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作者用聚类分析法划分浅海水团,目的在于克服大洋水团分析法进行分析所遇到的一些困难,它在根据不同海区特点确定临界值与检验值时有较大的灵活性。本文讨论了浅海变性水团与中心渔场的关系。结果表明,东海底层冷水、东海表层水和大陆沿岸水对渔业生产有重要影响。  相似文献   
由于支持向量机属于黑箱模型,因此在进行模型学习时无法直接对特征进行选择,而决策树模型在递归创建的过程中自身具有一定的特征选择能力。针对岩性分类问题,本文将决策树和支持向量机结合,通过决策树的建立,在考虑特征重要性的前提下,利用树节点的高度对特征进行提取,并将具有更高分类能力的特征送入支持向量机进行岩性分类。结果表明:通过决策树的特征提取,减少了支持向量机模型的输入特征,从而有效控制了模型的复杂度,使得模型更加稳定并具有更高的分类精度,测试集精度能够提升10%以上。  相似文献   
球面距离(角间距)计算是天文或地理学中极常用的计算之一,也是目标查找、锥形检索、交叉证认等方法的基础。数学上,通过球面几何可以直接计算出两点的距离,前人已经推导出了多个复杂程度不一的计算方法。但是由于计算机的精度有限,在进行数值计算时有舍入误差,导致公式计算结果出现偏差。对几个常用的球面距离计算公式进行了考察,测试并对比它们在不同计算环境下的精度与优缺点。此外还展示并比较了几种常用天文软件包、数据库的球面距离计算方法,以期有助于天文工作者选择适合自己当前需要的计算方法。  相似文献   
莱州湾东部滨海水域第四纪沉积及古地理特征   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对6个钻孔和461km浅层地震剖机测量获得的测年、微古、孢粉、藻类、古地磁以及岩持征和地震反射界面等资料的综合分析,将本区第四系划分为中更新统、上更新统和全新统,对各时期的沉积进行了较详细的阐述,并对不同时期的沉积相特征和古地理环境的变化进行了初步地揭示。  相似文献   
Coastal wetlands are located in the ecotone of interaction between the land surface and sea, and anthropogenic activities extensively interfere with these wetlands through the reclamation of large tidal wetlands and destruction of the function of the ecosystems. In this study, we investigated the dynamic evolutionary characteristics of the Bohai Rim coastal area over the past 40 years using the Modified Normalized Difference Water Index, the fractal dimension, object-oriented classification, the land-use transfer trajectory, and regression analysis. Additionally, we quantified and monitored the evolution of reclamation and analyzed the correlation between reclamation and coastal wetlands based on 99 Landsat-2, -5, and -8 images (at 60 m and 30 m spatial resolution) over the period 1980–2019. The results are as follows. (1) The coastline of the Bohai Rim increased by 1 631.2 km from 1980 to 2019 with a zigzag variation. The artificial coastline increased by 2 946.1 km, whereas the natural coastline decreased by 90%. (2) The area of man-made wetlands increased by 3 736.9 km2, the area of construction land increased by 1 008.4 km2, and the natural wetland area decreased by 66%. The decrease of tidal flats is the main contributor to the decrease of natural wetland area (takes account for 91.1%). Coastal areas are affected by intense human disturbance, which was taken place across a large area of tidal flats and caused the landscape to fragment and be more heterogeneous. The coastal zone development activities were primarily concentrated in the southern Laizhou Bay, the Yellow River Delta, the Bohai Bay, the northern Liaodong Bay, and the Pulandian Bay. The solidified shorelines and increase in sea level have resulted in intertidal wetlands decreasing and impaired wetland ecology. (3) There is a good agreement between reclamation and the size of the coastal wetlands. Both land reclamation and the reduction in coastal wetland areas are significantly related to the population size, fishery output value, and urbanization rate. In summary, human activities, such as the construction of aquaculture ponds and salt pans, industrialization, and urbanization, are the primary forces that influence the environmental changes in the coastal region. This study is beneficial for establishing and improving the systems for the rational development and utilization of natural resources, and provides theoretical references for restoring wetland ecology and managing future reclamation activities in other coastal zone-related areas.  相似文献   
We update the systematic studies of circular polarization in integrated pulse profiles by Han et al. Data of circular polarization profiles are compiled. Sense reversals can occur in core or cone components, or near the intersection between components. The correlation between the sense of circular polarization and the sense of position angle variation for conal-double pulsars is confirmed with a much large database. Circular polarization of some pulsars has clear changes with frequency. Circular polarization of millisecond pulsars is marginally different from that of normal pulsars.  相似文献   
经勘察评价和国家级评审鉴定,天镇县城关T_(67)井属锂-锶-偏硅酸三项达标的复合型优质饮用天然矿泉水。矿泉水产于近东西向挽近断裂带上,马圈痒地热田边部,地势平坦,环境无污染,交通便利,水质独特,水量丰富,具有综合开发优势,适宜建厂开发。  相似文献   
