基本问题:(1)初始熔融物的产生;(2)渗透和萃取;(3)运移和聚集;(4)研究方法、内容及其地球物理意义。笔者强调指出,在初始熔融阶段,两面角是控制上地幔熔融物的几何分布、渗透性和连通性能的关键参数,少量熔融物(2%~5%)不仅会使软流圈中地震波速下降、导电率增加,而且还引起上地幔非弹性衰减现象。  相似文献   
The application of satellite radiance assimilation can improve the simulation of precipitation by numerical weather prediction models. However, substantial quantities of satellite data, especially those derived from low-level(surface-sensitive)channels, are rejected for use because of the difficulty in realistically modeling land surface emissivity and energy budgets.Here, we used an improved land use and leaf area index(LAI) dataset in the WRF-3 DVAR assimilation system to explore the benefit of using improved quality of land surface information to improve rainfall simulation for the Shule River Basin in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau as a case study. The results for July 2013 show that, for low-level channels(e.g., channel 3),the underestimation of brightness temperature in the original simulation was largely removed by more realistic land surface information. In addition, more satellite data could be utilized in the assimilation because the realistic land use and LAI data allowed more satellite radiance data to pass the deviation test and get used by the assimilation, which resulted in improved initial driving fields and better simulation in terms of temperature, relative humidity, vertical convection, and cumulative precipitation.  相似文献   
以湛江降水为研究对象,利用收集的2019年汛期68个降水样品及同期气象资料,采用同位素示踪技术,结合HYSPLIT(Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory)模式溯源,分析了湛江地区汛期降水稳定同位素的变化与水汽源地的关系,并对5个代表性的降水个例进行了诊断分析。结果表明:1)湛江地区汛期局部降水线为δD=8.02318O-0.703 7,R2=0.954,n=68;前汛期季风带来西太平洋的水汽,18O含量丰富;后汛期降雨主要取决于局部大气环流,一定程度受云下二次分馏影响,δD和18O偏低。2)前汛期西南季风爆发前,湛江降水的水汽主要源于副热带高压外围东南气流输送的西太平洋水汽,西南季风爆发后,南海、孟加拉湾为其水汽源地;后汛期热带系统带来的降水,南海、孟加拉湾为主要水汽源地;非热带系统带来的降水,孟加拉湾为主要水汽源地。  相似文献   
双相岩石流变学研究评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从自相容理论,Voigt-Reuss极限理论及显微构造分析方法3个方面说述了当前双相岩石流变学的研究现状和发展方向;介绍了双相岩石流谱学实验的一些研究进展和存在问题;流动律合成的方法目前只有两种:Tullis的经验公式和Ji的迭代公式。  相似文献   
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