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Abstract: The Shijuligou deposit was separated by an arcuate ductile shear zone cross the center of the deposit region, resulting in the difference between the southern and northern ore bodies. The lead (Pb) isotopic data of ores of the Shijuligou copper deposit have averages of 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb in 17.634, 15.444, and 37.312, respectively. It has been shown that ore-forming metals originated from intrusive and extrusive rocks in the upper part of ophiolites. The sulfur isotopic data of pyrite and chalcopyrite in the northern part change from +7.61‰ to +8.09‰ and +4.95‰ to +8.88‰ in the southern part. Isotopes of δ18O in the Shijuligou copper deposit are between +11.1‰ and +18.6‰, with the calculated δ18OH2O at +0.65‰. It is suggested that the mineralized fluid is a mixture of magma fluid, meteorological water, and seawater through circulating and leaching metals from the volcanic rocks. The zircon uranium-lead (U–Pb) dating of gabbro is 457.9±1.2 Ma, and the lower crossing age of the discordant and concordia curves of pyroxene spilite of zircon is 454±15 Ma. It is indicated that the Shijuligou deposit formed in a new ocean crust (ophiolite) of the back-arc basin in the late Ordovician. Mineralization should occur in the intermittence period after strong volcanic activity, and the age should be the late Ordovician. Moreover, the mineralization of ophiolite-hosted massive sulfide deposits in the ancient orogenic belt of the late Ordovician in the northern Qilian Mountains was controlled by the primary fault/fracture, with the forming of a metallogenic hydrothermal system by a mixture of volcanic magma fluid and seawater, which circularly leached the metallogenic metals from the volcanic rocks, resulting in their accumulation. The ore bodies were transformed with morphology and metallogenic elements. Jasperoid is an important sign for prospecting such deposits. There were many island arcs in the continent of China. This study provides evidence for understanding and exploration of ophiolite-hosted massive sulfide deposits in western China, especially in the area of northern Qilian Mountains.  相似文献   
塔里木盆地中新生代海侵和海相地层研究的新进展   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
中新生代海侵是塔里木盆地地质发展史上的重要事件之一。通过对新近发现的古生物化石和海相地层资料研究,本文提出了早白垩世、晚白垩世、古近纪的海侵范围的新认识。同时,依据露头和钻井资料提出了中新世海水分布的新范围。这些新成果对厘定塔里木盆地中新生代地层时代,建立整个盆地中新生代地层格架和油气远景分析具有重要意义。  相似文献   
Up to now,there were no systematic studies of geochemistry and isotopic age for the Yixian(义县) fluorite deposit,western Liaoning(辽宁) Province,China.Based on the analysis of metallogenic geological setting,we studied the REE,Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopes.The chondrite-normalized REE patterns of fluorite are characterized by moderate LREE depletion(LREE/HREE=0.95-3.57,(La/Yb)N=0.08-2.84) and enrichment of Sr(146×10-6-596×10-6) and moderately positive Eu anomalies(δEu=1.10-1.34),which are similar to those of the ho...  相似文献   
