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北半球三层准地转波谱模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
文中,非线性项的处理用了变维方法,纬向的“完全的谱方法”及经向的“准谱方法”,既有利于克服非线性不稳定,且能大大节省计算量及存储量,使之能在小型计算机上实现其程序设计。通过设计多个地形曲面的办法来考虑地形的作用。在时间差分格式中,将时间步长取成波数的函数,有利于节省计算量。这模式从一九七四年九月开始进行了较多个例的预报实验,其72小时以内的预报效果是比较好的。  相似文献   
利用线阵CCD分辨率高、像素均匀等特点对光栅莫尔条纹进行细分是目前广泛采用的一种新技术。由于CCD具有自扫描能力,能将光强随空间分布的莫尔条纹信号转换成随时间变化的电信号,从而可以对光栅刻线的像的移动进行精确定位和直接数字化,改变传统莫尔条纹位相细分方法,实现对光栅栅距进行高倍数的细分。  相似文献   

With a detailed study on petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of some important Ordovician carbonate well core samples in Tazhong uplift of Tarim Basin, the distinguishing symbols of hydrothermal karstification are first put forward as the phenomena of rock hot depigmentation, hot cataclasm and the appearance of typical hydrothermal minerals such as fluorite, barite, pyrite, quartz and sphalerite. The main homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions in fluorite are from 260 to 310°C, indicating the temperature of hydrothermal fluid. The fluid affected the dissolved rocks and showed typical geochemistry features with low contents of Na and Mg, and high contents of Fe, Mn and Si. The ratio of 3He/4He is 0.02R a, indicating the fluid from the typical continental crust. The hydrothermal fluid karstification pattern may be described as follows: the hot fluid is from the Permian magma, containing dissolving ingredients of CO2 and H2S, and shifts along fault, ruptures and unconformity, and dissolves the surrounding carbonates while it flows. The mechanism of hydrothermal karstification is that the mixture of two or more fluids, which have different ion intensity and pH values, becomes a new unsaturated fluid to carbonates. The hydrothermal karstification is an important process to form hypo-dissolved pinholes in Ordovician carbonates of Tazhong uplift of Tarim Basin, and the forming of hydrothermal minerals also has favorable influence on carbonate reservoirs.

本文考虑到干涉仪对电离层中不同尺度不规则性的滤波作用、结合密云米波综合孔径系统、提出了电离层E_(?)层是电离层不规则性影响该系统的主要根源。不规则性的尺度约在700~1000米的范围。再考虑到E_(?)层的漂移运动,提出了文中所描述的模型。用电子计算机进行了E_(?)层对综合射束污染的模拟计算,结果指出:射束主瓣的增益下降约10%,副瓣由13%增大到18%;综合射束在赤经方向出现不对称性,从而引起约0.6秒的赤经误差;射束的边缘处和两个扇形区出现了杂瓣。  相似文献   
数字化精密水准测量仪器在水准及形变测量领域中起着极其重要的作用,而对数字水准仪的计量检定工作是使其正常运行的前提,针对其检定项目室内化的难题,介绍了一种国产新型数字水准仪的室内检定装置.  相似文献   
To investigate the effect of the water soluble fraction of crude oil(WSF) on marine bivalves, the scallop C hlamys farreri was exposed to three WSF concentrations(0.18 mg/L, 0.32 mg/L, and 0.51 mg/L, respectively) in seawater. Petroleum hydrocarbon contents in scallops and a suite of enzymes [7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase(EROD), aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase(AHH), glutathione S-transferase(GST), and glutathione peroxidase(GPx)] in gills and digestive glands were monitored over 10 days. The results revealed that WSF affected the activity of the four enzymes in the gills and