We present data for U and its decay series nuclides 230Th, 226Ra, 231Pa, and 210Po for 14 lavas from Kick’em Jenny (KEJ) submarine volcano to constrain the time-scales and processes of magmatism in the Southern Lesser Antilles, the arc having the globally lowest plate convergence rate. Although these samples are thought to have been erupted in the last century, most have (226Ra)/(210Po) within ±15% of unity. Ten out of 14 samples have significant 226Ra excesses over 230Th, with (226Ra)/(230Th) up to 2.97, while four samples are in 226Ra-230Th equilibrium within error. All KEJ samples have high (231Pa)/(235U), ranging from 1.56 to 2.64 and high 238U excesses (up to 43%), providing a global end-member of high 238U and high 231Pa excesses. Negative correlations between Sr, sensitive to plagioclase fractionation, and Ho/Sm, sensitive to amphibole fractionation, or K/Rb, sensitive to open system behavior, indicate that differentiation at KEJ lavas was dominated by amphibole fractionation and open-system assimilation. While (231Pa)/(235U) does not correlate with differentiation indices such as Ho/Sm, (230Th)/(238U) shows a slight negative correlation, likely due to assimilation of materials with slightly higher (230Th)/(238U). Samples with 226Ra excess have higher Sr/Th and Ba/Th than those in 226Ra-230Th equilibrium, forming rough positive correlations of (226Ra)/(230Th) with Sr/Th and Ba/Th similar to those observed in many arc settings. We interpret these correlations to reflect a time-dependent magma differentiation process at shallow crustal levels and not the process of recent fluid addition at the slab-wedge interface.The high 231Pa excesses require an in-growth melting process operating at low melting rates and small residual porosity; such a model will also produce significant 238U-230Th and 226Ra-230Th disequilibrium in erupted lavas, meaning that signatures of recent fluid addition from the slab are unlikely to be preserved in KEJ lavas. We instead propose that most of the 238U-230Th, 226Ra-230Th, and 235U-231Pa disequilibria in erupted KEJ lavas reflect the in-growth melting process in the mantle wedge (reflecting variations in U/Th, daughter-parent ratios, fO2, and thermal structure), followed by modification by magma differentiation at crustal depths. Such a conclusion reconciles the different temporal implications from different U-series parent-daughter pairs and relaxes the time constraint on mass transfer from slab to eruption occurring in less than a few thousand years imposed by models whereby 226Ra excess is derived from the slab.  相似文献   
浙江南麂岛海域是我国近岸贝类的重点养殖区,近年来一直遭受脂溶性贝类毒素(lipophilic shellfish toxins,LSTs)的污染,威胁着人类健康。为了建立有效的食品安全预警方法,本研究利用固相吸附毒素跟踪技术(solid phase adsorption toxin tracking,SPATT)在该海域进行了为期一年的野外监测和LSTs毒素分析。结果表明:7种LSTs毒素在SPATT(DIAION?HP20)中被检出,分别是大田软海绵酸(okadaic acid,OA)、鳍藻毒素-1(dinophysistoxin-1,DTX-1)、虾夷扇贝毒素(yessotoxin,YTX)及其衍生物homo YTX、扇贝毒素-2(pectenotoxin-2,PTX-2)及其衍生物7-epi-PTX2sa和环亚胺毒素(gymnodimine,GYM);有8种毒素在厚壳贻贝(Mytilus galloprovincialis)中被检出,分别是OA、DTX1、homo YTX、PTX2、7-epi-PTX2sa、GYM、原多甲藻酸贝类毒素-3(azaspiracid-3,AZA-3)和虾夷扇贝毒素衍生物45-OH-homo YTX。整体而言,SPATT(HP20)中吸附的毒素种类与贝肉中监测出的毒素种类大体上一致,且两者间OA、DTX1和PTX2的浓度在时间上具有较好的相关性,可见SPATT(HP20)对这些LSTs毒素具有较高的灵敏度,有望作为水体中LSTs毒素的预警监测材料。南麂岛海域LSTs分布特征明显,夏季最高,其次是春秋季,冬季最低,其中2014年夏季贝肉中OA毒素含量高达77.19ng/g贝肉,超出国家限量标准(45ng/g贝肉)比例达11.76%,为浙江南麂海域贻贝的食用安全带来隐患。  相似文献   
The hydrochemical composition of surface water and groundwater is a key parameter for understanding the evolution of water and its quality.In particular, little is known about the impact of transferred water on surface water and groundwater.In this study, Baiyangdian Lake was selected as a typical area for extensive groundwater exploration and surface water transfer in the North China Plain.Surface water and groundwater samples were sampled in dry/wet seasons and then analyzed before/after the water transfer, respectively.Generally, surface water and groundwater are extensively hydrologically connected based on hydrochemical evidence.It was found that the hydrochemical composition of the shallow groundwater is affected by the surface water and that the water quality of the deep groundwater is stable.However, inter-aquifer recharge processes from the shallow groundwater to the deep groundwater existed in the anthropogenic region impacted with high nitrate-ion concentrations.Also, the hydrochemical composition of the surface water and groundwater was dominated by rock-weathering and evaporation-precipitation processes.Due to the existence of the deep vadose zone in the alluvial fan, Na~+was exchanged into soil matrices during the leakage of the surface water.In addition, the transferred water resulted in surface water with good quality, and it also played as an important recharge source to groundwater.As the most important water resource for irrigation and drinking, deep groundwater should be paid more attention in the alluvial fan with frequent water transfer and extensive groundwater exploration.  相似文献   
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