The Naij Tal Group-complex is a suite of tectonic-sedimentary melange aggregation of the Eastern Kunlun orogenic belt, which is composed of two parts, i.e. the exotic blocks of various ages and the matrix strata. On the basis of coral, brachiopod and gastropod fossils found in the exotic blocks, the age of this group-complex was once defined to the Late Ordovician or the Paleozoic. This paper reports for the first time 44 genera and 31 species of Mid-Late Oligocene sporopollen in samples from the matrix strata in this group-complex and the Paleogene Quercoidites-Persicarioipollis assemblage is named. The paper aims to provide some detailed evidence for determining the age of the matrix strata in this group-complex based upon a study at the Caiyuanzigou section, which would be of great geological significance for further understanding this group-complex as a suite of tectonic-sedimentary melange aggregation. The new finding will certainly benefit from now on the investigation of formation and evolution mechanism for the Eastern Kunlun orogenic belt.  相似文献   
丛培夫  杨志波 《世界地质》2003,22(3):303-308
以巴东长江公路大桥桥位边坡为例,在前人稳定性评价的基础上,建立了基于剩余推力法和Sarma法的边坡稳定可靠性分析模型,分析表明边坡系统可靠性指标(β,Pf)能更准确地表达边坡稳定性、安全性和工程风险水平。  相似文献   
钙贝塔石发现于四川西昌的霓辉石-钠铁闪石脉中,与之共生的矿物是霓辉石,钠铁闪石,钠长石,铈磷灰石,硅钛铈矿,沥青铀矿,重晶石,方解石和彩钼铅矿等。钙贝塔石呈黑色,黑褐色,具八面体晶形,大小为2mm~8mm,条痕为黑色或黄褐色,油脂到沥青光泽,贝壳状断口。摩氏硬度为6.05~6.44(Hv=570.08kg/mm^2~689.06kg/mm^2);无解理,比重4.51(扭力天平法测定),反射率从406nm(13.53%)到659nm(11.87%)。经计算钙贝塔石的化学式为:(Ca,Na,U)2(Nb,Ti)2(0,OH),。钙贝塔石的强X射线:2.975(10.222),2.570(5.400),1.816(9.440),1.549(8.622),1.050(6.844),等轴晶系,α=1.029nm。  相似文献   
Recent investigations reveal that the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks in the Donghai region of East China underwent ductile and transitional ductile-brittle structural events during their exhumation. The earlier ductile deformation took place under the condition of amphibolite facies and the later transitional ductile-brittle deformation under the condition of greenschist facies. The hanging walls moved southeastward during both of these two events. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovites from muscovite-plagioclase schists in the Haizhou phosphorous mine, which are structurally overlain by UHPM rocks, yields a plateau age of 218.0±2.9 Ma and isochron age of 219.8Ma, indicating that the earlier event of the ampibolite-facies deformation probably took place about 220 Ma ago. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of oriented amphiboles parallel to the movement direction of the hanging wall on a decollement plane yields a plateau age of 213.1±0.3 Ma and isochron age of 213.4±4.1 Ma, probably representing the age o  相似文献   
内蒙古喀喇沁早白垩世橄辉云煌岩岩筒   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探寻地幔物质上涌的通道口,是大陆岩石圈研究所感兴趣的,它将为人们提供更多的岩石圈深部信息。本文报道的是在内蒙古喀喇沁黑龙潭火山颈中发现的橄辉云煌岩,其K-Ar同位素年龄为124Ma。火山活动明显受到中生代构造活动控制。火山岩的元素地球化学特征反映岩浆来自富集地幔,在源区存在陆壳的混染作用。  相似文献   
Yixunite and damiaoite Were found in a cobalt- and copper-bearing platinum ore vein of a contact metasomatic deposit. The chief ore minerals are bornite, chalcopyrite, magnetite and carrollite. The platinum minerals include moncheite, sperrylite, daomanite, cobalt malanite and cooperite. Yixunite and damiaoite occur as immiscible globules, 1.0 to 2.0 mm in diameter. Yixunite is always in the central part of a globule. It is opaque with metallic lustre, bright white colour and black streak. HM = 5.8; VHN50 = 634 kg/mm2 (573-681 kg/ mm2); insoluble in HCl, HNO3, HF or H3PO4; no cleavage; no magnetism. Density is hard to measure because of small grain size. Calculated density = 18.21 g/cm3. Reflective colour is bright white with a yellowish tint. Isotropic. The mean analytical results (ranges) (%) are: Pt 82.8 (81.8-83.6), In 16.4(15.6-17.1) and total 99.2. The empirical formula (based on 4 atoms) is Pt2.993 In1.007 . The five strongest lines of X-ray diffraction (hkl, d,I) are 111, 2.30 (100); 200, 1.99 (  相似文献   
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