digestive glands. EROD activity in the gills was significantly induced in most individuals of the three test groups, while in the digestive gland it was significantly induced in the low-concentration group within 4 days but was inhibited in the middle- and high-concentration groups on days 1, 4, and 10. AHH activity in the gills of all treatment groups was significantly induced on day 1. In the digestive gland, AHH activity was induced in most individuals from the treatment groups. In all treatment groups, GST activity was significantly inhibited from days 2 to 10 in the gills and was induced after day 4 in the digestive gland. GPx activity in the gills was significantly inhibited throughout the exposure period in all treatment groups. There was no overall significant difference in GPx activity in the digestive gland between the control and treatment groups. Our results also revealed that petroleum hydrocarbon concentrations in the tissues increased linearly with exposure time. EROD activity in the digestive gland and GST and GPx activity in the gill tissue were negatively correlated with petroleum hydrocarbon body burden. These enzymes play important roles in detoxification and can act as potential biomarkers for monitoring petroleum hydrocarbon contaminants in the marine environment.  相似文献   
基于氮稳定同位素的九龙江口鱼类营养级研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用氮稳定同位素技术对2013年6—8月九龙江口采集到的隶属于13目42科61属共71种鱼类的营养级进行研究。结果表明,九龙江口鱼类的δ15 N值跨度较大,介于7.23‰~14.66‰之间。以菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)为基准生物估算出鱼类的营养级介于1.70~3.89之间,营养级最低与最高的鱼类分别为少牙斑鲆(Pseudorhombus oligodon)与多鳞鱚(Sillago sihama)。与Fishbase同种鱼类的营养级数据进行比较,83.1%的鱼类的营养级均值处于Fishbase同种鱼类的营养级范围内,但81.7%的鱼类的营养级均值比Fishbase同种鱼类的营养级均值略低;与传统的胃含物分析结果比较,58.3%的鱼类的营养级在0.5个营养级的误差范围内。基于氮稳定同位素估算的鱼类营养级较低的原因可能与本研究样品中低龄鱼及幼鱼比例较大有关。与其他方法相比,稳定同位素法在研究体型较小的幼鱼和低龄鱼营养级更具优势。鱼类营养级随其个体大小的变化明显,但存在种的差异性:不同体长的髭缟鰕虎鱼(Tridentiger barbatus)和绿鳍鱼(Chelidonichthys kumu)的营养级跨度较大,分别为1.54和1.43;而鳓(Ilisha elongata)等的营养级则跨度较小,这可能与不同鱼类的食性变化有关。  相似文献   
莱阳恐龙谷内发现了我国境内的第一具恐龙骨骼化石,出露地层连续,是中生代莱阳群恐龙化石研究的重要实物依据;同时,谷内的丹霞地貌景观具有较高的观赏性和科普性。近年来,由于受到人类活动的严重影响,谷内的地质环境正在日益恶化,应该及时的进行切实可行的保护与开发。  相似文献   
针对惠民凹陷大芦家地区各断块地层单元划分不一致,沉积相认识存在分歧等问题,依据旋回级次、旋回性质等,将馆陶组三段划分出2个四级旋回、4个五级旋回、16个六级旋回;并以岩芯及室内分析资料、测井资料等为主要依据,综合分析岩石类型、粒度及结构特征、垂向粒序变化、层理构造类型及自然电位曲线形态等。结果表明:惠民凹陷大芦家地区馆陶组三段主要发育冲积扇及辫状河;冲积扇主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带、漫流席状砂、远端砂丘等微相;辫状河主要发育心滩,辫状河道充填,天然堤、漫滩和道间洼地沉积,泛滥平原沉积,废弃河道等微相;2个四级旋回的沉积相类型及空间展布特征相似;第Ⅰ五级旋回在研究区中偏西部属冲积扇沉积,主要发育辫流砂岛、辫流沟道、辫流带微相,在东部属扇前平原沉积;第Ⅱ五级旋回早期以辫状河沉积为主,河道规模较大,仅在第Ⅱ1六级旋回的东北部位见冲积扇的辫流砂岛及辫流沟道微相;第Ⅱ五级旋回中期属辫状河沉积,河道规模减小,2个河道群自NW向SE方向流动;第Ⅱ五级旋回晚期河道规模更小,逐渐向曲流河沉积过渡。  相似文献   
李辉  吴启明  申朝永  刘芳  李婷  张峥 《测绘通报》2021,(10):150-153
本文以紫云苗族布依族自治县为试点,首先利用地理信息空间分析技术,分析评价耕地空间特征、农业物资运输配套设施空间分布、农业灌溉资源空间分布等因子对耕地生产效益的影响。然后从地理国情普查、耕地地球化学质量调查等成果数据中甄选影响因子,构建影响因子样本集,提出梯度距离概念,计算等级耕地经济效益权重,并构建偏最小二乘回归模型,评价各因子对耕地生产效益的影响。最后从地理空间角度提出了提升县域农业生产效益的改良措施。  相似文献   
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